Error occurred after migrating application from COldFusion 8 to ColdFusion 10 - coldfusion

XXX is a search engine application which searches for documents contained in various applications including App YYY. The issue is when App YYY document is searched in XXX and clicked to view the same, it is not opening.
Both the applications are in CF10 now and the issue is observed after migration of XXX from CF8 to CF10, earlier XXX was on CF8 and YYY was on CF10 and both applications were working fine.
This is my code snippet -
<!--- check response from application 1 and react accordingly --->
<cfif LEFT(TRIM(UCASE(CFHTTP.fileContent)), 4) is "TRUE">
<cfset request.MoleculeLibraryUser = TRUE>
<cfcookie name="cookie.MolLib_ID" expires="NOW">
<cfset request.MoleculeLibraryUser = FALSE>
<cfset flag = SetDisplayError("You did not come from a valid molecule library session. Please go back to Molecule Library and log in again.")>
<cfset logonError = TRUE>
<cfif IsDefined("cookie.MolLib_ID")>
<cfcookie name="cookie.MolLib_ID" expires="NOW">
Whenever the user clicks on the search link, it redirects to login page with the error message
"You did not come from a valid molecule library session. Please go back to Molecule Library and log in again."

Please check If you have imported all CF admin settings from CF8 to CF10 esp Allowed IP addresses for the application. If you can give clear error screen shot, it becomes easy to trace. Also check all the dependencies of the viewer are properly configured in CF10.


My host switched to CF11 and my CF web service no longer returns elements in its object

I have a web service that was working in CF9 for several years. It returns an object which is instantiated with code like this:
<cfset results.approved="initial">
<cfset results.total_charged = "0">
<cfset results.charge_error = "">
<cfset results.renewed_until = "">
<cfset results.reason="">
<cfset results.errors=arrayNew(2)>
However, since the server upgraded to CF11, I no longer see any of the data elements in that object. When I do a cfdump of the returned object, I see only methods - like this:
ClassName DefaultNamespace.Join_results
Methods (then a list of methods, but no elements)
What do I need to do so that it starts returning the data again?
If I can't solve that, I would like to figure out how debug the code, but I can't because I can only run the web service with a harness, and the harness is not getting any data back. Any thoughts on that?
In versions of ColdFusion since 10, the default version of AXIS used to publish web services is version 2. The fix to get your web service working should be as simple as adding the following to your remote CFC
<cfcomponent wsversion="1">
Or, in script
component wsversion="1"{
...code here ...

Coldfusion RESTful API, No Mapping Found error

This shouldn't be too hard to answer, but the discussions and documentation I've found can be rather unclear.
First of all, a little bit of information about my setup:
I'm on a hosted environment, and going through our ColdFusion admin group can be time-consuming. Therefore, I'm using the
restInitApplication function to register my RESTful web service.
My webroot folder (where my Application.cfm is located) is in
"E:\docs\wwwroot". I can only see, add, edit folders/files from
wwwroot down. I have no idea what's in "e:\docs". I believe that up
above where I cannot see there is another Application.cfm that sets
such things as the serverType (development, staging, or production),
that we (and other ColdFusion sites hosted on this server) use in
various places in our application code.
My pdfRestfulAPI.cfc (the component containing my webservice function) is in this folder,
"e:\docs\wwwroot\RESTservices". My component code looks like this:
<cfcomponent rest="true" >
<cffunction name="pdfconvert" access="remote" returntype="binary"
output="false" produces="application/xml" method="get" >
<cfargument name="sourceWebPageURL" type="string" >
<cfset pdfDoc = "" >
<cfdocument name="pdfDoc"
saveAsName="sample.pdf" >
<cfreturn #pdfDoc#>
The function itself is not an issue. It just converts a web page to pdf--pass a URL, get a PDF version of that web page. When I set it up as non-RESTful API (SOAP/xml) it works just fine.
In my Application.cfm, I am attempting to register my web service using the following code:
<cfset restInitApplication( getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())
& "RESTservices" ) >
This gives me a dir_path attribute of "E:\docs\wwwroot\RESTservices", which seems correct to me. I've omitted the optional mapping_name attribute. When the documentation says that this "can be anything", that is not helpful.
The error that I get in my Application.cfm reads:$InvalidApplicationException: No mapping
found for path E:\docs\wwwroot\RESTservices
Hopefully, I've laid out the details in such a way that anyone could try this out and let me know what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks, everyone!

Force coldfusion 8 to reload component cache?

