Calling a subclass function which does not exist on superclass [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
Using derived methods that aren't in the base class
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Say I have a class Person, and its subclass Boy. I want to include a method within Boy which Person does not have, and to be able to use through polymorphism in the following manner:
Boy john = Boy();
Person* personP = &john;
I've tried declaring the function in Person as virtual and =0 (in the header file). The problem is that I have multiple functions such as this one, and I don't want ALL subclasses to define ALL those functions.
How is this done neatly and safely, assuming I want to have multiple different subclasses of Person, each having a function exclusive to itself?

You have options. It depends on what exactly is the situation in which you want to call boyFunction(). If you know it has to be a Boy*, then you should require that you get a Boy*. Otherwise...
Most direct: the cast (though this is probably an indication of poor design), only call boyFunction() if applicable:
Boy* boy = dynamic_cast<Boy*>(personP);
if (boy) {
Less direct, more pollution:
class Person {
// ...
virtual void boyFunction() { } // probably not = 0;
class Boy : public Person {
// ...
void boyFunction() { /* do stuff */ }
Why do you want to call boyFunction()? Maybe it's part of some larger algorithm... so wrap what you want to do in a larger dynamic method:
Where maybe:
void Boy::performSomeFunction() {
void Doctor::performSomeFunction() {


Accessing another object's member [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a beginner to C++ and I was wondering if there was a good way to access a member of another object.
Currently I'm using this to access the members:
&_HeatSensor->IsOverheating == true;
&_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled == true;
/*... many more similar ones but different names*/
Where HeatSensor or LeftLegSensor is the name of the object and IsOverheating or IsStalled is a Boolean member in the object.
I want to create a new SensorOverLimit class, and create many objects(ex: Left Leg, MotorTemperature... etc.
To save time and reuse code, I want to be able to pass something that can reference the Boolean members that were created in the constructor and then save the location via reference or pointer as a member in the new SensorOverLimit object.
SensorOverLimit::SensorOverLimit(bool* SensorAddress)
bool* Sensor = SensorAddress;
if (SensorAddress == true)
SensorOverLimit Overheating = new SensorOverLimit(bool* &_HeatSensor->IsOverheating);
SensorOverLimit DamagedLeg = new SensorOverLimit(bool* &_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled);
This doesn't work, does anyone have any ideas for how to get this to work?
Edit: Changed question, new answer...
class SensorOverLimit
bool* sensor;
SensorOverLimit(bool* sensorAddress);
void check();
SensorOverLimit::SensorOverLimit(bool* sensorAddress)
: sensor(sensorAddress)
void SensorOverLimit::check()
Have a look at Remy's answer for references instead of pointers (bool& instead of bool*, and you can omit dereferencing (if(sensor))
HeatSensor heatSensor;
LeftLegSensor leftLegSensor;
SensorOverLimit overHeating(&heatSensor.isOverheating);
SensorOverLimit leftLegDamaged(&leftLegSensor.isStalled);
int main(int, char*[])
// ...
return 0;
You might have noticed: I directly instantiated global variables. This is often more appropriate in embedded environments, at least easier to use.
Be careful with identifiers starting with an underscore - these are reserved in many cases (C++ standard, 2.10):
Each identifier that contains a double underscore __ or begins with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter is reserved to the implementation for any use.
Each identifier that begins with an underscore is reserved to the implementation for use as a name in the global namespace.
Edit 2:
I'm coming up with a completely different design, inverting what you had so far:
class Sensor
: isActive(false)
{ }
virtual ~Sensor()
{ }
void check()
if(getValue() != isActive)
isActive = !isActive;
bool isActive;
virtual bool getValue() = 0;
class HeatSensor : public Sensor
virtual bool getValue()
bool isActive = false;
// do what ever is necessary to detect overheat
// e. g. read from ADC and compare against threshold
return isActive;
class LegSensor : public Sensor
bool isSignal;
virtual bool getValue()
// do what ever is necessary to detect stalled leg
// e. g.: simply returning the value that has been set from
// within an interrupt handler
return isSignal;
Not really happy about the names of my members, you might find something better...
What is your intention of this design, however? Are you going to iterate over each city, checking the bool pointers? Seems a questionable design to me...
