Don't know where errors are. How to check in C-free? - c++

I'm new at programming and I just downloaded C-free 5.0 software. I just compiled a program, it showed that the program has 5 errors. But I can't find a way to see what errors and where. Any help will be appreciated.

They will probably be in a dock window called "build". Like all other IDEs, you may need to use the menu to open that window first. If the window is already open, scroll up.
The build dock window is the one at the bottom, in this screenshot:


How do I use the "new" Common Item Dialog with wxwidgets?

I want to create a file open dialog with wxwidgets that uses the "new" style of the Common Item Dialog under Win-Vista and newer. Is there any way to achive this? With the wxFileDlg() I get a dialog as shown on the right side but I'd like to get th left dialog...
both dialogs
The dialogs sample included in wxWidgets shows the example of "new style" file dialog if you use e.g. "Dialogs|File operations|Save dialog" menu item (or just press Ctrl+S) and there is nothing special to do. If this doesn't work for you, check that you're
Not using some ancient version of wxWidgets.
Have correct manifest in your application.
Not using any custom controls in your dialog, as those are only supported in old style version.
I struggled with this today so thought I would post here for the next person who has the same issue. If I were to guess, your code was calling either dialog.Center() or dialog.CenterOnParent(). I've posted a lengthy explanation of why this happens here.
From all my time spent on this today, you have to choose whether you want have the old common control dialog and be able to center it, or use the new common item dialog and have it appear in your windows top-left corner.
The good news is that Visual Studio, Word, Excel, Firefox, Chrome, and many others all use the new dialog and they all open at the top-left of the application window.

Dockable windows are not reinstated correctly

This is my first question in this community. I always search a lot when having problems and I always find an answer. But not in this one. Maybe I am not asking Google correctly.
Anyways this looks like a bug to me but I might get it wrong.
Using VS2012 (or 2013) I create the default Multiple documents MFC application. I do not write a single line of code. I compile and run. Then as a user I dock the properties window which by default is at the right to the output window as shown below .
Then I close the application and restart. The window is where it should be but with different width as shown below
If you dock the window to the right (in the view and not in another window) then there is no problem. The position and width are restored just fine. Also this only happens if the main window is maximized. The behaviour, if the main window is not, is as expected.
Do you think it is actually how Microsoft wanted to make this work or they missed that? Is there a workaround for this?
Again forgive me if this question has been asked before but really...
I couldn't find anything.
Appreciate any kind of help.

watch window in the debug is empty

I was trying to understand how to fix my watch window but didn't find any good answer(I'm using visual studio 2013).
I used the debugger and suddenly the watch window didn't show the values or the object i'm have in the block - actually it didn't show anything anymore.
Does anyone know how can it be fixed?
Many thanks!!!
Maby this will help you:
To open the QuickWatch dialog box with a variable added While in break
mode, right-click a variable name in the source window name and choose
QuickWatch. This automatically places the variable into the QuickWatch
dialog box.
The Watch windows don't show anything by default, you need to add things to them to see the values. What might have happened in your case, is that either you deleted what you had by mistake, or you ran into a bug, where something got corrupted in your solution and they were lost.
If you want to see everything that is currently in scope, the Locals window is the way to go.
And if you want a superset of that (which has both current and previous statement), use the Autos window.
The QuickWatch dialog box is similar in concept to the Watch window, but QuickWatch can display only one variable or expression at a time

Visual C++ 2005: How to view the window during a debugging session

Is this possible? When I'm debugging a program I can't bring the window up to see any changes. It's minimized during the debugging while I step through the program and I'd like to see the program changes while I step.
The only way I might see it is in Windows 7 you can hover over the task-bar to get a look at the program but the preview image gets in the way and It's just a weird way to see my program.
I've been trying to search for this problem but all I get is irrelevant results. Maybe I'm missing a few keywords or something. I don't know what to call my problem.
Two choices:
Don't maximize the IDE window and make it smaller until you can see the program window.
Have two monitors and put the program window on the secondary monitor.

Always-in-front dialogs

Is there a way to create a modeless dialog box in C++ MFC which always stays on top of the other windows in the application? I'm thinking sort of like the Find dialog in Visual Studio 2005 - where it stays on top, but you can still edit the underlying text.
(If it makes any difference, it's not MDI; it's a dialog-based app)
Note: This does not work under Windows 10, and may not work under Windows 7 and 8 (Reports vary).
From Nish:
###Making your dialog stay on top
Haven't you seen programs which have
an "always-stay-on-top" option? Well
the unbelievable thing is that you can
make your dialog stay on top with just
one line of code. Simply put the
following line in your dialog class's
OnInitDialog() function.
Basically what we are doing is to use
the SetWindowPos function to change
the Z-order of our dialog window. We
make our dialog stay on top of all
other windows by moving it to the top
of the Z-order. Now even when you
activate some other window, our window
will stay on top. But I'd advise you
to make sure you know exactly what you
are doing when you do this, for it
might annoy people if they can't get
your window out of the way when they
want to do that.
As you mentioned in the comments, the above line makes the window sit on top of every application. You'll need to do
To make a window sit on top of only your application.
The accepted answer fails for Windows 7 or above. (Or perhaps its me)
But making the modeless dialog as popup instead of child solves it.
It now gets positioned wrt main dialog window but you can write code to constrain anywhere.
Using the no border or top bar makes it a simple window.
It worked for me in Microsoft Windows Version 10.0.18362.476. Had to put SetWindowPos(&this->wndTopMost,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE); in OnInitDialog and make the dialog as a PopUp.