Get socket handle to use for comparison later - c++

I hooked some socket function of a game. Then can get the receive and sent data from sockets inside that game. The problem is: There are more then 1 socket.
How could I get the handle of the FIRST socket created? I hooked the function SOCKET, like this:
SOCKET GameMainSocket;
SOCKET _stdcall WSAAPI nSocket(int af,int type,int protocol)
UnHookFunction("ws2_32.dll", "socket", KSocketHook);
GameMainSocket = socket(af, type, protocol);
HookFunction("ws2_32.dll", "socket", (LPVOID*) nSocket, KSocketHook);
return GameMainSocket;
But then, later, when I try to compare it within hooked send and recv function, like this:
int __stdcall nSend(SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len,int flags)
if (s = GameMainSocket)
// Allow send
The code is just skipped and all the checks are true.
** My real quetion is: How could I identifie each socket created by an application?
Thanks in advance!
My code now is:
if (s == GameMainSocket)
// The magic goes here, encrypt packet with XOR (server does the same)
char* buf2 = (char*) malloc (len);
memcpy(buf2, buf, len);
//buf2[0] = buf2[0];
buf2[0] = buf2[0] ^ int("x") % 255;

if (s = GameMainSocket)
is doing assignment which will return the assigned value, which will be true if it is not 0.
Did you mean to do the following?
if (s == GameMainSocket)


server and multiple clients using pthreads and select()

consider the next piece of code -
int get_ready_connection(int s) {
/* socket of connection */
int caller;
if ((caller = accept(s,NULL,NULL)) < SUCCESS)
server_log->write_to_log(sys_call_error(SERVER, "accept"));
return FAILURE;
return caller;
int establish_connection(sockaddr_in& connection_info)
// Create socket
if ((server_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < SUCCESS)
server_log->write_to_log(sys_call_error(SERVER, "socket"));
return FAILURE;
// Bind `sock` with given addresses
if (bind(server_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &connection_info, \
sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < SUCCESS)
server_log->write_to_log(sys_call_error(SERVER, "bind"));
return FAILURE;
// Max # of queued connects
if (listen(server_sock, MAX_PENDING_CONNECTIONS) < SUCCESS)
server_log->write_to_log(sys_call_error(SERVER, "listen"));
return FAILURE;
// Create a set of file descriptors and empty it.
fd_set set;
bool is_inside;
int ret_val;
FD_SET(server_sock, &set);
struct timeval tv = {2, 0};
ret_val = select(server_sock + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv); // TODO ret_val
is_inside = FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &set);
// get user input
string user_input;
getline(cin, user_input);
if ((strcasecmp(user_input.c_str(), EXIT_TEXT) == 0))
return SUCCESS;
is_inside = FD_ISSET(server_sock, &set);
// get the first connection request
int current_connection = get_ready_connection(server_sock);
if (current_connection == FAILURE) {
exit_write_close(server_log, sys_call_error(SERVER, "accept"),
// if exit was not typed by the server's stdin, process the request
pthread_t thread;
// create thread
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, command_thread_func, &current_connection) != 0)
exit_write_close(server_log, sys_call_error(SERVER, "pthread_create"), ERROR);
All im trying to do, is to "listen" to STDIN for the user to type 'EXIT' in server's shell, and to wait for clients to pass commands from their shells (every time a command is recieved by the server from the user, the server parses it, and the server creates a thread that handles execution of the command)
To do it simultaniously, i used select().
When i work with a single thread, everything's perfect. But the problem is when im connecting another client i get a seg fault. i suspect that the problem is right here. any suggestions?
Hard to know if this is your exact problem, but this is definitely a problem:
You can't call pthread_create and provide a pointer to a stack variable (&current_connection) as your thread function's argument. For one thing, it's subject to immediate destruction as soon as the parent exits that scope.
Secondly, it will be overwritten on the next call to get_ready_connection.