I suggest an alternative for you:
Each Sensor gets a SensorOverLimit* pointer, you might call it 'controller' or whatever seems appropriate to you. Then add functions to each Sensor class: oveheating(), stalling(), etc. Within these functions, you call a newly defined function of SensorOverLimit: disturb(int reason, Sensor* source). Instead of int, you could define an enum containing all possible reasons, such as Overheat, Stall, etc.
Could look like this:
class Sensor;
class SensorOverLimit
// appropriate members
enum Disturbance
SensorOverLimit() {}
void disturb(Disturbance reason, Sensor* source)
class Sensor
SensorOverLimit* controller;
// ctor, getters, setters as needed
Sensor(SensorOverLimit* aController) : controller(aController) {}
class HeatSensor : public Sensor
// ctor, getters, setters as needed
HeatSensor(SensorOverLimit* aController) : Sensor(aController) {}
void overheating()
if (controller)
controller->disturb(SensorOverLimit::Overheat, this);
class LegSensor : public Sensor
// ctor, getters, setters as needed
LegSensor(SensorOverLimit* aController) : Sensor(aController) {}
void stalling()
if (controller)
controller->disturb(SensorOverLimit::Stall, this);
SensorOverLimit controller;
HeatSensor heatSensor(&controller);
LegSensor leftLegSensor(&controller);
int main(int, char*[])
// ...
return 0;
Advantage: You can associate many sensors to one and the same controller.
You can use a bool* pointer like this:
class SensorOverLimit
bool* Sensor;
SensorOverLimit(bool* SensorAddress);
void Check();
SensorOverLimit::SensorOverLimit(bool* SensorAddress)
: Sensor(SensorAddress)
void SensorOverLimit::Check()
if (*Sensor)
SensorOverLimit *Overheating = new SensorOverLimit(&(_HeatSensor->IsOverheating));
SensorOverLimit *DamagedLeg = new SensorOverLimit(&(_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled));
Then you can do this:
_HeatSensor->IsOverheating = true;
_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled = true;
With that said, it would be safer to use references instead of pointers:
class SensorOverLimit
bool& Sensor;
SensorOverLimit(bool& SensorAddress);
void Check();
SensorOverLimit::SensorOverLimit(bool& SensorAddress)
: Sensor(SensorAddress)
void SensorOverLimit::Check()
if (Sensor)
SensorOverLimit *Overheating = new SensorOverLimit(_HeatSensor->IsOverheating);
SensorOverLimit *DamagedLeg = new SensorOverLimit(_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled);
_HeatSensor->IsOverheating = true;
_LeftLegSensor->IsStalled = true;
Is there a particular reason why you're not using getters and setters in order to access the members of your objects?
If you're referencing to all your objects as pointers, you may want to reconsider that practice. This StackOverflow question gives some insight into common practice with C++ and pointers: Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?
I think the best answer to your question would actually be to familiarize yourself with the concept of pointers. This question as well the one I mentioned earlier give a good starting point - C++ Objects: When should I use pointer or reference. I think one of the best things to note is that if you are coming from a Java background, pointers and references are hidden in the code for you. Every object is a pointer and vice versa in Java. In C++, they are separate.
I think your desire to reuse code is commendable, but in this case, using pointers will probably cause unknown errors!
I'd recommend changing your constructor in the City class to actually work with the objects, not just their members (for instance, create a City with a person as your parameter, not whether the person is alive or dead). With a little more practice in object-oriented programming, you may find that it is much easier than your initial approach!

return a Type, or how to preserve a type of an object pointer?

I have a very complicated code structure, but the important bits are:
typical setup: I have a base class and two classes that derive from this base class and each has own members, and which don't have a standard constructor
class BaseSolver{
class SolverA : BaseSolver{
std::string a;
SolverA(TypeA objectA);
class SolverB : BaseSolver{
int b;
SolverB(TypeB objectB);
Now I have a config xml file from which I read whether I have to use SolverA or SolverB. Therefore I have an IOService:
template<class T>
class IOService
BaseSolver* getSolver()
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
return new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
return new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
And somewhere in my application (for simplicity let's say it's the main.cpp):
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();
That is absolutely fine.
But now, in the main I have to access the members of the derived classes a and b respectively.
How can I do this?
