Selectable cells in UITableView with ProMotion - rubymotion

I’m getting crazy with Pro Motion table and I cannot find any discussion about this online.
I’m using a PM::TableScreen and I need to have selectable table rows. I manage the raw selection in an array but I don’t know how can I get the cell object to call cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark if is selected or cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryNone if not selected.
Here is the gist of my screen: I try to intercept the cell passing a value in the arguments (row) but I cannot find a method to get the cell object.
In my original idea the place for the selection is inside my tapped_cell method byt maybe there is a better way to manage a multiselection.
My Gist

You don't want to memoize the table data. I've created a pull request with the fix:
Hard to summarize here, although I know Stackoverflow doesn't like us relying on links.


How to hide the first column of a wxListCtrl in wxWidgets?

The context
In a wxWidgets (version 3.0.2) C++ application, I am trying to hide the first column of a wxListCtrl.
I did not find a member function to do this so I tried to set the width of the column to 0:
myListCtrl->SetColumnWidth(0, 0);
first argument being the column ID and second one the width in pixels (wxListCtrl documentation).
After running the program, the header of the first column is hidden as I wanted but the data of each row of the first column overlaps the data of each row of the second column (which is not hidden). It is obviously not what I want. The header and the data of the first column should be hidden.
The question
In wxWidgets 3.0.2, is there a way to hide the first column (header and data of each rows) of a wxListCtrl?
I don't believe you can. You have a few options.
Delete the column using DeleteColumn(int columnIndex). You aren't losing any data, just the display of it, so you can always re-insert the column and repopulate it if you need to re-add it. Obviously this could be time consuming if your data is excessively large.
Depending on your application, just don't create the column in the first place. You don't say why you want to hide it, so if you just don't want it, don't add it.
Implement your control as a virtual control which gives your application control over what to display where. The burden of data display management falls to you to do manually but you have a great deal more flexibility. Inherit the class with wxLC_VIRTUAL style and implement OnGetItemText
To expand on the comment question, how to get the selected item index:
The wxListCtrl is a little weird when it comes to selected items. I'm sure it has to do with needing to support report, icon, etc. different views. When dealing with a multi-column report mode, you might find that you can only select items in the first column. If you are on Windows, it should automatically be set to "Full Row Select" but I don't know about other OSs.
Anyway, here is a utility method that returns the first selected item (note that you can support multi-selection if you want to).
//Get the item currently selected
int ListView::GetItemSelected() const
for(int i=0; i<GetItemCount(); ++i)
return i;
return -1;
If you want (and it makes sense), you can connect the list item selected event.
this->Connect(wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(ListView::selected_Changed), NULL, this);
and within that event handler, get the selected item and do what needs doing (depending entirely on your application).
You will note that I'm using a derived class here which just makes things a lot easier but you don't have to. You can connect to something like MyMainForm::sqlResults_selectedChanged or whatever.
There is more than one way to accomplish all this and you can also find some good suggestions and help here:

Hide Chart.js bubble points based on filtering

I am using Chart.js 2.5.0 and wondered if anyone could give me some pointers on the following functionality requirement.
I have a bubble chart that for arguments sake contains tweets.
I have a list view next to the chart that display the tweets. Connected to this is the ability to filter, so it will only display tweets with specific string value the user inputs.
What I would like to do is when the user utilities the filter, it only shows the bubbles corresponding to the filtered result. I am passing the pointIndex and the datSetIndex into my table. However, I am really struggling in working out how to update the chart so it hides the bubbles that are not matching the current filter output.
Any suggestions?
This doesnt solve my entire issue as Im using Vue which seems to be causing issues with updating the chart. However if you are using plain chart.js the blow fiddle gives one way to hide specific or all points
it may help someone somewhere

How to put formula in Data Validation List Excel?