Corruption of data in memcpy

I'm currently working on a project using sockets via WinSock and have come across a peculiar problem. I'll attach the code before I start explaining.
#include "Connection.h"
Connection::Connection(SOCKET sock, int socketType)
: m_sock(sock), m_recvCount(0), m_sendCount(0), m_socketType(socketType)
printf("Succesfully created connection\n");
printf("Closing socket %d", m_sock);
void Connection::ProcessMessage(const NetMessage *message){
printf("Got network message: type %d, data %s\n", message->type, message->data);
bool Connection::ReadSocket(){
// Call this when the socket is ready to read.
// Returns true if the socket should be closed.
// used to store count between the sockets
int count = 0;
if(m_socketType == SOCK_STREAM){
// attempt to read a TCP socket message
// Receive as much data from the client as will fit in the buffer.
count = recv(m_sock, &m_recvBuf[m_recvCount], sizeof(m_recvBuf) - m_recvCount, 0);
else if(m_socketType == SOCK_DGRAM){
// attempt to read UDP socket message
// temporarily stores details of the address which sent the message
// since UDP doesn't worry about whether it's connected to the
// sender or not
sockaddr_in fromAddr;
int fromAddrSize = sizeof(fromAddr);
count = recvfrom(m_sock, &m_recvBuf[m_recvCount], sizeof(m_recvBuf) - m_recvCount, 0, (sockaddr*) &fromAddr, &fromAddrSize);
printf("Unknown socket type %d\n", m_socketType);
return true;
if (count <= 0)
printf("Tried to receive on socket %d and got %d bytes\n", m_sock, count);
printf("Client connection closed or broken\n");
return true;
// if we get to this point we have essentially received a complete message
// and must process it
printf("Received %d bytes from the client (total %d)\n", count, m_recvCount);
m_recvCount += count;
// Have we received a complete message?
// if so, process it
if (m_recvCount == sizeof NetMessage)
ProcessMessage((const NetMessage *) m_recvBuf);
m_recvCount = 0;
return false;
bool Connection::WriteSocket(){
// Sends the data in the send buffer through the socket
int count;
if(m_socketType == SOCK_STREAM){
// attempt to read TCP socket message
count = send(m_sock, m_sendBuf, m_sendCount, 0);
else if(m_socketType == SOCK_DGRAM){
// attempt to read UDP socket message
count = sendto(m_sock, m_sendBuf, m_sendCount, 0, 0, 0);
// unhandled type of socket, kill server
printf("Unknown socket type %d", m_socketType);
return true;
if (count <= 0)
// we have received an error from the socket
printf("Client connection closed or broken\n");
return true;
m_sendCount -= count;
printf("Sent %d bytes to the client (%d left)\n", count, m_sendCount);
printf("Data: %s", m_sendBuf);
// Remove the sent data from the start of the buffer.
memmove(m_sendBuf, &m_sendBuf[count], m_sendCount);
return false;
bool Connection::WantWrite(){
if(m_sendCount > 0){
return true;
return false;
bool Connection::WantRead(){
return true;
bool Connection::SetMessage(const NetMessage *message){
// store contents of the message in the send buffer
// to allow us to send later
if (m_sendCount + sizeof(NetMessage) > sizeof(m_sendBuf))
return true;
memcpy(&m_sendBuf, message, sizeof(message));
m_sendCount += sizeof(NetMessage);
return false;
and the protocol
/* Definitions for the network protocol that the client and server use to communicate */
#ifndef PROTOCOL_H
#define PROTOCOL_H
// Message types.
enum MessageType
// The message structure.
// This is a "plain old data" type, so we can send it over the network.
// (In a real program, we would want this structure to be packed.)
struct NetMessage
MessageType type;
char* data;
: type(MT_UNKNOWN)
Essentially the protocol holds the definition of the messages that the client and server throw around to each other. The problem I am having is that, in connection.cpp line 132 (memcpy), the message becomes garbled in sendBuf.,9ShRtHi
The image above shows exactly what is happening. As said in protocol.h the struct is a POD so when I do memcpy it should transfer the number of bytes as is held in the struct (so for example the message type should be 1 byte, followed by 7 or 8 bytes of data, in the example).
Can anyone shed some light on this? It's driving me crazy.
The line you wrote will copy 4 bytes (sizeof(pointer)) on 32bit systems:
memcpy(&m_sendBuf, message, sizeof(message));
what you probably meant is:
memcpy(&m_sendBuf, message, sizeof(NetMessage));
In addition, as a commenter remarked, your data type is NOT a POD. It holds a pointer. You transfer that pointer. At the target system, it will point to the same place in RAM, but there will not be anything there. You need to actually make your datatype a POD by using an array or you need to find a way to transfer the data pointed to. You can achieve this by transfering the type, a length and a number of characters. That means that your receiver can NOT rely on messages being of fixed size.