I thought of retreving only the type of the Solver from the IOService:
class IOService
decltype getSolverType()
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
return new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
return new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
TypeA getConstructorDataForSolverA()
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
return variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB getConstructorDataForSolverB()
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
return anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
But of course I can't specify decltype as return value.
I'm really helpless. I would appreciate any hint into the right direction, or even a solution for this problem.
[Edit]: The derived solver classes need more than only the information from the xml file to work properly. That means, that I have to set some more properties which come from a mesh file. So I could give the meshfile to the IOService, so that the IOService could set the appropriate members this way:
class IOService
BaseSolver* getSolver(MeshType myMesh)
std::string variableThatIReadFromXML;
/* here I have to perform many actions before I can create a solver object
* to retrieve the data needed for the constructors */
TypeA variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
TypeB anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML;
if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "a")
auto solverA = new SolverA(variableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML); // I know that this can leak memory
solverA.a = mesh.a;
else if (variableThatIReadFromXML == "b")
auto solverB = new SolverB(anotherVariableIConstrucedWithDataFromXML);
solverB.b = mesh.b;
But then the IOService needs to know the class MeshType, what I want to avoid, because I think that it breaks encapsulation.
So I wanted to set the member a and b, respectively, in another part of my program (here for simplicity in the main).
Taking this into account, only the answer from Daniel Daranas seems like a solution for me. But I wanted to avoid dynamic casts.
So a reformulated question could be: How should I change my design to ensure encapsulation and avoid dynamic casts? [/Edit]
I am using clang 3.4 ob ubuntu 12.04 lts.
Use dynamic_cast to try to cast a pointer-to-base-class to pointer-to-derived-class. It will return NULL if the pointed-to object of the base class does not exist (NULL value of the base pointer), or is not actually a derived class object. If the result, instead, is not NULL, you have a valid pointer-to-derived-class.
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();
SolverB* bSolver = dynamic_cast<SolverB*>(mySolver);
if (bSolver != NULL)
int finallyIGotB = bSolver->b;
cout << finallyIGotB;
Note that there may be some better design solutions than using dynamic_cast. But at least this is one possibility.
The funny thing about polymorphism is that it points out to you when you are not using it.
Inheriting a base class in the way you are serves 1 purpose: to expose a uniform interface for objects with different behaviors. Basically, you want the child classes to look the same. If I have classes B and C that inherit from A, I want to say "do foo" to the class, and it'll do foob or fooc.
Essentially, you're flipping it around: I have a B and C of type A, and if it is B i want to do foob and if it is C I want to do fooc. While this may seem scary, usually the best way to solve the problem is to rephrase the question.
So to your example, you are currently saying "OK, so I have an XML file, and I will read data from it one way if I'm making an A, or another way if I'm making a B." But the polymorphic way would be "I have an XML file. It tells me to make an A or a B, and then I tell the instance to parse the XML file".
So one of the ways to solve this to change your solver interface:
class BaseSolver
virtual void ReadXMLFile(string xml) = 0;
While this does rephrase the problem in a way that uses polymorphism, and removes the need for you to see what you've created, you probably don't like that for the same reason I don't: you'd have to supply a default constructor, which leaves the class in an unknown state.
So rather than enforce it at the interface level, you could enforce it at the constructor level, and make both SolverA and SolverB have to take in the XML string as part of the constructor.
But what if the XML string is bad? Then you'd get an error state in the constructor, which is also a no-no. So I'd deal with this using the factory pattern:
class SolverFactory;
class BaseSolver
virtual void solve() = 0;
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) = 0;
friend class SolverFactory;
class A : public BaseSolver
virtual void solve() {std::cout << "A" << std::endl;}
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) {return 0;}
friend class SolverFactory;
class B : public BaseSolver
virtual void solve() {std::cout << "B" << std::endl;}
virtual int ReadXML(std::string xml) {return 0;}
friend class SolverFactory;
class SolverFactory
static BaseSolver* MakeSolver(std::string xml)
BaseSolver* ret = NULL;
if (xml=="A")
ret = new A();
else if (xml=="B")
ret = new B();
return ret;
int err = ret->ReadXML(xml);
if (err)
delete ret;
ret = NULL;
return ret;
I didn't put any actual XML processing in here because I am lazy, but you could have the factory get the type from the main tag and then pass the rest of the node in. This method ensures great encapsulation, can catch errors in the xml file, and safely separates the behaviors you are trying to get. It also only exposes the dangerous functions (the default constructor and ReadXMLFile) to the SolverFactory, where you (supposedly) know what you are doing.
