I've been searching through the many existing Prolog questions on SO relevant to splitting but couldn't find one as generic as the one that I want. I'd like to point out that I've been able to split lists into lists of 2/3/4 elements by using 2/3/4 variables piped before a list variable. This question is different from that only because of its genericness.
So, my list will always contain N*N items, N being unknown beforehand(usually will vary from 4 to 36, yes N is also a perfect square). I want to split it into a list of N lists containing N items each because that'll allow me to treat it as a matrix, hence allowing to transpose and certain operations of that sort. I haven't really been able to get too far with the logic because I'm relatively new to declarative programming; please see below my incomplete(faulty) attempt:
listmodel(1,L):- L = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16].
size(L,N) :- length(L,N1), N is round(sqrt(N1)).
% add_tail(+Liste, +Element, -ResultantList)
% partition the list containing N*N items into a list of N lists containing N elements each.
% part(+Liste, +Size, -ResultantList)
part(L,N,DL) :-
length(P,N), % P(refix) initialized
append(P,S,L), % S(uffix) contains rest of L, using append in (-,-,+) mode
add_tail(DL,P,DL1), %add P(first N elements) as first element of DL.
Now running ?- listmodel(1,L),size(L,N),part(L,N,DL). will produce DL=[] because that is what it gets initialized to in the first add_tail call in the part predicate. I can't seem to figure out how to store all elements in a list that's preserved through the recursion.
Any help/direction of any kind will be appreciated. I'm stuck here since over 23 hours 10 minutes now.
This should do it:
part([], _, []).
part(L, N, [DL|DLTail]) :-
length(DL, N),
append(DL, LTail, L),
part(LTail, N, DLTail).
Base case is first/last arguments are empty lists.
Recursive step takes a fresh list of N elements, takes the first N elements from L (which will be one of the items of the third argument) and calls recursively.
Want to combine versatility and favorable termination properties?
Use clpfd!
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
First, we define
list_prefix_n_suffix(Zs,Xs,N,Ys) is logically equivalent to both append(Xs,Ys,Zs), length(Xs,N) and length(Xs,N), append(Xs,Ys,Zs), but has better universal termination behavior than either1 one!
list_prefix_n_suffix(Zs, Xs, N, Ys) :-
list_prefix_n0_n_suffix(Zs, Xs, 0,N, Ys).
list_prefix_n0_n_suffix(Zs, Xs, N0,N, Ys) :-
zcompare(Order, N0, N),
rel_list_prefix_n0_n_suffix(Order, Zs, Xs, N0,N, Ys).
rel_list_prefix_n0_n_suffix(=, Ys, [], _,_, Ys).
rel_list_prefix_n0_n_suffix(<, [Z|Zs], [Z|Xs], N0,N, Ys) :-
N1 #= N0 + 1,
list_prefix_n0_n_suffix(Zs, Xs, N1,N, Ys).
Some sample queries for list_prefix_n_suffix/4:
?- list_prefix_n_suffix([a,b,c], Xs,-1, Ys).
false. % OK: too small
?- list_prefix_n_suffix([a,b,c], Xs, 0, Ys).
Xs = [], Ys = [a,b,c]. % succeeds deterministically
?- list_prefix_n_suffix([a,b,c], Xs, 4, Ys).
false. % OK: too big
?- list_prefix_n_suffix([a,b,c], Xs, N, Ys).
Xs = [] , N = 0, Ys = [a,b,c]
; Xs = [a] , N = 1, Ys = [b,c]
; Xs = [a,b] , N = 2, Ys = [c]
; Xs = [a,b,c], N = 3, Ys = []
; false. % terminates universally
Based upon above list_prefix_n_suffix/4 we define list_rows_width/3:
list_rows_width([], [], _N).
list_rows_width([E|Es0], [[R|Rs]|Rss], N) :-
list_prefix_n_suffix([E|Es0], [R|Rs], N, Es),
list_rows_width(Es, Rss, N).
Sample queries using list_rows_width/3:
?- list_rows_width([a,b,c,d,e,f], Rows, 4).
false. % OK: 6 is not divisible by 4
?- list_rows_width([a,b,c,d,e,f], Rows, 3).