WinSock2 IOCP WSARecv GetQueuedCompletionStatus: data (automatically) ends up in char*buffer, not WSABUF.buf...why?

While debugging, when WSARecv is called, I supply the function with the address of the PerIoData->WSABUF structure. This should assign the sent data to the WSABUF.buf char* array, which it seems to. When The worker thread loops back to the waiting GetQueuedCompletionStatus, it seems to somehow (magically) send that data to PerIoData.Buffer (char* array). So essentially, the PerIoData.Buffer and PerIoData.WSABUF.buf both equal the same char* array. When I remove the PerIoData.Buffer from the PER_IO_DATA Struct (and all references to it), the GetQueuedCompletionStaus never returns when the client sends data though i know the WSABUF.buf should be populated with data.
The pertinent information:
I'm implementing the Completion Port Model found in "Network Programming for Microsoft Windows" (p.157). Though the examples in that book left much to be independently discovered, my code works fine now.
In the while loop of the ServerWorkerThread: GetQueuedCompletionStatus , called first, receives per_handle_data, and per_io_data
per_io_data struct is as such:
struct _PER_IO_DATA{ //in the interests of an efficient question, i'm omitting the
//constructor/destructor code
OVERLAPPED Overlapped;
char myBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
int BufferLen;
int OperationType;
My GetQueuedCompletionStatus function is called like so:
ret = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(CompletionPort,
My WSARecv Function is called like so:
WSARecv(PerHandleData->Socket, &(PerIoData->DataBuf), 1, NULL, &Flags, ((LPWSAOVERLAPPED)&PerIoData->Overlapped), NULL);
//i know casting the Overlapped structure as LPWSAOVERLAPPED is unnecessary, but I was tweaking the
//code when I didn't fully understand the problems I was having.
My problem is that I never explicitly assign anything to the PerIoData->Buffer yet it seems to always get populated with the sent data. I'm lead to believe GetQueuedCompletionStatus "knows" to send this data to that PerIoData->Buffer though it's expecting a pointer to a LPOVERLAPPED structure (to which i pass my PerIoData struct instance containing the Buffer char array in question). It's really bugging me... Maybe it's not behaving like I'm thinking it is, but the only place I can see the PerIoData->Buffer being populated is from within the GetQueuedCompletionStatus method. If that's not the case, then PerIoData->Buffer seems to be populated from nowhere? I've scoured MSDN and google for days. I'll continue looking and if I find the answer I'll post an update. Please Help? Thanks in advance!
*Note: I would've created the tags WSABUF and GetQueuedCompletionStatus, but this is my first post.
--EDIT: I'm posting the structs and worker thread, leaving out all other unrelated code.--
You'll notice that _PER_IO_DATA::DataBuf.buf is allocated memory, then zeroed out. Not pointing to the myBuffer array....
#include "stdafx.h"
#define SEND_POSTED 1
#define RECV_POSTED 2
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 1024
HANDLE CompletionPort;
SOCKADDR_IN serverAddress, *clientAddress;
SOCKET listener, client;
unsigned short port = 5000;
int i;
struct _PER_HANDLE_DATA{//Per handle data structure
SOCKET Socket;
Socket = 0;
ZeroMemory(&Address, sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE));
Socket = NULL;
ZeroMemory(&Address, sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE));
struct _PER_IO_DATA{
OVERLAPPED Overlapped;
char myBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
int BufferLen;
int OperationType;
OperationType = 0;
DataBuf.len = BUFFER_LENGTH;
DataBuf.buf = (char*)malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH+1);
ZeroMemory(DataBuf.buf, (sizeof(BUFFER_LENGTH+1)));
ZeroMemory(&myBuffer, (sizeof(char)*BUFFER_LENGTH));
SecureZeroMemory((PVOID)&Overlapped, sizeof(Overlapped));
unsigned _stdcall ServerWorkerThread(LPVOID CompletionPortID);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
unsigned _stdcall ServerWorkerThread(LPVOID CompletionPortID){
printf("ServerWorkerThread(%d) Working\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
HANDLE CompletionPort = (HANDLE) CompletionPortID;
DWORD BytesTransferred;
DWORD SendBytes = 0, RecvBytes = 0;
DWORD Flags;
BOOL ret;
ret = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(CompletionPort,
//printf("\n\nBytesTransferred: %d\n\n", BytesTransferred);
if(BytesTransferred == 0 && (PerIoData->OperationType == RECV_POSTED || PerIoData->OperationType == SEND_POSTED)){
if(PerIoData->OperationType == RECV_POSTED){
//output received data
if(!strcmp(PerIoData->DataBuf.buf, "Disconnect") || !strcmp(PerIoData->DataBuf.buf, "disconnect")){
if(!shutdown(PerHandleData->Socket, SD_BOTH)){
printf("RECV_POSTED: %s\n", PerIoData->DataBuf.buf);
Flags = 0;
SecureZeroMemory((PVOID)&PerIoData->Overlapped, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));
PerIoData->DataBuf.len = BUFFER_LENGTH;
//Even though the following is commented out, PerIoData->DataBuf.buf
//is still being populated and so is PerIoData-myBuffer
//So why is myBuffer being populated with data when DataBuf.buf is not pointing to it??
//PerIoData->DataBuf.buf = PerIoData->myBuffer;
//Also, if you comment out all references of myBuffer, GetQueuedCompletionStatus(),
//will never return if myBuffer doesn't does it seem to be 'aware' of myBuffer?
PerIoData->OperationType = RECV_POSTED;
WSARecv(PerHandleData->Socket, &(PerIoData->DataBuf), 1, NULL, &Flags, ((LPWSAOVERLAPPED)&PerIoData->Overlapped), NULL);
return 0;