Edit: in response to the question
The problem you've stated is "I have a B and C of type A, and if is B i want to set "b" settings and if it is C i want to set "c" settings".
Taking advantage of polymorphism, you say "I have a B and C of type A. I tell them to get their settings."
There a couple of ways to do this. If you don't mind mangling your IO with the class, you can simply expose the method:
class BaseSolver
virtual void GetSettingsFromCommandLine() = 0;
And then create the individual methods for each class.
If you do want to create them separate, then what you want is polymorphism in the io. So expose it that way:
class PolymorphicIO
virtual const BaseSolver& get_base_solver() const = 0;
virtual void DoSettingIO() = 0;
an example implmentation
class BaseSolverBIO : PolymorphicIO
virtual const BaseSolver& get_base_solver() const {return b;}
virtual void DoSettingIO() { char setting = get_char(); b.set_b(setting);}
BaseSolverB b;
At first glance this seems like a lot of code (we've doubled the number of classes, and probably need to supply a factory class for both BaseSolver and the IO interface). Why do it?
It is the issue of scaleability/maintainability. Lets say you have figured out a new solver you want to add (D). If you are using dynamic cast, you have to find all the places in your top level and add a new case statement. If there is only 1 place, then this is pretty easy, but if it is 10 places, you could easily forget one and it would be hard to track down. Instead, with this method you have a separate class that has all the specific IO functionality for the solver.
Lets also think of what happens to those dynamic_cast checks as the number of solvers grows. You've been maintaining this software for years now with a large team, and lets say you've come up with solvers up to the letter Z. Each of those if-else statements are hundreds-a tousand of lines long now: if you have an error in O you have to scroll through A-M just to find the bug. Also, the overhead for using the polymorphism is constant, while reflection just grows and grows and grows.
The final benefit for doing it this way is if you have a class BB : public B. You probably have all the old settings from B, and want to keep them, just make it a little bigger. Using this model, you can extend the IO class as well for the io for BB and reuse that code.
One way to achieve this is to add an interface method into the base class:
class BaseSolver{
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() = 0;
class SolverA : BaseSolver{
std::string a;
SolverA(TypeA objectA);
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() {/*SolverA stuff here*/};
class SolverB : BaseSolver{
int b;
SolverB(TypeB objectB);
virtual void SolverMethodToCallFromMain() {/*SolverB stuff here*/};
And in main:
int main(){
IOService ioService;
BaseSolver* mySolver = ioService.getSolver();

Converting objects of base class to derived class

I asked a couple days ago some clarifications on inheritance, a concept I am still trying to understand. Here is the follow up question, since I am still facing problems.
In my project I have 2 types of objects, Hand and Face, both inheriting from the base class BodyPart. BodyPart is something like this:
class BodyPart
typedef boost::shared_ptr<BodyPart> BodyPartPtr;
virtual ~BodyPart();
int commonMember1;
double commonMember2;
int commonMethod1();
int CommonMethod2();
while Hand is something like this:
class Hand : public BodyPart
int numFingers;
double otherVar;
int getNumFingers();
void printInfo();
I also have a vector of BodyPart elements
std::vector<BodyPart::BodyPartPtr> cBodyParts;
composed of Hand or Head objects. In the previous question I was told that this approach makes sense, I just had to cast from the base class to the derived using boost static_pointer_cast
Now, the problem now is that for some of the objects in the vector I don't know whether they are Hand or Head, so at some point in my code I can have in cBodyParts some Hand elements, some Head elements as well as some BodyPart elements. After some further analysis I am able to correctly classify the latter as either Hand or Head and modify accordingly the elements in the vector, but I have no idea on how to make it. Shall I just delete the case class element and create a derived one with the same property? Shall I just avoid inheritance in case like this?
Thanks in advance for the help
EDIT: I have augmented the examples to make them clearer.
Relaying on casts is usually a sign of a bad design. Casts have their place, but this does not look to be it.
