Using alias in C++ without altering value of original variable? - c++

So I have to make a program where I calculate the sum of some elements in an array and then find the number of digits of the sum (e.g. if the sum of several elements is 175, I have to print the value of the sum (175) and the number of digits of 175 (3)).
To determine the number of digits I use the following "while" loop:
while (sum > 0)
sum /= 10;
As you might have noticed, at the end of the loop the sum is 0. So I thought of creating an alias of "sum":
int& rSum = sum;
So I simply substituted "sum" with "rSum" in the array, in order to find the numbers of digits, and printed sum in the end of the program. Anyways, the value of "sum" after the loop is 0, in other words equal to "rSum". So I guess, when you create an alias to a certain variable, modifying the alias, modifies the variable itself, which is a problem in my case.
My question is, can I create the program with aliases (or using references, pointers etc.), or is the only way by creating a copy of the "sum" variable (int rSum = sum;)?

Your question looks like "how can I make a copy this variable without making a copy of this variable?".
I think your concern roots one level lower, you think making a copy would make the code less readable - and I agree. But you can combat it very simply:
int sum = ...;
int digits = countDigits(sum);
Extracting countDigits to a separate function will still make a copy of your sum variable, since it's copied by value (which is OK), but this copy will be temporary (local to countDigits) and won't make an unneccessary mess in your original function.

Skizz proposes here a logarithm based method:
Efficient way to determine number of digits in an integer.
Or look at Brad's solution.
However, if you use division you will need a copy.

This will also create copy of sum but at least it wont be you:
const int& orgSum = sum + 0;
while (sum > 0)
sum /= 10;
cout << orgSum << endl;


how to insert an element in the beginning when using recursion?

I need to fill an array with the digits of a natural number using recursion. The problem is that i don't understand recursion very well.
int fill(long long number, int arr[10])
return arr[10];
for(int i=0;i>10;i++)
return fill(number/10, arr);
If anyone can help in any way it would be much appreciated.
If you have a problem that must be solved with recursion, you probably should not be using for-loops.
The goal is that each iteration of fill() fills in one digit in the right position in the array, and if necessary calls itself again to fill in the remaining digits. You already have the right kind of structure in your code, but it's inefficient because of the extra for-loop. You can avoid it by using the return value of fill() to keep track of where you have to place digits. Here is a possible solution:
int fill(long long number, int arr[10])
if (!number)
return 0;
int pos = fill(number / 10, arr);
arr[pos] = number % 10;
return pos + 1;
In this implementation, we call ourselves recursively until the number is zero. When it is zero, we return 0. The return value is used to indicate where in the array we have to write a digit. So after we reach the deepest recursion level, and return for the first time, we write the most significant digit to arr[0]. Then we return 0 + 1. That means that one recursion level up, we have pos = 1, and we write the second most significant digit to arr[1], and then we return 1 + 1, and so on until we write the least significant digit, and then we are done. The return value of the initial call to fill() is then equal to the number of digits written to arr.
There are two more issue with this function. The first is when number is larger than 10 digits. In that case, it will write past the end of the array. So you will need to add some check to prevent that from happening, or ensure the array is large enough to hold the largest possible long long value (which is 20 digits if long long is 64-bits). Check LLONG_MAX from the climits.h header to get the maximum value for your platform. The second is that this function doesn't handle negative numbers very well. If you want to ensure it only handles non-negative numbers, change it to use unsigned long long. In that case, be aware that the largest number is ULLONG_MAX, and on 64-bit platforms this probably means 21 digits.
arr[i+1] iterator in for loop will have UB when i=9 and i=10
I am not going to solve it for you, here is how you should think, if you want to master the recursion (which is indeed often hard for people who encounter it for a first time).
Your function is supposed to fill first elements of array with digits, and return the number of digits.
Suppose that the number >= 10. You called fill(number/10, arr). It returned x which is the number of digits in number/10 . What should you do now? what should you return?
Suppose that the number < 10. What should you do? What should you return?

getting infinte amount of inputs from the user than printing the biggest 3 , without using arrays

