Unable to pass username & password in jaxws - web-services

I'm trying to call a webservice using username/pwd using the below client but I don't see the username/password being set in the headers
Client code
AttachmentWSImplService service = new AttachmentWSImplService();
AttachmentWS aws = service.getAttachmentWS();
BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) aws;
SOAPBinding sopadBinding = (SOAPBinding) bindingProvider.getBinding();
Server code
SOAPMessageContext ctx = (SOAPMessageContext) wsCtx
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.List<java.lang.String>> headers = (Map<String, List<String>>) ctx
if (headers.keySet() != null && !headers.keySet().isEmpty()) {
Iterator<String> keys = headers.keySet().iterator();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
String key = (String) keys.next();
logger.info("HeaderKey->" + key);
logger.info("Header values->" + headers.get(key));
// getting Basic Authentication
String tmpusername = getUsernameFromAuthentication(key,

Code looks ok to me, should work fine.
Anyways try accessing Request Header by
Headers headers = ex.getRequestHeaders();
List<String> ulist = headers.get(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY);
List<String> plist = headers.get(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY);
PS: Remember USERNAME_PROPERTY is static string from BindingProvider interface, can be accessed in Static way. (Coding standards :))


How to get value of 'CARBON_HOME' in java code

I was trying to implement an Axis2 service that receives user requests and publishes them as events to a CEP using carbon databridge thrift (via 'org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.DataPublisher')
I followed the code sample provided in wso2cep-3.1.0/samples/producers/activity-monitor
please see the following code snippet
public class GatewayServiceSkeleton{
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GatewayServiceSkeleton.class);
public RequestResponse request(Request request)throws AgentException,
NoStreamDefinitionExistException,TransportException, SocketException,
final String GATEWAY_SERVICE_STREAM = "gateway.cep";
final String VERSION = "1.0.0";
final String PROTOCOL = "tcp://";
final String CEPHOST = "cep.gubnoi.com";
final String CEPPORT = "7611";
final String CEPUSERNAME = "admin";
final String CEPPASSWORD = "admin";
Object[] metadata = { request.getDeviceID(), request.getViewID()};
Object[] correlationdata = { request.getSessionID()};
Object[] payloaddata = {request.getBucket()};
DataPublisher dataPublisher = new DataPublisher(PROTOCOL + CEPHOST + ":" + CEPPORT, CEPUSERNAME, CEPPASSWORD);
//create event
Event event = new Event (GATEWAY_SERVICE_STREAM + ":" + VERSION, System.currentTimeMillis(), metadata, correlationdata, payloaddata);
//Publish event for a valid stream
RequestResponse response = new RequestResponse();
return response;
there is also a utility class that set the key store parameters as following
public class KeyStoreUtil {
static File filePath = new File("../../../repository/resources/security");
public static void setTrustStoreParams() {
String trustStore = filePath.getAbsolutePath();
System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", trustStore + "/client-truststore.jks");
System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", "wso2carbon");
public static void setKeyStoreParams() {
String keyStore = filePath.getAbsolutePath();
System.setProperty("Security.KeyStore.Location", keyStore + "/wso2carbon.jks");
System.setProperty("Security.KeyStore.Password", "wso2carbon");
I uploaded the service into a wso2as-5.2.1, and called the service using SOAPUI
the request returned an error message "cannot borrow client for TCP"
I debug, and found out the problem might lies with the class 'KeyStoreUtil',
where the 'filePath' somehow retuned a 'null',
static File filePath = new File("../../../repository/resources/security");
and caused the failure on this line
DataPublisher dataPublisher = new DataPublisher(PROTOCOL + CEPHOST + ":" + CEPPORT, CEPUSERNAME, CEPPASSWORD);
I guess it could be a better idea if I use the value of "CARBON_HOME" to figure out the location of Key Store
so my question is :
How may I be able to get the value of 'CARBON_HOME' in the Java code?
that said. If you think a bit more:
the service will be called numerous time; whileas the 'setTrustStoreParams' and the 'setKeyStoreParams' will only be needed to executed once at the server/service initiate.
So, are there any even better ways to remove 'setTrustStoreParams' and 'setKeyStoreParams' out of the service code, or implement as configurable items?
Please advise
so my question is :
How may I be able to get the value of 'CARBON_HOME' in the Java code?
You should use the property carbon.home like following which will retrieve the WSO2 product's home directory.

