Securing user registration endpoint - django

The whole API is built on top django-restframework and django-oauth2-toolkit. I want to add API endpoint which will allow client applications to register users.
So, if I want to register user I have next options:
I have to authenticate before POSTing request (does not make sense at all)
to open api/users/register to everyone (is not secure).
What I want to do, is to grant access to this endpoint based on oauth2's client_id and client_secret. Is there straightforward way to achieve this?


Security in Django API

I have created the sign up Api in Django Rest FrameWork without authentication or any permissions and i want to use is it in mobile app.
my question is this api secure???
any person or Robots that access to the SignUp Api Url can create Account there any antibot or something???
If you implement the api without any type of security. Depending on what you let the user do with the api, which endpoints they can hit.
Is there any server side security?
You can implement Jason Web Token: simple JWT
You can check also django throttling : Throttling
You can also research on how to limit api calls from a device.
You can implement a check which will allow only one sign up from a IP address for a specific time so that your API doesn't get brute forced.
And Implement ReCaptcha as well

How to check for Cognito permissions in API Gateway

Trying to understand how to use Cognito and API Gateway to secure an API.
Here is what I understand so far from AWS documentation and the Cognito user interface:
www-public - public facing website
www-admin - administrators website
Resource Servers
Prices - for this simple example the API will provide secured access to this resource.
Again, very simple permissions on the API. Public www users can read prices, administrators can write them.
API Gateway
GET /prices - accessible to authenticated users that can read prices.
POST /prices - only accessible to administrators
Administrators - can update prices via the POST method.
Non-administrators - cannot update prices.
Based on this...
Each client will request the scopes it is interested in. So for the public www site it will request and for the administration site both and prices.write.
The API Gateway will use two Cognito Authorisers, one for each HTTP Verb. So the GET method must check the user can read prices and the POST method that they can write prices.
The bit I don't see is how to put all of this together. I can make the clients request scopes but how do they now connect to user permissions?
When the token is generated, where is the functionality that says "Ok, you requested these scopes, now I'm going to check if this user has this permission and give you the right token?"
I understand that scopes ultimately related to the claims that will be returned in the token.For example, requesting the profile scope means that the token will contain certain claims e.g. email, surname etc.
I think based on this that my permissions will ultimately end up being claims that are returned when specific scopes are asked for. The fact that the two clients differ in what they request means that the prices write claim an never be returned to the public www client. It would never issue a token if the prices.write claim was requested.
What I can't see is where this fits in Cognito. There is the option to put users into groups but that is pretty much it. Likewise, there is nothing (that I could see) to relate scopes to claims.
I'm coming from a .Net and Identity Server background. Certainly in the last version of Identity Server I looked at there was a handler method where you would work out which claims to put into a token. I guess this would map into one of the custom handler lambda functions in Cognito. From there this would need to query Cognito and work out what claims to issue?
The final piece of the puzzle is how the API Gateway checks the claims. Can this be done in API Gateway or does the token need to be inspected in the Lambda function I will write to handle the API Gateway request?
Certainly using Identity Server and .Net there was a client library you would use in the API to inspect the claims and redact permissions accordingly. Guessing there is something similar in a Node JS Lambda function?
A few assumptions there as I'm basically in the dark. I think the basics are there but not sure how to connect everything together.
Hoping someone has figured this out.

Advice how to implement a simple user login and authenication

We are in the process of building a simple Android application together with a simple back-end web server to allow the user to get some information form the server.
We need to login the user, to make sure he is authorized to view the data, but apart form that I do not think we have particular security concerns.
I need some advice on how we can implement the server to keep things as simple as possible.
For example, we could use something like this to make sure the user is authorized to see the data:
Is that a good way of doing things?
Do you have any suggestions or comments?
There are many ways to secure web-services.
The simplest is possible "Basic Auth" ( On every request, you send the user credentials in the "Authorization" HTTP header concatenated with ":" and base 64 encoded. To keep it safe, you need to make sure the connection to your web-server is using SSL (HTTPS), otherwise the user password could be intercepted.
Another "newer" solution is OAuth2, and in your case the "Resource Owner Credentials" flow. Instead of passing the user credentials on every request, you use them once to "exchange" them for a short-lived access token issued by your server. Then on any request to the web-service you pass that access token in lieu of authentication. The server must then verify that the token is valid and find out for which user it was issued. For more info see this article:
There are potentially many more "custom" ways of doing authentication...
Going the OAuth2 flow is probably more difficult but there are lots of open-source libraries out there to help you build a OAuth2 provider ( The advantage is that you don't have to store the user password on the device, which is safer (the less you touch passwords, the better).

Building an Oauth2 API service, what is the use of client_secret

Good morning, we are a little company in Europe, and we need to set up some webservice for internal and external use. We decided to implement an autentication to those webservices, and i though to implement an Oath2 authentication. The problem is the following (besides the fact that i've only used the Oauth2 standard one time) that i do not really understand the use of the "client_secret", from the point of view of the service provider. Isn't the client_id enough to identify a client? Why is the client_secret needed exactly and how is it to be implemented in the general logic of the application?
Thank you for any response.
You want to make sure that the client requesting credentials is who you think they are, and the client ID is used in requests that users can see (in the URL). Without a client secret anybody could pretend to be any client application to trick users into granting access.

Securing a REST API with Facebook OAuth

I am building a app/API that allows user to login with Facebook, Twitter or Google. I am wondering what are the best practices in allowing those user to use the same account to login to the API.
A couple Ideas that I have had is pass the auth token/cookie in a header to the API for every request and use that to authenticate on the backend.
Run my own OAuth setup and make the user authenticate once with the back end to get my OAuth token and use those from then on.
I am doing the same thing and my solution is to match the email addresses that you get from these respective APIs.
For Facebook, you need special permission from the end user to get the email address registered there. You do this by adding &scope=email to the first oauth request.
A disadvantage is that you need to get this permission from the end user and they may decline. Another disadvantage is that users need to use the same email addresses for Google, Facebook and Twitter.
An advantage is that user records are merged automatically, so users can directly access all their data if they logged in the first time through Google, and the second time through Facebook.
Another approach would be to manually merge their data by making them log in to Google when they are already logged in through Facebook. Then you can conclude that they are the same user, even when they use different email addresses for both. But this is a more tedious approach, as you still need to merge the app's user data from both accounts.
Your first solution is exactly the way I do it. As all my rest services are stateless, the access token goes in the header and is parsed by spring security authentication filters on every request. I use a grails sever with the spring-security-oauth plugin. We also run a website which allows for using session cookies for browser based access.