Program reading from variables stored in itself and not from binary file - c++

I'm working on a program very important to my programming class, and there's something I can't quite figure out; When I try to read from a binary file I've created after opening the program, it fails even if the file's in the directory, and after I try to wipe the contents of the file, I can still 'read' them from the file even though said file is empty when I examine it in explorer. I've determined from this that even though I'm using, it's not truly reading from the file, and instead reading from variables stored in the program itself. How can I get my program to read from the actual file?
(please note that this is not yet a complete program, hence the commented sections and empty functions.)
(Also please note that, due to the nature of my class, I am only allowed to use what has been taught already (namely, anything in the fstream header and most things before which are necessary to make a basic program - he's letting me use things in stdio.h, as well.)
// main.cpp
// Binary Program
// Created by Henry Fowler on 11/19/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Bergen Community College. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
struct Record
char Name[20];
char LastName[20];
double Pay;
int Clearance;
int ID;
void CreateFile(fstream&); //Working
void CheckExist(fstream&); //Working
void Populate(fstream&,Record[],int&,int&); //Working
void Display(fstream&,Record[],int&,int&); //Working
void Append(fstream&,Record[],int&,int&); //Working
void DeleteFromFile(fstream&,fstream&,Record[],int&,int&);
// void SearchInFile(fstream&,Record[],int&,int&);
// void ModifyRecord(fstream&,Record[],int&,int&);
//void SortFile();
void WipeFile(fstream&);
void DelFile(fstream&);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
Record EmpRecords[20];
char Binary[] = "BinaryFile.dat";
char Binary2[] = "BinaryFileTemp.dat";
int maxsize; //make sure to set i to max size so you can use it later for things like wiping the file or deleting specific records
fstream BinaryFile;
fstream BinaryFile2;
string InputStr;
// char Read;
//int Choice = 0;
int i = 0;
int choice = 0;
int switchchoice;
CreateFile(BinaryFile); //working
CheckExist(BinaryFile); //working
cout << "Options: " << endl;
cout << "End Program (0)" << endl;
cout << "Input new records to file (1)" << endl;
cout << "Display current contents of file (2)" << endl;
cout << "Append a record at the end of the file (3)" << endl;
cout << "Delete a record from the file (4)" << endl;
cout << "Search for a record in the file (5)" << endl;
cout << "Modify a certain record (6)" << endl;
cout << "Sort file (unimplemented)" << endl;
cout << "Wipe contents of file (8)" << endl;
cout << "Please choose an option: ";
cin >> switchchoice;
case 0:
cout << "Exiting.";
return 0;
case 1:
Populate(BinaryFile, EmpRecords,i,maxsize); //working
case 2:
Display(BinaryFile, EmpRecords,i,maxsize); //working i think
case 3:
Append(BinaryFile, EmpRecords,i,maxsize); //working
case 4:
DeleteFromFile(BinaryFile,BinaryFile2,EmpRecords,i,maxsize); //!
case 5:
// SearchInFile(BinaryFile, EmpRecords,i,maxsize); //!
case 6:
// ModifyRecord(BinaryFile, EmpRecords,i,maxsize); //!
case 7:
cout << "Error, file sorting is currently unimplemented. Please try again.";
case 8:
return 0;
void CreateFile(fstream& BinaryFile)
{"BinaryFile.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
void CheckExist(fstream &BinaryFile)
cout << endl << "File does exist" << endl;
cout << "file named can not be found \n";
void Populate(fstream &BinaryFile,Record EmpRecords[],int &i, int &maxsize)
{"BinaryFile.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
int choice = 0;
cout << "Please input employee first name: ";
cin >> EmpRecords[i].Name;
cout << "Please input employee last name: ";
cin >> EmpRecords[i].LastName;
cout << "Please input Employee Pay: ";
cin >> EmpRecords[i].Pay;
cout << "Please input Employee Clearance (1-10): ";
cin >> EmpRecords[i].Clearance;
cout << "Please input Employee ID (6 numbers, i.e. 122934): ";
cin >> EmpRecords[i].ID;
cout << "Input another employee's information? (0) = yes, (1) = no: ";
cin >> choice;
BinaryFile.write((char *) (&EmpRecords[i]),sizeof(EmpRecords[i]));
i = i+1;
maxsize = i;
cout << "i is " << i << endl;
cout << "maxsize is " << maxsize << endl;
void Display(fstream &BinaryFile,Record EmpRecords[],int &i,int &maxsize)
{"BinaryFile.dat", ios::in | ios::binary | ios::app);
int i2 = maxsize;
i = 0;
{ *) (&EmpRecords[i]),sizeof(EmpRecords[i]));
cout << i << endl;
cout << EmpRecords[i].Name << " " << EmpRecords[i].LastName << endl;
cout << "Pay: $" << EmpRecords[i].Pay << endl;
cout << "Clearance: " << EmpRecords[i].Clearance << endl;
cout << "Employee ID: " << EmpRecords[i].ID << endl; *) (&EmpRecords[i]),sizeof(EmpRecords[i]));
cout << endl;
i2 = i2-1;
i = i+1;
void Append(fstream &BinaryFile,Record EmpRecords[],int &i,int &maxsize)
{"BinaryFile.dat", ios::out|ios::binary|ios::ate|ios::app);
cout << "Please input employee first name: ";
cin >> EmpRecords[maxsize].Name;
cout << "Please input employee last name: ";
cin >> EmpRecords[maxsize].LastName;
cout << "Please input Employee Pay: ";
cin >> EmpRecords[maxsize].Pay;
cout << "Please input Employee Clearance (1-10): ";
cin >> EmpRecords[maxsize].Clearance;
cout << "Please input Employee ID (6 numbers, i.e. 122934): ";
cin >> EmpRecords[maxsize].ID;
cout << "Input another employee's information? (0) = yes, (1) = no: ";
