Check whether two elements have a common element in C++ - c++

I want the function to return true when there is any element matching between two vectors,
Note : My vectors are not sorted
Following is my source code,
bool CheckCommon( std::vector< long > &inVectorA, std::vector< long > &inVectorB )
std::vector< long > *lower, *higher;
size_t sizeL = 0, sizeH = 0;
if( inVectorA.size() > inVectorB.size() )
lower = &inVectorA;
sizeL = inVectorA.size();
higher = &inVectorB;
sizeH = inVectorB.size();
lower = &inVectorB;
sizeL = inVectorB.size();
higher = &inVectorA;
sizeH = inVectorA.size();
size_t indexL = 0, indexH = 0;
for( ; indexH < sizeH; indexH++ )
bool exists = std::binary_search( lower->begin(), lower->end(), higher->at(indexH) );
if( exists == true )
return true;
return false;
This is working fine when the size of vector B is less than the size of vector A , but returning false even there is match when size of vector B is greater than size of vector A .

The problem with posted code is that you should not use std::binary_search when the vector is not sorted. The behaviour is defined only for sorted range.
If the input vectors are not sorted then you can use find_first_of to check for existence of first common element found.
bool CheckCommon(std::vector<long> const& inVectorA, std::vector<long> const& nVectorB)
return std::find_first_of (inVectorA.begin(), inVectorA.end(),
nVectorB.begin(), nVectorB.end()) != inVectorA.end();
Complexity of find_first_of is up to linear in inVectorA.size()*inVectorB.size(); it compares elements until a match is found.
If you want to fix your original algorithm then you can make a copy of one of vectors and std::sort it, then std::binary_search works with it.
In actual programs that do lot of such matching between containers the containers are usually kept sorted. On such case std::set_intersection can be used. Then the complexity of search is up to linear in inVectorA.size()+inVectorB.size().
std::find_first_of is more efficient than to sort both ranges and then to search for matches with std::set_intersection when both ranges are rather short or second range is shorter than binary logarithm of length of first range.

You can use a well-defined algorithm called as std::set_intersection to check if there is any common element between these vectors.
Pre-condition :- Both vectors be sorted.

You could do something like the following. Iterate over the first vector. For each element, use std::find to see if it exists in the other vector. If you find it, they have at least one common element so return true. Otherwise, move to the next element of the first vector and repeat this process. If you make it all the way through the first vector without finding a common element, there is no intersection so return false.
bool CheckCommon(std::vector<long> const& inVectorA, std::vector<long> const& nVectorB)
for (auto const& num : inVectorA)
auto it = std::find(begin(nVectorB), end(nVectorB), num);
if (it != end(nVectorB))
return true;
return false;

Usage of std::set_intersection is one option. Since the vector's elements are sorted, the code can be simplified to this:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
bool CheckCommon( const std::vector< long > &inVectorA, const std::vector< long > &inVectorB )
std::vector< long > temp;
std::set_intersection(inVectorA.begin(), inVectorA.end(),
inVectorB.begin(), inVectorB.end(),
return !temp.empty()
The drawback is that a temporary vector is being created while the set_intersection is being executed (but maybe in the future, this can be considered a "feature" if you want to know what elements are common).

Here is an implementation which uses sorted vectors, doesn't construct a new container, and which has only linear complexity (more detailed: O(container1.size()+ container2.size()):
template< class ForwardIt1, class ForwardIt2 >
bool has_common_elements( ForwardIt1 first, ForwardIt1 last, ForwardIt2 s_first, ForwardIt2 s_last )
auto it=first;
auto s_it=s_first;
while(it<last && s_it<s_last)
return true;
*it<*s_it ? ++it : ++s_it; //increase the smaller of both
return false;

Your code uses std::binary_search, whose pre-condition is that (From
For std::binary_search to succeed, the range [first, last) must be at least partially ordered, i.e. it must satisfy all of the following requirements:
partitioned with respect to element < value or comp(element, value)
partitioned with respect to !(value < element) or !comp(value, element)
for all elements, if element < value or comp(element, value) is true then !(value < element) or !comp(value, element) is also true
A fully-sorted range meets these criteria, as does a range resulting from a call to std::partition.
The sample data you used for testing (as posted at do not meet that requirement. Instead of using:
if you use a sorted vector like below
your function will work just fine.
PS The you have designed your code, if the longer std::vector is sorted, the function will work fine.
PS2 Another option is to sort the longer std::vector before calling the function.
std::sort(B.begin(), B.end());


check if all item array equal in array [duplicate]