First time around, first time learning to code anything. Sorry for my ignorance.
So I've been asked to code a program that gets infinite amount of number from the users until he submits the number I manage to do so very well, but I also need to print the biggest sum of a following three inputs, for example, the user inputs 4,20,2,4,11,9,8,1 the program should print 11,9,8 because the sum of those 3 is greater than all other 3.
I must tell you I cannot use arrays, I know its a bummber but I know it is possible to do so without.
I was trying to build a function that tries to act like an array but I can't really call her back since its a two-variable function and one of them is the input, which I obviously don't know. was working on this question for 5 hours now and thought ill ask for your wisdom
cout << " enter numbers as long as you wish" << endl;
cout << "when you wish to stop enter the number 1" << endl;
int n;
int sum;
int i = 1;
while (n != 1) {
cin >> n;
remember(i, n);
if (n == 1) {
cout << "you choosed to stop " << endl;
And the function I was trying to build is really simple but I can't call any specific value for example remember(1, n) when I want to sum them up and see who is bigger.
int remember(int i, int n){
return n;
*** Please note that the sums that are being tested are the sums of the numbers in the exact order that the user-submitted therefor 11,9,8 is the output and NOT 20,11,9
You need seven variables: Three which is the "window" you're currently reading, and which you check your sum with; Three which is the "biggest sum" triple; And one which is the current input.
For each input you read into the "current input" variable, you shift the window down one value and set the top variable to the just read input.
Then you take the sum of all three values in the window, and check if it's bigger than the sum of the current "biggest sum" triple. If it is, then you make the "biggest sum" triple equal to the current window values.
Iterate until there is no more input, and then print the "biggest" values.
Regarding the shifting of the three window values, lets say you have three variables named window1, window2 and window3 then you could shift like this:
window1 = window2;
window2 = window3;
window3 = current;
Checking the sum is as easy as
if ((window1 + window2 + window3) > (biggest1 + biggest2 + biggest3))
All window and biggest variables need to be initialized to the lowest possibly value for the type (for int that would be std::numeric_limits<int>::min()).
Since you initialize all values, there's no need to have special cases for the first and second input.
Iterating while there's input could be done by doing
while (std::cin >> current)
First of all, n is uninitialized, so it's undefined behavior when you do while (n != 1){. So technically, there's no guarantee that anything works past that. You should initialize it, for example by setting it to 0 (or any other value that's not 1, in this case):
int n = 0;
But the issue that you observe is because you have another int n; in your loop, which shadows the outer n (the one that is checked in the while condition). So the cin >> n; only ever modifies that inner n. The outer one will stay at the same uninitialized value. So if that value made it enter the loop, it will never exit the loop, because n != 1 is always true.
Remove the int n; inside the loop to solve the problem.
Basically, what you need is 4 variables to account the actual list and its sums (3 for the list and 1 for the sum of it)
You need 3 more variables to account the actual list.
At each interaction, you have two things to do:
Compare the sum of actual list with the stored one. If the sum the actual list is greater than that stored, actualize it
For each new number, rotate you variables that account for the actual list.
In pseudo code:
v3 = v2;
v2 = v1;
v1 = new_number;

C++ array (Beginner)

