How to print in the same position in fortran - fortran

Is it possible to replace a character in terminal with another character by changing format of print command or at least clear a line in terminal?

It is not possible in standard Fortran. Perhaps try using the GNU Readline library. Related: Autocomplete from directory in Fortran
If you do not use the Windows terminal you can use the ANSI escape codes. For example, this first prints the stars, than moves back to the same line and writes "test" over the stars:
print *, "***********"
print *,achar(27)//"[2A"
print *,"test"
Tested on a Linux terminal, will not work in the basic Windows terminal.


Why does the backspace key print ^? when calling gets() in crystal?

When I try to correct input for my crystal program (in a zsh terminal on my Mac), a ^? character is printed to the screen for each press of backspace. It's disorienting and does not delete any characters from the screen, but it technically functions just fine as I discovered playing around with this little testing snippet.
a =
puts a
a = gets # alright then^?^?^?^?^?
puts a # alright
What is going on here? How can I make my input behave as a user would expect, is there something special I can do with STDIN?
I think, it will depend on the terminal that you are using and it is largely independent of the programming language (e.g. it has been reported in Python).
Some terminals send ^H or ^? when you type a backslash. I can also reproduce it in xterm (on Linux) when calling cat, which is roughly similar to getting a line and printing it (in a loop):
$ echo $TERM
$ cat
... while it works with other terminals (same test: typing abc, deleting three characters, then typing def):
$ echo $TERM
$ cat
You can use libraries like readline to workaround around it. I have not tried it myself, but this library implements bindings for Crystal: crystal-readline

Python - encoding/decoding Windows vs Linux

Having this line of code:
print "S\x00A\x00V\x00A"
produces different output. On Windows:
and on Linux:
What is the difference between the the 2 platform and what can I do to remove the whitespaces from the Windows case?
The difference is at the terminal level.
Windows cmd prints the zero-char as empty whereas your Linux terminal doesn't print it.
Note that in PyScripter console or PyCrust console (wx-based) you only get S (probably because the zero is seen as a line-termination char). So it's definitely not portable :)
To get rid of it just perform a replace:

What's happened in endswith function in Python?

I have a file,namedtest.txt
182.7 100.0
182.6 100.0
182.8 100.0
I want to sure weather the line ends with the digits 100.0:
So I use the following code:
for line in open('test.txt','rt'):
print repr(line),line.endswith('100.0\n')
But the Output in Ubuntu is:
'182.7 100.0\r\n' False
'182.6 100.0\r\n' False
'182.8 100.0' False
But the Output in windows server 2008 is:
'182.7 100.0\n' True
'182.6 100.0\n' True
'182.8 100.0' False
I already using rt in open function,so why there is difference between different systems yet?
The function strip() can take care of the ending new line character, and it is independent of the operating system used, the code can be
print "{line} {expr}".format(line=repr(line), expr=line.rstrip().endswith('100.0'))
Thanks! Is the answer obvious now? The file was created on Windows, where lines end with "\r\n", not with "\n". So long as you read the file on Windows in text mode, Python can hide that from you. But you read the file on Linux, where the distinction between "text" and "binary" modes doesn't exist, and you get exactly whatever bytes are in the file.
My advice is to force line ends to the native convention on whatever platform you move files to. Short of that, in Python 2 you can open files in "universal newline mode" instead, as briefly explained here.

What's the Use of '\r' escape sequence?