If I have a vector of values and want to check that they are all the same, what is the best way to do this in C++ efficiently? If I were programming in some other language like R one way my minds jumps to is to return only the unique elements of the container and then if the length of the unique elements is more than 1, I know all the elements cannot be the same. In C++ this can be done like this:
//build an int vector
std::sort(myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
std::vector<int>::iterator it;
//Use unique algorithm to get the unique values.
it = std::unique(myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
if (myvector.size() > 1) {
std::cout << "All elements are not the same!" << std::endl;
However reading on the internet and SO, I see other answers such using a set or the find_if algorithm. So what is the most efficient way of doing this and why? I imagine mine is not the best way since it involves sorting every element and then a resizing of the vector - but maybe I'm wrong.
You need not to use std::sort. It can be done in a simpler way:
if ( std::adjacent_find( myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), std::not_equal_to<>() ) == myvector.end() )
std::cout << "All elements are equal each other" << std::endl;
you can use std::equal
version 1:
//assuming v has at least 1 element
if ( std::equal(v.begin() + 1, v.end(), v.begin()) )
//all equal
This will compare each element with the previous one.
version 2:
//assuming v has at least 1 element
int e = v[0]; //preferably "const auto& e" instead
bool all_equal = true;
for(std::size_t i = 1,s = v.size();i<s && all_equal;i++)
all_equal = e == v[i];
Regarding performance, after testing with 100m elements i found out that in Visual Studio 2015 version 1 is about twice as fast as version 2. This is because the latest compiler for vs2015 uses sse instructions in c++ std implementations when you use ints, float , etc..
if you use _mm_testc_si128 you will get a similar performance to std::equal
using std::all_of and C++11 lambda
if (all_of(values.begin(), values.end(), [&] (int i) {return i == values[0];})){
//all are the same
Given no constraints on the vector, you have to iterate through the vector at least once, no matter the approach. So just pick the first element and check that all others are equal to it.
While the asymptotic complexity of std::unique is linear, the actual cost of the operation is probably much larger than you need, and it is an inplace algorithm (it will modify the data as it goes).
The fastest approach is to assume that if the vector contains a single element, it is unique by definition. If the vector contains more elements, then you just need to check whether all of them are exactly equal to the first. For that you only need to find the first element that differs from the first, starting the search from the second. If there is such an element, the elements are not unique.
if (v.size() < 2) return true;
auto different = std::find_if(v.begin()+1, v.end(),
[&v](auto const &x) { x != v[0]; });
return different == v.end();
That is using C++14 syntax, in an C++11 toolchain you can use the correct type in the lambda. In C++03 you could use a combination of std::not, std::bind1st/std::bind2nd and std::equal in place of the lambda.
The cost of this approach is distance(start,different element) comparisons and no copies. Expected and worst case linear cost in the number of comparisons (and no copies!)
Sorting is an O(NlogN) task.
This is easily solvable in O(N), so your current method is poor.
A simple O(N) would be as Luchian Grigore suggests, iterate over the vector, just once, comparing every element to the first element.
if(std::all_of(myvector.begin()+1, myvector.end(), std::bind(std::equal_to<int>(),
std::placeholders::_1, myvector.front())) {
// all members are equal
You can use FunctionalPlus(
std::vector<std::string> things = {"same old", "same old"};
if (fplus::all_the_same(things))
std::cout << "All things being equal." << std::endl;
Maybe something like this. It traverses vector just once and does not mess with the vector content.
std::vector<int> values { 5, 5, 5, 4 };
bool equal = std::count_if(values.begin(), values.end(), [ &values ] (auto size) { return size == values[0]; }) == values.size();
If the values in the vector are something different than basic type you have to implement equality operator.
After taking into account underscore_d remarks, I'm changing possible solution
std::vector<int> values { 5, 5, 5, 4 };
bool equal = std::all_of(values.begin(),values.end(),[ &values ] (auto item) { return item == values[0]; });
In your specific case, iterating over vector element and finding a different element from the first one would be enough. You may even be lucky enough to stop before evaluating all the elements in your vector. (A while loop could be used but I sticked with a for loop for readability reasons)
bool uniqueElt = true;
int firstItem = *myvector.begin();
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = myvector.begin()+1; it != myvector.end() ; ++it) {
if(*it != firstItem) {
uniqueElt = false;
In case you want to know how many different values your vector contains, you could build a set and check its size to see how many different values are inside:
std::set mySet;
std::copy(mySet.begin(), myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
You can simply use std::count to count all the elements that match the starting element:
std::vector<int> numbers = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
if (std::count(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers), numbers.front()) == numbers.size())
std::cout << "Elements are all the same" << std::endl;
LLVM provides some independently usable headers+libraries:
#include <llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h>
if (llvm::is_splat(myvector))
std::cout << "All elements are the same!" << std::endl;
for the sake of completeness, because it still isn't the most efficient, you can use std::unique in a more efficient way to decide whether all members are the same, but beware that after using std::unique this way the container is useless:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
if (std::distance(cntnr.begin(), std::unique(cntnr.begin(), cntnr.end()) == 1)
// all members were the same, but
Another approach using C++ 14:
bool allEqual = accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), true, [first = v[0]](bool acc, int b) {
return acc && (b == first);
which is also order N.
Here is a readable C++17 solution which might remind students of the other constructors of std::vector:
if (v==std::vector(v.size(),v[0])) {
// you guys are all the same
...before C++17, the std::vector rvalue would need its type provided explicitly:
if (v==std::vector<typename decltype(v)::value_type>(v.size(),v[0])) {
// you guys are all the same
The C++ function is defined in library in STL. This function operates on whole range of array elements and can save time to run a loop to check each elements one by one. It checks for a given property on every element and returns true when each element in range satisfies specified property, else returns false.
// C++ code to demonstrate working of all_of()
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::vector<int> v(10, 2);
// illustrate all_of
if (std::all_of(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), [](int i){ return i % 2 == 0; }))
std::cout << "All numbers are even\n";

