Auto-generated rspecs - ruby-on-rails-4

I am working on an existing RoR app which was written a few years ago. It's testers were less than satisfying so the whole /spec directory was removed and I have to write new rspecs. I have seen somewhere that it is possible to generate non-blank rspecs using scaffold method. When I tried doing
rails generate scaffold rspec:model User
I got the lovely result of
invoke active_record
/home/guy/railsProjects/netAdmin/vendor/ruby/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.1.6/lib/rails/generators/base.rb:258:in `const_defined?': wrong constant name Rspec:model (NameError)
from /home/guy/railsProjects/netAdmin/vendor/ruby/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.1.6/lib/rails/generators/base.rb:258:in `block in class_collisions'
how do I work it out? having something that will write some of the specs, based on the existing models and controllers will save me tons of time.
Thanks in advance!


Why is ActiveRecord creating different ruby object when querying the same record?

I'm trying to test a named scope in my Rails model with RSpec using FactoryBot. I'm creating several records, where only one is returned by the scope.
RSpec.describe GemNamespace::GemModel, type: :model do
FactoryBot.create(:gem_model, :trait1) # id 1
FactoryBot.create(:gem_model, :trait2) # id 2
FactoryBot.create(:gem_model, :trait3) # id 3
let(:included_record) { GemNamespace::GemModel.find 1 }
describe 'my_named_scope' do
it 'returns only records matching the conditions' do
scope_results = GemNamespace::GemModel.my_named_scope
expect(scope_results).to contain_exactly(included_record)
The test is failing because even though included_record is the only record in the scope_results, some debugging shows that the included_record is actually a different Ruby object than the one in the results for some reason. Thus, the contain_exactly fails.
I've done scope testing like this on tons of models and it's always worked. The only difference with this one is that the model is defined inside a gem, and I'm extending its functionality by adding my named scope to it in my Rails app.
What am I missing? Why is it behaving like this only for this model?
If it matters:
Ruby 2.5.0
Rails 5.1.5
rspec 3.7.0
rspec-rails 3.7.2
factory_bot(_rails) 4.8.2
UPDATE: I'll put this here instead of editing the above. I am actually testing a database view as opposed to a table. The views do not have a unique id column, so I'm not actually doing a GemNamespace::GemModel.find 1 above, but instead a where(column: <condition value>).
I solved this with a workaround. I don't know too much about the internals of Rails, but it seems that the database view (and corresponding model) not having an id column kinda screws things up (i.e., the separate Ruby objects being created). So I simply compared all the values of the two objects "manually"
# As a workaround, we're just gonna convert them both to Ruby hashes using
# the #as_json method, and compare those instead.
expect(scope_results.as_json).to contain_exactly(included_record.as_json)

Rails scaffold erb templates not being used during generation

I'm bulding an application with lots of simple scaffolds in rails . I customized my erb scaffold templates and placed them in lib/templates/erb/scaffold.
However, when I run rails g scaffold Course , the new templates are just ignored. No warning is given of might be happening. Any insight on how to debug the problem will be deeply appreciated.

RSpec: Problems converting to the new "allow" syntax for mocks/stubs

I am trying to learn rspec and apply what I am learning to an existing rails app.
I am trying to create a mock of a user called "current_user"
I have basically taken this line of code
and placed it before my tests (all of which require a current_user to be defined)
This works. But
I know that this syntax is deprecated and I should be using
allow().to receive().and_return()
syntax but I can't seem to convert it to the new syntax and get it to work.
I tried
user = double("user")
allow(user).to receive(:current_user).and_return(build_stubbed(:user))
without success. I reality I have no idea what I am doing with this and need to be pointed in the right direction. I have looked extensively for an answer but I suspect this is too basic.
Would appreciate some guidance.
Currently, you're stubbing the current_user method for your controller variable. In your new syntax example, you've put the stub on the user double object.
Without knowing more about build_stubbed, I would expect it to look like:
allow(controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return build_stubbed(:user)

How do you make a django field reference to a python class?

I am working on a project to expand a testing suite that my company uses. One of this things that was asked of me was to link the website to our Github source for code so that the dev team could continue tracking the issues there instead of trying to look in two places. I was able to do this but the problem is that every time the a bug is reported an issue is opened.
I want to add a field to my Django model that tracks an Issue object (from the wrapper) that is sent to Github. I want to use this to check if an Issue has already been created in Github by that instance of the BugReport and if it has been created, edit the Issue instead of creating another issue in Github that is a duplicate. Does Django have a something that can handle this sort of reference?
I am using Django 1.3.1 and Python 2.7.1
I was able to figure my specific problem out using esauro's suggestions. However, as mkoistinen said, If this problem came up in a program where the work-around was not as easy as this one was, should an object reference be created like I had originally asked about or is that bad practice? and if it is okay to make an object reference like that, how would you do it with the Django models?
I'm the creator of
If you want to get the issue itself via a number, there are a couple different ways to do this. I'm not sure how you're interacting with the API but you can do:
import github3
i = githbu3.issue('repo_owner', 'repo_name', issue_number)
import github3
r = github3.repository('repo_owner', 'repo_name')
i = r.issue(issue_number)
import github3
g = github3.login(client_key='client_key', client_secret='client_secret')
i = g.issue('repo_owner', 'repo_name', issue_number)
# or
r = g.repository('repo_owner', 'repo_name')
i = r.issue(issue_number)
otherwise if you're looking for something that's in an issue without knowing the number:
import github3
r = github3.repository('repo_owner', 'repo_name')
for i in r.iter_issues():
if 'text to search for' in i.body_text:

Accessing 't' (from r18n) in a rack-unit test of a Sinatra app

When using sinatra-r18n to handle internationalisation, the r18n lib exposes a variable t for use within your helpers, routes and templates, as per these instructions.
I have written a simple unit test using rack-unit to confirm that some of my pluralisations work but the test throws an error claiming t is nil.
I've tried referencing it via app.t, MySillyApp.t (where MySillyApp is the name of my Sinatra app), MySillyApp.settings.t etc and none of them give me access to the t I need.
What I am trying to achieve is a confirmation that my translation files include all the keys I need corresponding to plurals of various metric units my app needs to understand. Perhaps there is a more direct way of testing this without going via the Sinatra app itself. I'd welcome any insight here.
I had similar task to check localized strings in my Cucumber scenarios.
I've made working example.
Here you can find how strings got translated.
This file halps to understand how to add R18n support to your testing framework:
require 'r18n-core'
class SinCucR18nWorld
include R18n::Helpers
As you can see instead of rack/unit I'm using RSpec/Cucumber, sorry.