Can I create new free amazon instance after one year? - amazon-web-services

I created free amazon ec2 instance with IP X, one year later this instance get expired.
Now after that can I again create new free instance with ip Y?
My uses is very limited and covered up within free limit. What pre caution should be taken while using this free instances?

The AWS Free Tier for Amazon EC2 instances is valid for 12 months after you created your account. Details are available at
For EC2, you have 750h/month of t2.micro Linux or Windows instance. This is equivalent to one instance running 24/7 or 2 instances 12h per day etc ...
If you create a new AWS Account today, you will get another year of free tier with that account


Check AWS RDS reserved instance (shows no Region at the moment)

I lunched a reserved instance for RDS yesterday. I waited for the billing to be updated till today morning (it takes normally 6 hours to a day). Now when I go to the Billing the reserved instance and on-demand instance, both are active and being charged. I was hoping once I created the reserved instance of same instance type, AZ, Tenancy the reserved instance would apply to the on-demand instance.
My on-demand aurora mysql instance look like this:
My Reserved Instance:
My Billing overview:
======== Edit
Apparently, It takes 24 hours to takes RI to take effect so that on demand instance can use it. There was nothing wrong with what I've done... just needed some time.

Can I shift an existing EC2 instance to free-tier?

I made a free tier server on my account and configured it there. Then I had to shift the server to my client's account I made an image of that server and copied it to my client's account so that I wouldn't have to configure all of it again. Turns out it kept all the configurations EXCEPT the free-tier one.
So is there a way for me to make this ec2 instance free tier? Or do I have to build a free tier ec2 from scratch again?
Launch the instance in free tier using AMI(Image of the) as you already have the AMI with you.
And there is no way to move existing instance to free tier,just terminate it after launching the new one in free tier.
The AWS Free Tier is a billing discount.
For Amazon EC2, it provides:
750 hours per month of Linux, RHEL, or SLES t2.micro or t3.micro instance dependent on region
750 hours per month of Windows t2.micro or t3.micro instance dependent on region
So, each month, any usage that matches the above is not charged (up to the appropriate number of hours). This means you could run one Linux instance for an entire month, or two instances for half a month, or even 30 instances for 1 day.
You cannot nominate specific resources to be included in the Free Tier. It is calculated based upon total usage, so might cover multiple EC2 resources.

Deleted ec2 instances will be counted in free tier? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Amazon EC2 Free tier - how many instances can I run [closed]
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have created instances in AWS free tier account. Hope max 20 instances can be created under free tier. I have created some 18 instances. Again if I want to create a 5more instance it's not possible as it reaches max, so I am planning delete 3 and create another 5. So will it count that 3 deleted instance or won't be any problem?
With AWS free tier, you can run a maximim of 750 free machine hours of micro instances. There shouldn't be a "maximum number of instances". You will just be billed for usage of micro instances that exceeds 750 hours per month, which would be equivalent to one micro instance running 24x7. You'd also be billed normally for any of the larger instance configurations.
For reference:
Very similar question answered: Amazon EC2 Free tier - how many instances can I run
you have to check aws details for free teir you have to read all limits there 750 hours are free in ec2
you can check this out for more info
you will be charged on your usages based.
In AWS free tier account, you can delete and recreate another t2.micro instance without being charged for it. But make sure you are not exceeding 750 hours per month.