Rows = [[a,b,c],[d,e,f]]. % succeeds deterministically
?- list_rows_width([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l], Rows, N).
N = 1, Rows = [[a],[b],[c],[d],[e],[f],[g],[h],[i],[j],[k],[l]]
; N = 2, Rows = [[a, b],[c, d],[e, f],[g, h],[i, j],[k, l]]
; N = 3, Rows = [[a, b, c],[d, e, f],[g, h, i],[j, k, l]]
; N = 4, Rows = [[a, b, c, d],[e, f, g, h],[i, j, k, l]]
; N = 6, Rows = [[a, b, c, d, e, f],[g, h, i, j, k, l]]
; N = 12, Rows = [[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l]]
; false. % terminates universally
Works just like it should!
Footnote 1: Without resorting to using alternative control-flow mechanisms like prolog-coroutining.
I'm trying to make a code that generates all subsets of a set in order.
That is, calling subset([1,2,3], X) should generate
X = [];
X = [1];
X = [2];
X = [3];
X = [1,2];
X = [1,3];
X = [2,3];
X = [1,2,3].
The internal order isn't all that important, only that the smallest subsets are listed first (i.e I don't care if [2,3] comes before [1,2], only that 1, [2] and [3] are before [2,3]).
I've tried two approaches thus far. First I tried making the predicate myself...
subset([], []).
subset(List, []).
subset(List, [N]) :-
member(N, List).
subset(List, [N|Rest]) :-
nth0(I, List, N),
findall(E, (nth0(J, List, E), J > I), NewList),
subset2(NewList, Rest).
...but it doesn't even come close to working as intended. Secondly I tried making the powerset (using this subset predicate) and ordering with list_to_ord_set/2, but I couldn't get it to work either.
Always also consider using DCG notation when describing lists.
For example:
list_sublist(Ls0, Ls) :-
same_length(Ls0, Ls1),
append(Ls, _, Ls1),
phrase(sublist(Ls0), Ls).
sublist([]) --> [].
sublist([L|Ls]) --> ( [] ; [L] ), sublist(Ls).
Sample query:
?- list_sublist([a,b,c], Ls).
Ls = [] ;
Ls = [c] ;
Ls = [b] ;
Ls = [a] ;
Ls = [b, c] ;
Ls = [a, c] ;
Ls = [a, b] ;
Ls = [a, b, c] ;
Another example:
?- list_sublist(Ls, [b,c]).
Ls = [b, c] ;
Ls = [_G511, b, c] ;
Ls = [b, _G514, c] ;
Ls = [b, c, _G517] ;
Most general case:
?- list_sublist(Xs, Ys).
Xs = Ys, Ys = [] ;
Xs = [_G513],
Ys = [] ;
Xs = Ys, Ys = [_G513]
Xs = [_G513, _G516],
Ys = [] ;
I've found a not so elegant solution... it requires a cut and some builtins
subset(Xs, Ys) :-
length(Xs, L),
between(0, L, N),
length(Ys, N),
assign(Xs, Ys).
assign(_, []) :- !.
assign([X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :-
assign(Xs, Ys).
assign([_|Xs], Ys) :-
assign(Xs, Ys).
as noted by #Fatalize, we can avoid the cut, just forcing the empty list on first argument of 1^ clause:
assign([], []).
assign([X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :-
assign(Xs, Ys).
assign([_|Xs], Ys) :-
assign(Xs, Ys).
I avoided to swap 2^ and 3^ clauses, so the 'natural' order is still nicely preserved
I want to count one element in the list and stop counting where different element appear, and jump to the next same element.
The answers should be like this:
?- count(a,[a,a,a,a,b,a,a,a],X).
X = [4,3]
?- count(a,[a,a,a,b,a,b,a,a,b,a,a,a,a],X).
X = [3,1,2,4]
The code I wrote for count/3 is:
count(_, [], []).
count(X, [X | T], N) :-
count(X, T, N1),
N is N1 + 1.
count(X, [_ | T], N) :-
count(X, T, N).
