how to create buttons with a for loop in cocos2d-iphone - cocos2d-iphone

Ok so I've been trying to get a level select scene working for Custom levels (levels that the user created), so i need to have a button for each created level, and i have been trying to do it with a for loop, but only one button shows up. here is my code:
NSArray *levels = [[NSArray alloc]init];
levels = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:CustomPath error:nil];
LevelCount = (int)[levels count];
for (int counter= 0;counter<LevelCount;counter++) {
CCButton *tempButton;
tempButton=[CCButton buttonWithTitle:#"" spriteFrame:[CCSpriteFrame frameWithImageNamed:#"othercategory.png"]];
tempButton.block= ^(id sender) {
GameScene *GameNode = [[GameScene alloc]initWithPlistName:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"CustomLevel_%d",counter]withObjIndex:counter];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:LevelEditorNode.scene withTransition:[CCTransition transitionFadeWithDuration:.5f]];
tempButton.position = ccp(counter+2/5,.5f);
[ScrollingNode addChild:tempButton];
I thought that maybe both buttons were created, and they just had the same position, but i set a breakpoint, and only one button is created.


Removing random object from parent CCSprite

probably this is a simple problem to solve, since I'm quite new.
I have a scene with a waiter holding a tray of food
(the food is a random CCSprite choosen from an array)
each time he comes onscreen he holds a new piece of food
(the user touches the food and the waiter walks off to return
again with a new piece of food
however I cant seem to delete the old peice of food from the screen
as it says the child is already added...
any help would be great
-(id) init
///other code then...
= [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"CatUP.png"];
waiterOnSCreen.position = ccp(CatOffSCreenPosX, catXpos);
[self addChild:waiterOnSCreen z:0];
//moving the waiter
// the random food sprite is added later to the waiter
// [waiterOnSCreen addChild:myRandomSprite];
///I make my array here then and add CCSprites
RandomFood = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:
int i = 0;
int count= [RandomFood count];
if (i < count)
int i = arc4random() % [RandomFood count];
myRandomSprite = (CCSprite *)[RandomFood objectAtIndex:i];
//waiterOnSCreen is a CCSprite added on the init
[waiterOnSCreen addChild:myRandomSprite];
myRandomSprite.tag = RandomFoodTag;
in if(CGRectContainsPoint(waiterOnSCreen.boundingBox, location))
//trying to remove the food here
//Ive already tried to remove the sprite using
[self removeChildByTag:RandomeObjectTag];
//and also
CCSprite *wantedSprite = (CCSprite *)[self getChildByTag:RandomFoodTag];
[wantedSprite removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES];
Im guessing its also crashing 'child already added. It can't be added again'
as its trying to add RandomMuffin,RandomMeat,RandomCake, again
im not too sure how to fix that.
You shouldn't need to create another array just to delete a sprite. If you can provide a more complete picture of your project I would be happy to review it. Can you post the entire code file where you are doing your work? Or multiple files? On inspecting some of your samples further a few concerns in LoadRandomFood you are allocating an NSMutableArray without checking if RandomFood already has a value.
Something like this would be safer though note I am just doing a sanity check here. It would be more efficient to just fill in RandomFood once on init or elsewhere that is not going to be executed constantly.
if (RandomFood)
[RandomFood release];
///I make my array here then and add CCSprites
RandomFood = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:
int i = 0;
int count= [RandomFood count];
if (i < count)
int i = arc4random() % [RandomFood count];
myRandomSprite = (CCSprite *)[RandomFood objectAtIndex:i];
//waiterOnSCreen is a CCSprite added on the init
[waiterOnSCreen addChild:myRandomSprite];
myRandomSprite.tag = RandomFoodTag;
In the case of the crash when adding a sprite are you sure the removeChildByTag call is being executed? Is it possible you are re-assigning the tag to a new sprite before deleting the old one? Have you stepped through the logic in the debugger? Again it would help to see a more complete code file here.
I had to make another array to access the sprite and delete it
NSMutableArray *_buffer = [NSMutableArray new];
[_buffer insertObject:myRandomSprite atIndex:0];
CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)[_buffer objectAtIndex:0];
[sprite removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES];