Amazon AWS FreeTier as Dev together with Reserved Instance as Prod [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 days ago.
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We would like the following :
Dev Env will reside on AWS free tier account (both EC2 & RDS )
Once Dev env is ready and QA are finished, we will image this instance and open an additional 1 EC2 reserved instance.
Questions :
Can we benefit / use AWS free tier account for DEV and reserved instance for PROD at the same time, meaning we won't pay for Dev (1yr) and Prod we will pay for the 1 instance reserved price ?
If We would like to use PROD with reserved instance and activate autoscale (using on-demand or additional paid reserved instances) is it possible ?
To be honest I don't think it's worth the hassle as you can spin very cheap instances for development purposes. You can even automatically shut them down after office hours and on weekends when nobody is using them.
To address your questions:
It is possible to share an AMI with another account. See Sharing an AMI with Specific AWS Accounts
So once your instance has been approved on the dev account you can create an image, make it available to your prod account only, without making it public, and launch an instance based on that image.
According to AWS documentation it's possible to use auto-scaling with reserved instance benefits:
You can use Auto Scaling or other AWS services to launch the On-Demand instances that use your Reserved Instance benefits. For information about launching On-Demand instances, see Launch Your Instance.
Source: Reserved Instances
Let's look at each element individually...
Dev Env will reside on AWS free tier account (both EC2 & RDS )
The AWS Free Usage Tier provides free access to specific services within specific limits for the first 12 months of an AWS Account. In the case of Amazon EC2:
750 hours of Amazon EC2 Linux t2.micro instance usage (1 GiB of memory and 32-bit and 64-bit platform support) – enough hours to run continuously each month*
750 hours of Amazon EC2 Microsoft Windows Server t2.micro instance usage (1 GiB of memory and 32-bit and 64-bit platform support) – enough hours to run continuously each month*
A t2.micro instance in the USA is 1.3c per hour. So, the benefit gained from one instance (eg Linux) in the free tier is worth $113 (0.013*24*365).
For Amazon RDS, the value is approximately $150 (depending upon the chosen database):
750 hours of Amazon RDS Single-AZ db.t2.micro Instances,for running MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle BYOL or SQL Server (running SQL Server Express Edition) – enough hours to run a DB Instance continuously each month*
So, you really need to ask yourself whether doing strange things is really worth saving $263, given that it will be limiting you to micro-sized EC2 and RDS instances. A few hours of your time is presumably worth more than this, so it would be better for you to create infrastructure that is needed to successfully deliver your system rather than trying to focus on how to avoid spending money.
As an example, it is possible that these instance types might be too small for your development work and you will spend more time trying to get it to work (or waiting for it if it is slow), rather than productively spending your time on delivering a successful project.
Once Dev env is ready and QA are finished, we will image this instance and open an additional 1 EC2 reserved instance.
Reserved Instances are a great way to reduce your Amazon EC2 costs. However, you do not want to lock yourself into a particular instance type which might later prove inappropriate. For example, you might purchase a Reserved Instance for a medium instance, but later find that you actually need a large instance. This would mean your Reserved Instance is wasted.
It is much better to run your system for 2-3 months to understand your usage patterns before committing yourself to a Reserved Instance.
If We would like to use PROD with reserved instance and activate autoscale (using on-demand or additional paid reserved instances) is it possible ?
You can certainly use Auto Scaling to add additional instances. These additional instances would be charged at on-demand rates. If you purchase additional Reserved Instances, then you should run those instances all the time since you are already paying for them. There would be no benefit in reducing your number of instances to below the number of Reserved Instances you have purchased.
Bottom line: The cost of a couple of Amazon EC2 instances is not very high. Spend your time producing a great app rather than focussing on how you can reduce your expenditure by a couple of hundred dollars.

Completely recreate an amazon free-tier instance due to having a new key-pair

I launched a free-tier amazon instance ec2 with some key-pair. Then I deleted this key-pair and created a new one. The instance kept running with the first (deleted) key-pair. I wanted to re-create the instance but the only thing what I could do was terminating it. So I have a terminated instance with the deleted key-pair and the new key-pair which is not used.
Ideally, I'd like to go back to square one and create a new instance and use the existing key-pair (or create one more, that doesn't matter). How can I do this?
so, the free tier means, you can have 750 hrs per month of t1.micro type of instances. How you reach this limit is upto you. You can run 1 instance of t1.micro type for 750 hrs per month or running 75 instances of t1.micro type for 10 hrs each per month. Also this free tier dies after you complete 1 year and then you have to pay even for running t1.micro instnaces.
Check the screen shot below (this was taken from
Free Tier does not have PostGreSQL RDS included. It does have MySQL, SQL Server and Oracle.
So, your only other option remains is to have an EC2 instance of t1.micro type and install configure PostgreSQL on it just the way you would do it on any other server. However, I really doubt the performance of this instance running PostGReSQL on a t1.micro type.