I don't know how to make it return a list of number.
Can anyone help me?
Here's how you can do it and preserve logical-purity!
In the following, we use the meta-predicates (splitlistIfAdj/3,
tfilter/3, and
maplist/3) and reified term equality/inequality predicates ((=)/3 and dif/3).
Let's take E = a and Xs0 = [a,a,a,b,a,b,a,a,b,a,a,a,a] and build up count/3 step by step:
First, let Xs1 contain the runs of items in Xs0:
?- Xs0 = [a,a,a,b,a,b,a,a,b,a,a,a,a], splitlistIfAdj(dif,Xs0,Xs1).
Xs0 = [ a,a,a, b, a, b, a,a, b, a,a,a,a ],
Xs1 = [[a,a,a],[b],[a],[b],[a,a],[b],[a,a,a,a]].
The list of runs Xs1 contains all runs. Let Xs2 contain only the ones we are interested in:
?- Xs1 = [[a,a,a],[b],[a],[b],[a,a],[b],[a,a,a,a]], tfilter(\[X|_]^(X=a),Xs1,Xs2).
Xs1 = [[a,a,a],[b],[a],[b],[a,a],[b],[a,a,a,a]],
Xs2 = [[a,a,a], [a], [a,a], [a,a,a,a]].
Almost done! At last, we map Xs2 (a list of E-runs) to the respective run lengths Xs:
?- Xs2 = [[a,a,a],[a],[a,a],[a,a,a,a]], maplist(length,Xs2,Xs).
Xs2 = [[a,a,a],[a],[a,a],[a,a,a,a]],
Xs = [ 3, 1, 2, 4].
Now, let's put it all together!
count(E,Xs0,Xs) :-
tfilter(E+\[X|_]^(X=E),Xs1,Xs2), % works for _any_ item E
Let's run some queries:
?- count(a,[a,a,a,a,b,a,a,a],Xs).
Xs = [4,3]. % succeeds deterministically
?- count(a,[a,a,a,b,a,b,a,a,b,a,a,a,a],Xs).
Xs = [3,1,2,4]. % succeeds deterministically
As the code is monotone, we get logically sound answers for more general queries, too:
?- count(E,[a,a,a,b,a,b,a,a,b,a,a,a,a],Xs).
Xs = [3,1,2,4], E = a ;
Xs = [1,1,1], E = b ;
Xs = [], dif(E,a), dif(E,b) .
The idea in my answer is to keep the list of run lengths open, and add a new element to it when a run is over:
count(_, [], []).
count(Item, [Head|Tail], Counts) :-
count(Item, [Head|Tail], 0, Counts).
count(_, [], CurrentCount, [CurrentCount]).
count(Item, [Item|Tail], CurrentCount, Counts) :-
CurrentCountP1 is CurrentCount + 1,
count(Item, Tail, CurrentCountP1, Counts).
count(Item, [Head|Tail], CurrentCount, [CurrentCount|Counts]) :-
dif(Head, Item),
count(Item, Tail, 0, Counts).
?- count(a,[a,a,a,b,a,b,a,a,b,a,a,a,a], X).
X = [3, 1, 2, 4] ;
i'm starting up learning prolog (i use SWI-prolog) and i did a simple exercise in which i have 2 lists and i want to calculate their intersection and union.
Here is my code that works pretty well but i was asking myself if there is a better way to do it as i don't like to use the CUT operator.
intersectionTR(_, [], []).
intersectionTR([], _, []).
intersectionTR([H1|T1], L2, [H1|L]):-
member(H1, L2),
intersectionTR(T1, L2, L), !.
intersectionTR([_|T1], L2, L):-
intersectionTR(T1, L2, L).
intersection(L1, L2):-
intersectionTR(L1, L2, L),
unionTR([], [], []).
unionTR([], [H2|T2], [H2|L]):-
intersectionTR(T2, L, Res),
Res = [],
unionTR([], T2, L),
unionTR([], [_|T2], L):-
unionTR([], T2, L),
unionTR([H1|T1], L2, L):-
intersectionTR([H1], L, Res),
Res \= [],
unionTR(T1, L2, L).
unionTR([H1|T1], L2, [H1|L]):-
unionTR(T1, L2, L).
union(L1, L2):-
unionTR(L1, L2, L),
Keep in mind that i want to have just 1 result, not multiple results (even if correct) so running the code with this:
?- intersect([1,3,5,2,4] ,[6,1,2]).
should exit with:
and not with
true ;
true ;
The same must be valid for union predicate.