main layer with another layer not showing variables cocos2d

I'm having a strange problem... I have a custom class with sprite and booleans properties
In my main GameLayer, I have CCLayerColor *my1layer and in my .m section I have this code:
my1layer = [CCLayerColor layerWithColor:ccc4(144,238,144, 255)];
[self addChild: my1layer z:5 tag:100];
[my1layer setContentSize:CGSizeMake(200, 1280)];`
//default start position
my1layer =ccp(s.width/2-420, s.height-s.height+180.);
MylmageItem *postImage1 = [[MylmageItem alloc] initWithLayer:self];
[postImage1 release];
postImage1.postImageNum=CCRANDOM_0_1()*12 +1;
postImage1.postImage = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:(NSString*)[self assignPostImage:postImage1.postImageNum ]];
postImage1.postImage.position =ccp(my1layer.contentSize.width/2, my1layer.contentSize.height-my1layer.contentSize.height+80);
[my1layer addChild:myImage1.slotImage z:6 tag:101];’
code above does work and shows the images on layer, however when I try to access the property postImage1.postImageNum, it shows 0 always...
I do this: CCLayer *myLayer1 = (CCLayer*)[self getChildByTag:100]; later to retrieve my object...
MyImageItem *tmpImage1 = (MymageItem*)[myLayer1 getChildByTag:101]; from here I always get 0 when I do CCLOG(#"postImage1.postImageNum %d",tmpImage1.postImageNum);
How do I get data from my1layer?

Box2D & Cocos2d level reset issue

I have a very simple level that has a single static body (and associated sprite) in it. When the user touches the body, I remove the sprite, destroy the body and replace it with a dynamic body with a new sprite, and then I transition to a new scene. My code works perfectly the first time it is executed, but then when this scene is reloaded it crashes when the user touches the body.
I store the filename of the .png file that I use for my sprite in the sprite's userData field. Then when the user presses the button (touches the body) it is a simple matter to retrieve it. The problem is occurring on subsequent reloads of the scene when I try to access the sprite's userData field. Instead of holding the filename it is empty (null). This in turn crashes the program when I try to use the filename.
I cannot understand why it works the first time and not the second. I set a breakpoint and watch the filename getting assigned to the sprite's userData field, but it is only retrievable the first time I create the scene. Here is the ccTouchesBegan method. The crash occurs where I try to assign newSpriteFileName because on the second run through oldSpriteFileName is empty.
I have just about gone crazy with this one, but I am sure it is something obvious. As always thanks for the help!!
(void)ccTouchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
for( UITouch *touch in touches )
CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInView: [touch view]];
touchLocation = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL: touchLocation];
touchLocation = [self convertToNodeSpace:touchLocation];
b2Vec2 locationWorld = b2Vec2(touchLocation.x/PTM_RATIO, touchLocation.y/PTM_RATIO);
NSLog(#"Location x = %f, y = %f", touchLocation.x, touchLocation.y);
b2AABB aabb;
b2Vec2 delta = b2Vec2(1.0/PTM_RATIO, 1.0/PTM_RATIO);
aabb.lowerBound = locationWorld - delta;
aabb.upperBound = locationWorld +delta;
SimpleQueryCallback callback(locationWorld);
m_world->QueryAABB(&callback, aabb);
//If they have not pressed a button yet, and this touch was actually inside
//one of the buttons then we will destroy the static button (and sprite)
//that they touched and replace it with a dynamic button
//(and new darker sprite) that falls, spinning off of the screen.
if(!replaceButtonPushedYet && callback.fixtureFound)
//Get a reference to the static body of the button they touched and wake it up
b2Body *body = callback.fixtureFound->GetBody();
//Get the position of the body (button) they touched and use it to
//position the new button. This value is in Box2D coordinates,
//so when I position the new button I won't divide by PTM_RATIO.
b2Vec2 touchedButtonPosition = body->GetPosition();
//Get the sprite from the button the user pressed
CCSprite *bodySprite = (CCSprite*)body->GetUserData();
//Then extract the file name of the sprite. I assigned this to
//sprite's userData when I loaded the sprite in the method //"placeTheIndividualButton". Now I am going to extract it and
//then replace "(up)" with "(down)" in that string
//and that becomes the name of the sprite for the new (pressed)
//button I am getting ready to create. It is all about the file
//naming conventions!
NSString *oldSpriteFileName = (NSString*)bodySprite.userData;
NSString *newSpriteFileName = [oldSpriteFileName stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"up" withString:#"down"];
//First remove the sprite tied to the button the user pressed,
//then destroy the body of the button.
[self removeChild:bodySprite cleanup:YES];
//Set the bool to true to keep this code from executing again.
//This ensures that once they press a button they can't
//press another one.
replaceButtonPushedYet = true;
//Build the new dynamic button that will fall and spin off the screen
b2BodyDef buttonBodyDef2;
b2PolygonShape buttonShape2;
b2FixtureDef buttonShapeDef2;
b2Vec2 vertices2[4];
//load the sprite for the second button (pressed down) and add it to the layer
level_down = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:newSpriteFileName];
[self addChild:level_down];
//Define the polygon that forms the second button (pressed down)
buttonBodyDef2.type = b2_dynamicBody;
//Not dividing touchedButtonPosition.x or .y by PTM_RATIO because
//they are already in Box2D coordinates
buttonBodyDef2.position.Set(touchedButtonPosition.x, touchedButtonPosition.y);
buttonBodyDef2.angularVelocity = 1.5;
buttonBodyDef2.userData = level_down;
buttonBody2 = m_world->CreateBody(&buttonBodyDef2);
//Define the vertices for the replacement button
vertices2[0].Set(-94/PTM_RATIO, -32/PTM_RATIO);
vertices2[1].Set(94/PTM_RATIO, -32/PTM_RATIO);
vertices2[2].Set(94/PTM_RATIO, 32/PTM_RATIO);
vertices2[3].Set(-94/PTM_RATIO, 32/PTM_RATIO);
buttonShape2.Set(vertices2, 4);
//Define the shape for the replacement button
buttonShapeDef2.shape = &buttonShape2;
buttonShapeDef2.density = 50.01f;
buttonShapeDef2.friction = 0.75f;
buttonShapeDef2.restitution = 0.1f;
//The static buttons and the dynamic buttons are both in this groupIndex.
//Since it is a negative number they will never collide. If it was
//positive they would always collide.
buttonShapeDef2.filter.groupIndex = -1;
//Put the second button (pressed down) into the world.
//This starts a timer that fires every second to call the makeTransition
//method. The code inside that method will check to see if the button
//has fallen off the screen yet. If it has then it will transition to
//the new selected level.
//The colon after makeTransition sends a ccTime (dt). I don't need it,
//but may in the future so I left it in there.
buttonFalling = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.5 target:self selector:#selector(makeTransition:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
Chances are that the NSString is being released when you remove the sprite. Why not just storing the texture name in an instance variable?

