Error while executing python code - python-2.7

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding: utf-8
import sys
import os
import time
b = 'sudo tshark -i eth0 -R “tcp contains “attack”” -T fields -e ip.src -a duration:60>output.txt'
a = os.popen(b)
f = open('output.txt','r')
text = 'IP address of attacker is'
print (text),
I am trying to execute this code to capture packets using tshark but i am getting this error:
tshark: "�" was unexpected in this context.
Please help me why that error is caused, thank you

The error message is because tshark tries to disable some dangerous functions in Lua like dofile.
If you don't need Lua in tshark, you can disable Lua support: edit init.lua, change disable_lua = false to disable_lua = true.
If you need Lua support, read Platform-Specific information about capture privileges, see how to capture packets without root rivilege.


Parsing input using the python2.7 argsparse with other Language support

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("name", help="Enter the name")
args = parser.parse_args()
name =
print name
python அரவிந்த்
python åäö
I am not able to get the text which I need, Also I am in need to concatenate this input text, Please let me know what module I have to use and How to implement it?

PYTHON: How To Print SSH Key Using Python

I've been trying to make a script that can print the Ubuntu SSH key located in ~/.ssh/authorised_keys/
Basically I want the script to print out exactly what cat ~/.ssh/authorised_keys/ would output.
I have tried using subprocess.check_output but it always returns an error.
What about this ?
import os
os.system('cat ~/.ssh/authorised_keys')
If you want to capture the output to a variable, use subprocess. If not, you can use os.system as user803422 has mentioned
import os, subprocess
path = '~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
cmd = 'cat ' + os.path.expanduser(path)
output = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
response = output.communicate()
print (response)
You can read the file directly in Python, there is not really a need to use subprocess:
import os

How to use regular expressions to pull something from a terminal output?

I'm attempting to use the re module to look through some terminal output. When I ping a server through terminal using ping -n 1 host (I'm using Windows), it gives me much more information than I want. I want just the amount of time that it takes to get a reply from the server, which in this case is always denoted by an integer and then the letters 'ms'. The error I get explains that the output from the terminal is not a string, so I cannot use regular expressions on it.
from os import system as system_call
import re
def ping(host):
return system_call("ping -n 1 " + host) == 0
host = input("Select a host to ping: ")
regex = re.compile(r"\w\wms")
final_ping =
system returns 0, not anything too useful. However, if we were to do subprocess, we can get teh output, and store it to a variable, out, then we can regex search that.
import subprocess
import re
def ping(host):
ping = subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-n", "1", host], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, error = ping.communicate()
return str(out)
host = input("Select a host to ping: ")
final_ping = re.findall("\d+ms",ping(host))[0]
There are two problems with your code:
Your ping function doesn't return the terminal output. It only returns a bool that reports if the ping succeeded. The ping output is directly forwarded to the terminal that runs the Python script.
Python 3 differentiates between strings (for text, consisting of Unicode codepoints) and bytes (for any data, consisting of bytes). As Python cannot know that ping only outputs ASCII text, you will get a bytes object if you don't specify which text encoding is in use.
It would be the best to use the subprocess module instead of os.system. This is also suggested by the Python documentation.
One possible way is to use subprocess.check_output with the encoding parameter to get a string instead of bytes:
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
def ping(host):
return check_output(
"ping -n 1 " + host,
EDIT: The encoding parameter is only supported since Python 3.6. If you are using an older version, try this:
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
def ping(host):
return check_output(
"ping -n 1 " + host,

debugger gdb evaluate expression

is there eval function? I've read "help" and I didnt find
I want to make eval("gdb command")
because I want to create my own function for grepping using this method
How to grep on gdb print.
I want to make eval($arg1)
There is an eval command, but it doesn't really do what you want. It provides a limited form of substitution of values into commands.
For a command along the lines of grep, I would suggest writing it in Python. This would be relatively easy to do. The idea would be to use gdb.execute to capture the output of a command into a string, and then use Python to search the string however you like. If done from Python you have complete control of how to parse the command-line, something that's not true if you use the gdb define command.
Oddly enough, I wrote a grep python gdb function earlier today for another question. These couple of files make a new command that checks if the call stack contains _malloc. This should be a pretty good start for other string searching and evaluation functions.
Here is a script for gdb
# gdb script: pygdb-logg.gdb
# easier interface for stuff
# from within gdb: (gdb) source -v pygdb-logg.gdb
# from cdmline: gdb -x pygdb-logg.gdb -se test.exe
# first, "include" the python file:
source -v
# define shorthand for inMalloc():
define inMalloc
python inMalloc()
Here is the python file:
# gdb will 'recognize' this as python
# upon 'source'
# however, from gdb functions still have
# to be called like:
# (gdb) python print logExecCapture("bt")
import sys
import gdb
import os
def logExecCapture(instr):
# /dev/shm - save file in RAM
gdb.execute("set logging file "+ltxname) # lpfname
gdb.execute("set logging redirect on")
gdb.execute("set logging overwrite on")
gdb.execute("set logging on")
gdb.execute("set logging off")
replyContents = open(ltxname, 'r').read() # read entire file
return replyContents
# in malloc?
def inMalloc():
isInMalloc = -1;
# as long as we don't find "Breakpoint" in report:
while isInMalloc == -1:
#Look for calls that have '_malloc' in them
isInMalloc = REP.find("_malloc")
if(isInMalloc != -1):
# print ("Malloc:: ", isInMalloc, "\n", REP)
gdb.execute("set $inMalloc=1")
return True
# print ("No Malloc:: ", isInMalloc, "\n", REP)
gdb.execute("set $inMalloc=0")
return False