How to stub a socket in C?

I've written client code that's supposed to send some data through a socket and read back an answer from the remote server.
I would like to unit-test that code. The function's signature is something along the lines of:
double call_remote(double[] args, int fd);
where fd is the file descriptor of the socket to the remote server.
Now the call_remote function will, after sending the data, block on reading the answer from the server. How can I stub such a remote server for unit-testing the code?
Ideally I would like something like:
int main() {
int stub = /* initialize stub */
double expected = 42.0;
assert(expected == call_remote(/* args */, stub);
return 0;
double stub_behavior(double[] args) {
return 42.0;
I would like stub_behavior to be called and send the 42.0 value down the stubbed file descriptor.
Any easy way I can do that?
If this is a POSIX system, you can use fork() and socketpair():
double stub_behaviour(double []);
int initialize_stub(void)
int sock[2];
double data[N_DOUBLES_EXPECTED];
socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock);
if (fork()) {
/* Parent process */
return sock[1];
/* Child process */
/* read N_DOUBLES_EXPECTED in */
read(sock[0], data, sizeof data);
/* execute stub */
data[0] = stub_behaviour(data);
/* write one double back */
write(sock[0], data, sizeof data[0]);
int main()
int stub = initialize_stub();
double expected = 42.0;
assert(expected == call_remote(/* args */, stub);
return 0;
double stub_behavior(double args[])
return 42.0;
...of course, you will probably want to add some error checking, and alter the logic that reads the request.
The file descriptor created by socketpair() is a normal socket, and thus socket calls like send() and recv() will work fine on it.
You could use anything which can be accessed with a file descriptor. A file or, if you want simulate blocking behaviour, a pipe.
Note: obviosly socket specific calls (setsockopt, fcntl, ioctl, ...) wouldn't work.
I encountered the same situation and I'll share my approach. I created network dumps of exactly what the client should send, and what the server response should be. I then did a byte-by-byte comparison of the client request to ensure it matched. If the request is valid, I read from the response file and send it back to the client.
I'm happy to provide more details (when I'm at a machine with access to this code)
Here is a C++ implementation (I know, the original question was for C, but it is easy to convert back to C if desired). It probably doesn't work for very large strings, as the socket will probably block if the string can't be buffered. But it works for small unit tests.
/// Class creates a simple socket for testing out functions that write to a socket.
/// Usage:
/// 1. Call GetSocket() to get a file description socket ID
/// 2. write to that socket FD
/// 3. Call ReadAll() read back all the data that was written to that socket.
/// The sockets are all closed by ReadAll(), so this is a one-use object.
/// \example
/// MockSocket ms;
/// int socket = ms.GetSocket();
/// send(socket,"foo bar",7);
/// ...
/// std::string s = ms.ReadAll();
/// EXPECT_EQ("foo bar",s);
class MockSocket
int GetSocket()
socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sockets_);
return sockets_[0];
std::string ReadAll()
std::string s;
char buffer[256];
while (true)
int n = read(sockets_[1], buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (n > 0) s.append(buffer,n);
if (n <= 0) break;
return s;
int sockets_[2];