BinaryFile.write((char *) (&EmpRecords[i]),sizeof(EmpRecords[i]));
maxsize = maxsize+1;
cout << "maxsize is " << maxsize << endl;
void DeleteFromFile(fstream &BinaryFile,fstream &BinaryFile2, Record EmpRecords[],int &i,int &maxsize)
{"BinaryFile.dat", ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app);"BinaryFileTemp.dat", ios::out|ios::binary|ios::app);
int Choice;
cout << "Would you like to delete a file by name or by employee number?" << endl;
cout << "Name (1)" << endl;
cout << "Number (2)" << endl;
cout << "Choice: ";
cin >> Choice;
int i2 = maxsize;
cout << "Please input employee first name: ";
// cin >> firstname;
cout << "Please input employee last name: ";
// cin >> lastname;
cout << "Searching...";
int i2 = maxsize;
i = 0;
{ *) (&EmpRecords[i]),sizeof(EmpRecords[i]));
cout << i << endl; *) (&EmpRecords[i]),sizeof(EmpRecords[i]));
// if(EmpRecords[i].Name == firstname)
// {
// cout << "Found first name." << endl;
// if (EmpRecords[i].LastName == lastname)
// {
// cout << "Found last name." << endl;
/// }
// }
// else
// {
// cout << "Could not find name.";
// // BinaryFile2.write((char *) (&EmpRecords[i]),sizeof(EmpRecords[i]));
// }
cout << endl;
i2 = i2-1;
i = i+1;
if( remove( "BinaryFile.dat" ) != 0 )
cout << endl << "Error deleting file" << endl;
cout << "File successfully deleted" << endl << endl;
int result;
char oldname[]="BinaryFileTemp.dat";
char newname[]="BinaryFile.dat";
result = rename(oldname,newname);
if(result == 0)
cout << "DEBUG: Success" << endl;
cout << "DEBUG: Failure" << endl;
void WipeFile(fstream &BinaryFile)
int sure;
cout << "There is no undoing this action." << endl;
cout << "Continue (1)" << endl;
cout << "Cancel (2)" << endl;
cout << "Wipe file? ";
cin >> sure;
if(sure == 1)
cout << "Wiping file.";"BinaryFile.dat", ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);
cout << "Canceling.";
void DelFile(fstream &BinaryFile)
if( remove( "BinaryFile.dat" ) != 0 )
cout << endl << "Error deleting file" << endl;
cout << "File successfully deleted" << endl << endl;

Here the problem seems to be, even though you are wiping the file contents, you are not clearing the data you had stored in Record EmpRecords[20]; or the int maxsize value.
Few things you can do inside void WipeFile(fstream &BinaryFile) function: To keep it simple, we'll just reset maxsize to 0:
Pass the maxsize variable as reference to WipeFile(), the same way you are passing for Populate()
Update maxsize = 0, to indicate all the records are removed, when you delete the file contents.
It is better to memset the contents of EmpRecords as well similarly.
For now, I just modified your code to reset maxsize to 0 in WipeFile() and it worked.
void WipeFile(fstream &BinaryFile, int &maxsize)
int sure;
cout << "There is no undoing this action." << endl;
cout << "Continue (1)" << endl;
cout << "Cancel (2)" << endl;
cout << "Wipe file? ";
cin >> sure;
if(sure == 1)
cout << "Wiping file.";"BinaryFile.dat", ios::out | ios::binary | ios::trunc);
maxsize = 0;
cout << "Cancelling.";


Reading and writing multiple structs into a file

I'm trying to store multiple structs into an file and my problem is that when I try to add 2 structs into the same file, my second struct overwrites my first struct and when I go print out my first struct, its print out my second struct. I want to have multiple structs in my file that I can display one at a time and edit them one at a time if I want. Any clue on what's wrong with my code?
int main()
Record record1;
Record record2;
int choice;
int choice2;
cout << "Welcome to your Records! What do you want to do today?" << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
while(choice2 != -1)
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "1) Add new records to the file" << endl;
cout << "2) Display any record in the file" << endl;
cout << "3) Change any record in the file" << endl;
cout << "4) Exit" << endl;
cout << "Your Choice: ";
cin >> choice;
while(choice < 1 || choice > 4)
cout << "Invalid choice! Enter again" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 1)
ofstream outFile("RecordFile.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
else if(choice == 2)
ifstream inFile("RecordFile.dat",ios::out | ios::binary);
else if(choice == 3)
ofstream outFile("RecordFile.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
else if(choice == 4)
choice2 = -1;
return 0;
Header File
struct Record
char name[15];
int quantity;
double wholesalecost;
double retailcost;
void AddItem(ofstream& outFile);
void DisplayItem(ifstream& inFile);
void EditItem(ofstream& outFile);
void AddItem(ofstream& outFile)
Record record;
cout << "What is the name of this record: ";
cout << "How many do we have(quantity): ";
cin >> record.quantity;
cout << "Whats the whole sale cost: ";
cin >> record.wholesalecost;
cout << "Whats the retail cost of " << << ":";
cin >> record.retailcost;
cout << "File not Found" << endl;
void DisplayItem(ifstream& inFile)
Record record;
int recordnum;
cout << "Enter what record number you want to display " << endl;
cin >> recordnum;
inFile.seekg(sizeof(Record) * recordnum, ios::beg);<char *>(&record), sizeof(record));
cout << "Name: " << << endl;
cout << "Quantity: " << record.quantity << endl;
cout << "Whole Sale Cost: " << record.wholesalecost << endl;
cout << "Retail Cost: " << record.retailcost << endl;
cout << "File not found" << endl;
You are writing everything to the beginning of the file, so of course multiple writes overwrite eachother.
