XSLT select unknown nodes - xslt

I have some trouble with a special XML-document.
The XML has only 3 nodes like the below the example:
I need to select the unknownNodeName and the unknownChildNodeName to use the function
<xsl:value-of select="everytimeTheSame"/> and so on. I tried to use a for-each select function, but I found no way to get the unknow Name of the node.
Are there any possibilities for my problem? Is it possible to say <xsl:for-each select ="NodeNumberX"> or things like that <xsl:for-each select ="/*/*">

to use the function and so on
is not a good description of what you want to do.
Selecting "unknown nodes" (i.e. nodes whose name you do not know, but you do know their position in the document's tree) is trivial by using the * symbol in an XPath expression, possibly combined with a positional predicate.
For example:
will select the <everytimeTheSame2> element in your example.


XSLT 2.0 using key with except returns unexpected result

NB: title changed to reflect the problem better.
My xml documents contain an element <tei:seg #type #xml:id #corresp> which wrap little 'stories'. The attribute #corresp allows me to connect these stories to a master story. For example, these seg are all connected by their #corresp:
doc1.xml//seg[#type='dep_event' #corresp='#JKL' #xml:id='doc1-05']
doc2.xml//seg[#type='dep_event' #corresp='#JKL' #xml:id='doc2-06']
doc6.xml//seg[#type='dep_event' #corresp='#JKL' #xml:id='doc6-03']
My objective is: when the XSLT template finds a #corresp, find other seg in other documents with the same #corresp and output their respective `#xml:id``
So, in the above example, if the current seg was #xml:id='doc1-05', the template outputs a list: Corresponds to doc2-06, doc6-03
Until I can solve the current problems with XSLT collection() in eXist-DB, I'm falling back on my previous solution: a 'TEI corpus' xml document which maintains a master list of all related tei-xml documents via xi:include. This way I provide a single document node whereby the processor can access and search all the xml documents.
So, I declare the corpus document:
<xsl:variable name="corpus" select="doc('ms609_corpus.xml')"/>
Then create a key for the #corresp:
<xsl:key name="correspkey" match="//tei:seg[#type='dep_event' and #corresp]" use="#corresp"/>
Then I use the key with the doc() to search:
<xsl:when test="tei:seg[#type='dep_event' and #corresp]">
<xsl:variable name="correspvar"
select="data(self::seg[#type='dep_event' and #corresp]/#corresp)"/>
<xsl:text>Corresponds to </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="data($corpus/(key('correspkey',$correspvar) except $correspvar)/#xml:id)" separator=", "/>
It returns the results, but the except should exclude the current #corresp. Yet it is included in the results.
The except operator works on sequences of nodes based on node identity, see https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/#combining_seq defining
The except operator takes two node sequences as operands and returns a
sequence containing all the nodes that occur in the first operand but
not in the second operand ... All these operators eliminate duplicate
nodes from their result sequences based on node identity
Based on that I think you simply want
<xsl:value-of select="$corpus/(key('correspkey', current()/#corresp) except current())/#xml:id)" separator=", "/>
Using data on nodes which atomizes nodes to values and then trying to use except which works on nodes doesn't seem to make sense to me.

XSLT counting child nodes with a set of filter

I want to remove all spaces with normalize space() while counting all nodes and use a Filter on those.
What I want is something like this:
<{namespace}:Info>This is text from Info Node</{namespace}:Info>
Here is text which i want to find
I want to count all children from {namespace}:Text , but i want to ignore {namespace}:Info and [namespace}:otherelement and the content of those should be ignored too.
I want as a result from count a 1 so that I know there are nodes which I have to process, so I can call templates workwithcontent or workwithempty.
But of course I do want to find other nodes too which don't fit the filter.
It sounds like you want something like
<xsl:template match="{namespace}:Text">
<xsl:variable name="count"
select="count(child::node()[not(self::{namespace}:Info)])" />
This will count all child nodes of <{namespace}:Text>, including both text and element nodes, except for <{namespace}:Info> elements.
If that's not what you need, please clarify.
The child:: axis is optional, but makes it more obvious what the XPath expression will select.