CCControlButton in hud layer in cocos2d

This might be a usage mistake from my side, but I can't get CCControlButton to catch any touches while inside a hud layer. I implement HUD layers this way:
In the main game layer, touches are enabled (self.touchEnabled = YES;)
Inside hudlayer.m itself I just add a new CCControlButton as child.
Something like this:
CCLabelTTF* titleRight = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"→" fontName:#"Helvetica" fontSize:FONTSIZE];
titleRight.color = ccRED;
CCControlButton* buttonRight = [CCControlButton buttonWithLabel:titleRight backgroundSprite:[CCScale9Sprite spriteWithFile:#"switch-mask.png"]];
buttonRight.position = ccp(ORIGIN.x + SIZE.width, ORIGIN.y);
buttonRight.userObject = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:ccp(1, 0)];
[buttonRight addTarget:self action:#selector(actionPan:) forControlEvents:CCControlEventTouchUpInside];
[self addChild:buttonRight];
Using buttons created with CCMenu works.

cocos2d scene retaining issue

There is a scene in my application which has only two labels and a menu item. When I load this scene using replaceScene method it stays for 3-4 seconds and then gets disappeared or released. I want to keep it until cancel button is pressed. How can I do it? code is:
#implementation MyLayer
+ (id)myScene {
CCScene *aScene = [CCScene node];
MYLayer *myLayer = [MyLayer node];
[aScene addChild:myLayer];
return aScene;
- (id) init {
if (self = [super init]) {
//labels and menu here
return self;
And I am calling it from another scene like this:
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene: [MyLayer myScene]];
Maybe the problem is that it's your first scene. Then you should use runWithScene method of CCDirector.
did you try replacing that scene with a "empty" init function to see if it still releases itself? It might be because of the amount of textures you are putting into memory
I did have sort of similar problems before because the images used in the new scene is too big and got auto purged by my app delegate, thus returning me an empty scene sometimes