You need to define a file format that can contain multiple records and a way to find where to write new records that doesn't overlap with previous ones, as well as an easy way to find the location of existing records.
Have you considered just using a SQL (or other type of) database?

C++ MDC Final - Sort Names in Records Alphabetically While in Array Struct of Type Char

I was able to write a program to pass my c++ class in college except for one feature. I was unable to create a function that sorted the names inside an array of structs with name of type char alphabetically. Please advise on how to tackle this problem.
I would need a function that sorts the accountRecords array alphabetically.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//Structure Initilizations
struct MasterRecord
int customerID;
char address[ADDR_SIZE];
char city[ADDR_SIZE];
char state[STATE_SIZE];
char zip[STATE_SIZE];
float accountBalance;
char lastTransactionDate[15];
struct TransactionRecord
int customerID;
char transactionType;
float amount;
char transactionDate[15];
//File Array Initializations
vector<MasterRecord> masterRecordList(101);
vector<TransactionRecord> transRecordList(101);
//Array List Record Position
int masterRecordArrayPosition = 0;
int transactionRecordArrayPosition = 0;
//User Menu Answer Variable Initialization
int userAnswer = 0;
string recordNotFoundAnswer = "";
//Print Function Prototypes
void showMenu();
void showMasterRecord(int);
void showTransactionRecord(int);
//Main Menu Function Prototypes
void newCustomerRecord(int);
void editCustomerRecord(int);
void deleteCustomerRecord(int);
int randomComputerID();
int searchMasterRecord(int);
void saveAccountRecords();
void saveTransRecords();
void newTransactionRecord(int);
//Placeholders Variables
int customerIDsearch = 0;
int customerIDSearchArrayPosition = 0;
int userNameCharactererror = 0;
//Function Loop Counters
int accountWriteCounter = 0;
int transWriteCounter = 0;
int showRecordCounter = 0;
int showTransCounter = 0;
//System time Declaration and Conversion for [lastTransactionDate]
time_t now = time(0);
tm *ltm = localtime(&now);
string currentYearInString = to_string(1900 + ltm->tm_year);
string currentMonthInString = to_string(1 + ltm->tm_mon);
string currentDayInString = to_string(ltm->tm_mday);
string currentDateInString = currentMonthInString + "/" + currentDayInString + "/" + currentYearInString;
char dateInChar[15];
//Main Program
int main()
//Final conversion of time in string to char for storage
strncpy_s(dateInChar, currentDateInString.c_str(), 15);
//Open MasterRecord file and read records to arrays
fstream masterRecord("masterRecord.dat", ios::in | ios::binary);
int listCounter = 0;
if (!masterRecord) {
cout << "Unable to open the user records file, creating file database....Done!" << endl;"masterRecord.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
else {
while (!masterRecord.eof()) {<char *>(&masterRecordList[listCounter]), sizeof(masterRecordList[0]));
if (masterRecordList[listCounter].customerID != 0) {
masterRecordArrayPosition = listCounter;
//Open Transaction Record and read to arrays
fstream transactionRecord("transactionRecord.dat", ios::in | ios::binary);
int listCounter2 = 0;
if (!transactionRecord) {
cout << "Unable to open the transaction file, creating file database....Done!" << endl << endl;"transactionRecord.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
else {
while (!transactionRecord.eof()) {<char *>(&transRecordList[listCounter2]), sizeof(transRecordList[0]));
if (transRecordList[listCounter2].customerID != 0) {
transactionRecordArrayPosition = listCounter2;
//Time Declaration Used to Generate Random IDs
//Main user Program Loop
while (userAnswer != 6) {
cin >> userAnswer; cout << endl;
//Menu Input Data Validation
if ( {
cout << "Please only enter numbers 1-6 for the corresponding menu selection." << endl;
else {
if (userAnswer < 1 || userAnswer > 7) {
cout << "Please only enter numbers 1-6 for the corresponding menu selection." << endl;
userAnswer = 0;
//Menu Selection Switch Case
switch (userAnswer) {
case 1:
cout << "Record has been saved." << endl << endl;
case 2:
case 3:
cout << "Please enter the Customer ID you would like to Delete" << endl << endl; //[Delete Customer Record] Function goes here
cin >> customerIDsearch;
customerIDSearchArrayPosition = searchMasterRecord(customerIDsearch);
if (customerIDSearchArrayPosition != 9999) {
case 4:
cout << "Please enter the Customer ID you would like to edit." << endl << endl; //[Search/Edit Customer Record] Function goes here
cin >> customerIDsearch;
customerIDSearchArrayPosition = searchMasterRecord(customerIDsearch);
if (customerIDSearchArrayPosition != 9999) {
else {
cout << "Record was not found, would you like to add a new record? Y = Yes, N = No" << endl << endl;
cin >> recordNotFoundAnswer;
if (recordNotFoundAnswer == "Y" | recordNotFoundAnswer == "y") {
cout << "Record has been saved." << endl << endl;
else if (recordNotFoundAnswer == "N" | recordNotFoundAnswer == "n") {
userAnswer = 0;
case 5:
cout << setw(212) << "Please find all customer records in the database" << endl << endl; //[Show all Records] Function goes here
cout << setw(40) << "Name:" << setw(10) << "ID:" << setw(23) << "Street Address:" <<setw(10) << "ZIP:" << setw(16) << "L.Trans Date:" << setw(11) << "Balance: " << endl;
while (showRecordCounter < 100) {
if (masterRecordList[showRecordCounter].customerID != 0) {
showRecordCounter = showRecordCounter + 1;
} showRecordCounter = 0;
userAnswer = 0;
cout << endl;
case 6:
cout << "Saving changes to database...Done!" << endl;
cout << "Done!" << endl;
case 7:
cout << "Showing all transaction Records:" << endl << endl;
while (showTransCounter < 100) {
if (transRecordList[showTransCounter].customerID != 0) {
showTransCounter = showTransCounter + 1;
} showTransCounter = 0;
userAnswer = 0;
return 0;
//Databas Management Functions
