I want to print a text on MFC Dialog - mfc

I made a thread to set some text on EditBox on Lobby Dialog. Below is my code.
And MainLobby is the Dialog Class. This project is "Dialog Based MFC Project".
MainLobby Lobby;
_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ReceiveMessage, (void *)Lobby.GetSafeHwnd(), 0, NULL);
But it doesn't work. Where is wrong? I thought hard but I couldn't find the answer.
I tried not Lobby.GetSafeHwnd() but Lobby.m_hwnd
unsigned WINAPI ReceiveMessage(void *arg)
HWND hDlg = (HWND)arg;
char msg[BUF_SIZE];
int msgLen;
while( (msgLen = recv(CClientApp::hSocket, msg, BUF_SIZE, 0)) != 0 )
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LOBBY_CBOX, msg);
I am using MFC now. I will be glad a good idea.

The device context has to be updated.
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_LOBBY_CBOX, msg);
Or try it with a CString member variable for IDC LOBBY CBOX.

It is clear from your code that you are not using MFC properly. A Windows dialog based application does not require the programmer to explicitly create message handlers or receivers, that is what the MFC framework itself is doing for you. There is no reason to call beginthreadex before starting the dialog message loop as part of the DoModal method. When you invoke DoModal on any class descended From Dialog or DialogEX, the window is constructed, the member objects are constructed, and the message loop is started before the WM_INITDIALOG message is sent to the dialog for any other initialization before the dialog window is displayed. Once the window is displayed, the message loop is running, and text will display automatically in an edit control when you send it correctly. Normally one would declare a CEdit object with some name using the Class Wizard in visual studio then map the MFC object to the dialog object. Rather than type out all the details I will refer to this article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6d1asasd.aspx

The dialog's HWND has not been initialized before DoModal is called. So your thread does not receive the proper HWND. The first place that you can access the correct HWND value is inside the dialog's OnInitDialog member function.

I see two problems in your code.
First you are calling Lobby.GetSafeHwnd before DoModal, so before the window is constructed. You should move the thread creation to the WM_INITDIALOG handler of MainLobby to create the thread there. Or you could create a modeless dialog.
Second you are using _beginthreadex in your MFC code. If you are starting a thread that uses MFC, then you need to start that thread with AfxBeginThread. If you only use CRT, then you use _beginthreadex. If you use neither, then use Windows CreateThread. The reason for this is that each layer (CRT, MFC) needs to do some housekeeping of thread specific information. This can only be done if you call the proper thread creation functions.
Third, you might consider using the MFC socket objects like CAsyncSocket. This object can send windows messages to your dialog if some data is available on the socket. This perfectly fits into your scenario with an MFC dialog that should handle socket data.
Another thing, but you already got that right: to access an MFC GUI object you need to be in the thread of that GUI object. So calling the Windows SetDlgItemText with the raw handle hDlg needs to be done, you cannot call an MFC function here.
BTW, are you sure your overall strategy is right? I don't see how you handle dialog life time, socket life time and how you put both together.


Capturing the window handle of a newly created modal dialog

I'm using and improving on an open source MFC work-alike library called FFC. Sometimes the library associates the wrong window handle to a dialog object, which means the C++ object can't be found later when the correct handle is looked up. In particular, this is happening when the application opens its root window, which is a dialog that it opens with a call to DoModal.
In its DoModal function, the FFC library uses a... "surprising" way to attach the handle to the dialog object. It stashes the "this" pointer in a global variable and hooks a function to be called on all window messages before calling the DialogBox function. This hook function it registered in term assumes the handle from the first message it receives is the handle for the window in the global variable, and attaches that handle to it.
Sometimes, this works. Often - and I don't know if it's because of intrusive things done by the McAfee scanner on my work computer, or because my program starts from a console window, or something else - many unrelated messages will be captured before a message actually meant for the modal dialog comes through.
At first I thought it was because FFC wasn't making sure the message it looks for is "WM_CREATE". I added this check, but it didn't fix the problem. Turns out one or more of the spurious messages are also WM_CREATE messages! Before it gets the one for the real dialog, the first WM_CREATE it receives is a handle for a window with blank window text and rectangle 0,0-0,0.
So is this really the correct or canonical way to get the handle for a modal dialog? It seems unreliable. (Note that because the dialog is modal, you can't use the return value from CreateWindowEx because the DialogBox function doesn't return until the modal dialog is closed.) Is this really how MFC does it? Is there a better way? Could I associate some data with the dialog or look for data that should be associated with it to make sure I have the right window handle? (For instance checking the template parameter passed to the dialog box call, if I can get that back from the handle somehow.)
I am sure this is published in books, but MFC sets a windows hook (WH_CBT) and then looks for the HCBT_CREATEWND code in the hook to marry the C++ object to the HWND.