As i said my code works pretty well but please suggest better ways to do it.
Also, not sure why you're dead against cuts, so long as their removal would not change the declaritive meaning of the code, as per your link. For example:
inter([], _, []).
inter([H1|T1], L2, [H1|Res]) :-
member(H1, L2),
inter(T1, L2, Res).
inter([_|T1], L2, Res) :-
inter(T1, L2, Res).
inter([1,3,5,2,4], [6,1,2], X), !.
X = [1, 2].
In the test bit where I call the code, I'm just saying do the intersection but I'm only interested in the first answer. There are no cuts in the predicate definitions themselves.
The following is based on my previous answer to Remove duplicates in list (Prolog);
the basic idea is, in turn, based on #false's answer to Prolog union for A U B U C.
What message do I want to convey to you?
You can describe what you want in Prolog with logical purity.
Using if_/3 and (=)/3 a logically pure implementation can be
both efficient (leaving behind choice points only when needed)
and monotone (logically sound with regard to generalization / specialization).
The implementation of #false's predicates if_/3 and (=)/3 does use meta-logical Prolog features internally, but (from the outside) behaves logically pure.
The following implementation of list_list_intersection/3 and list_list_union/3 uses list_item_isMember/3 and list_item_subtracted/3, defined in a previous answer:
list_list_union([A|As],Bs1,[A|Cs]) :-
list_list_intersection([A|As],Bs,Cs1) :-
if_(list_item_isMember(Bs,A), Cs1 = [A|Cs], Cs1 = Cs),
Here's the query you posted as part of your question:
?- list_list_intersection([1,3,5,2,4],[6,1,2],Intersection).
Intersection = [1, 2]. % succeeds deterministically
Let's try something else... The following two queries should be logically equivalent:
?- A=1,B=3, list_list_intersection([1,3,5,2,4],[A,B],Intersection).
A = 1,
B = 3,
Intersection = [1, 3].
?- list_list_intersection([1,3,5,2,4],[A,B],Intersection),A=1,B=3.
A = 1,
B = 3,
Intersection = [1, 3] ;
And... the bottom line is?
With pure code it's easy to stay on the side of logical soundness.
Impure code, on the other hand, more often than not acts like "it does what it should" at first sight, but shows all kinds of illogical behaviour with queries like the ones shown above.
Edit 2015-04-23
Neither list_list_union(As,Bs,Cs) nor list_list_intersection(As,Bs,Cs) guarantee that Cs doesn't contain duplicates. If that bothers you, the code needs to be adapted.
Here are some more queries (and answers) with As and/or Bs containing duplicates:
?- list_list_intersection([1,3,5,7,1,3,5,7],[1,2,3,1,2,3],Cs).
Cs = [1, 3, 1, 3].
?- list_list_intersection([1,2,3],[1,1,1,1],Cs).
Cs = [1].
?- list_list_union([1,3,5,1,3,5],[1,2,3,1,2,3],Cs).
Cs = [1, 3, 5, 1, 3, 5, 2, 2].
?- list_list_union([1,2,3],[1,1,1,1],Cs).
Cs = [1, 2, 3].
?- list_list_union([1,1,1,1],[1,2,3],Cs).
Cs = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3].
Edit 2015-04-24
For the sake of completeness, here's how we could enforce that the intersection and the union are sets---that is lists that do not contain any duplicate elements.
The following code is pretty straight-forward:
list_list_intersectionSet([A|As1],Bs,Cs1) :-
if_(list_item_isMember(Bs,A), Cs1 = [A|Cs], Cs1 = Cs),
list_list_unionSet([],Bs1,Bs) :-
list_list_unionSet([A|As1],Bs1,[A|Cs]) :-
Note that list_list_unionSet/3 is based on list_setB/2, defined here.