void saveAccountRecords() {
fstream masterRecord("masterRecord.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
while (accountWriteCounter < 100) {
masterRecord.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&masterRecordList[accountWriteCounter]), sizeof(masterRecordList[0]));
void saveTransRecords() {
fstream transRecord("transactionRecord.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
while (transWriteCounter < 100) {
transRecord.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&transRecordList[transWriteCounter]), sizeof(transRecordList[0]));
//Random Function
int randomComputerID() {
int randomNumber;
randomNumber = (rand() % 1000) + 10000;
return randomNumber;
//Program Print Functions
void showMenu() {
cout << "Welcome to your C++ company terminal! Please enter one of the options below to continue." << endl << endl;
cout << "1. New Customer Record" << endl;
cout << "2. New Transaction Record" << endl;
cout << "3. Delete Customer Record" << endl;
cout << "4. Edit Customer Record" << endl;
cout << "5. Show all Account Records in Database" << endl;
cout << "6. Exit and Save Changes to Database" << endl << endl;
cout << "Please enter the number for the correspondent action you would like to perform:" << endl;
void showMasterRecord(int arrayNum) {
cout << setw(40)
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].name << setw(10) << masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID << setw(23)
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].address << setw(10)
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].zip << setw(16)
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].lastTransactionDate << setw(6) <<"$"
<< masterRecordList[arrayNum].accountBalance; cout << endl;
void showTransactionRecord(int arrayNum) {
cout << "Customer ID: " << transRecordList[arrayNum].customerID << endl;
cout << "Amount: $" << transRecordList[arrayNum].amount << endl;
cout << "Transaction Type: " << transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionType << endl;
cout << "Transaction Date: " << transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionDate << endl << endl;
//Main Menu Functions [Please insert your functions here and prototype them above].
void newCustomerRecord(int arrayNum) {
cout << "Customer ID: ";
masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID = randomComputerID();
cout << masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID; cout << endl;
cout << "Name: ";
cin.getline(masterRecordList[arrayNum].name, 25);
if ( {
cout << endl << "Please enter only characters up 25 chracters for your name." << endl;
userNameCharactererror = 1;
cin.ignore(80, '\n');
else {
userNameCharactererror = 0;
} while (userNameCharactererror == 1);
cout << "Address: ";
cin.getline(masterRecordList[arrayNum].address, 100);
cout << "City: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].city;
cout << "State: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].state;
cout << "Zip Code: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].zip;
cout << "Opening Balance: $";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].accountBalance; cout << endl; cout << endl;
masterRecordArrayPosition = masterRecordArrayPosition + 1;
void editCustomerRecord(int arrayNum) {
cout << "Customer ID: ";
cout << masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID; cout << endl;
cout << "Name: ";
cin.getline(masterRecordList[arrayNum].name, 51);
cout << "Address: ";
cin.getline(masterRecordList[arrayNum].address, 100);
cout << "City: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].city;
cout << "State: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].state;
cout << "Zip Code: ";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].zip;
cout << "Edit Balance: $";
cin >> masterRecordList[arrayNum].accountBalance; cout << endl; cout << endl;
void deleteCustomerRecord(int arrayNum) {
if (masterRecordList[arrayNum].accountBalance == 0)
masterRecordList[arrayNum].customerID = 0;
cout << "Record has been deleted" << endl << endl;
else {
cout << "Unable to delete record, customer accounts holds a positive balance" << endl << endl;
int searchMasterRecord(int customerID) //Search by customer name and returns array position
int arrayPosition = 0;
int arrayCounter = 0;
int customerIdPlaceholder = 0;
while (arrayCounter < 100) {
customerIdPlaceholder = masterRecordList[arrayCounter].customerID;
if (customerIdPlaceholder == customerID) {
cout << "Record has been found!" << endl << endl;
arrayPosition = arrayCounter;
arrayCounter = 100;
else {
arrayPosition = 9999;
arrayCounter = arrayCounter + 1;
return arrayPosition;
void newTransactionRecord(int arrayNum) {
// Request customer ID and transaction type from the user
cout << "Customer ID: ";
cin >> transRecordList[arrayNum].customerID;
cout << "Date: ";
strncpy_s(transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionDate, dateInChar, 15);
cout << transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionDate << endl;
cout << "Transaction Type [D = Deposit] [W = Withdrawal]: ";
cin >> transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionType;
cout << "Amount: $";
cin >> transRecordList[arrayNum].amount;
//Search for customer account, update balance, and assign last transaction date
customerIDSearchArrayPosition = searchMasterRecord(transRecordList[arrayNum].customerID);
if (customerIDSearchArrayPosition != 9999) {
if (transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionType == 'D') {
masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].accountBalance = masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].accountBalance + transRecordList[arrayNum].amount;
strncpy_s(masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].lastTransactionDate, dateInChar, 9);
cout << "Deposit Successful! " << endl << endl;
else if (transRecordList[arrayNum].transactionType == 'W') {
masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].accountBalance = masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].accountBalance - transRecordList[arrayNum].amount;
strncpy_s(masterRecordList[customerIDSearchArrayPosition].lastTransactionDate, dateInChar, 9);
cout << "Withdrawl Successful" << endl << endl;
else {
cout << "Customer account record was not found, transaction was not saved." << endl << endl;
transactionRecordArrayPosition = transactionRecordArrayPosition + 1;
Something along these lines:
masterRecordList.begin() + masterRecordArrayPosition,
[](const MasterRecord& l, const MasterRecord& r) {
return strcmp(, < 0;

Confusing Syntax Error

I am making a program that takes info from a file then puts it into a struct then makes an array of structs. I have the program done, but when I compile I get 2 errors. "Expected Declaration" and "Syntax Error: Constant" both pointing to the first line of the read in file. I am at a loss and I am not sure how to get it running. My code I am using looks like this:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
struct book
int ISBN;
string Author;
string Title;
int Quantity;
double price;
void choice1(book books[], int& size, int MAX_SIZE)
ifstream inFile;"Inventory.txt");
string str;
while (inFile && size < MAX_SIZE)
getline(inFile, str);
books[size].ISBN = atoi(str.c_str());
getline(inFile, books[size].Author);
getline(inFile, books[size].Title);
getline(inFile, str);
books[size].Quantity = atoi(str.c_str());
getline(inFile, str);
books[size].price = atoi(str.c_str());
getline(inFile, str);
cout << "You have successfully read the file." << endl;
void choice2(book books[], int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << endl;
cout << "Book Number: " << (i + 1) << endl;
cout << "ISBN: " << books[i].ISBN << endl;
cout << "Author: " << books[i].Author << endl;
cout << "Title: " << books[i].Title << endl;
cout << "Quantity: " << books[i].Quantity << endl;
cout << "Price: $" << books[i].price << endl;
if (size != 0)
cout << "You have successfully printed the array." << endl;
cout << "Array is empty. Read the file first." << endl;
void choice3(book books[], int size)
if (size == 0)
cout << "Array is empty. Read the data first." << endl;
int isbn;
int option;
int qty;
cout << "\nEnter the ISBN of the book: ";
cin >> isbn;
cout << "1. Increment" << endl;
cout << "2. Decrement" << endl;
cout << "3. Add New" << endl;
cout << "Enter your option: ";
cin >> option;
cout << "Enter the quantity: ";
cin >> qty;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (books[i].ISBN == isbn)
if (option == 1)
books[i].Quantity += qty;
else if (option == 2)
books[i].Quantity -= qty;
if (books[i].Quantity)
books[i].Quantity = 0;
else if (option == 3)
books[i].Quantity = qty;
cout << "You have successfully updated the array." << endl;
void choice4(book books[], int& size, int MAX_SIZE)
if (size < MAX_SIZE)
string str;
cout << "\nEnter the book ISBN: ";
cin >> books[size].ISBN;
cout << "Enter the author name: ";
cin >> books[size].Author;
cout << "Enter the book tile: ";
cin >> books[size].Title;
cout << "Enter the books quantity: ";
cin >> books[size].Quantity;
cout << "Enter the book price: $";
cin >> books[size].price;
cout << "You have successfully inserted an entry." << endl;
void choice5(book books[], int size)
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
book current = books[i];
int j = i;
while (j > 0 && (books[j - 1].Title).compare(current.Title) > 0)
books[j] = books[j - 1];
books[j] = current;
if (size != 0)
cout << "You have successfully sorted the array." << endl;
cout << "Array is empty. Read the data first." << endl;
void choice6(book books[], int& size)
if (size == 0)
cout << "Array is empty. Read the data first." << endl;
int isbn;
cout << "\nEnter the ISBN of the book: ";
cin >> isbn;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (books[i].ISBN == isbn)
int j = i;
while (j < size - 1)
books[j] = books[j + 1];
cout << "You have successfully deleted an entry." << endl;
void choice7(book books[], int size)
ofstream outFile;"finalData.dat");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
outFile << "Book Number: " << (i + 1) << endl;
outFile << "ISBN: " << books[i].ISBN << endl;
outFile << "Author: " << books[i].Author << endl;
outFile << "Title: " << books[i].Title << endl;
outFile << "Quantity: " << books[i].Quantity << endl;
outFile << "Price: $" << books[i].price << endl << endl;
if (size != 0)
cout << "You have successfully printed the array." << endl;
cout << "Array is empty. Read the file first." << endl;
// File: Boookstore.cpp
using namespace std;
int main()
const int MAX_SIZE = 100;
int size = 0;
int choice;
book books[MAX_SIZE];
cout << "1: Read inventory forn file" << endl;
cout << "2: Display Inventory" << endl;
cout << "3: Update an entry" << endl;
cout << "4: Add an entry" << endl;
cout << "5: Sort inventory" << endl;
cout << "6: Delete an entry" << endl;
cout << "7: Write inventory to file and exit" << endl;
cout << "Enter your choice: ";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
choice1(books, size, MAX_SIZE);
case 2:
choice2(books, size);
case 3:
choice3(books, size);
case 4:
choice4(books, size, MAX_SIZE);
case 5:
choice5(books, size);
case 6:
choice6(books, size);
case 7:
choice7(books, size);
cout << "Thank you." << endl;
cout << "Invalid choice!" << endl;
cout << endl;
} while (choice != 7);
return 0;
I have the read in file in the same folder as my source file, but I am not sure what is causing the issue. My read in file is exactly this:
My First Book
Mark Lusk
Pearson Publishing
Brown Family
Mason Victor
Little Brown
Story of My Life
Norah M Jones
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
It is supposed to take the first line of the file and set it as an int to the ISNB section of my struct, but it just keeps telling me it is a constant. Any help is appreciated!
