C code decomposer - c++

I was wondering whether there exists a program to break a c source code down to a lower level code by substituting all loops and function calls by goto statement. Thus, it would reduce a code to variable declaration/heap allocation, if statement, goto statement and logic/arithmetic functions.
I think such program would be useful for designing a virtual machine to interpret C code.
for(int a = 0; a < 100; a++){
would become
int a = 0;
goto endForLoopOne;
goto forLoopOne;

gcc and clang (or probably many other compilers) allows you to get assembly output from c source.
In gcc -S flag will produce a .s file.
gcc -S <your c source>
The syntax of assembly will be AT&T though.

From what i understand the functionality you are asking about is somewhat implemented in compiler construction. The original high level code is transformed to intermediate 3 address code. What i think a simple parser/compiler can be written that can do that. I wrote one such program for assignment in compiler design course this month.It was written in c using flex(lexical analyser) and bison(yacc).


disable all obvious elimination when compiling with gcc (without changing my source code!)

I want to keep all dead code (or anything that is even obviously can be optimized) when compiling with gcc, but even with -O0, some dead code are still optimized. How can I keep all code without changing my source code? The sample code is as follows, and when compiling with g++ -S -O0 main.cc, the if-statement will be optimized in assembly code (there will be no cmpl and jmp code).
int main() {
constexpr int a = 123; // or const int a = 0; I do not want to remove `const` or `constexpr` qualifier.
if (a) // or just if (123)
return 1;
return 0;
A related question is here: Disable "if(0)" elimination in gcc. But the answers there need you to change your source code (remove const/constexpr qualifier) which I do not want to do.
Could it be that I do not change my source code but only use some compiler flags to achieve this?
This is not possible with GCC to keep the conditional in this case since it is removed during a very early stage of the compilation.
First of all, here is the compilation steps of GCC:
Code parsing (syntax & semantics) producing an AST in GENERIC representation (HL-IR)
High-level GIMPLE generation (ML-IR)
Low-level GIMPLE generation (ML-IR)
Tree SSA optimization (ML-IR)
RTL generation (LL-IR)
Code optimization
Assembly generation
The conditional is already removed after the generation of the (theoretically unoptimized) high-level GIMPLE representation. Thus, before any optimization step. One can check this by using the GCC flag -fdump-tree-all and look at the first generated GIMPLE code. Here is the result:
;; Function int main() (null)
;; enabled by -tree-original
const int a = 123;
<<cleanup_point const int a = 123;>>;
return <retval> = 1;
return <retval> = 0;
return <retval> = 0;
One can note that the resulting code is the same with both constexpr and const. Actually, constexpr is treated as a simple const variable in the HL GIMPLE code.
It is hard to know when the conditional is exactly removed in Step 1 as GENERIC is an implementation-dependent internal representation of GCC. It is not very flexible/customizable. AFAIK, it is not even yet possible to generate the AST/GENERIC representation. You can extract it yourself with some GCC plugins, but this is a quite tricky task.

C/C++ inline assembler with instructions in string variables

So as you know in C and C++ if using Visual-C you can have in line assembly instructions such as:
int main() {
__asm int 3
printf("this will not be printed.\n");
return 0;
Which will make a breakpoint inside of the executable. So my question is, is there somekind of function I can use to call __asm using a variable such as a char array. I was thinking something like this:
char instruction[100] = "int 3";
__asm instruction
But that doesn't seem to really work since it gives 'Invalid OP code'. So can you help with this or it isn't possible at all.
Neither C nor C++ are interpreted languages, the compiler generates the int 3 machine instruction at compile time. The compiled program will not recognise the string as an instruction at run-time - unless your program is itself an interpreter.
You can of course use a macro:
#define BREAKPOINT __asm int 3
int main()
printf("this will not be printed.\n");
return 0;
The code of your program is created by the compiler, during compilation.
You are trying to feed the compiler the input for that at run time - when the program is already executing. If you want ‘on-the-fly-compilation’, you will have to program an incremental compiler and linker that can modify the code while executing it.
Note that even if you would be successful, many OS would block such execution, as it violates security. It would be a great way to build viruses, and is therefore typically blocked.

Is there a way to turn off loop optimisation on both C++ and Rust compilation?

I'm looking for a compiler flag that will allow me to prevent the compiler optimising away the loop in code like this:
void func() {
std::unique_ptr<int> up1(new int(0)), up2;
up2 = move(up1);
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
if(up2) {
*up2 += 1;
printf("%d", *up2);
in both C++ and Rust code. I'm trying to compare similar sections of code in terms of speed and running this loop rather than just evaluating the overall result is important. Since Rust statically guarantees that the pointer ownership hasn't been moved, it doesn't need the null pointer checks on each iteration of the loop and I would imagine therefore it would produce faster code if the loop couldn't be optimised out for whatever reason.
Rust compiles using an LLVM backend, so I would preferably be using that for C++ as well.
In Rust you can use test::black_box.
In C++ (using gcc) asm volatile("" : "+r" (datum));. See this.
One typical way to avoid having the compiler optimize away loops is to make their bounds indeterminate at compile time. In this example, rather than looping up to 10000000, loop up to a count which is read from stdin or argv.

What, in short words, does the GCC option -fipa-pta do?