winsock recv gives 10014 error

I'll start with the code:
typedef std::vector<unsigned char> CharBuf;
static const int RCV_BUF_SIZE = 1024;
SOCKET m_socket = a connected and working socket;
// ...
CharBuf buf; // Declare buffer
buf.resize(RCV_BUF_SIZE); // resize buffer to 1024
char* p_buf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&buf[0]); // change from unsigned char to char
//char p_buf[RCV_BUF_SIZE];
int ret = recv(m_socket, p_buf, RCV_BUF_SIZE, 0); // Does not work
for (int i=0; i<RCV_BUF_SIZE; ++i) // Works (does not crash, so the buffer is ok)
char c = p_buf[i];
Now when I run this code ret becomes -1 and WSAGetLastError() returns 10014 which means the pointer is bad.
However I can't see why this shouldn't work? If I comment out the reinterpret_cast line and use the line below it works!
It could be argued that reinterpret_cast is risky, but I think it should be ok as both unsigned char and signed char has the exact same size.
std::vectors should be safe to address directly in memory as far as I know as well.
The funny part is that when I do the same thing with the same vector-type in send() it works! Send function:
void SendData(const CharBuf& buf)
buf.resize(RCV_BUF_SIZE); // resize buffer to 1024
const char* p_buf = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&buf[0]); // change from unsigned char to char
int ret = send(m_socket, p_buf, (int)buf.size(), 0); // Works
As we see, no difference except CharBuf being const in this case, can that change anything?
Why is recv() more sensitive than send()? How can recv() even know the pointer is invalid (which it obviously isn't)?? all it should see is a char array!
As per request my whole receive function (bear in mind that I can't spell out every function in it, but I think they should be fairly self-explanatory.
bool TcpSocket::ReceiveData(CharBuf* pData)
if (!CheckInitialized("ReceiveData"))
return false;
if (m_status != CONNECTED_STAT)
AddToErrLog("Socket not connected", 1, "ReceiveData");
return false;
int ret;
char* p_buf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&pData[0]);
ret = recv(m_socket, p_buf, RCV_BUF_SIZE, 0);
switch (ret)
case 0: // Gracefully closed
AddToLog("Connection gracefully closed", 2);
Shutdown(); // The connection is closed, no idea to keep running
return true;
case SOCKET_ERROR: // Error
ret = WSAGetLastError();
if (ret == 10004) // This indicates the socket was closed while we were waiting
AddToLog("Socket was shut down while waiting for data", 1, "ReceiveData(1)");
AddToErrLog("Receive data failed with code: " + CStr(ret));
AddToLog("Connection ended with error", 2);
return false;
default: // Normal operation
pData->resize(ret); // Remove unused space
return true;
Never mind. I found it while I was pasting the function. Like always, you find your error when you try to explain it for someone else :)
I leave it up to the reader to figure out what was wrong, but I'll give &pData[0] as a hint.
Thanks for your help :D
Found the answer myself while pasting the whole function, &pData[0] is a hint.