Now let's see both list_list_intersectionSet/3 and list_list_unionSet/3 in action:
?- list_list_unionSet([1,2,3,1,2,3,3,2,1],[4,5,6,2,7,7,7],Xs).
Xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
?- list_list_intersectionSet([1,2,3,1,2,3,3,2,1],[4,5,6,2,7,7,7],Xs).
Xs = [2].
Edit 2019-01-30
Here is an additional query taken from #GuyCoder's comment (plus two variants of it):
?- list_list_unionSet(Xs,[],[a,b]).
Xs = [a,b]
; Xs = [a,b,b]
; Xs = [a,b,b,b]
?- list_list_unionSet([],Xs,[a,b]).
Xs = [a,b]
; Xs = [a,b,b]
; Xs = [a,b,b,b]
?- list_list_unionSet(Xs,Ys,[a,b]).
Xs = [], Ys = [a,b]
; Xs = [], Ys = [a,b,b]
; Xs = [], Ys = [a,b,b,b]
With the old version of list_item_subtracted/3, above queries didn't terminate existentially.
With the new one they do.
As the solution set size is infinite, none of these queries terminate universally.
To cheat slightly less than my first answer, you could use the findall higher order predicate which gets Prolog to do the recursion for you :
4 ?- L1=[1,3,5,2,4], L2=[6,1,2], findall(X, (nth0(N, L1, X), member(X, L2)), Res).
L1 = [1, 3, 5, 2, 4],
L2 = [6, 1, 2],
Res = [1, 2].
If the aim is to just 'get the job done', then swi prolog has built in primitives for exactly this purpose:
[trace] 3 ?- intersection([1,3,5,2,4] ,[6,1,2], X).
intersection([1,3,5,2,4] ,[6,1,2], X).
X = [1, 2].
[trace] 4 ?- union([1,3,5,2,4] ,[6,1,2], X).
X = [3, 5, 4, 6, 1, 2].
Try this, analogue to union/3 here:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
member(_, [], 0).
member(X, [Y|Z], B) :-
(X #= Y) #\/ C #<==> B,
member(X, Z, C).
intersect([], _, []).
intersect([X|Y], Z, T) :-
freeze(B, (B==1 -> T=[X|R]; T=R)),
member(X, Z, B),
intersect(Y, Z, R).
It works if the elements are integer, and doesn't leave any choise point:
?- intersect([X,Y],[Y,Z],L).
freeze(_15070, (_15070==1->L=[X, Y];L=[Y])),
_15070 in 0..1,
_15166 in 0..1,
_15168 in 0..1,
_15258 in 0..1.
?- intersect([X,Y],[Y,Z],L), X=1, Y=2, Z=3.
X = 1,
Y = 2,
Z = 3,
L = [2].
?- intersect([X,Y],[Y,Z],L), X=3, Y=2, Z=3.
X = Z, Z = 3,
Y = 2,
L = [3, 2].
And finally (really), you could use findall to find all the solutions, then use nth0 to extract the first one, which will give you the result you want without cuts, and keeps the predicates nice and clean, without have any additional predicates to trap/stop prolog doing what it does best - backtracking and finding multiple answers.
Edit: It's arguable that putting in extra predicates in the 'core logic' to prevent multiple results being generated, is as ugly/confusing as using the cuts that you are trying to avoid. But perhaps this is an academic exercise to prove that it can be done without using higher order predicates like findall, or the built-ins intersection/union.
inter([], _, []).
inter([H1|T1], L2, [H1|Res]) :-
member(H1, L2),
inter(T1, L2, Res).
inter([_|T1], L2, Res) :-
inter(T1, L2, Res).
findall(Ans, inter([1,3,5,2,4], [6,1,2], Ans), Ansl),
nth0(0, Ansl, First).
% Element X is in list?
pert(X, [ X | _ ]).
pert(X, [ _ | L ]):- pert(X, L).