I am creating an excel sheet with following Data Validation drop down list.
(add some formula here)
Basically, i will be able to select either plain text "NA"/ "Done" from the dropdown list. But sometimes, I want the user to be able to calculate some values based on the cell respective to the row selected so, I want to have one formula as a choice inside the data validation dropdown list. Is this possible?
Data Validation List Source
When I click on Formulae option, it should execute the formula with respect to the cells in that Row
But currently, the formula that i put in doesn't execute, instead it will just show the whole formula in the cell when activated.
1)How can i make it so that when i select the formula from data validation list, it will execute it instead of filling up the cell with it?
2)How do i set the formula so that it will be using the cell from the current Row? (for example, if i am using the data validation List in N60, the formula should adapt itself to use the cell (let's say A60?).
I may not be able to help with the second part, but I was seeking an answer to the first and discovered a solution/workaround using Name Manager.
First, in Formula > Name Manager, create a new reference (the "refers to" will contain whatever formula you are wishing to ultimately display in the validation list. For this example, we use the formula reference "=IF($H54=..." and Name it "UniqueName"
Now, we go into Data Validation, Select List, and input the three items we want displayed in the list, with an equals sign preceding our newly named reference: ie. "NA,Done,=UniqueName"
Note: You can't start with the =UniqueName or validation will try to read it all as a formula and fail.
This method will allow the user to display "NA", "Done", or "=UniqueName" in the cell; if "=UniqueName" is selected, the cell itself will interpret this as a formula and execute it accordingly, displaying the results of "=IF($H54=...", or whateverelse you have designated to use as a named formula.
If it's too late for yours, I hope this helps someone else who may face a similar problem.
While I think I know what you're trying to say. Why don't you just use an IF formula to evaluate everything instead of selecting a drop down for every row manually. You already had it partially solved using IF. Just need to add the criteria for a "Done" and an "NA"
=if(A1="date","Done",if(A1<"date","NA",if(something else until you have all your catergories))
Just going to piggyback off of Mark's response.
If you really needed your named formula to be the first selection in the list, you can setup your list with a leading comma like so:
That worked out for my use, and there was no null item listed in the Data Validation drop down. Hope that helps!

Problems with selection and highlighting in ClistCtrl

I found some problem.
I have class extended from CListCtrl. When I make double click on row I selected it. Everything good, but if I sort some column I have problem!
For example:
I have some row in second position. I selected it and sort column, highlighting is left on second position but my item has moved to 4th row (and selection moved to 4th row)
I have bad feeling that it could be some bug:(
Did somebody see problem like this?
PS: I'm not sure that I have to provide some code, because guess it's ok, but if needs it I will post it
Thank you very much and sorry for my English)
I've only seen this problem with owner data list views (LVS_OWNERDATA) so I'm guessing this is the case here. AFIK there are two possible solutions. The first is to store the selection state yourself and then use LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK to let the control know that you will provide the selection state. You will also have to respond to mouse clicks and update your data array. The other solution is to store a list of selected items before sorting, deselect all items, do the sorting and then finally restore the selection using the stored list.

MFC CListCtrl updating text of any cell

This question is to understand how to update any row programatically.
I have a listcrtl, that accepts the data from either from a file or from the edit controls in the dialog. When the items are added I will know its position, that I added, so I can change its subitem texts. I have even implemented the sort functionality in the list, so now the position keeps changing. I have an identifier column for each row, so that I can recognize the row.
Now, from an out side event, if I have to change an other columns value of an ID that I know , I have to first find the position of the item by comparing the id column, then with that position, I have set the subitemtext.
This works fine except that it takes time to find the row first then it need to update the column.
Now, in order to get the row directly, I need some help.
I have gone through
But this does not use MFC. Please help me achieving this.
If you have many items you should consider switching to Virtual Lists. It is the fastest way to access the data. If you do not want to invest time to this, then the easiest way for you will be the following:
When you populate the CListCtrl store the ID of each item in the item data using the SetItemData() method. The ID will always be associated with the item, even after re-sorting.
When you need to locate the required item, just scan all items, but do not use GetItemText(). Use GetItemData() instead. This will be faster