I misstook arrays for vectors, Sorry (array is vektor in swedish)
I would need some help with a program I'm making. It is a assignment so I really need to understand how I do this and not just get the code :P
I need to make a array containing 10 "numbers" (I would like to make them editable when the program is running).
After I'v done this I need to make the program calculate the "average value" of all the numbers "/
Would be pretty neat if you could pick how many numbers you wanted the average value of as well, if anyone could share some knowledge in how I should to that :P
Anyways, I'v tried some code to make the vector that didn't work, I might as well add it here:
int vector[10];
vector[0] "number 1: ";
and so on for the input of numbers in the vector.
int sum = vector[0] + vector[1] + ...
cout << "average value is: " << sum/5;
should work for getting the average value though (right?)
I should allso add:
float average(int v[], int n)
to this thing as well, can't really se how though.
Any help/knowledge at all would be awesome! Cheers.
To pick how many numbers you wanted to average:
Native: (G++/Clang) only, not "legal" C++
cin >> num;
int vector[num];
"Correct" native (pointers):
int *vector = new int [num];
"Proper" C++:
#include <vector>
std::vector<int> v(num);
A function like following would work for computing average of an array containing n elements.
float average(int v[], int n)
float sum = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
sum += v[i]; //sum all the numbers in the vector v
return sum / n;
You can declare your array as you have done however i do recommend you to name it something else then vector to avoid confusion. About tour issue with changing the numbers in the array you can do this by for example maning a loop going from one to 10 and then make the user enter values for all the fields.
Vektor på svenska = array på engelska (vector är något annat :))
If you want exactly 10 numbers, you can eliminate a lot of overhead by simply using an array. However, assuming you want to use a vector, you can easily find the average taking advantage of its "size" member, as such:
float average(std::vector<int> nums)
int sum = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++)
sum += nums[i];
return sum / nums.size();
Note that this does assume the sum won't be higher than 2^31-1, IE the highest number a signed integer can represent. To be safer you could use an unsigned and/or 64 bit int for sum, or some arbitrary precision library like gmp, but I'd assume that is all outside the scope of your assignment.
You must declare and array of size 10, which you have done.
Use a loop to get ten inputs from the user.
(for or while loops would do)
Use another loop to calculate the sum of all ten numbers and store it in a variable.
Divide the variable by ten.
This is what you need to do essentially. But, to make your driver program prettier, you can define the following functions:
void GetInput(int *A); //put the input loop here
You can also write any one of the given two functions:
long Sum(int * A) //put the summing loop here
double Average(int * A) //put the summing loop here AND divide the sum by ten
Since you are a beginner I feel obliged to tell you that you don't need to return an array since it isalways passed as a reference parameter. I did not bother to pass the array size as a parameter to any functions because that is fixed and known to be 10 but it will be good practice to do that.

I have n spaces, in each space, I can place a number 0 through m. Writing a program to output all possible results. Need help :)

The idea is, given an n number of spaces, empty fields, or what have you, I can place in either a number from 0 to m. So if I have two spaces and just 01 , the outcome would be:
(0 1)
(1 0)
(0 0)
(1 1)
if i had two spaces and three numbers (0 1 2) the outcome would be
(0 1)
(1 1)
(0 2)
(2 0)
(2 2)
(2 1)
and so on until I got all 9 (3^2) possible outcomes.
So i'm trying to write a program that will give me all possible outcomes if I have n spaces and can place in any number from 0 to m in any one of those spaces.
Originally I thought to use for loops but that was quickly shotdown when I realzed I'd have to make one for every number up through n, and that it wouldn't work for cases where n is bigger.
I had the idea to use a random number generator and generate a number from 0 to m but that won't guarantee I'll actually get all the possible outcomes.
I am stuck :(
Any help is much appreciated :)
Basically what you will need is a starting point, ending point, and a way to convert from each state to the next state. For example, a recursive function that is able to add one number to the smallest pace value that you need, and when it is larger than the maximum, to increment the next larger number and set the current one back to zero.
Take this for example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// This is just a function to print out a vector.
template<typename T>
inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &os, const vector<T> &v) {
bool first = true;
os << "(";
for (int i = 0; i < v.size (); i++) {
if (first) first = false;
else os << " ";
os << v[i];
return os << ")";
bool addOne (vector<int> &nums, int pos, int maxNum) {
// If our position has moved off of bounds, so we're done
if (pos < 0)
return false;
// If we have reached the maximum number in one column, we will
// set it back to the base number and increment the next smallest number.
if (nums[pos] == maxNum) {
nums[pos] = 0;
return addOne (nums, pos-1, maxNum);
// Otherwise we simply increment this numbers.
else {
return true;
int main () {
vector<int> nums;
int spaces = 3;
int numbers = 3;
// populate all spaces with 0
nums.resize (spaces, 0);
// Continue looping until the recursive addOne() function returns false (which means we
// have reached the end up all of the numbers)
do {
cout << nums << endl;
} while (addOne (nums, nums.size()-1, numbers));
return 0;
Whenever a task requires finding "all of" something, you should first try to do it in these three steps: Can I put them in some kind of order? Can I find the next one given one? Can I find the first?
So if I asked you to give me all the numbers from 1 to 10 inclusive, how would you do it? Well, it's easy because: You know a simple way to put them in order. You can give me the next one given any one of them. You know which is first. So you start with the first, then keep going to the next until you're done.
This same method applies to this problem. You need three algorithms:
An algorithm that orders the outputs such that each output is either greater than or less than every other possible output. (You don't need to code this, just understand it.)
An algorithm to convert any output into the next output and fail if given the last output. (You do need to code this.)
An algorithm to generate the first output, one less (according to the first algorithm) than every other possible output. (You do need to code this.)
Then it's simple:
Generate the first output (using algorithm 3). Output it.
Use the increment algorithm (algorithm 2) to generate the next output. If there is no next output, stop. Otherwise, output it.
Repeat step 2.
Update: Here are some possible algorithms:
Algorithm 1:
Compare the first digits of the two outputs. If one is greater than the other, that output is greater. If they are equal, continue
Repeat step on moving to successive digits until we find a mismatch.
Algorithm 2:
Start with the rightmost digit.
If this digit is not the maximum it can be, increment it and stop.
Are we at the leftmost digit? If so, stop with error.
Move the digit pointer left one digit.
Algorithm 3:
Set all digits to zero.
“i'm trying to write a program that will give me all possible outcomes if I have n spaces and can place in any number from 0 to m in any one of those spaces.”
Assuming an inclusive “to”, let R = m + 1.
Then this is isomorphic to outputting every number in the range 0 through Rn-1 presented in the base R numeral system.
Which means one outer loop to count (for this you can use the C++ ++ increment operator), and an inner loop to extract and present the digits. For the inner loop you can use C++’ / division operator, and depending on what you find most clear, also the % remainder operator. Unless you restrict yourself to the three choices of R directly supported by the C++ standard library, in which case use the standard formatters.
Note that Rn can get large fast.
So don't redirect the output to your printer, and be prepared to wait for a while for the program to complete.
I think you need to look up recursion.
Basically it is a function that calls itself. This allows you to perform an N number of nested for loops.