ColdFusion 8 is caching my cfcs. Development is at a stand-still. I don't have access to the admin panel. What are my options?
1) Get access to CF Administrator.
Really. I wouldn't want to host anywhere where I didn't have control over this.
2) Programmatically clear the cache.
Using the Admin API:
Of course, if you don't have access to the CFAdmin, you might not have access to this either, but is worth trying.
According to this blog entry from Ray Camden you'll need to login to the admin via the API before running the above command, which of course suggests it's not going to work without already having access.
<cfset API = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.runtime") />
<cfset API.login(adminPassword="password") />
<cfset API.clearTrustedCache() />
I use application.cfc to clear all of the cfc cache.
<!--- *****************************************************************
Run before the request is processed
<cffunction name="onRequestStart" returnType="boolean" output="false">
<cfargument name="thePage" type="string" required="true">
if (structKeyExists(url,'reinit')) {
<cfreturn true>
The idea is to pass a url variable called "reinit". Whenever this variable is defined in the URL, the application is started.
In order to test this:
1. make a change to cfc
2. call a cfm page by xxx.cfm?reinit=1
3. observe the changes in the cfc are reflected.
hope it helps...
I know that this post is old, but I needed to do this for a (more) modern version of ColdFusion (2016) and the answer from Peter wouldn't work on CF 2016. Not looking to be the answer, just a footnote for newer versions of CF.
Here is a version that will work with CF 2016:
variables['adminPW'] = "my cf admin password";
cfAdminAPIAdmin = createObject("component", "cfide.adminapi.administrator");
cfAdminAPIRuntime = createObject("component", "cfide.adminapi.runtime");
// clear the component and trusted (template) caches
Adobe appears to have separated the CF admin functionality from the runtime component. That's really the only difference. The version above shows how to clear the component cache too.
NOTE: I had been doing something very similar to CFNinja's answer, but one site (out of about 25 similar sites) just wouldn't clear the application scope components, the old version remained in a cache somehow.

Coldfusion uses wrong (cached?) variables at random

We have a dedicated server running CentOS and Coldfusion 8.
All cfmail email is routed through Google with cfmail and smtp.
Every now and then, when cfmail is used, the 'FROM' field uses an address from a totally different website.
For instance:
Use form on Site A
Get an email: "Subject: On Site A From:"
Where the from is a completely different variable in another set of code on another part of the server- there is no reason it should see this.
On the other side, sometimes sending an email to has email wind up in Site B inbox, a completely different Google account.
What causes this to happen? Some kind of memory/cache issue? Or is there a funky DNS record causing issue?
Application.cfm (starts with some UDF includes, and then):
<cfinvoke component="#request.componentPath#.variables" method="getGlobal" />
Variables.cfc (a lot of variables defined within, but here is the cfmail vars):
<cffunction name="getGlobal" access="public" output="false" returntype="void">
request.siteEmail = "";
request.siteMailServer = "";
request.siteMailUsername = "";
request.siteMailPassword = "[redacted]";
It sounds like it's possible it could be a var scoping issue, but we can't know for sure until you share some code...
Looks like you're running multiple sites? there's a setting in the CF caching page in admin to do with caching web server paths:
From :
Disabling the cacheRealPath attribute To ensure that ColdFusion always returns pages from the correct server, disable Cache Web Server Paths in the Caching page of the ColdFusion Administrator. (When you use the multiserver configuration, set the cacheRealPath attribute to false for the ProxyService in the jrun_root/servers/servername/SERVER-INF/jrun.xml file.)
Might not be it, but it's at least quick to try out.

restart application without restarting server?

Is there a way to restart a ColdFusion application without restarting the entire server?
There are two ColdFusion applications running on a server and I only want to restart one of them.
If you are using Application.cfc, you can update it so that you can force a call to onApplicationStart() if something specific is passed in the url, or something similar. Simply place a check for that magic token in onRequestStart(), and call onApplicationStart() if it is.
If you are not, you can try #Marcos's suggestion. I'm not sure what ramifications that may have in your application. What I would suggest is actually renaming your application, so it starts as a new app.
If you're on CF9, run ApplicationStop()
Here you go, my CF7/8 version of CF9's ApplicationStop. I believe this is thread safe, noting Sean's comment.
<cffunction name="ApplicationStop" returntype="boolean" output="false">
<cfif IsDefined('application')>
<!--- This is just in case there's no app scope but variables.application --->
<cfset CreateObject('java', 'coldfusion.runtime.ApplicationScopeTracker').cleanUp(application) />
<cfreturn true />
<cfcatch type="any"></cfcatch>
<cfreturn false />
As mentioned by Henry, he's my blog post on the subject:
A less invasive way of ending your app is to temporarily set the ApplicationTimeout to something very short.
Here is an example from an application.cfc file where the app is set to timeout in 10 seconds, which is plenty short for making a change and then checking back:
<cfcomponent displayname="Application">
<cfscript> = "myAppName";
this.sessiontimeout= CreateTimeSpan(0,0,60,0);
this.applicationTimeout= CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,10);
You might need to limit the session, too. See this article by Ben Nadel for an in-depth look at Application and Session timeouts.
If you are using application.cfc, stick this at the top of your onRequestStart function:
<!--- RESET APP? --->
<cfif isdefined("url.reinit")>
<cfset OnApplicationStart()>
<cfset OnSessionStart()>
Then you can pass a url var to any cfm and the app will reset.
<cfset structClear(application) />
I usually put a reference to each user's session into a struct in my Application scope to monitor what's going on in the app. Maybe doing something similar in the Server scope could help here. Try:
<cfset server.runningApplications["myApp"] = Application />
Then you'd have a reference to the actual Application object outside the scope of that application. You could try all manner of destructive things to get rid of it. Try this at your own risk!!! And do it on a dev server before you do it on your production box. ;)
Use cfinvoke.
<cfinvoke method="onApplicationEnd" component="Application">
<cfinvokeargument name="ApplicationScope" value="#application#" />