::PostMessage doesn't work when I am tabbed in to another program

In our Program we have a Dialog from a separate dll open to display infomation. I need to close this dialog when our system timer causes the system to lock.
I send information to the dll by registering a system message in both my MainFrm and EditDisplayDll
SYSTEMLOCK = RegisterWindowMessage("SystemLock");
When I sent the message via
The message correctly sends to my EditDisplayDll and closes the dialog when the system locks; however, if I alt tab while waiting for the timeout and use another program(firefox, outlook, etc.) the message never correctly calls to the EditDisplayDll. The MainFrm and other windows inside of the MainFrm correctly lockout and hide themselves in either case.
I have tried also using HWND_BROADCAST with PostMessage and SendNotifyMessage. I have also tried to use FindWindow() and FindWindowEx() to specifically call the EditDisplayDll.
I cannot use something like GetDlgItem() because my MainFrm.cpp doesn't have access to this dll.
My decision to use GetActiveWindow() was because I believe it looks to windows specific to my program no matter what window I am in as seen in the imagery in Foreground Vs Active window
Finally, my question is, is there a way to call all Windows in my program no matter what program I am currently in or is there another way I could get access to the specific IDD of the EditDisplayDll in order to send the SYSTEMLOCK message to it?
CWnd *cWndED = FindWindow(_T("EditDisplay"),_T("EditDisplay")); HWND
hwnd = (HWND)cWndED;
You should use win32 API ::FindWindow with proper class, window name. And do not cast CWnd pointer to HWND. Your code should look like:
HWND hWnd = ::FindWindow(_T("ProperClass"), _T("ProperNmae"));
if (hWnd != NULL)
::PostMessage(hWnd, YOUR_MESSAGE, ....);
I will suggest you to find your Dll window class and name using Spy++ and then try to find that using above method. Remember it's always better to use native API for this kind of tasks.
FindWindow is a good solution if you know both, name of the window and the element.
If you want to get the HWND of your window - no element inside the window -, you can pass as first parameter NULL.
::FindWindow(NULL, _T("WindowName"));
Back to your code: If you are lucky your PostMessage does nothing, otherwise the active window may catch your message. Who knows how/if it is handled in the active window ? Use the PostMessage if you have a valid IsWindow(HWND) from FindWindow or FindWindowEx.
In case you want a CWnd from your HWND take a look at this. (The call may be slow)
HWND hWnd = ::FindWindow(_T("ClassName"), _T("WindowName"));
if (hWnd && IsWindow(hWnd))
::PostMessage(hWnd, MESSAGE_TO_BE_SEND, lParam_or_Flags);

How to Cleanly Destroy WebBrowser Control

I am using ATL in VisualC++10 to host browser control.
My code is similar to this example: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9d0714y1(v=vs.80).aspx
Difference is I have main window and then child window hosts the browser control.
After 2 minutes i have to close the browser completely kill the browser activeX but this child window should be alive and do something else. But somehow this browser control still stays there, i can either see scrollbars or something..
I have also tried by creating child window to an existing child window, and at the time of closing browser I then destroy this child of a child - but still it does not work!
This is how I am closing:
m_spIWebBrowser2->Navigate(bstrURL, &vEmpty, &vEmpty, &vEmpty, &vEmpty);
I had many problems with "access violation" when closing webbrowser control, these are the steps that worked for me:
Unadvise any previously advised events (DWebBrowserEvents2 in my case).
If you've attached click events unattach them like this: _variant_t v; v.vt = VT_DISPATCH; v.pdispVal = 0; IHTMLDocument2->put_onclick(v);
IWebBrowser2->ExecWB(OLECMDID_CLOSE, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, 0, 0) - when closing browser window through window.external.CloseWindow() I had unhandled exceptions and OLECMDID_CLOSE fixed it.
IOleObject->DoVerb(OLEIVERB_HIDE, NULL, IOleClientSite, 0, windowHandle_, NULL)
OleSetContainedObject(IOleObject, FALSE)
CoDisconnectObject(IOleObject, 0)
IWebBrowser2->Quit() should not be called for WebBrowser control (CLSID_WebBrowser), it is intended only for Internet Explorer object (CLSID_InternetExplorer).
Why must it be so hard?
My experience is that some calls might need message processing to function properly. Try to pump some messages between your calls to Navigate, Stop etc. When working with the web browser interfaces I PostMessage myself often to trigger the next step to make sure the previous step had time to complete.
The problem might be related to your child thread. You cannot access web browser interfaces between threads without some additional work. COM needs to be initialized as single-threaded apartment (STA). And you need to follow the rules of STAs:
Every object should live on only one thread (within a single-threaded apartment).
Initialize the COM library for each thread.
Marshal all pointers to objects when passing them between apartments.
Each single-threaded apartment must have a message loop to handle calls from other processes and apartments within the same process. Single-threaded apartments without objects (client only) also need a message loop to dispatch the broadcast messages that some applications use.
If I use DialogBox and drop a IEControl on it as a resource and DialogBox is derived from CAxDialogImpl<> - then while I call DestroyWindow() of dialogBox then it is automatically doing the cleanup() - which is what I required.
But originally I wanted to get rid of DialogBox itself and use IEControl directly on my Window, it seems not..

