Run Matlab Coder Output Project on Visual Studio or g++ - c++

I wanted to convert my simulation code in Matlab to C++ and run it with a C++ compiler such as Visual Studio or g++. I modified my code to successfully build a C++ project using Matlab Coder.
The coder returns a .prj file in the top project directory, and tens or hundreds of c++ source/header/object files in the dll directory. I tried to open the .prj files with Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 (I tried with both versions) that was unsuccessful and they cannot even open a .prj file.
I have made sure to configure the Visual Studio as the C++ language compiler in Matlab using mex -setup.
Does anyone have any idea how to handle the .prj and the subsequent files with Visual Studio or g++? I don't want to make it executable at the moment; I just want to run it with either compilers and make sure it's working.

The prj file that is generated is used for the MATLAB Coder GUI, rather than Visual Studio. If you double-click that file in MATLAB, the Coder GUI will open and you can generate code using it.
For a simple example of using the generated code in Visual Studio you can refer to the documentation.
If you are going to use the generated code on the same platform on which you are running MATLAB, I would recommend changing the output type to a static library (LIB) or a shared library (DLL). Doing so will cause the C or C++ code to be generated and then compiled into a library using the compiler that you specified. Then you can write code that calls the functions declared in the generated header file(s) and link in the generated library when compiling your hand-written code.
For Visual Studio, you'll need to add the codegen directory, codegen/lib/<proj_name> to the include path and add the generated LIB/DLL file as a dependency. With GCC, you'll need to add the same directory to the include path when compiling your code and link in the library.
The second half of my other answer has more information in it.
Alternatively, if you have a C main function written, you can set the output type to EXE and specify the main function to have MATLAB Coder generate code, compile it with your provided main and compile a standalone executable.

Does anyone have any idea how to handle the .prj
you supposed to run "mcc" on .prj file, I believe
"Specify that mcc use settings contained in the specified project file. Use
-F project_name.prj
to specify project_name as the project file name when calling mcc. This option enables the .prj file, along with all of its associated settings, to be fed back to mcc. Project files created using either mcc or deploytool are eligible to use this option. When using -F, no other arguments may be invoked against mcc."


Building C++ API of Third Party Library in Visual Studio C++ Project

I have been successfully testing an image processing library ( in a C++ project in VS2017. I am new to C/C++ and I have been following the documentation here which describes the C way of using the library. There are features I would like to try in the C++ API, but the C++ API needs to be built with the same compiler as my project. According to the author:
It's slightly awkward to set up under Windows. The problem is that C++
does not have a ABI, so you must use exactly the same C++ compiler for
your whole project. This means the libvips C++ win binary (built with
g++) won't work with MSVC C++.
You need to copy the libvips C++ API source code into your own project
and build it with your own code. It's just a few files and pretty
simple to incorporate:
I have made several attempts to build the minimal set of files but I have not had any success.
My steps so far:
Create a C++ console app in VS2017, set to Debug and x64
Extract the 'vips-dev-8.10' folder from to where the project file is (this contains all the built .dll files, .lib files, .h files etc.)
Extract 'cplusplus' folder from '' to where the project file is (this has all the project source files including the cplusplus folder which is the part I have to build per the above explanation)
Add the following folders to Project > Properties > C/C++->General > Additional Include Directories
Add the 5 .cpp files from the cplusplus folder into the project Source Files folder and Add them in the project tree.
Build the project.
As a result I get the following errors:
I haven't written any code yet. I thought I should just be able to point to the .h include files and compile the required C++ files. It's not clear to me what else I might need to add, but it definitely seems like I don't understand the correct procedure to build the project. I watched some videos on C++ compilation like this one but I cant see where I went wrong.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
EDITS 3-Jun-21
I have made some changes. I have instead extracted the exact version of the library according to the suggestion by #Frank, and I also discovered the usefulness of the compiler output window, thanks #Alan Birtles.
I am still getting errors, but I am not clear why. The first error is:
E0020 identifier "VImage" is undefined
Which is odd because I have added the folders to Project > Properties > C/C++->General > Additional Include Directories, and one of them is ..\cplusplus\include\vips which contains VImage8.h
And the Output window shows
Any further advice would be appreciated!

How do I debug existing C++ source code in Visual Studio 2015?

This may have a very simple solution, but being new to Visual Studio and C++ programming, I'm having a hard time with this.
I downloaded an SDK written in C++ which contains an executable file and also the source and header files. The executable file accepts some command line arguments. So far I've been running the executable file from the windows command prompt (like C:\path\filename.exe -argument), but now I want to be able to enter these command line arguments and then place breakpoints in the source code for debugging the source code.
I don't know how I can open the source files in Visual Studio and debug it. If I just open the source file with the main function, the debug button says 'Attach' on it instead of debug.
I see another similar question here, but that question is for a project developed using Visual Studio whereas the source code I have does not have any Visual Studio project/solution files. The only files I have are the executable, the source and header files (.cpp, .h, .hpp), and CMakeLists.txt files.
You can "open" the exe as a project (you can achieve the same if you drag and drop the exe into VS icon). Then you can add command line parameters at Project Properties. You will need to have debug symbol information (usually a .pdb file), if you want source code level debugging (values of variables, etc.). If you don't have that, you can only debug at the disassembly level.
You may want to create a proper project for the source files - it is an easy task, if the project is simple - so you can rebuild the exe.

Can I compile a Visual C++ project on Linux using xbuild?