Fastest way to check if all elements in vector have the same value in c++ [duplicate]

If I have a vector of values and want to check that they are all the same, what is the best way to do this in C++ efficiently? If I were programming in some other language like R one way my minds jumps to is to return only the unique elements of the container and then if the length of the unique elements is more than 1, I know all the elements cannot be the same. In C++ this can be done like this:
//build an int vector
std::sort(myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
std::vector<int>::iterator it;
//Use unique algorithm to get the unique values.
it = std::unique(myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
if (myvector.size() > 1) {
std::cout << "All elements are not the same!" << std::endl;
However reading on the internet and SO, I see other answers such using a set or the find_if algorithm. So what is the most efficient way of doing this and why? I imagine mine is not the best way since it involves sorting every element and then a resizing of the vector - but maybe I'm wrong.
You need not to use std::sort. It can be done in a simpler way:
if ( std::adjacent_find( myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), std::not_equal_to<>() ) == myvector.end() )
std::cout << "All elements are equal each other" << std::endl;
you can use std::equal
version 1:
//assuming v has at least 1 element
if ( std::equal(v.begin() + 1, v.end(), v.begin()) )
//all equal
This will compare each element with the previous one.
version 2:
//assuming v has at least 1 element
int e = v[0]; //preferably "const auto& e" instead
bool all_equal = true;
for(std::size_t i = 1,s = v.size();i<s && all_equal;i++)
all_equal = e == v[i];
Regarding performance, after testing with 100m elements i found out that in Visual Studio 2015 version 1 is about twice as fast as version 2. This is because the latest compiler for vs2015 uses sse instructions in c++ std implementations when you use ints, float , etc..
if you use _mm_testc_si128 you will get a similar performance to std::equal
using std::all_of and C++11 lambda
if (all_of(values.begin(), values.end(), [&] (int i) {return i == values[0];})){
//all are the same
Given no constraints on the vector, you have to iterate through the vector at least once, no matter the approach. So just pick the first element and check that all others are equal to it.
While the asymptotic complexity of std::unique is linear, the actual cost of the operation is probably much larger than you need, and it is an inplace algorithm (it will modify the data as it goes).
The fastest approach is to assume that if the vector contains a single element, it is unique by definition. If the vector contains more elements, then you just need to check whether all of them are exactly equal to the first. For that you only need to find the first element that differs from the first, starting the search from the second. If there is such an element, the elements are not unique.
if (v.size() < 2) return true;
auto different = std::find_if(v.begin()+1, v.end(),
[&v](auto const &x) { x != v[0]; });
return different == v.end();
That is using C++14 syntax, in an C++11 toolchain you can use the correct type in the lambda. In C++03 you could use a combination of std::not, std::bind1st/std::bind2nd and std::equal in place of the lambda.
The cost of this approach is distance(start,different element) comparisons and no copies. Expected and worst case linear cost in the number of comparisons (and no copies!)
Sorting is an O(NlogN) task.
This is easily solvable in O(N), so your current method is poor.
A simple O(N) would be as Luchian Grigore suggests, iterate over the vector, just once, comparing every element to the first element.