You need to ask yourself what do you want to do with the objects stored in cBodyParts. For sure, you will be doing different things with a Hand or with a Head, but you can probably abstract them somehow: this is what virtual functions do. So, in addition to what you have already written for your classes, you would just need an additional virtual function in them:
class BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() = 0; // Pure virtual: each body part must say how to process itself
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {} // Override it only if the body part includes joints
class Head : public BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Head
// Since a Head has no joints, we don't override the CalibrateJoints() method
class Hand : public BodyPart
// Same as you wrote, plus:
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Hand
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {
// Code to calibrate the knuckles in the hand
And then you no longer need any casts. For instance:
for (BodyPart::BodyPartPtr part : cBodyParts) {
part->CalibrateJoints(); // This will do nothing for Heads
As you can see, no casts at all and everything will work fine. This scheme is extensible; if you later decide that you need additional classes inheriting from BodyPart, just write them and your old code will work correctly:
class Torso : public BodyPart
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Torso
// The Torso has no joints, so no override here for CalibrateJoints()
// Add everything else the class needs
class Leg : public BodyPart
virtual void InitialisePart() {
// Code to initialise a Leg
virtual void CalibrateJoints() {
// Code to calibrate the knee
// Add everything else the class needs
Now you don't need to change the code you wrote previously: the for loop above will work correctly with and Torso or Leg it finds with no need for an update.
The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone...
I take it you have some composite of all the body parts, maybe a Body class.
What do you want the body to do?
Render itself
Ouput its volume, or bounding box, or some other metric
Re-orient itself in response to input
Respond to an inverse-kinematic physical model
The list could probably go on. If you know exactly what you want the Body to do you can put that function in the BodyPart base class, and have Body iterate over the composite hierarchical structure of all the connected body parts, calling render, for example.
An alternative is to use a Visitor, which is effectively a way of dynamically adding methods to a static inheritance hierarchy.
As Kerrek SB pointed out this is not feasible at all, but for the sake of answering the actual question, dynamic_cast is what you are looking for.
Use virtual functions, they will simplify a lot your problem.
Else, you can add some methods to distinguish between different types. However, do it only if you cannot do it another way, ie if you cannot do it via virtual functions.
Example 1:
// in BodyPart; to be reimplemented in derived classes
virtual bool isHand() const { return false; }
virtual bool isHead() const { return false; }
// in Hand (similar to what will be in Head)
bool isHand() const { return true; }
// How to use:
BodyPart::pointer ptr = humanBodyVector[42]; // one item from the array
processHand(/*cast to hand*/)
else if(ptr->isHead())
// ...
Example 2: let the derived classes handle the cast
// in BodyPart; to be reimplemented in derived classes
virtual Hand* toHand() const { return 0; }
virtual Head* toHead() const { return 0; }
// in Hand (similar to what will be in Head)
Hand* toHand() const { return this; }

Apples, oranges, and pointers to the most derived c++ class

Suppose I have a bunch of fruit:
class Fruit { ... };
class Apple : public Fruit { ... };
class Orange: public Fruit { ... };
And some polymorphic functions that operate on said fruit:
void Eat(Fruit* f, Pesticide* p) { ... }
void Eat(Apple* f, Pesticide* p) { ingest(f,p); }
void Eat(Orange* f, Pesticide* p) { peel(f,p); ingest(f,p); }
OK, wait. Stop right there. Note at this point that any sane person would make Eat() a virtual member function of the Fruit classes. But that's not an option, because I am not a sane person. Also, I don't want that Pesticide* in the header file for my fruit class.
Sadly, what I want to be able to do next is exactly what member functions and dynamic binding allow:
typedef list<Fruit*> Fruits;
Fruits fs;
for(Fruits::iterator i=fs.begin(), e=fs.end(); i!=e; ++i)
And obviously, the problem here is that the pointer we pass to Eat() will be a Fruit*, not an Apple* or an Orange*, therefore nothing will get eaten and we will all be very hungry.
So what I really want to be able to do instead of this:
is this:
But to my limited knowledge, such magic does not exist, except possibly in the form of a big nasty if-statement full of calls to dynamic_cast.
So is there some run-time magic of which I am not aware? Or should I implement and maintain a big nasty if-statement full of dynamic_casts? Or should I suck it up, quit thinking about how I would implement this in Ruby, and allow a little Pesticide to make its way into my fruit header?