SOAP Fault: Security requirements are not satisfied because the security header is not present in the incoming message

I am trying to integrate salesforce with exacttarget using the SOAP wsdl provided by Exacttarget.
I am able to generate apex classes , but on calling the create request , I get the error System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed.
Since I am new to apex , I am not sure if SOAP header request can be done only through http ? or can I do it through my class.
Please find below the code I am using.
exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.Soap soapReq = new exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.Soap();
exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.UsernameAuthentication authentication = new exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.UsernameAuthentication();
authentication.UserName = '******';
authentication.PassWord = '*****';
soapReq.inputHttpHeaders_x = new Map<String, String>();
soapReq.outputHttpHeaders_x = new Map<String, String>();
//String myData = 'smruti.bhargava#accenture.com.etdev:smruti#123';
//authentication = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(myData));
soapReq.inputHttpHeaders_x.put('Authorization','Basic ' + authentication );SALESFORCE STUB
exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.CreateOptions optList = new exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.CreateOptions();
exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.ContainerID contnr = new exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.ContainerID();
exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.APIObject apiObj = new exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.APIObject();
exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.APIProperty apiProp = new exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.APIProperty();
List<exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.APIProperty> propList = new List<exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.APIProperty>();
contnr.APIObject = apiObj;
optList.Container = contnr;
List<exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.APIObject> objList = new List<exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.APIObject>();
exacttargetComWsdlPartnerapi.CreateResponse_element response = soapReq.Create(optList,objList);
System.debug('** Result ==>' + response);

gsoap c++ android device encoding

I can connect my microsoft web service and I can insert record with this service easily.
I get a confirmation code as a response for record insert. But I have a problem with encoding. The response message must like this 1Exa9GwOIO6pP35l4TJ1Bw== but instead of this I get a response like this 4�� u #
When I try this service on a browser I get the expected response as
in 1Exa9GwOIO6pP35l4TJ1Bw==
But when I try it on an android device with gsoap I get a response such as this one 4�� u #
How can I solve this encoding problem?
TheGameSoapProxy service;
_ns1__PlayerRegisterResponse* response = new _ns1__PlayerRegisterResponse();
std::string telNO =m_pEditTel->getText();
std::string telefonIME = "111";
std::string simCardID = "222";
std::string Username = m_pEditName->getText();
std::string takim = Takim.c_str();
_ns1__PlayerRegister* ps = new _ns1__PlayerRegister();
ps->telefonNumarasi = &telNO;
ps->telefonIME = &telefonIME;
ps->simCardID = &simCardID;
ps->Username = &Username;
ps->takim = &takim;
if (service.PlayerRegister(ps, response) == SOAP_OK)
string *ptrSonuc = response->PlayerRegisterResult;
CCLog( (char*)ptrSonuc );
As per other question here on SO:
add the line below to your typemap.dat file:
xsd__string = | wchar_t* | wchar_t*
And then use wstrings instead of strings.