if(std::all_of(myvector.begin()+1, myvector.end(), std::bind(std::equal_to<int>(),
std::placeholders::_1, myvector.front())) {
// all members are equal
You can use FunctionalPlus(
std::vector<std::string> things = {"same old", "same old"};
if (fplus::all_the_same(things))
std::cout << "All things being equal." << std::endl;
Maybe something like this. It traverses vector just once and does not mess with the vector content.
std::vector<int> values { 5, 5, 5, 4 };
bool equal = std::count_if(values.begin(), values.end(), [ &values ] (auto size) { return size == values[0]; }) == values.size();
If the values in the vector are something different than basic type you have to implement equality operator.
After taking into account underscore_d remarks, I'm changing possible solution
std::vector<int> values { 5, 5, 5, 4 };
bool equal = std::all_of(values.begin(),values.end(),[ &values ] (auto item) { return item == values[0]; });
In your specific case, iterating over vector element and finding a different element from the first one would be enough. You may even be lucky enough to stop before evaluating all the elements in your vector. (A while loop could be used but I sticked with a for loop for readability reasons)
bool uniqueElt = true;
int firstItem = *myvector.begin();
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = myvector.begin()+1; it != myvector.end() ; ++it) {
if(*it != firstItem) {
uniqueElt = false;
In case you want to know how many different values your vector contains, you could build a set and check its size to see how many different values are inside:
std::set mySet;
std::copy(mySet.begin(), myvector.begin(), myvector.end());
You can simply use std::count to count all the elements that match the starting element:
std::vector<int> numbers = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
if (std::count(std::begin(numbers), std::end(numbers), numbers.front()) == numbers.size())
std::cout << "Elements are all the same" << std::endl;
LLVM provides some independently usable headers+libraries:
#include <llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h>
if (llvm::is_splat(myvector))
std::cout << "All elements are the same!" << std::endl;
for the sake of completeness, because it still isn't the most efficient, you can use std::unique in a more efficient way to decide whether all members are the same, but beware that after using std::unique this way the container is useless:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
if (std::distance(cntnr.begin(), std::unique(cntnr.begin(), cntnr.end()) == 1)
// all members were the same, but
Another approach using C++ 14:
bool allEqual = accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), true, [first = v[0]](bool acc, int b) {
return acc && (b == first);
which is also order N.
Here is a readable C++17 solution which might remind students of the other constructors of std::vector:
if (v==std::vector(v.size(),v[0])) {
// you guys are all the same
...before C++17, the std::vector rvalue would need its type provided explicitly:
if (v==std::vector<typename decltype(v)::value_type>(v.size(),v[0])) {
// you guys are all the same
The C++ function is defined in library in STL. This function operates on whole range of array elements and can save time to run a loop to check each elements one by one. It checks for a given property on every element and returns true when each element in range satisfies specified property, else returns false.
// C++ code to demonstrate working of all_of()
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::vector<int> v(10, 2);
// illustrate all_of
if (std::all_of(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), [](int i){ return i % 2 == 0; }))
std::cout << "All numbers are even\n";