Update: Instead of the contrived bit with the bare Eat functions and Pesticide, suppose instead that I just don't want to put Eat in the fruit because it makes no sense. A fruit that knows how to eat itself? Pshaw. Instead I need an Eater class with an Eat function, with different code for eating each kind of fruit, and some default code in case it's a fruit that the eater doesn't recognize:
class Eater
void Eat(Apple* f) { wash(); nom(); }
void Eat(Orange* f) { peel(); nom(); }
void Eat(Fruit* f) { nibble(); }
Eater me;
for(Fruits::iterator i=fs.begin(), e=fs.end(); i!=e; ++i)
me.Eat(*i); //me tarzan! me eat!
But again, this doesn't work, and the straightforward solution in C++ seems to be a bunch of calls to dynamic_cast.
However, as one of the answers suggests, there may be another clever solution. What if Fruits exposed the qualities that mattered to eaters, with functions like MustPeel() and MustWash()? Then you could get by with a single Eat() function ...
Update: Daniel Newby points out that using Visitor also solves the problem as presented ... but this requires a bit of a semantic headstand (Fruit::use or Fruit::beEaten?).
While I'd like to accept several answers, I think psmears's answer is actually the best one for future readers. Thanks, everyone.
You need to redesign. Namely, do everything you seem to be avoiding (for what reason, who knows.)
Polymorphic behavior requires polymorphic functions. This means a virtual function. (Or your ladder of dynamic_cast's, which completely defeats the purpose...)
// fruit.h
class Pesticide; // you don't need a complete type
struct Fruit
virtual void Eat(Pesticide*) = 0;
// apple.h
class Apple : public Fruit
void Eat(Pesticide* p) { ... }
// orange.h
class Orange : public Fruit
void Eat(Pesticide* p) { ... }
If you still want a free function*:
void Eat(Fruit* f, Pesticide* p) { f->Eat(p); }
*Note that your post is already indicative of bad design; namely the first Eat function:
void Eat(Fruit* f, Pesticide* p) { }
When does doing nothing to a fruit equate to eating the fruit? A pure virtual function is a much better interface choice.
When a question like this comes up, it's good to look at exactly why you want to make particular decisions - for instance, why do you not want the Fruit classes to know about Pesticide?
I'm sure there is a good reason for this - but expressing that reason will help clarify in your mind exactly what your aims are - and this often sheds a new light on a possible angle for structuring the program.
For instance, you might end up adding new virtual methods "IsEdible" and "PrepareForEating". Then you can implement these for each fruit, and implement one generic Eat method that works for all fruits - and ingests the pesky pesticide too - all without the Fruit classes knowing anything about it.
Of course, depending on your precise aims, that may be totally inappropriate - which is why you'll have to clarify the example in your own head :-)
Just use the I Am Standing Right Here! Pattern. It's like the Visitor Pattern but without a container.
// fruit.h
class Fruit;
class Apple;
class Orange;
class Fruit_user {
virtual ~Fruit_user();
virtual use(Apple *f) = 0;
virtual use(Orange *f) = 0;
class Fruit {
// Somebody with strong template fu could probably do
// it all here.
virtual void use(Fruit_user *fu) = 0;
class Apple : public Fruit {
virtual void use(Fruit_user *fu) {
class Orange: public Fruit {
virtual void use(Fruit_user *fu) {
// dow-chemical.h
class Pesticide_fruit_user : public Fruit_user {
Pesticide_fruit_user(Pesticide *p) {
p_ = p;
virtual void use(Apple *f) { ingest(f, p_); }
virtual void use(Orange *f) { peel(f, p_); ingest(f, p_); }
Pesticide *p_;
There's nothing wrong with having arbitrary class pointers in headers. They form the basis of many idioms, like PIMPL and opaque pointers. Also, if you aren't a sane person, how are you supposed to understand my answer?
Seriously, derived functions and polymorphism exist to solve this problem. If you refuse to use the language provided tools, why bother using it at all? Any solution you can come up with can be translated into a virtual function call in any case, just you would have coded it manually instead of having the compiler do it.
What you're asking for isn't possible. The function overloading resolution needs to know at compile time which class the parameter is so it can call the correct Eat function. The only exception is for virtual member functions, which you've already ruled out.