I have an existing project that I compile on both Windows using Visual C++ 2008, and Debian Linux. This project uses a standard Visual C++ .vcproj file, and some .cpp and .h files. It does not rely on any Windows specific stuff. Just plain C++.
It compiles and run well on Linux, using a home made tool that reads the .vcproj file to generate a Makefile which is used with make to compile and link all files using g++.
The trouble is that with Visual C++ 2010 (and 2012), the format of the project files have changed. Even the name has been changed from .vcproj to .vcxproj. My home made tool cannot read this new project file to generate the Makefile.
Instead of upgrading the home made tool to support new project files, I was wondering if xbuild would be able to compile my Linux executable?
I tried first to compile my own (VC++2008) project, but xbuild complains that my project is a VS2003 project, which is not supported by xbuild. However when googling on this matter, I find that xbuild is supposed to support VS2005 project files. There are also some references to mdtool to support these old project files, but I seems to be integrated into xbuild now.
Furthermore, I tried to compile a Visual C++ 2010 example (HuoChess) got from the MSDN site. The result is
/Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props: Project file could not be imported, it was being
imported by [...] /HuoChessConsole/HuoChessConsole.vcxproj: Imported project:
"//Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" does not exist.`
Now, this looks like the project file wants some Microsoft definitions of rules for the Cpp compiler. Should I fake these definitions to use gcc instead? How can I do this?
Is what I want to do ever possible with xbuild?
There is a project GCCBuild which you can use to build vcxproj projects in Linux. It simply uses same vcxproj but uses GCC to compile and build. There are multiple examples there too.
PS. I am the author of that project.

what is the relation between stlport.5.2.dll and Visual C++?? Do I need stlport for my program to run?

I'm trying to write a simple hello world program in visual c++ using visual studio 2010 prof.
Im getting the following error after successful build.
System Error:
Application couldn't start because stlport.5.2.dll is missing
When I searched about it it is an open source project. So what is the link between these two? The only thing I changed from default VS installation is importing settings from other machine which is main build machine for our company.
Here is what I did:
1. Create an empty project.
2. Added a source file Main.cpp with hello world line.
3. F7
4. Ctrl+F5
Now I'm getting above error
try to run devend.exe /ResetAddin
there shouldn't be any problem.
make sure you create a simple empty project and not some kind of pre-defind project that loads other components by default.
(win32 console application)
Also - search you project's external dependencies.. remove any h file that is there...
Our Organization uses STLPort as the standard C++ library. STLPort is an open source implementation of standard library for C++. So my Visual studio settings are modified such that any project uses stlport as the standard library and it is dynamically linked.
So we can either:
Put StlPort.X.X.dll in the directory where the executable is residing.
Remove the settings carefully to make your project to use default standard library provided by Microssoft SDK.

Using a DLL with unmanaged code in Visual Studio 2010?

I'm fairly new to C++ and an trying to figure out to use the TagLib library for a project I am working on. I'm working with unmanaged C++ in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64bit. I've never used an external library before so I'm very confused on how to go about this.
From this blog entry I got the libtaglib.a and taglib.dll files. I ran across this SO question on how to use TagLib, but it deals with QT Creator, not Visual Studio and I'm not knowledgeable enough about the subject to understand what is being said to translate it into what needs done for Visual Studio.
So, some questions:
Is it even possible to do this with unmanaged code?
What exactly is the function of a .a file?
Most importantly, how do I go about using the taglib.dll in my program??
I've been all over Google looking for a way to do this, but my major problem is that everything I run across is over my head. Please let me know if more info is required. Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks!
I seem to have gotten it working successfully. Here's a rough outline of what I did:
1.) I used CMake to generate the Visual Studio solution.
2.) I attempted to build the tag project in the VS solution, but it failed.
3.) I made the corrections to a few source files as outlined here:
4.) I built the tag project again in release mode. This time it was successful.
5.) I copied the resulting dll, def, and lib files to the same directory as the source files for my project.
6.) I copied the header files from the taglib source to a subdirectory in my project (not sure if this entirely good practice)
7.) In my project settings, I set the subdirectory with the header files as an additional include directory.
8.) I added the dll, exp, and lib files to my project by just going to Add>Existing Item.
9.) I added some code from the taglib examples and built it. Everything worked so I think I got it.
One caveat I ran into, since the DLL was built in release mode, my project had to be run in release mode or it would crash. I'm guessing that if I replaced the DLL with one built in debug mode I could run my program in debug mode, but I have not tried this.
You cannot use libraries specific to GCC (you can tell because they have .a extensions) with Visual Studio. You will have to build the library from source in order to use it with MSVC. Once you have done that it's a simple matter of adding the .lib generated from the build process to your project and things should work out of the box. (Note that it's a .lib you need whether you're compiling for dynamic linking or not -- doesn't matter in msvc land)
EDIT -- after looking at TagLib itself --
In order to compile TagLib you'll need to get the CMake build system, and TagLib itself, and have CMake build you a visual studio solution. Using that solution you'll be able to build the .libs and .dlls you need. Note that because TagLib is a KDE library, you'll probably need to also build some QT bits in order for everything work work successfully. However, I don't have specific experience with the library so I'm not going to be all that helpful here.
Yo do not have to recompile the source (to create the .lib file) if you have the .dll file. With dumpbin /exports and lib (both came with Visual Studio) yo can create a lib that you can link with your application. In this link you can see a nice explanation:
But as Billy Said, probably you would need other parts of QT to use this library.