CreateProcessAsUser creates blank/black window - c++

I'm using CreateProcessAsUser to create a process under user-specified credentials.
I'm posting what are hopefully the relevant parts of the code. Let me know if you want to see anything more.
First LogonUser to get the token:
result = LogonUser(
wcschr(username, '#') ? NULL : (domain ? domain : L"."),
I then load the profile, set the lpDesktop value of the STARTUPINFO structure to NULL (which makes it use the desktop of the calling process), and call CreateProcessAsUser:
result = CreateProcessAsUser(
envblock ? envblock : NULL,
This works fine - it logs in and creates the process successfully, and the process "works". The problem is that the windows it creates are black, as in this screenshot of a notepad process started with my program:
Possibly relevant context:
My account is a local account on a Windows 7 machine with full admin rights, and I am logged on with that account. I used psexec (Sysinternals utility) to open a command prompt running interactively under the local system account. I am launching my program from that command prompt. The credentials I am passing to it are from my account.
I have not done anything with permissions to windowstations/desktops; I assume the process I create should have rights to those as the process is being created in my session and using the same account I'm already logged in with - albeit going through the SYSTEM account first. Using Process Explorer, I don't see any difference in the permissions on the values and handles to windowstation/desktop by the process opened via my program vs opened normally. Maybe that's completely irrelevant.
I also cannot use CreateProcessWithLogonW function because it must work when run from the SYSTEM account - that function as well as the "runas" program that comes with Windows don't work under SYSTEM.
Funnily enough, I can't use my current method to open processes unless I'm running it under the SYSTEM account, as "a required privilege is not held by the client", so I can't compare the windows created when starting my program under my account vs the SYSTEM account...

The default DACL for window stations and desktops grant full access to the logon SID (which is unique to the current logon session) rather than to the user's SID. (The user's SID also appears in the DACL for the window station but has only limited permissions. It does not appear in the desktop DACL.)
The call to LogonUser generates a new session (and associated logon SID) rather than reusing the existing one, so your process does not have access to the desktop, and only has minimal access to the window station. (Actually I'm slightly puzzled as to how the process manages to run at all; when I tried to reproduce your results the process exited immediately with exit code 0xC0000142, as expected.)
The second piece of code in this answer shows how to change the DACL on the window station and desktop to allow the process to run properly. (This may not be the best solution, however, depending on your specific goals.)


How can an admin process open an application in the logged in user?

The Process
exe/dll compiled in C++ to be run
Log in (win 7) to a standard user account (no admin)
run The Process as admin
The Process opens some app (exe) using ShellExecute
The app is opened in the scope of the admin user
The app is opened in the scope of the standard user
1. CreateProcessAsUser
Use CreateProcessAsUser (Assuming I managed to get hToken right that should have solved the issue).
However, I get the call failed with error code 1314 - ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD. Going back to the documentation tells me:
If this function fails with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD (1314), use the
CreateProcessWithLogonW function instead
So I digged in and found this CreateProcessAsUser Error 1314 which wasn't very helpful.
2. ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
using ImpersonateLoggedOnUser generated the same error code: 1314 - ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD.
3. CreateProcessWithLogonW
CreateProcessWithLogonW requires lpPassword which naturally I don't have
The Question
How can an admin process open an application in the logged in user?
Have you tried using CreateProcessWithTokenW which is mentioned in the CreateProcessWithLogonW documentation? It seems to require a much weaker privilege than CreateProcessAsUser, one you should posses (SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME rather than SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME).
You said you already have a token for the interactive user so I won't go into it.
(Note: Strange bugs have been reported with all of this, including CreateProcessWithTokenW. Don't give up on the first attempt. A bug and a fix for example: why is CreateProcessWithTokenW failing with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED )
hToken is not a "right". It's a token. What the error says is that you lack a privilege.
Holding a privilege is not a fundamental right! Some privileges are given to certain users by default. Others need to be given through the Local Security Policy (in the "User Right Assignment" node in the MMC snap-in or with LsaAddAccountRights - all of which is documented in the page Assigning Privileges to an Account).
Besides that you sometimes have to enable privileges using AdjustTokenPrivileges. This is documented in the sibling page Changing Privileges in a Token.
Some APIs enable them if you hold them. Others don't and require you to do so yourself. The obvious way to go is to enable a privilege before calling and API that's documented to require it.
The MS Forum link may not have been but the error message is quite clear. MSDN says about the function:
Typically, the process that calls the CreateProcessAsUser
function must have the SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privilege
and may require the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME privilege
if the token is not assignable.
and the error is (from the page you linked to!):
  1314 (0x522)
  A required privilege is not held by the client.
This is actually a very tricky Task you want to accomplish. There are very strict security policies which make it very difficult.
As far as I know you can do it with psexec. It has a commandline Switch which enables user interaction but running the process as admin. I think your command should look like the following:
psexec \\target-computer -i -s [your command]
Another way to do it is using WMI. But for this you Need to Change the security Settings of the target machine (probably using GPO's). You Need to connect to the target machine using impersonation Level deletgate see here. Additionally as said before, you Need to Change the security Settings. See here

How to lower permissions of a user process started from the system service?