How can I remove the leading zeroes from an integer generated by a loop and store it as an array?

I have a for loop generating integers.
For instance:
for (int i=300; i>200; i--)
This produces an output on the screen like this:
I want to store the 100023 part of this number (i.e just ignore all the zeros before the non zero numbers start but then keeping the zeros which follow) as an array.
Like this:
How would I go about achieving this?
This is a mish-mash of answers, because they are all there, I just don't think you're seeing the solution.
First off, if they are integers Bill's answer along with the other answers are great, save some of them skip out on the "store in array" part. Also, as pointed out in a comment on your question, this part is a duplicate.
But with your new code, the solution I had in mind was John's solution. You just need to figure out how to ignore leading zero's, which is easy:
std::vector<int> digits;
bool inNumber = false;
for (int i=300; i>200; i--)
int value = (somefunction) * i;
if (value != 0)
inNumber = true; // its not zero, so we have entered the number
if (inNumber)
// this code cannot execute until we hit the first non-zero number
Basically, just don't start pushing until you've reached the actual number.
In light of the edited question, my original answer (below) isn't the best. If you absolutely have to have the output in an array instead of a vector, you can start with GMan's answer then transfer the resulting bytes to an array. You could do the same with JohnFx's answer once you find the first non-zero digit in his result.
I'm assuming f is of type int, in which case it doesn't store the leading zeroes.
int f = 100023;
To start you need to find the required length of the array. You can do that by taking the log (base 10) of f. You can import the cmath library to use the log10 function.
int length = log10(f);
int array[length];
length should now be 6.
Next you can strip each digit from f and store it in the array using a loop and the modulus (%) operator.
for(int i=length-1; i >= 0; --i)
array[i] = f % 10;
f = f / 10;
Each time through the loop, the modulus takes the last digit by returning the remainder from division by 10. The next line divides f by 10 to get ready for the next iteration of the loop.
The straightforward way would be
std::vector<int> vec;
while(MyInt > 0)
MyInt /= 10;
which stores the decimals in reverse order (vector used to simplify my code).
Hang on a second. If you wrote the code generating the integers, why bother parsing it back into an array?
Why not just jam the integers into an array in your loop?
int array[100];
for (int i=300; i>200; i--)
array[i]= (somefunction)*i;
Since the leading zeros are not kept because it represents the same number
See: convert an integer number into an array