You can't #include a data file. It will treat it like part of your code - and it's obviously not valid c++.
#include "Inventory.txt"
You have to open the file and read it with things like ifstream.

Item Inventory Add/Edit/View questions

Okay so i have a lot of questions for this. I was having a lot of trouble but am getting there slowly. So far I have it to where the program will read and write to a file, but it tends to repeat itself a lot. Like when reading from the file itll just keep reading the same information over and over. Also it seems to display the same record twice...and i cant test it further since it only lets me write the first record over and over without ever writing the second. Any help would be great. Also for some reason the edit function seems to pull jibberish when choosing the 1 im stumped. Been working on this for hours with no luck
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void addRecord(fstream &);
void viewRecord(fstream &);
void changeRecord(fstream &);
int menu();
const int DESC_SIZE = 21;
const int DATE_SIZE = 11;
struct inventoryData
char desc[DESC_SIZE]; //Desc up to 20 chars
int quantity; //Item quantity
double wholesale; //Item wholsale Cost
double retail; //Item retail Cost
char date[DATE_SIZE]; //Date able to hold info up to xx/xx/xxxx
int main()
int selection;
int recordNumber;
fstream dataFile("inventory.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
if (
// The file does not exist, so create it."inventory.dat", ios::out);
selection = menu();
while (selection != 4)
switch (selection)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
cout << "Invalid - Please use 1 to 4" << endl;
selection = menu();
return 0;
void addRecord(fstream &file)
fstream dataFile("inventory.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
inventoryData item;
cout << "Please enter the following data about the item" << endl;
cout << "Description: ";
cin.getline(item.desc, DESC_SIZE);
cout << "Quantity: ";
cin >> item.quantity;
cout << "Quantity: ";
cin >> item.quantity;
cout << "Wholesale cost: ";
cin >> item.wholesale;
cout << "Retail price: ";
cin >> item.retail;
cout << "Date (Please use MO/DA/YEAR format: ";
cin >>;
dataFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&item), sizeof(item));
void viewRecord(fstream &file)
string output;
fstream dataFile("inventory.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
inventoryData item;
fstream items;
char again;<char *>(&item), sizeof(item));
while (!items.eof())
// Display the record.
cout << "Description: " << item.desc << endl;
cout << "Quantity: " << item.quantity << endl;
cout << "Wholesale Cost: " << item.wholesale << endl;
cout << "Retail Cost: " << item.retail << endl;
cout << "Date: " << << endl;
// Wait for the user to press the Enter key.
cout << "\nPress the Enter key to see the next record.\n";
// Read the next record from the file.<char *>(&item), sizeof(item));
void changeRecord(fstream &file)
fstream dataFile("inventory.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
inventoryData item;
int recordNumber;
cout << "Please choose a record number you want to edit" << endl;
cin >> recordNumber;
dataFile.seekg(recordNumber * sizeof(item), ios::beg);<char *>(&item), sizeof(item));
cout << "Description: " << item.desc << endl;
cout << "Quantity: " << item.quantity << endl;
cout << "Wholesale cost: " << item.wholesale << endl;
cout << "Retail price: " << item.retail << endl;
cout << "Date: " << << endl;
cout << endl;
// Get the new record data.
cout << "Enter the new data:\n";
cout << "Description: ";
cin.getline(item.desc, DESC_SIZE);
cout << "Quantity: ";
cin >> item.quantity;
cout << "Quantity: ";
cin >> item.quantity;
cout << "Wholesale cost: ";
cin >> item.wholesale;
cout << "Retail price: ";
cin >> item.retail;
cout << "Date (Please use MO/DA/YEAR format: ";
cin >>;
// Move back to the beginning of this record's position
dataFile.seekp(recordNumber * sizeof(item), ios::beg);
// Write new record over the current record
dataFile.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&item), sizeof(item));
int menu()
int menuSelection;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "----------Inventory----------" << endl;
cout << "1 - View inventory" << endl;
cout << "2 - Add an item" << endl;
cout << "3 - Edit an item" << endl;
cout << "4 - End Program" << endl;
cin >> menuSelection;
if (!cin)
cout << "Invalid - Please use 1 to 4" << endl;
cin >> menuSelection;
if (menuSelection < 1 || menuSelection > 4)
cout << "Invalid - Please use 1 to 4" << endl;
cin >> menuSelection;
return menuSelection;
int menu()
int menuSelection = 0;//initialize
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "----------Inventory----------" << endl;
cout << "1 - View inventory" << endl;
cout << "2 - Add an item" << endl;
cout << "3 - Edit an item" << endl;
cout << "4 - End Program" << endl;
//*** flush cin, this is inside a loop, it can cause problems
cin >> menuSelection;
return menuSelection;
int main()
fstream dataFile("inventory.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
if (
// The file does not exist, so create it."inventory.dat", ios::out);
for (;;)
int selection = menu();
if (selection == 4)
switch (selection)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
cout << "Invalid - Please use 1 to 4" << endl;
return 0;
void viewRecord(fstream &notused)
fstream dataFile("inventory.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);
inventoryData item;
while (dataFile)
{<char*>(&item), sizeof(item));
// Display the record.