In my local system service I may start a UI process that should run with credentials of the logged on Windows user, but at times, when there's no logged on user, it should be able to start in the Winlogon or "secure desktop" as well.
Thus, I'm using the following construct to prep the user token for it:
//The following pseudo-code snippet is run from the local system service
HANDLE hSelfToken = NULL;
HANDLE hToken2 = NULL;
::OpenProcessToken(::GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &hSelfToken);
//Remove most of privileges & create restricted token
0, NULL,
0, NULL, 0, NULL,
//Set user session ID for the token where the process will run
::SetTokenInformation(hToken2, TokenSessionId, &dwSessionId, sizeof(dwSessionId));
//The 'hToken2' is later used to call CreateProcessAsUser() to start a user UI process
This works great, except that in despite of having pretty much no privileges and no elevation, my UI process that is started with this method still receives too many of the system service's "rights." For instance, it can create a file in C:\ root folder, or open HKLM registry key for writing.
So I'm curious, what else shall I do to lower the child process' privileges?

Calling OpenWindowStation from a service running under a "user" account

My service start an interactive client process with something really similar to this:
It works when the service Log On as Local System, and it work if it's running under an Administrator account with the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME and SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privileges.
My issue is when using a Standard User account OR Local Service, it fails at OpenWindowStation with error code 5 (ACCESS DENIED).
// Get a handle to the interactive window station.
hwinsta = OpenWindowStation(_T("winsta0"), // the interactive window station
FALSE, // handle is not inheritable
READ_CONTROL | WRITE_DAC); // rights to read/write the DACL
Is it possible to call OpenWindowStation from a Standard User account or my service must run under an Administrator account? I tried almost all Local Policies without success
Unfortunately it can't be done, it seems that only an Administrator can open the interactive station.

Trying to interpret user session states on Windows OS

If I call the following API from a local service running on Windows 7:
and then go through all returned WTS_SESSION_INFO structs in pWSI and check WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS State members, can someone explain what is the difference between WTSActive and WTSConnected?
Connected means the user has connected and has been (or soon will be) presented with a login screen but hasn't completed it and been verified yet. He might be typing his password, for example.
If the user has locked the workstation, it's been locked by a screensaver, or he has switched to another user account, it doesn't end his session. The user remains logged in and his session would remain marked active. So being connected but not active means there are no processes running under that user's account. (The one caveat being there could be a service or other process running in a separate session under that user's credentials, but that's a different matter.)

ImpersonateLoggedOnUser and starting a new process that uses ocx fails

I write a c++ windows application (A), that uses LogonUser, LoadUserProfile and ImpersonateLoggedOnUser to gain the rights of another user (Y).
Meaning the A starts using the user that is logged on on the workstation (X). If the user wants to elevate his rights he can just press a button and logon as another user without having to log himself out of windows and back in.
The situation now is (according to the return values of the functions): LogonUser works, LoadUserProfile works and ImpersonateLoggedOnUser works as well.
After the impersonation I start another process. This process is an application (B) that needs an OCX control.
This fails and the application tells me that the .oxc file is not properly installed.
The thing is, if I start B directly as the user that is logged on to the machine (X), it works.
If I start B directly as the user (Y) to which I want to elevate my rights using A, it works.
If I am logged in as (X) and choose "run as" (Y) in the explorer, it works!
Do you know which steps I need to do to do the same as the "run as" dialog from windows?
I'm not sure, but looks like impersonation is not enough - impersonation relates only to process (A), instead try CreateProcess with ProcessAttributes/ThreadAttributes explicitly set to impersonated user from windows' ACL
Thank you all for your help.
The following was able to solve the issue for me:
I start the desired process using CreateProcessWithLogonW().
To get that function working properly I have to RevertToSelf() before I call it and do the impersonation again afterwards.
So the sequence is now:
// work with the app
// do the impersonation stuff again