Exchange values between C++ and QML - c++

How do i send a value from main.cpp into Qml file within my qt quick project
transform: Rotation {
id: needleRotation
origin.x: 5; origin.y: 65
angle: -120 + VALUE*2
I need the value from Cpp frequently for a speedometer made with qt quick 2.0

I guess the property is produced by some object. In that case you can exploit Q_PROPERTY (see here).
Following what is shown in the link I provided you can rewrite your class as follows:
class DataProvider : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(qreal value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged)
void setValue(qreal newVal) { // <--- do your stuff to update the value
if (newVal != m_value) {
m_value = newVal;
emit valueChanged(); // <--- emit signal to notify QML!
qreal value() const {
return m_value;
void valueChanged(); // <--- actual signal used as notification in Q_PROPERTY
qreal m_value; // <--- member value which stores the actual value
Here we defined a property value with the corresponding getter and setter (value and setValue resp.) The setter method emits the notification signal which is fundamental to notify QML when the value is changed.
Now, to expose the object to QML (and hence its property) just register it as a context property; just write in your main:
DataProvider data;
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("data", &data); // ALWAYS before setting the QML file...
Now the DataProvider instance data can be used through the name data inside QML. Simply rewrite your QML like this:
transform: Rotation {
id: needleRotation
origin.x: 5; origin.y: 65
angle: -120 + data.value * 2
Each time you call setValue() in your C++ code and a change occurs to the value, a notification is issued and the binding revaluated.

Q_PROPERTY is the answer.
For general inf on properties:
Look for Q_PROPERTY in this article:
The second article is a must for C++/QML development (read the whole article).
And more recent and structured info:
I read the second and that still works but it makes sense to revisit with new docs.

If you want to expose single value to QML directly from main() function, use QQmlContext::setContextProperty. Place this before engine.load(...) call:
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("VALUE", 10.0);
Note: You might want to adopt some sort of naming convention to distinguish context properties from local variables and properties. For example, I start all context property names with underscore like this: _value.


Displaying a C++ class via QML in QtQuick2

I am working on a QtQuick 2 application (Qt version 6.2.3). I created one C++ class (let's call this class "Example") that contains the data that my application should deal with. This class can be instantiated several times, representing different datasets to be displayed.
class ExampleObject : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QString property1 MEMBER property1 CONSTANT)
QString property1;
I want to be able to display instances of this class via QML, therefore I created a "Example" custom component with a property pointing to the Example C++ object containing the data I want to display.
ExampleComponent {
property var exampleCppObject // exampleCppObject is a pointer to an instance of ExampleObject
Label {
text: exampleCppObject.property1
To be able to change the Example instance used by the QML component, I created functions to "reinitialize" and "update" the component:
ExampleComponent {
property var exampleCppObject // exampleCppObject is a pointer to an instance of ExampleObject
property string textToDisplay
function update() {
textToDisplay=Qt.binding(() => exampleCppObject.property1);
function reinitialize() {
Label {
text: textToDisplay
I call these functions after changing or deleting the Example object pointed by ExampleCppObject, and this works quite fine. But I feel like this isn't best practice, and it seems to me that I am doing things wrong.
What are better ways of connecting C++ to QML, in the situation I described?
Edit: my main.cpp essentially consists in:
MainModel mainModel;
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("mainModel", &mainModel);
Where mainModel is an object which can create different instances of ExampleObject while the application is running.
You can optimize the binding textToDisplay such that you don't have to call the upate and reinitialize functions, which seems to be the question you are after:
property var exampleCppObject
property string textToDisplay : exampleCppObject ? exampleCppObject.property1 : ""
In case you need more complex logic in the future, you can also use braces:
property string textToDisplay: {
console.log("log me everytime the binding is reevalutated")
return "invalid"
else if(condition2)
return exampleCppObject.property2
return exampleCppObject.property1
The best part of this, is that QQmlEngine actually reevaluates the binding for every property that is used in this binding (which has a notify signal), so if crafted correctly, you can largely leave the binding alone (meaning you don't need the update and reinitialize function)