python + wx & uno to fill libreoffice using ubuntu 14.04

I collected user data using a wx python gui and than I used uno to fill this data into an openoffice document under ubuntu 10.xx
user + my-script ( +empty document ) --> prefilled document
After upgrading to ubuntu 14.04 uno doesn't work with python 2.7 anymore and now we have libreoffice instead of openoffice in ubuntu. when I try to run my python2.7 code, it says:
ImportError: No module named uno
How could I bring it back to work?
what I tried:
installed v0.3.3
sudo apt-get install libreoffice-script-provider-python
converted the code to python3 and got uno importable, but wx is not importable in python3 :-/
ImportError: No module named 'wx'
googled and read python3 only works with wx phoenix
so tried to install:
but wasn't able to get it to run with python3
is there a way to get the uno bridge to work with py2.7 under ubuntu 14.04?
Or how to get wx to run with py3?
what else could I try?
Create a python macro in LibreOffice that will do the work of inserting the data into LibreOffice and then in your python 2.7 code envoke the macro.
As the macro is running from with LibreOffice it will use python3.
Here is an example of how to envoke a LibreOffice macro from the command line:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# a python script to run a libreoffice python macro externally
# NOTE: for this to run start libreoffice in the following manner
# soffice "--accept=socket,host=,port=2002,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;" --writer --norestore
# OR
# nohup soffice "--accept=socket,host=,port=2002,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;" --writer --norestore &
import uno
from import NoConnectException
from import RuntimeException
from import Exception
from import IllegalArgumentException
def uno_directmacro(*args):
localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
localsmgr = localContext.ServiceManager
resolver = localsmgr.createInstanceWithContext("", localContext )
ctx = resolver.resolve("uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext")
except NoConnectException as e:
print ("LibreOffice is not running or not listening on the port given - ("+e.Message+")")
msp = ctx.getValueByName("/singletons/")
sp = msp.createScriptProvider("")
scriptx = sp.getScript('$directmacro?language=Python&location=user')
scriptx.invoke((), (), ())
except IllegalArgumentException as e:
print ("The command given is invalid ( "+ e.Message+ ")")
except RuntimeException as e:
print("An unknown error occurred: " + e.Message)
except Exception as e:
print ("Script error ( "+ e.Message+ ")")
And this is the corresponding macro code within LibreOffice called "" and stored in the User area for libreOffice macros (which would normally be $HOME/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python :
def directmacro(*args):
import socket, time
class FontSlant():
from import (NONE, ITALIC,)
#get the doc from the scripting context which is made available to all scripts
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
text = model.Text
tRange = text.End
cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
parentwindow = doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
# your cannot insert simple text and text into a table with the same method
# so we have to know if we are in a table or not.
# oTable and oCurCell will be null if we are not in a table
oTable = cursor.TextTable
oCurCell = cursor.Cell
insert_text = "This is text inserted into a LibreOffice Document\ndirectly from a macro called externally"
Text_Italic = FontSlant.ITALIC
Text_None = FontSlant.NONE
if oCurCell == None: # Are we inserting into a table or not?
text.insertString(cursor, insert_text, 0)
cell = oTable.getCellByName(oCurCell.CellName)
cell.insertString(cursor, insert_text, False)
return None
You will of course need to adapt the code to either accept data as arguments, read it from a file or whatever.
Ideally I would say use python 3, because python 2 is becoming outdated. The switch requires quite a bit of new coding changes, but better sooner than later. So I tried:
sudo pip3 install -U --pre \
-f \
However this gave me errors, and I didn't want to spend the next couple of days working through them. Probably the pre-release versions are not ready for prime time yet.
So instead, what I recommend is to switch to AOO for now. See for instructions. AOO does not have all the latest features that LO has, but it is a good solid Office product.
Apparently it is also possible to rebuild LibreOffice with python 2 using this script: