I have AUD0.7195.
I want to mach AUD in $1 and 0.7195in $2.
The amount may vary. It can be positive integer.
I have tried with:
But it matches nothing. What is wrong? Thanks!
Use this.Yours does not work as \d{+} does not act as quantifier.
\d{+} doesn't make sense and should be \d+
Could you please try this:
my $string = "AUD0.7195";
print "$1\t$2.......\n", if($string=~m/^([\w]{3})([0-9\-\.]*)$/g);
I have a string
K9908098F, G2342D34324/ 234234323, 234-234-234; R324234
How to catch only 234234323 and 234-234-234 in VBA?
This [\d-]+ pattern grabs extra pieces
You are pretty close, just need to add borders: \b[\d-]+\b
Regex demo and explanation
Give this a try:
This will capture 234234323 in group 1 and 234-234-234 in group 2.
Not too elegant though but would work. Just a small addition to your regex.
You can try this too,
[-\d]+(?=[;,. ])
I am trying to write some form validation, I need one of the inputs to be 1-9999. I know nothing about regular expressions ( never used them before) and here is my first attempt
Does not seem to want to work, can anyone help me? Thanks!
Try the below regex,
This doesn't exclude zero, but /^\d{1,4}$/ should do the trick.
Try using this
To exclude zero values but include non-zero ones with leading zeros:
This Regex should not match numbers that start with 0 a part from 0
Regex: /^(?!(0\d))\d{1,4}$/
Regex (Exclude Zero): /^(?!(0))\d{1,4}$/
Test: https://regex101.com/r/zfCKel/2
guys this is my text and i want to change like this:
My RegEx is:
Replace with:
But it does not work :(
I could not see the numbers and dot sign.
Thanks in advance
You need some (capturing) parentheses;
Re: (\d{3}\.)
Replace <tag>\1</tag>
You're missing the \. in your brackets. Try this $regex = ":[\d\.]+:".
Without the []'s. I'd appreciate any help.
For integers:
/^say \d+.*$/
But you might also want floating point:
/^say (\d+\.)?\d+.*$/
Based on the limited information presented a Perl Regular expression will look like /^say \d.*$/ where \d matches the "number" and .* matches "anything".
POSIX regex:
say [[:digit:]]+.*
Perl regex:
/say \d+.*/
Regexes like those are fun. If your 'any number' is guaranteed to be an integer, you could do this:
/say \d+/
If you wanted to capture the number and the anything, you could do this:
/say (\d+) (.*)/
..which saves them using "groups".
Here is the demo String:
Assume that I know the value I want is between "before" and "After"
I want to extact the "Value" using the regex....
Assume that I know the value I want is between "pervious90907" and "55544after"
I want to extact the "83756393" using the regex....
thx in advance.
The answer depends on two things:
If you know exactly what the value consists of (if you know it will be digits, etc., it makes it easier). If it could be anything, the answer is a little harder.
If your system is greedy/ungreedy by default, it affects the way you'd set up the expression. I will assume it is greedy by default.
If it can be anything (the ? will be needed to toggle the .* to ungreedy because ".*" also matches "After":
If you know it is digits:
If it could be any word characters (0-9, a-z, A-Z, _):
Try this regular expression:
That will get you the shortest string (note the non-greedy *? quantifier) between pervious90907 and 55544after.
The regex should be like this:
bash-3.2$ echo pervious909078375639355544after | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /pervious90907(.*)55544after/'