Unreal GAS: Print out the current value of an attribute to UI when it changes

When the base value of an attribute changes, there is UAttributeSet::PostGameplayEffectExecute() available to access the (new) value and GameplayEffect with its context. I'm using this to print the changed value to UI (this is also done in ActionRPG).
Is there something similar available for the current value of an attribute? How to notify UI, when FGameplayAttributeData::CurrentValue is updated?
Though UAttributeSet::PreAttributeChange() is called on every value update, it doesn't provide any context so it is not possible to access the UI from there (events broadcasted by FAggregator also don't fit).
It is possible to use a GameplayCue instead, to set the value of FGameplayAttributeData::CurrentValue within the UI (the cue is triggered by the GameplayEffect who sets the current value). This is possible by deriving from a GameplayCueNotifyActor and use its events OnExecute and OnRemove. However, instantiating an actor just to update UI seems to be a waste of resources.
It is also possible to fetch the information using the UI itself (calling a function which accesses the attribute each tick or with a timer), but in comparison to event driven UI update, this is also wasteful.
The GameplayAbilitySystem has UAbilitySystemComponent::GetGameplayAttributeValueChangeDelegate() which returns a callback of type FOnGameplayAttributeValueChange that is triggered whenever an attribute is changed (base value or current value). This can be used to register a delegate/callback, which can be used to update the UI.
Minimal example
In MyCharacter.h
// Declare the type for the UI callback.
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FAttributeChange, float, AttributeValue);
class MYPROJECT_API MyCharacter : public ACharacter, public IAbilitySystemInterface
// ...
// This callback can be used by the UI.
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Attribute callbacks")
FAttributeChange OnManaChange;
// The callback to be registered within AbilitySystem.
void OnManaUpdated(const FOnAttributeChangeData& Data);
// Within here, the callback is registered.
void BeginPlay() override;
// ...
In MyCharacter.cpp
void MyCharacter::OnManaUpdated(const FOnAttributeChangeData& Data)
// Fire the callback. Data contains more than NewValue, in case it is needed.
void MyCharacter::BeginPlay()
if (AbilitySystemComponent)
AbilitySystemComponent->GetGameplayAttributeValueChangeDelegate(MyAttributeSet::GetManaAttribute()).AddUObject(this, &MyCharacterBase::OnManaUpdated);
In MyAttributeSet.h
class MYPROJECT_API MyAttributeSet : public UAttributeSet
// ...
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Mana", ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_Mana)
FGameplayAttributeData Mana;
// Add GetManaAttribute().
// ...
Example for updating the UI via the EventGraph of the character blueprint, which derived from MyCharacter. UpdatedManaInUI is the function which prints the value to the UI.
Here, UpdatedManaInUI retrieves the value by itself. You might want to use the AttributeValue of OnManaChange.

QML not registering property change from C++ property

I'm displaying data in a GridView from a custom QAbstractListItem subclass (implementation here). Adding and removing items works fine, QML is notified of the changes and transitions work fine.
Now I'm trying to set a property of an Item inside the model and have QML react on it. The problem is, the onPropertyChanged inside QML is not called.
Here is the property in C++:
// item.h
Q_PROPERTY(bool pToBeDeleted READ toBeDeleted NOTIFY toBeDeletedChanged)
// item.cpp
void Item::requestDelete()
toBeDeleted_m = true;
qDebug() << "emitting";
emit toBeDeletedChanged();
This is what the GridView looks like:
// main.qml
GridView {
id: grid
// ...
model: empty
delegate: customComponent {
toBeDeleted: pToBeDeleted
ListModel {
id: empty
When the program starts, grid's model is set to my itemmodel.
And this is the QML type that does not see the changes:
// customComponentForm.ui.qml
Item {
property bool toBeDeleted: false
// customComponent.qml
CustomComponentForm {
onToBeDeletedChanged: {
Now when I call the method from inside the model like this:
The output shows emitting but not change.
I have tried to include
emit dataChanged(createIndex(i, 0), createIndex(i, 0));
which did result in onToBeDeletedChanged to be called sometimes, but that also resulted in some wonky behaviour with the error
DelegateModel::item: index out range 3 3
Two things went wrong here. First, because of the ++ at
the dataChanged emit had the wrong index which resulted in wrong items being updated. Second of all,
emit dataChanged(createIndex(i, 0), createIndex(i, 0));
was missing the third argument, and since in another attempt I had tried inline defining of a Vector the wrong way, I didn't find this to be the problem right away. The right call here would have been
QVector<int> v;
v.append(Qt::UserRole + 7 + 1);
// pToBeDeleted being the 7th property, always check this with
// roleNames()[Qt::UserRole + i + 1]. It should say your property.
emit dataChanged(createIndex(i, 0), createIndex(i, 0), v);
My mistake.
But on another note, since the rolename index seems to be platform dependent and signaling the change from the model is somewhat of a dirty approach, a better solution (as suggested by Kevin Krammer) would be to rewrite the itemmodel to only contain a single property, which is the QObject item. That way QML is notified of the changes item's properties have.

Value of spin box, just before it changes

I'm writig a code using qt libraries, in which I need to get the value of a spin box (by a signal) just before it changes.
I've got:
QSpinBox spinBoxWidth:
QSpinBox spinBoxScale;
I want to connect a signal from spinBoxWidth to spinBoxScale, so that the value of SpinBoxScale is always "the Value of SpinBoxWidth after changing" to "its value before changing".
(Scale = width_new/width_old)
I didn't find any slot in Qt which returns the old value of a spin box while changing the value. Can I somehow write a slot for that?
Best Regards
There are two ways of doing this:
Catch the change before it happens and store the old value using the event system (QKeyEvent, QMouseEvent). This is error-prone, as the value of spinBoxWidth can be set manually.
Connect spinBoxWidth's valueChanged(int) signal to a slot and reference the last value it was called with. I recommend this method.
Try something like this:
class MonitoringObject : public QObject
int lastValue;
int currentValue;
public Q_SLOTS:
void onValueChanged(int newVal)
lastValue = currentValue;
currentValue = newVal;
if (lastValue == 0) //catch divide-by-zero
emit ratioChanged(0);
emit ratioChanged(currentValue/lastValue);
void ratioChanged(int);
After your signals are connected, the flow should look like this:
spinBoxWidth emits valueChanged(int)
MonitoringObject::onValueChanged(int) is invoked, does its work and emits ratioChanged(int)
spinBoxScale receives the signal in its setValue(int) slot and sets the appropriate value.
The easiest way is probably a lambda that caches the value of valueChanged for the next call:
auto const width = new QSpinBox();
connect(width, &QSpinBox::valueChanged,
[prev_value = width->value()](int const value) mutable {
auto const scale = double(value) / double(prev_value);
// do stuff
prev_value = value;
I believe there is no specific signal to the "value before change" because you can always store it from the previous signal "onValueChanged()" you received.
So the basic idea would be:
First time, receive signal onValueChanged(value) and store the value value_old;
Next time you receive the signal, you can compute you scale!value/value_old;
Then you can send a new signal, or directly modify the object with the new value.
You can derived your own version of QSpinBox including this code or implemented in the class it has to receive the signal. It depends on your architecture.

cascades and signals / slots

I'm running around in circles about this. Just can't wrap my head around signals and slots.
Just looking for some mechanism that can automatically update my UI when a signal in my C++ occurs.
I have two labels in Qml that have text: _app.method that returns a value.
I have a button that onClicked runs a Q_INVOKABLE method. That method emits a signal when it's done, eg, fetches geocordinates and updates the values that the above text: assignments rely on.
What I want is SOMETHING to update the text: assignments once those values change.
I just need these signals / slots explained plainly. The only examples in documentation seem to assume ONLY QML or C++ but not a mix of both. The sample code have examples, but not explained specifically in documentation.
If you had plain description, im sure I could adapt to it. Eg, 1: define this in QML, 2: define this in hpp file, 3: define these in cpp file.
I've tried using QObject's setPropery("text","value") but my app crashes when attempting this.
Tell me if i'm wrong...
1) in QML:
Button {
id: aButton
text: _app.value
onClicked: {
_app.value = _app.value + 1;
function onValueChanged (val) {
aButton.text = "New value: " + val;
2) in HPP:
Q_PROPERTY(int value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged)
int value();
void setValue(int i);
void valueChanged(int);
int m_iValue;
3) in CPP:
int class::value()
return m_iValue;
void class::setValue(int i)
// name is same as HPP WRITE Q_PROPERTY statement
m_iValue = i;
emit valueChanged(m_iValue);
So, what happens is that, in QML, the onClick method CONNECTS the signal with a QML Function; which means, now we're listening for a value change, and when it does, that function will be called. THEN, we change the value... since the Q_PROPERTY set the write value to a function called setValue, setValue is called with the new value; internally, m_iValue is changed, and an emit occurs, which tells whoever is listening to valueChanged that there's a new value.
Hey, my QML is listening to that! (via the _app.valueChanged.connect script). So, the QML object (the Button) that was listening to that, has it's onValueChanged function called, with the new value (because of the emit valueChanged(m_iValue).
Please tell me i've figured this out??!?!
If you are using Q_PROPERTY macro, there's no need to bind onValueChanged signal with a function explicitly to change button's text. And also you need not emit valueChanged signal with m_iValue. Make below mentioned changes in corresponding files
Button {
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
id: aButton
text: _app.value
onClicked: {
_app.value = _app.value + 1
void valueChanged();
emit valueChanged();