% Union of two list
union([ ], L, L).
union([ X | L1 ], L2, [ X | L3 ]):- \+pert(X, L2), union(L1, L2, L3).
union([ _ | L1 ], L2, L3):- union(L1, L2, L3).
% Intersection of two list
inter([ ], _, [ ]).
inter([ X | L1 ], L2, [ X | L3 ]):- pert(X, L2), inter(L1, L2, L3).
inter([ _ | L1 ], L2, L3):- inter(L1, L2, L3).
I know this post is very old but I found a solution with minimum coding.
% intersection
% member
To test the above code you should not enter L3. Here is an examples.
?- intersection([w,4,g,0,v,45,6],[x,45,d,w,30,0],L).
L = [w, 0, 45].
I have a list of lists, and I need to find the longest one of them. If there are more than one with the same length it's the same which it returns. Thanks.
Here is a general predicate that scans a list to find a single member defined by a given goal.
select_element(Goal, [Head | Tail], Selected) :-
select_element(Goal, Tail, Head, Selected).
select_element(_Goal, [], Selected, Selected).
select_element(Goal, [Head | Tail], Current, FinalSelected) :-
call(Goal, Head, Current, Selected),
select_element(Goal, Tail, Selected, FinalSelected).
Lets say you define a predicate
get_bigger_number(N1, N2, N) :-
N is max(N1, N2).
Now you can execute:
?- select_element(get_bigger_number, [5, 1, -2, 10, 3.2, 0], Selected).
Selected = 10
So all you need to do now is define a predicate get_longer_list(L1, L2, L),
and use it instead of get_bigger_number/3.
Of course, using a general predicate like select_element/3 might not be very efficient. For example, you should try to avoid calculating the length of the same list several times, because this calculation is slow in Prolog (at least if implemented in Prolog in the standard way).
Please consider my aproach.
longest([L], L) :-
longest([H|T], H) :-
length(H, N),
longest(T, X),
length(X, M),
N > M,
longest([H|T], X) :-
longest(T, X),
Then you can consult it:
?- longest([[1]], N).
N = [1] ;
?- longest([[1],[2]], N).
N = [2] .
?- longest([[1],[2], [3,3,3], [2]], N).
N = [3, 3, 3] ;
?- longest([[1],[2], [3,3,3], [2]], N).
N = [3, 3, 3].
?- longest([[1],[2], [3,3,3], [2], [4,4,4,4]], N).
N = [4, 4, 4, 4] .
?- longest([[1],[2], [3,3,3], [2], [4,4,4,4]], N).
N = [4, 4, 4, 4] ;
We define longest/2 based on meta-predicate max_of_by/3 used in tandem with length/2:
longest(Xss,Ys) :-
Sample queries:
?- longest([[1],[2]],Xs). % we expect multiple solutions
Xs = [1]
; Xs = [2]. % we _get_ multiple solutions
?- longest([[2,1,3],[7,5],[1,8,2,3,1],[2,7,1,4]],Xs).
Xs = [1,8,2,3,1]. % succeeds deterministically
Here is another approach that is efficient and easy to understand. The idea is to find the lengths of all lists in the list, use max_list to get the length of the longest list, and then find a list that is that long. This has the benefit that it will return all lists of the longest length.
lengths([H|T], [LH|LengthsT]) :-
length(H, LH),
lengths(T, LengthsT).
lengthLongest(ListOfLists, Max) :-
lengths(ListOfLists, Lengths),
max_list(Lengths, Max).
longestList(ListOfLists, Longest) :-
lengthLongest(ListOfLists, Len),
member(Longest, ListOfLists),
length(Longest, Len).
% Correct again.
longest(LL,LX) :-
findmax(V,P,Max) :-
max([N],N) :- !.
max([N|R],Max) :-
max3(N,Max2,N) :- N > Max2,!.
To have the length of longest list:
%sample: longest([[2,1,3],[7,5],[1,8,2,3,1],[2,7,1,4]],L,LEN).
longest([L], L, _) :-
longest([H|T], H, _) :-
length(H, N),
longest(T, X, N),
length(X, M),
N > M,
longest([_|T], X, LEN) :-
length(X, LEN),
longest(T, X, LEN),