SpagoBI SDK how to get the entire datasets & extract info from them through webservices? - web-services

Is it possible to get a dataset through WS against SpagoBI SDK? All that I got were just some documents but I was wondering if I could do that with Datasets as well.
From the website I can see
"The services available through web service are:
Data Set: it allows to receive the data sets, defined in SpagoBI, and their respective metadata."
I'd really appreciate any help.
What I want to do is just to integrate some other external tools on my project. I though SpagoBI would be nice to be a kind of Back-Office to manage any Dataset from different Datasource


How to share large data sets to third party data consumers/services?

Lets assume I have a client who has plethora of data related to railways(Signals, tracks, train timings, hazard. offers etc). There are various internal department in railways which wants that data. Just like various weather websites get data from weather department and show that data on their website. Similar is my requirement that I want to share the data securely with other department and services. I want to look at best method to share the data to other services as quickly as possible when the data is available.
Possible Solution
API based: Create API for each department and share them data via API. This has its own pros and cons. This is something which came to my mind but we would have to create lot go API's I was looking if Azure and AWS has any other service which can do the same.
Azure based solution: I am looking for help in this if Azure and services it provides can help. Service bus, Event Grid, Event Hub etc can these be of any use?.
AWS based solution: Is there any service in AWS which can help here?. I dont have much exposure to AWS.
Any other solution ?
I have a fair idea that this could be built using API's but I am looking if I can get this done using cloud platforms like Azure and AWS> This will help in better integration of the product and can scale.

Google Merchant Center - retrieve the BestSellers_TopProducts_ report without the BigQuery Data Transfer service?

I'm trying to find a way to retrieve a specific Google Merchant Center report (BestSellers_TopProducts_) and upload it to BigQuery as part of a specific ETL process we're developing for a customer we have at my workplace.
So far, I know you can set up the BigQuery Data Transfer service so it automates the process of downloading this report but I was wondering if I could accomplish the same with Python and some API libraries from Google (like python-google-shopping) but I may be overdoing it and setting up the service is the way to go.
Is there a way to accomplish this rather than resorting to the aforementioned service?
On the other hand, and assuming the BigQuery Data Transfer service is the way to go, I see (in the examples) you need to create and provide the dataset you're going to extract the report data to so I guess the extraction is limited to the GCP project you're working with.
I mean... you can't extract the report data for a third-party even if you had the proper service account credentials, right?

Automatically Exporting PowerBi Visualisation Data?

I need to automatically extract raw data of a PowerBI visualisation across multiple published reports.
Why not just pull the underlying dataset? Because the visualisations are using anomaly detection features of PowerBI, which include anomaly flags not available in the underlying dataset (basically, the visualisations contain calculated columns that are not included in main PowerBI data model)
Ideally a REST API solution would be best, but dumping CSV files or other more roundabout methods are ok.
So far, the closest functionality I can see is in the Javascript API here -, which allows a website to communicate with an embedded PowerBI report and pass in and out information. But this doesn't seem to match my implementation needs.
I have also seen this which is to manually implement anomaly detection via Azure Services rather than the native PowerBI functionality, however this means abandoning the simplicity of the PowerBI anomaly function that is so attractive in the first place.
I have also seen this StackOverflow question here PowerBI Report Export in csv format via Rest API and it mentions using XMLA endpoints, however it doesn't seem like the client applications have the functionality to connect to visualisations - for example I tried DAX Studio and it doesn't seem to have any ability to query the data on a visualisation level.
I'm afraid all information on PowerBI says this is not possible. The API only supports PDF, PPTX and PNG options, and as such the integration with Power Automate doesn't do any better.
The StackOverflow question you link has some information on retrieving the Dataset but that's before the anomaly detection has processed the data.
I'm afraid your best bet is to, indeed, use the Azure service. I'd suggest ditching PowerBI and going to an ETL tool like DataFactory or even into the AzureML propositions Microsoft offers. You'll be more flexible than in PowerBI as well since you'll have the full power of Python/R notebooks at your disposal.
Sorry I can't give you a better answer.

How to serve Google Big Query output to a client web

I have exported Firestore collections to Google Big Query to make data analysis and aggregation.
What is the best practice (using Google Cloud Products) to serve Big Query outputs to a client web application?
Google provides seven client libraries for BigQuery. You can take any library and write a webserver that will serve requests from client web application. The webserver can use a GCP service account to access BigQuery on behalf of its clients.
One such sample is this project. It's written in TypeScript. Uses NodeJS library on the server and React for the client app. I'm the author.
You may try to have an express tour through Google Data Studio, looking for the main features what this Google analytics service can offer for the customers. If your aim stands for visualizing data from Bigquery, Data Studio is a good option, thus it provides a variety of informative dashboards and reports, allowing the user customize charts and graphs sharing them publicly or via user collaboration groups.
Data Studio spreads a lot of connectors to different data sources, hence you can find a separate Bigquery connector for further integration with data resources residing in Bigquery warehouse.
You can track for any future product enhancements here.

Can I create an algorithm using Amazon MWS API?

I am working with my team to prep a project for a potential client. We've researched Amazon MWS API, and we're trying to develop an algorithm using the data scraped from this API.
Just want to make sure we understand the research correctly:
Is it possible to scrape data from like the plugins RevSeller or HowMany do? Then can we add that data to a database for use in an algorithm to determine whether or not an Amazon reseller should invest in reselling a product?
I am doing a similar project. I don't know the specifics of RevSeller or HowMany, but another very popular plugin is Amzpecty. If you use a tool like Fiddler, you can see the HTTP traffic and figure out what it does. They basically scrape out the ASIN and offer listing ID's on the current page you are looking at and one-by-one call the Amazon Product Advertising API, which is not the same thing as MWS. Out of that data returned, they produce a nice overlay that tells you all kinds of important stuff.
Instead of a browser plugin, I'm just writing an app that makes HTTP calls based on a list of ASIN's to the PA API and then I can run the results through my own algorithms. Hope that gives you a starting point.