Application wide periodic tasks with Dialog Based MFC application

In Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI) MFC application, I created an application wide timer in the View. The timer will tick as long as the application is running and trigger some periodic actions.
How can I do the same with Dialog Based MFC application?
Should I create Thread's Timer (SetTimer with NULL HWND) and pass a callback function to it?
Should I create worker threads? My experience with other projects was when I tried to display some feedback GUI from non-GUI/worker threads, I need to roll out my own "delegate"/command pattern and a "delegate invoker"/command invoker. The worker thread will send message (I think using message is safer than direct function call when dealing across thread-boundary, CMIIW) to the UI-thread. and the UI-thread will be the "delegate"/command invoker. Failing to do this and to make sure that the windows/dialogs have the correct parent will result in bizzare behaviors such as the Application suddenly disappears to the background; Window/Dialog that is shown behind the current window/dialog and causing the current window to be unresponsive/unclickable. Probably I was doing something wrong but there were so much problems when dealing with threads.
Are there best practices for this?
A timer works as well in a dialog-based application as an SDI or MDI app. OTOH, timers are (mostly) a leftover from 16-bit Windows. If you want to do things periodically, a worker thread is usually a better way to do it (and yes, Windows Mobile supports multiple threads).
Edit: in a dialog-based application, the main dialog exists for (essentially) the entire life of the application. Unless you really need the timer during the milliseconds between application startup and dialog creation or dialog destruction and application exit, just attach it to the dialog. Otherwise, you can attach it to the main window -- which MFC creates and destroys, even though it's never displayed.
If you use the MFC Wizard to create the Dialog based app, you probably have a hidden view window as well as a dialog window. The view window creates the dialog with DoModal(), which runs the dialog in the same thread, effectively suspending the view window.
While the dialog is open, the view window will not process any events. So, if the view window owns the timer, it will not process the timer events.
The simplest solution is to create the timer in the dialog and let the dialog handle the timer messages.
IMO, use the Timer if it solves the problem. As you've mentioned a Worker Thread interacting with the UI, in MFC, can be more trouble than its worth sometimes.
If the problem is simple enough for a timer to suffice, thats what i'd use (Remember KISS)
SetTimer does not have to be handed a window to work, it can call a callback method.
You can use that in your application - declare in your CWinApp (or anywhere really)
static void CALLBACK OnTimer(HWND, UINT, UINT, DWORD);
Then in the InitInstance call SetTimer(0, [eventid], [time period], OnTimer);
In OnTimer you can get back to the CWinApp instance via AfxGetApp() or theApp since there is only one.
Second attempt: my previous answer was dne in a hurry and was not correct.
Your basic vanilla MFC Dialog app only uses one thread. The main thread starts with a class derived from CWinApp. In the InitInstance() method it launches the dialog using CDialog::DoModal(). This function doesn't return until the dialog is closed.
While the dialog is running, the CWinApp class does not process any messages, so won't see a WM_TIMER.
There are many ways around this.
Let the first dialog own the timer and make all other dialogs children of it. This might be OK, depending on your dialog requirements, but it might be too restrictive.
Launch the first Dialog as modeless, i.e. use Create() instead of DoModal(). Create() returns straight away (putting the Dialog into a different thread). You can then create a message loop in the CWinApp class and process timers there. You'll have to use thread timers instead of window timers as the CWinApp class doesn't have a window. (or you could create a hidden window if that is more convenient).
You can hack the dialog's mesage loop and make it pass messages to the CWinApp class' message handler. That is quite complex and not for the faint hearted.
You can create a dedicated timer thread. You'd probably do that from the CWinApp class before it creates the dialog, but other strategies are possible.
Do any of those schemes sound like they fit your needs? If not, maybe you can explain your needs more fully and we might be able to come up with something appropriate.

CDialog not Receiving Windows Messages in ActiveX Control

I have an ActiveX control in MFC that manipulates images and I am trying to add TWAIN scanning functionality to it.
I need to be able to receive a Windows Message back from the TWAIN driver that tells my control when an image has been scanned, so I have created a CDialog and I pass the HWND of the Dialog to the driver.
ALl the sample code I have seen on the net then uses PreTranslateMessage to capture the message from TWAIN, but in my ActiveX control this method is never being called.
Does anyone know how I can get the messages for that Dialog? I have also tried using PeekMessage with no success.
Many Thanks
You don't need to create a CDialog. You just need any window to process the messages. Anything dealing with TWAIN is best handled in its own thread. So, create a new thread for MFC (via CWinThread or AfxBeginThread). In that thread, create a CWnd. The HWND of this CWnd is the one you will pass with all the calls to the DSM, etc. Each thread has its own message queue, so set one up in there. Communicate with that thread via PostMessage, SendMessage, PostThreadMessage, etc. Assuming you post a message MY_SPECIAL_MESSAGE to signal to being acquiring an image, your message loop should look something like this:
MSG msg;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
if (msg.message == MY_SPECIAL_MESSAGE)
else if (!ProcessTWAINMessage(&msg)) {
Definitely look at the source code in the TWAIN development kit to see how this all works in detail. TWAIN is a tricky creature.
Trust me, this is the best approach. You can do it all in a single thread using your main thread's message queue, but it's to be avoided.