Compilation error start up failed Invalid command line for usage of javac - grails-2.2

I am new to grails I first Installed Java 1.7 then I set path JAVA_HOME to
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
and I set path to
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin;D:\grails\grails-2.2.4\bin
and I am compiling the application from command prompt ,when I run the application using
grails RunApp
I got the following error
grails 2.2.4 error compilation error start up failed Invalid commandline for usage of javac.
JavaC:invalid flag: Xlint :-option.
Will this version support tomcat 7.0 for deployment.

Grails 2.2 support java 1.7 which you are doing is correct and this version supports tomcat 7.0. I tried grails 2.2 with java 1.6 and run my applications successfully so can try it with java6 so that you can run your applications.


Ionic2 Android deployment

I am using a MAC machine with Java 9. While deploying my ionic2 app, System returns following error:
Error: Requirements check failed for JDK 1.8 or greater
[ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova run android (exit code 1)
My java version is great than 1.8 but system still returning me above error. Please advise.

Grails - Upgrading from 2.4.5 to 2.5.5 resulting in Error running unit tests: null

I'm trying to upgrade a Grails app from 2.4.5 to 2.5.5. When I run test-app, I'm getting the following:
Error running unit tests: null
at org.spockframework.runtime.GlobalExtensionRegistry.startGlobalExtensions(
The clover plugin was the culprit. Upgrading it from version 4.0.2 to version 4.1.2 made the error go away.

Is Sun/Oracle JDK required to build WSO2 4.1.x?

Is Sun/Oracle JDK required to build WSO2 4.1.x?
I tried building with OpenJDK, but ran into the following issue:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile
(default-compile) on project axis2-transport-testkit: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] ... carbon_kernel_4.1.0/dependencies/transports/1.1.0-wso2v8/modules/testkit/
error: package com.sun.javadoc does not exist
Yes, Oracle JDK is required to build Carbon.
Currently Open JDK is not recommended.
Please make sure to use Oracle JDK 1.6 for building Carbon.
You can use Oracle JRE 1.7 for running WSO2 products, but there are known issues with compiling the source code with Java 7.
See for additional info.

camel-example-cxf Not Deployed in ServiceMix 4.4.2

I was trying to run the camel-example-cxf example project which I downloaded from Camel website. (downloaded apache-camel-2.10.2)
I built the project using the pom.xml & the build was successful.
However when I tried to deploy it in servicemix (apache-servicemix-4.4.2) I am getting the following error.
karaf#root> ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-example-cxf [43] Error starting file:/C:/apache-servicemix-4.4.2/deploy
/camel-example-cxf-2.10.2.jar (org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.apache.camel.camel-example-cxf [43]: Unable to resolve 43.0: missing requirement [43.0] package; (&(>=5.7.0)(!(version>=6.0.0))))
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.apache.camel.camel-example-cxf [43]: Unable to resolve 43.0: missing requirement [43.0] package; (&(>=5.7.0)(!(version>=6.0.0)))
at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.resolveBundle(
at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle(
at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.setActiveStartLevel(
Please help
Apache ServiceMix 4.4.2 does not support Camel 2.10. You need to use the Camel version that it's shipped with, which is Camel 2.8.
Apache ServiceMix 4.5.0 will ship with Camel 2.10 and ActiveMQ 5.7. This release is in the works currently.
I had the same issue (but with activemq jar) and found that while running maven build i was using a different version than what servicemix had. you can find the version of jar file that are used by servicemix by using "exports" command (type export on servicemix command line) and you would come to know the version. if that is different than what you used for maven build then you would get that error. You have two option then
1. install different bundle in servicemix (with same version as used for maven build)
2. change the pom.xml to build maven build.

Fresh Sitecore install - Handler "AboMapperCustom-88978986" has a bad module "IsapiModule" in its module list

I get this error with a fresh Sitecore 6.4 install.
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error Handler
"AboMapperCustom-88978986" has a bad module "IsapiModule" in its
module list
Any ideas? AppPool is integreated but i get same error on classic.
There is a problem with the installer it sets up the appPool using .net 2.0. If you switch it to use .net 4.0 and make sure it's in integrated mode, you should be good to go.
I was using Windows 7 and Sitecore 7.5. This solved the HTTP Error 500.21 for me:
Run the command prompt as administrator.
Go to this directory: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\
And run the command: aspnet_regiis -i
Hope this can help.