cout << "Description: " << item.desc << endl;
cout << "Quantity: " << item.quantity << endl;
cout << "Wholesale Cost: " << item.wholesale << endl;
cout << "Retail Cost: " << item.retail << endl;
cout << "Date: " << << endl;
cout << endl;
void addRecord(fstream &notused)
fstream file("inventory.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::app | ios::binary);
inventoryData item;
cout << "Please enter the following data about the item" << endl;
cout << "Description: ";
cin.getline(item.desc, DESC_SIZE);
cout << "Quantity: ";
cin >> item.quantity;
cout << "Wholesale cost: ";
cin >> item.wholesale;
cout << "Retail price: ";
cin >> item.retail;
cout << "Date (Please use MO/DA/YEAR format: ";
cin.getline(item.desc, DATE_SIZE);
file.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&item), sizeof(item));

Why won't my ofstream work when I put it outside my while statement?

Every time I do anything, and my while(1) gets called in my main function, my file gets cleared. It's driving me crazy. I've tried EVERYTHING. I try to put my ofstream out("data.dat"); outside the while(1) statement so it isn't called everytime but then nothing is written to the file like the ofstream isn't even working!
I've tried to make the ofstream static, so it isn't called over and over again like:
static ofstream open("data.dat");
That doesn't work.
And like I said, when I put the ofstream OUTSIDE the while statement, nothing is written to the file. Like:
ofstream out("data.dat");
while (1)
string line = "";
cout << "There are currently " << structList.size() << " items in memory.";
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Commands: " << endl;
cout << "1: Add a new record " << endl;
cout << "2: Display a record " << endl;
cout << "3: Edit a current record " << endl;
cout << "4: Delete a record " << endl;
cout << "5: Save current information " << endl;
cout << "6: Exit the program " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter a command 1-6: ";
getline(cin , line);
int rValue = atoi(line.c_str());
switch (rValue)
case 1:
structList = addItem(structList);
case 2:
case 3:
structList = editRecord(structList);
case 4:
case 5:
if (!structList.size()) { cout << "There are no items to save! Enter one first!" << endl << endl; system("pause"); system("cls"); break; }
writeVector(out , structList);
case 6:
return 0;
cout << "Command invalid. You can only enter a command number 1 - 6. Try again. " << endl;
And can someone tell me why my check to prevent reading of a empty file won't work?
My Check:
bool checkFileEmpty()
ifstream in("data.dat");
if (in.peek() == in.eofbit)
return true;
return false;
I am so sick and tired of my program crashing on startup over and over again because my vector is getting set to a size of 200 million. I've tried a BUNCH of stuff for this... none of it works... Please GOD someone help me with both of these! I've been up for 18 hours working on this ( all night yes ) and i'm ALMOST done. I'm begging you....
My Code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace System;
using namespace std;
#pragma hdrstop
bool isValidChoice(int size, int choice);
bool checkFileEmpty();
template<typename T>
void writeVector(ofstream &out, const vector<T> &vec);
template<typename T>
vector<T> readVector(ifstream &in);
template<typename T>
vector<T> addItem(vector<T> &vec);
template<typename T>
void printItemDescriptions(vector<T> &vec);
template<typename T>
int displayRecord(vector<T> &vec);
template<typename T>
vector<T> editRecord(vector<T> &vec);
template<typename T>
vector<T> deleteRecord(vector<T> &vec);
struct InventoryItem {
string Description;
int Quantity;
int wholesaleCost;
int retailCost;
string dateAdded;
} ;
int main(void)
cout << "Welcome to the Inventory Manager extreme! [Version 1.0]" << endl;
ifstream in("data.dat");
if (in.is_open()) { cout << "File \'data.dat\' has been opened successfully." << endl; } else { cout << "Error opening data.dat" << endl;}
cout << "Loading data..." << endl;
vector<InventoryItem> structList = readVector<InventoryItem>( in );
cout <<"Load complete." << endl << endl;
while (1)
string line = "";
cout << "There are currently " << structList.size() << " items in memory.";
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Commands: " << endl;
cout << "1: Add a new record " << endl;
cout << "2: Display a record " << endl;
cout << "3: Edit a current record " << endl;
cout << "4: Delete a record " << endl;
cout << "5: Save current information " << endl;
cout << "6: Exit the program " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter a command 1-6: ";
getline(cin , line);
int rValue = atoi(line.c_str());
ofstream out("data.dat");
switch (rValue)
case 1:
structList = addItem(structList);
case 2:
case 3:
structList = editRecord(structList);
case 4:
case 5:
if (!structList.size()) { cout << "There are no items to save! Enter one first!" << endl << endl; system("pause"); system("cls"); break; }
writeVector(out , structList);
case 6:
return 0;
cout << "Command invalid. You can only enter a command number 1 - 6. Try again. " << endl;
return 0;
template<typename T>
void writeVector(ofstream &out, const vector<T> &vec)
out << vec.size();
for(vector<T>::const_iterator i = vec.begin(); i != vec.end(); i++)
out << *i;
cout << "Save completed!" << endl << endl;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const InventoryItem &i)
out << i.Description << ' ';
out << i.Quantity << ' ';
out << i.wholesaleCost << ' ' << i.retailCost << ' ';
out << i.dateAdded << ' ';
return out;
istream &operator>>(istream &in, InventoryItem &i)
in >> i.Description;
in >> i.Quantity;
in >> i.wholesaleCost >> i.retailCost;
in >> i.dateAdded;
return in;
template<typename T>
vector<T> readVector(ifstream &in)
size_t size;
if (checkFileEmpty())
size = 0;
} else {
in >> size;
vector<T> vec;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
T tmp;
in >> tmp;
return vec;
template<typename T>