I have C code like this:
int main()
printf("Hey this is my first hello world \r");
return 0;
I have used the \r escape sequence as an experiment. When I run the code I get the output as:
o world
Why is that, and what is the use of \r exactly?
If I run the same code in an online compiler I get the output as:
Hey this is my first hello world
Why did the online compiler produce different output, ignoring the \r?
\r is a carriage return character; it tells your terminal emulator to move the cursor at the start of the line.
The cursor is the position where the next characters will be rendered.
So, printing a \r allows to override the current line of the terminal emulator.
Tom Zych figured why the output of your program is o world while the \r is at the end of the line and you don't print anything after that:
When your program exits, the shell prints the command prompt. The terminal renders it where you left the cursor. Your program leaves the cursor at the start of the line, so the command prompt partly overrides the line you printed. This explains why you seen your command prompt followed by o world.
The online compiler you mention just prints the raw output to the browser. The browser ignores control characters, so the \r has no effect.
Here is a usage example of \r:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
char chars[] = {'-', '\\', '|', '/'};
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; ; ++i) {
printf("%c\r", chars[i % sizeof(chars)]);
return 0;
It repeatedly prints the characters - \ | / at the same position to give the illusion of a rotating | in the terminal.
The program is printing "Hey this is my first hello world ", then it is moving the cursor back to the beginning of the line. How this will look on the screen depends on your environment. It appears the beginning of the string is being overwritten by something, perhaps your command line prompt.
The '\r' stands for "Carriage Return" - it's a holdover from the days of typewriters and really old printers. The best example is in Windows and other DOSsy OSes, where a newline is given as "\r\n". These are the instructions sent to an old printer to start a new line: first move the print head back to the beginning, then go down one.
Different OSes will use other newline sequences. Linux and OSX just use '\n'. Older Mac OSes just use '\r'. Wikipedia has a more complete list, but those are the important ones.
Hope this helps!
PS: As for why you get that weird output... Perhaps the console is moving the "cursor" back to the beginning of the line, and then overwriting the first bit with spaces or summat.
\r move the cursor to the begin of the line.
Line breaks are managed differently on different systems. Some only use \n (line feed, e.g. Unix), some use (\r e.g. MacOS before OS X afaik) and some use \r\n (e.g. Windows afaik).
As amaud576875 said, the \r escape sequence signifies a carriage-return, similar to pressing the Enter key. However, I'm not sure how you get "o world"; you should (and I do) get "my first hello world" and then a new line. Depending on what operating system you're using (I'm using Mac) you might want to use a \n instead of a \r.
This is from antiquated technology: The old fashion typewriter style of printer. There was a roller (platen) that advanced the paper and a print head that hammered a metal key against an ink fabric.
\r Return the print head to the left side.
\n Advance the platen one line.
If the \n was not issued, you would type over what was on a line (used mostly for underlining text).
To answer the part of your question,
what is the use of \r?
Many Internet protocols, such as FTP, HTTP and SMTP, are specified in terms of lines delimited by carriage return and newline. So, for example, when sending an email, you might have code such as:
fprintf(socket, "RCPT TO: %s\r\n", recipients);
Or, when a FTP server replies with a permission-denied error:
fprintf(client, "550 Permission denied\r\n");
It is quite useful, when you are running on the unix platform, and need to create a text file
which will be opened on the dos platform.
Unix uses '\n' as its line terminator, and dos uses '\r\n' as its line terminator, so you can use it to create a dos text file.

How to properly use system() to execute a command in C++?

I am new to C++ programming under Windows. I am trying to execute a command say cuobjdump in C++ code using the system() function:
system("C:\\program files\\nvidia gpu computing...\\cuobjdump.exe --dump-cubin C:\\..\\input.exe");
Usage : cuobjdump [options] <file>
This followed by the list of the options for cuobjdump.
When I execute this program I always get the cuobjdump help options displayed in the command line. It's as if the system call does not parse the filename. What am I doing wrong? I get the same result while using createprocess. The options --dump-cubin gives an error as if I mistyped it.
Give a try with (that is, surrounding cuobjdump.exe path with ", properly escaped in C++ as \"):
system("\"C:\\program files\\nvidia gpu computing...\\cuobjdump.exe\" --dump-cubin C:\\..\\input.exe");
system("cuobjdump --dump-cubin path\filename.exe");
That \f is interpreted by the compiler as a string escape sequence, try path\\filename.exe
Most obviously, \ is an escape character in C / C++ strings, so it has to be doubled if you want to use it literally.
system("cuobjdump --dump-cubin path\\filename.exe");
Assuming that path is correct, you have to use a double \\ within strings to represent a single \.
I suggest you to use CreateProcess, or ShellExecute / ShellExecuteEx since you are working on Windows. system and ShellExecute eventually calls CreateProcess only.