XSLT - Key() function

I'm a bit confused about this key function:
<xsl:for-each select="article[count(. | key('idkey', #id)[1]) = 1]>
Is there anyone that can briefly explain whats happening in this for-each loop?
The key is: <xsl:key name="idkey" match="/newspapers/newspaper" use="#id"/>
#id is an attribute in newspaper.
The expression key('idkey', #id)[1] selects the first element whose idkey is equal to #id.
The expression count(A|B) = 1 is an insane XSLT 1.0 workaround for testing whether A and B are the same node. (You will also see people using generate-id(A)=generate-id(B) for this.)
Put these together and you are asking whether the current element is the first one in the document that has a particular id value.
This is the basis of the technique called Muenchian Grouping (which becomes redundant in XSLT 2.0).
There is something fishy about the code because the key seems to be matching newspaper id's, not article id's. But perhaps they are related in some way.
In this for-each element
<xsl:for-each select="article[count(. | key('idkey', #id)[1]) = 1]">
The for-each is being applied to the first article element for each #id attribute.
The call key('idkey', #id) is selecting all article elements with the same #id attribute as the current one.
key('idkey', #id)[1] selects the first of all article elements with the same #id.
Because a node cannot appear in a node set more than once, the union . | key('idkey', #id)[1] will contain one node if the current article is the same node as the first article with the same #id. Otherwise it will contain two.
Checking that the value of count() is one selects only the elements that are the first with any #id.
An alternative way of doing this, and the one I prefer, is to use generate-id like this
select="article[generate-id() = generate-id(key('idkey', #id)[1])]"
which checks directly whether the current element is the same one as the first element in the set by comparing their generated IDs.

how to use two conditions in select conditions in xslt when using Apply template

<xsl:apply-templates mode="block2sequence" select="NewDataSet/Table[CTD_CTD_PKG_ID =$PackageId][position()=1] and NewDataSet/Table[CTD_SEQ_NUM =$strXSLMsgType][position()=1]"/>
why cant i use two conditions in above select condition, can any one suggest me
<xsl:apply-templates mode="block2"
select="NewDataSet/Table[CTD_CTD_PKG_ID =$PackageId][position()=1] "/>
why cant i use two conditions in above select condition
I guess this is to mean, "why can't the two conditions be specified in the same predicate?"
The answer is that the expression:
NewDataSet/Table[CTD_CTD_PKG_ID =$PackageId and position() = 1]
isn't equivalent at all to the 1st expression above.
The first expression selects the first Table child of NewDataSet such that the string value of its CTD_CTD_PKG_ID child is equal to the string value of $PackageId. In this case we don't know which child (at which position) of NewDataSet will be selected -- any child that happens to be the first with the specified properties, will be selected.
On the other side, the latter expression selects the first Table child of NewDataSet only if the string value of its CTD_CTD_PKG_ID child is equal to the string value of $PackageId. In this case, if anything is selected, it would be the first Table child.
If you want an equivalent expression to the first one, that has only one predicate, one such expression is:
[CTD_CTD_PKG_ID =$PackageId
not(preceding-sibling::Table[CTD_CTD_PKG_ID =$PackageId ])
Update: The OP has published a code snippet:
<xsl:apply-templates mode="block2sequence" select=
"NewDataSet/Table[CTD_CTD_PKG_ID =$PackageId][position()=1]
NewDataSet/Table[CTD_SEQ_NUM =$strXSLMsgType][position()=1]"/>
This code will cause an error thrown at compile time by the XSLT processor.
The value of the select attribute is a boolean (expr1 and expr2), however templates in XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 can only be applied on nodes. A boolean isn't a node -- hence the error.
My first guess is that you want templates to be applied on both nodes. If this is so, then use:
<xsl:apply-templates mode="block2sequence" select=
"NewDataSet/Table[CTD_CTD_PKG_ID =$PackageId][1]
NewDataSet/Table[CTD_SEQ_NUM =$strXSLMsgType][1]"/>
My second guess is that you want templates applied only on the first of the two nodes. If this is so, then use:
<xsl:apply-templates mode="block2sequence" select=
"(NewDataSet/Table[CTD_CTD_PKG_ID =$PackageId]
NewDataSet/Table[CTD_SEQ_NUM =$strXSLMsgType]
Please, learn how to ask a question -- provide all relevant data and explain -- in the question, not in subsequent comments.
Did you know that [1] is equivalent to [position()=1] and is shorter?
You can use two conditions and your expression looks perfectly correct. If it is failing with an error, please tell us the error. If it is not selecting what you want, then (a) show us your source document, and (b) tell us what you want to be selected.
(You know, your question gives so little information, you don't give the impression that you really want an answer.)

xsl return the dynamic node value

do you guys know how to display the nodes' value which the nodes name are dynamic, for example, the nodes name is like x1, x2, x3... the number 1, 2 ,3 depends on the returns of the table.
i can get the node name using the loop, but only can get the name, even xsl:value-of select="$nodename", returns the nodename, not the value
As #Dimitre said, you haven't given us much specific information to work with, but in general you can use this to select elements whose names are determined at run time:
<xsl:value-of select="*[local-name() = $someDynamicValue]" />
You can also use name(), but local-name() ignores the namespace prefix, which usually makes things easier.
If you'd like more detailed help, please provide your sample input XML (especially the "returns of the table"), and the XSLT you've tried so far; and preferably, a sample of desired output XML.