vector<T> addItem(vector<T> &vec)
string word;
unsigned int number;
InventoryItem newItem;
cout << "-Add a new item-" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter the description for the item: ";
getline (cin , word);
newItem.Description = word;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the quantity on hand for the item: ";
getline (cin , word);
number = atoi(word.c_str());
newItem.Quantity = number;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the Retail Cost for the item: ";
getline (cin , word);
number = atoi(word.c_str());
newItem.retailCost = number;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the Wholesale Cost for the item: ";
getline (cin , word);
number = atoi(word.c_str());
newItem.wholesaleCost = number;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter current date: ";
getline (cin , word);
newItem.dateAdded = word;
return vec;
template<typename T>
void printItemDescriptions(vector<T> &vec)
int size = vec.size();
if (size)
cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "| ~ Item Descriptions ~ |" << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "*********************************" << endl;
for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
cout << "(" << i+1 << ")" << ": " << vec[i].Description << endl;
cout << "*********************************" << endl << endl;
template<typename T>
int displayRecord(vector<T> &vec)
string word = "";
string quit = "quit";
int choice = 1;
int size = vec.size();
if (size)
cout << endl;
while (1)
cout << "Type \"exit\" to return to the Main Menu." << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter \"list\" to re-display the items." << endl << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Pick the number of the item you would like to display: ";
getline (cin , word);
if (convertToLower(word) == "exit") { system("cls"); return 0; }
if (convertToLower(word) == "list") { system("cls"); displayRecord(vec); }
choice = atoi(word.c_str());
choice -= 1;
if (isValidChoice(size, choice))
cout << endl << "[Item (" << choice << ") details] " << endl << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl;
cout << "* Description * " << vec[choice].Description << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl;
cout << "*Quantity On Hand* " << vec[choice].Quantity << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl;
cout << "* Wholesale Cost * " << vec[choice].wholesaleCost << endl;
cout << "****************** " << endl << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl;
cout << "* Retail Cost * " << vec[choice].retailCost << endl;
cout << "****************** " << endl << endl;
cout << "******************" << endl;
cout << "* Data Added * " << vec[choice].dateAdded << endl;
cout << "****************** " << endl << endl;
} else { system("cls"); cout << "That item doesn't exist!" << endl; cout << "Pick another item or enter \"list\" to see available items." << endl << endl; }
} else { cout << "There are currently no items to display." << endl << endl; system("pause"); system("cls"); return 0; }
return 1;
bool isValidChoice(int size, int choice)
for (int i = 0 ; i <= size ; i++)
if (choice == i) { return true; }
return false;
string convertToLower(string word)
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < word.size() ; i++)
word[i] = tolower(word[i]);
return word;
bool checkFileEmpty()
ifstream in("data.dat");
if (in.peek() == in.eofbit)
return true;
return false;
template<typename T>
vector<T> editRecord(vector<T> &vec)
string word;
int choice;
cout << "Choose item to edit: ";
getline ( cin, word );
choice = atoi(word.c_str());
unsigned int number;
InventoryItem newItem;
cout << "-Edit an item-" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter the description for the item: ";
getline (cin , word);
vec[choice-1].Description = word;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the quantity on hand for the item: ";
getline (cin , word);
number = atoi(word.c_str());
vec[choice-1].Quantity = number;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the Retail Cost for the item: ";
getline (cin , word);
number = atoi(word.c_str());
vec[choice-1].retailCost = number;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter the Wholesale Cost for the item: ";
getline (cin , word);
number = atoi(word.c_str());
vec[choice-1].wholesaleCost = number;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter current date: ";
getline (cin , word);
vec[choice-1].dateAdded = word;
cout << "Item edited successfully! " << endl;
return vec;
template<typename T>
vector<T> deleteRecord(vector<T> &vec)
if (!vec.size()) { cout << "There are no items to delete!" << endl << endl; return vec; }
string word;
int choice;
cout << "Choose item to delete: ";
getline( cin, word);
choice = atoi(word.c_str());
vec.erase (vec.begin()+choice-1);
return vec;
You'd better move the ofstream openning and closing inside case 5.
Here you create a new file at each while iteration.
case 5:
ofstream out("data.dat");
writeVector(out , structList);
ofstream out("data.dat");
Opens the file for writing. By default, it will start at the very beginning wiping out anything that was there previously. First, use a different output file than the file you are reading from.
Try adding the close to the case 6 statements:
case 6:
return 0;
I'm pretty sure the close isn't getting called as the return will exit main before getting to that statement. With the file unclosed you are left with a buffer unflushed and I suspect that will leave the data unwritten.
You should move the open to before the while loop and also remove the out.close() from the while loop as it's going to close the file after the first menu selection.
To check if a file is empty or cannot be opened
bool IsEmpty( const std::string & filename ) {
std::ifstream ifs( filename.c_str() );
if ( ifs.is_open() ) {
std::string line;
return ! std::getline( ifs, line );
else {
return true;