According to the GCC manual, the -fipa-pta optimization does:
-fipa-pta: Perform interprocedural pointer analysis and interprocedural modification and reference analysis. This option can cause excessive
memory and compile-time usage on large compilation units. It is not
enabled by default at any optimization level.
What I assume is that GCC tries to differentiate mutable and immutable data based on pointers and references used in a procedure. Can someone with more in-depth GCC knowledge explain what -fipa-pta does?
I think the word "interprocedural" is the key here.
I'm not intimately familiar with gcc's optimizer, but I've worked on optimizing compilers before. The following is somewhat speculative; take it with a small grain of salt, or confirm it with someone who knows gcc's internals.
An optimizing compiler typically performs analysis and optimization only within each individual function (or subroutine, or procedure, depending on the language). For example, given code like this contrived example:
double *ptr = ...;
void foo(void) {
*ptr = 123.456;
printf("*ptr = %f\n", *ptr);
the optimizer will not be able to determine whether the value of *ptr has been changed by the call to some_other_function().
If interprocedural analysis is enabled, then the optimizer can analyze the behavior of some_other_function(), and it may be able to prove that it can't modify *ptr. Given such analysis, it can determine that the expression *ptr must still evaluate to 123.456, and in principle it could even replace the printf call with puts("ptr = 123.456");.
(In fact, with a small program similar to the above code snippet I got the same generated code with -O3 and -O3 -fipa-pta, so I'm probably missing something.)
Since a typical program contains a large number of functions, with a huge number of possible call sequences, this kind of analysis can be very expensive.
As quoted from this article:
The "-fipa-pta" optimization takes the bodies of the called functions into account when doing the analysis, so compiling
void __attribute__((noinline))
bar(int *x, int *y)
*x = *y;
int foo(void)
int a, b = 5;
bar(&a, &b);
return b + 10;
with -fipa-pta makes the compiler see that bar does not modify b, and the compiler optimizes foo by changing b+10 to 15
int foo(void)
int a, b = 5;
bar(&a, &b);
return 15;
A more relevant example is the “slow” code from the “Integer division is slow” blog post
std::random_device entropySource;
std::mt19937 randGenerator(entropySource());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> theIntDist(0, 99);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
volatile auto r = theIntDist(randGenerator);
Compiling this with -fipa-pta makes the compiler see that theIntDist is not modified within the loop, and the inlined code can thus be constant-folded in the same way as the “fast” version – with the result that it runs four times faster.

Which, if any, C++ compilers do tail-recursion optimization?

It seems to me that it would work perfectly well to do tail-recursion optimization in both C and C++, yet while debugging I never seem to see a frame stack that indicates this optimization. That is kind of good, because the stack tells me how deep the recursion is. However, the optimization would be kind of nice as well.
Do any C++ compilers do this optimization? Why? Why not?
How do I go about telling the compiler to do it?
For MSVC: /O2 or /Ox
For GCC: -O2 or -O3
How about checking if the compiler has done this in a certain case?
For MSVC, enable PDB output to be able to trace the code, then inspect the code
For GCC..?
I'd still take suggestions for how to determine if a certain function is optimized like this by the compiler (even though I find it reassuring that Konrad tells me to assume it)
It is always possible to check if the compiler does this at all by making an infinite recursion and checking if it results in an infinite loop or a stack overflow (I did this with GCC and found out that -O2 is sufficient), but I want to be able to check a certain function that I know will terminate anyway. I'd love to have an easy way of checking this :)
After some testing, I discovered that destructors ruin the possibility of making this optimization. It can sometimes be worth it to change the scoping of certain variables and temporaries to make sure they go out of scope before the return-statement starts.
If any destructor needs to be run after the tail-call, the tail-call optimization can not be done.
All current mainstream compilers perform tail call optimisation fairly well (and have done for more than a decade), even for mutually recursive calls such as:
int bar(int, int);
int foo(int n, int acc) {
return (n == 0) ? acc : bar(n - 1, acc + 2);
int bar(int n, int acc) {
return (n == 0) ? acc : foo(n - 1, acc + 1);
Letting the compiler do the optimisation is straightforward: Just switch on optimisation for speed:
For MSVC, use /O2 or /Ox.
For GCC, Clang and ICC, use -O3
An easy way to check if the compiler did the optimisation is to perform a call that would otherwise result in a stack overflow — or looking at the assembly output.
As an interesting historical note, tail call optimisation for C was added to the GCC in the course of a diploma thesis by Mark Probst. The thesis describes some interesting caveats in the implementation. It's worth reading.
As well as the obvious (compilers don't do this sort of optimization unless you ask for it), there is a complexity about tail-call optimization in C++: destructors.
Given something like:
int fn(int j, int i)
if (i <= 0) return j;
Funky cls(j,i);
return fn(j, i-1);
The compiler can't (in general) tail-call optimize this because it needs
to call the destructor of cls after the recursive call returns.
Sometimes the compiler can see that the destructor has no externally visible side effects (so it can be done early), but often it can't.
A particularly common form of this is where Funky is actually a std::vector or similar.
gcc 4.3.2 completely inlines this function (crappy/trivial atoi() implementation) into main(). Optimization level is -O1. I notice if I play around with it (even changing it from static to extern, the tail recursion goes away pretty fast, so I wouldn't depend on it for program correctness.
#include <stdio.h>
static int atoi(const char *str, int n)
if (str == 0 || *str == 0)
return n;
return atoi(str+1, n*10 + *str-'0');
int main(int argc, char **argv)
for (int i = 1; i != argc; ++i)
printf("%s -> %d\n", argv[i], atoi(argv[i], 0));
return 0;
Most compilers don't do any kind of optimisation in a debug build.
If using VC, try a release build with PDB info turned on - this will let you trace through the optimised app and you should hopefully see what you want then. Note, however, that debugging and tracing an optimised build will jump you around all over the place, and often you cannot inspect variables directly as they only ever end up in registers or get optimised away entirely. It's an "interesting" experience...
As Greg mentions, compilers won't do it in debug mode. It's ok for debug builds to be slower than a prod build, but they shouldn't crash more often: and if you depend on a tail call optimization, they may do exactly that. Because of this it is often best to rewrite the tail call as an normal loop. :-(