calling a function from a set of overloads depending on the dynamic type of an object

I feel like the answer to this question is really simple, but I really am having trouble finding it. So here goes:
Suppose you have the following classes:
class Base;
class Child : public Base;
class Displayer
Displayer(Base* element);
Displayer(Child* element);
Additionally, I have a Base* object which might point to either an instance of the class Base or an instance of the class Child.
Now I want to create a Displayer based on the element pointed to by object, however, I want to pick the right version of the constructor. As I currently have it, this would accomplish just that (I am being a bit fuzzy with my C++ here, but I think this the clearest way)
virtual void Base::createDisplayer()
new Displayer(this);
virtual void Child::createDisplayer()
new Displayer(this);
This works, however, there is a problem with this:
Base and Child are part of the application system, while Displayer is part of the GUI system. I want to build the GUI system independently of the Application system, so that it is easy to replace the GUI. This means that Base and Child should not know about Displayer. However, I do not know how I can achieve this without letting the Application classes know about the GUI.
Am I missing something very obvious or am I trying something that is not possible?
Edit: I missed a part of the problem in my original question. This is all happening quite deep in the GUI code, providing functionality that is unique to this one GUI. This means that I want the Base and Child classes not to know about the call at all - not just hide from them to what the call is
It seems a classic scenario for double dispatch. The only way to avoid the double dispatch is switching over types (if( typeid(*object) == typeid(base) ) ...) which you should avoid.
What you can do is to make the callback mechanism generic, so that the application doesn't have to know of the GUI:
class app_callback {
// sprinkle const where appropriate...
virtual void call(base&) = 0;
virtual void call(derived&) = 0;
class Base {
virtual void call_me_back(app_callback& cb) {*this);}
class Child : public Base {
virtual void call_me_back(app_callback& cb) {*this);}
You could then use this machinery like this:
class display_callback : public app_callback {
// sprinkle const where appropriate...
virtual void call(base& obj) { displayer = new Displayer(obj); }
virtual void call(derived& obj) { displayer = new Displayer(obj); }
Displayer* displayer;
Displayer* create_displayer(Base& obj)
display_callback dcb;
return dcb.displayer;
You will have to have one app_callback::call() function for each class in the hierarchy and you will have to add one to each callback every time you add a class to the hierarchy.
Since in your case calling with just a base& is possible, too, the compiler won't throw an error when you forget to overload one of these functions in a callback class. It will simply call the one taking a base&. That's bad.
If you want, you could move the identical code of call_me_back() for each class into a privately inherited class template using the CRTP. But if you just have half a dozen classes it doesn't really add all that much clarity and it requires readers to understand the CRTP.
Have the application set a factory interface on the system code. Here's a hacked up way to do this. Obviously, apply this changes to your own preferences and coding standards. In some places, I'm inlining the functions in the class declaration - only for brevity.
// platformcode.h - BEGIN
class IDisplayer;
class IDisplayFactory
virtual IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Base* pBase) = 0;
virtual IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Child* pBase) = 0;
namespace SystemDisplayerFactory
static IDisplayFactory* s_pFactory;
SetFactory(IDisplayFactory* pFactory)
s_pFactory = pFactory;
IDisplayFactory* GetFactory()
return s_pFactory;
// platformcode.h - end
// Base.cpp and Child.cpp implement the "CreateDisplayer" methods as follows
void Base::CreateDisplayer()
IDisplayer* pDisplayer = SystemDisplayerFactory::GetFactory()->CreateDisplayer(this);
void Child::CreateDisplayer()
IDisplayer* pDisplayer = SystemDisplayerFactory::GetFactory()->CreateDisplayer(this);
// In your application code, do this:
#include "platformcode.h"
class CDiplayerFactory : public IDisplayerFactory
IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Base* pBase)
return new Displayer(pBase);
IDisplayer* CreateDisplayer(Child* pChild)
return new Displayer(pChild);
Then somewhere early in app initialization (main or WinMain), say the following:
CDisplayerFactory* pFactory = new CDisplayerFactory();
This will keep your platform code from having to know the messy details of what a "displayer" is, and you can implement mock versions of IDisplayer later to test Base and Child independently of the rendering system.
Also, IDisplayer (methods not shown) becomes an interface declaration exposed by the platform code. Your implementation of "Displayer" is a class (in your app code) that inherits from IDisplayer.