saaj exception - Unable to parse content type: null

I'm fairly new to webservices and working through a SAAJ example of sending and recieving attachments (binary files). I can get it to work when the client sends the file but not when it requests it. I get an exception on the client side:
ERROR: 'Content is not allowed in prolog.'
24-Oct-2012 13:59:28 com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.EnvelopeFactory createEnvelope
SEVERE: SAAJ0511: Unable to create envelope from given source
com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Unable to create envelope from given source
Anybody have any ideas???my client code is as follows:
SOAPConnectionFactory scf = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
SOAPConnection con = scf.createConnection();
SOAPFactory soapFactory = SOAPFactory.newInstance();
MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage msg = mf.createMessage();
SOAPHeader header = msg.getSOAPHeader();
SOAPBody body = msg.getSOAPBody();
Name bodyName = soapFactory.createName(
"remoteOpen", "remoteOpen",
SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = body.addBodyElement(bodyName);
SOAPElement projectName = bodyElement.addChildElement("projectName");
// create the endpoint and send the message
URL endpoint = new URL("http://localhost:8080/RemoteSaveProject/OpenServlet");
SOAPMessage response = con.call(msg, endpoint);
SOAPBody responseBody = response.getSOAPBody();
SOAPElement ackElem = (SOAPElement)responseBody.getFirstChild();
String acknowledgement = ackElem.getValue();
the server code looks like this:
MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = new MimeHeaders();
Enumeration en = request.getHeaderNames();
while (en.hasMoreElements())
String headerName = (String)en.nextElement();
String headerVal = request.getHeader(headerName);
StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(headerVal, ",");
while (tk.hasMoreTokens()){
mimeHeaders.addHeader(headerName, tk.nextToken().trim());
SOAPMessage message = mf.createMessage(mimeHeaders, request.getInputStream());
SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();
Name bodyName = soapFactory.createName(
"remoteOpen", "remoteOpen",
Iterator projects = body.getChildElements(bodyName);
SOAPElement project = (SOAPElement)projects.next();
Iterator projectNameIter = project.getChildElements(soapFactory.createName("projectName"));
SOAPElement projectNameEle = (SOAPElement)projectNameIter.next();
String projectName = projectNameEle.getValue();
File file = new File(projectName);
SOAPMessage reply = mf.createMessage();
SOAPHeader header = reply.getSOAPHeader();
SOAPBody replyBody = reply.getSOAPBody();
SOAPBodyElement bodyElement = replyBody.addBodyElement(soapFactory.createName("ack"));
DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(file));
AttachmentPart attachment = reply.createAttachmentPart(dh);
putHeaders(reply.getMimeHeaders(), response);
ServletOutputStream replyOS = response.getOutputStream();
putHeaders looks like:
Iterator it = headers.getAllHeaders();
while (it.hasNext())
MimeHeader header = (MimeHeader) it.next();
String[] values = headers.getHeader(header.getName());
if (values.length == 1)
res.setHeader( header.getName(), header.getValue());
StringBuffer concat = new StringBuffer();
int i = 0;
while (i < values.length)
if (i != 0)
res.setHeader(header.getName(), concat.toString());
If you are using Google app engine, like me, the problem is that GAE doesn't support com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.packaging.mime.internet.ParameterList which is used internally somewhere in the call chain of javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection.call(). So you must use a workaround.
I personally did it by using java.net.HttpURLConnection instead of javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection and manually sending and parsing SOAP messages.

OAuth making requests against LinkedIn API cause 401 error

I am creating an application for a client that integrates with the LinkedIn API. I got through the authentication without too many problems, but everything there is working and now I need to make the actual requests. Primarily I am working in the Share API. I create the HTTP call with the following method:
public any function sendRequest(any req){
var param = false;
var headParams = [];
var bodyParams = [];
var call = new http(proxyserver='', proxyport=8888);
var i = 1;
headParams = Arguments.req.getParameters(true);
bodyParams = Arguments.req.getParameters();
value="OAuth#Variables.encoder.encodedParameter(Arguments.req.getParameters(true), true, false, true)#"
// Header parameters
for(i=1; i<=arrayLen(headParams); i++){
param = headParams[i];
// Body parameters (should only be 1)
for(i=1; i<=arrayLen(bodyParams); i++){
param = bodyParams[i];
return call.send().getPrefix();
When I sign the request, I use the following method:
public void function signRequest(any req){
var headParams = Arguments.req.getParameters(true);
var bodyParams = Arguments.req.getParameters();
var secret = "#Variables.encoder.parameterEncodedFormat(getConsumer().getConsumerSecret())#&#Variables.encoder.parameterEncodedFormat(Arguments.req.getOAuthSecret())#";
var base = '';
params = Variables.encoder.encodedParameter(headParams, true, true);
params = "#params#&#Variables.encoder.parameterEncodedFormat(bodyParams[1].value)#";
secret = toBinary(toBase64(secret));
local.mac = createObject('java', 'javax.crypto.Mac').getInstance('HmacSHA1');
local.key = createObject('java', 'javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec').init(secret, local.mac.getAlgorithm());
base = "#Arguments.req.getMethod()#&";
base = base & Variables.encoder.parameterEncodedFormat(Arguments.req.getRequestUrl());
base = "#base#&#Variables.encoder.parameterEncodedFormat(params)#";
//writeDump(base) abort;
local.mac.update(JavaCast('string', base).getBytes());
Arguments.req.addParameter('oauth_signature', toString(toBase64(mac.doFinal())), true);
I have tried signing it with only the header parameters (usual OAuth params) and include the body parameter (xml string), but everything gives me a 401 error, so I was wondering what I should be using in my base string that gets signed for the request?
Not a proper answer to your question, but may help you.
In my case after many unsuccessful tries of using the LinkedIn API with CF8, I finally gave up / didn't have more time for it. Instead of a "proper" integration I've used the linkedin-j Java library. It finally got me going and I didn't encounter any more signing issues.
Btw for all my integrations requiring OAuth I've used this library and didn't have any signing issues as with LinkedIn API.