How to merge sorted vectors into a single vector in C++

I have 10,000 vector<pair<unsigned,unsigned>> and I want to merge them into a single vector such that it is lexicographically sorted and does not contain duplicates. In order to do so I wrote the following code. However, to my surprise the below code is taking a lot of time. Can someone please suggest as to how can I reduce the running time of my code?
using obj = pair<unsigned, unsigned>
vector< vector<obj> > vecOfVec; // 10,000 vector<obj>, each sorted with size()=10M
vector<obj> result;
for(auto it=vecOfVec.begin(), l=vecOfVec.end(); it!=l; ++it)
// append vectors
// sort result
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
// remove duplicates from result
result.erase(std::unique(result.begin(), result.end()), result.end());
I think you should use the fact that the vector in vectOfVect are sorted.
So detecting the min value in the front on the single vectors, push_back() it in the result and remove all the values detected from the front of the vectors matching the min values (avoiding duplicates in result).
If you can delete the vecOfVec variable, something like (caution: code not tested: just to give an idea)
while ( vecOfVec.size() )
// detect the minimal front value
auto itc = vecOfVec.cbegin();
auto lc = vecOfVec.cend();
auto valMin = itc->front();
while ( ++itc != lc )
valMin = std::min(valMin, itc->front());
// push_back() the minimal front value in result
for ( auto it = vecOfVec.begin() ; it != vecOfVec.end() ; )
// remove all the front values equals to valMin (this remove the
// duplicates from result)
while ( (false == it->empty()) && (valMin == it->front()) )
// when a vector is empty is removed
it = ( it->empty() ? vecOfVec.erase(it) : ++it );
If you can, I suggest you to switch vecOfVec from a vector< vector<obj> > to something that permit an efficient removal from the front of single containers (stacks?) and an efficient removal of single containers (a list?).
If there are lot of duplicates, you should use set rather than vector for your result, as set is the most natural thing to store something without duplicates:
set< pair<unsigned,unsigned> > resultSet;
for (auto it=vecOfVec.begin(); it!=vecOfVec.end(); ++it)
resultSet.insert(it->begin(), it->end());
If you need to turn it into a vector, you can write
vector< pair<unsigned,unsigned> > resultVec(resultSet.begin(), resultSet.end());
Note that since your code runs over 800 billion elements, it would still take a lot of time, no matter what. At least hours, if not days.
Other ideas are:
recursively merge vectors (10000 -> 5000 -> 2500 -> ... -> 1)
to merge 10000 vectors, store 10000 iterators in a heap structure
One problem with your code is the excessive use of std::sort. Unfortunately, the quicksort algorithm (which usually is the working horse used by std::sort) is not particularly faster when encountering an already sorted array.
Moreover, you're not exploiting the fact that your initial vectors are already sorted. This can be exploited by using a heap of their next values, when you will not need to call sort again. This may be coded as follows (code tested using obj=int), but perhaps it can be made more concise.
// represents the next unused entry in one vector<obj>
template<typename obj>
struct feed
typename std::vector<obj>::const_iterator current, end;
feed(std::vector<obj> const&v)
: current(v.begin()), end(v.end()) {}
friend bool operator> (feed const&l, feed const&r)
{ return *(l.current) > *(r.current); }
// - returns the smallest element
// - set corresponding feeder to next and re-establish the heap
template<typename obj>
obj get_next(std::vector<feed<obj>>&heap)
auto&f = heap[0];
auto x = *(f.current++);
if(f.current == f.end) {
} else
return x;
template<typename obj>
std::vector<obj> merge(std::vector<std::vector<obj>>const&vecOfvec)
// create min heap of feed<obj> and count total number of objects
std::vector<feed<obj>> input;
size_t num_total = 0;
for(auto const&v:vecOfvec)
if(v.size()) {
num_total += v.size();
// append values in ascending order, avoiding duplicates
std::vector<obj> result;
while(!input.empty()) {
auto x = get_next(input);
while(!input.empty() &&
!(*(input[0].current) > x)) // remove duplicates
return result;

The intersection of multiple sorted arrays

From this, we know the method to solve the intersection of two sorted arrays. So how to get the intersection of multiple sorted arrays?
Based on the answers of two sorted arrays, we can apply it to multiple arrays. Here are the codes
vector<int> intersectionVector(vector<vector<int> > vectors){
int vec_num = vectors.size();
vector<int> vec_pos(vec_num);// hold the current position for every vector
vector<int> inter_vec; // collection of intersection elements
while (true){
int max_val = INT_MIN;
for (int index = 0; index < vec_num; ++index){
// reach the end of one array, return the intersection collection
if (vec_pos[index] == vectors[index].size()){
return inter_vec;
max_val = max(max_val, vectors[index].at(vec_pos[index]));
bool bsame = true;
for (int index = 0; index < vec_num; ++index){
while (vectors[index].at(vec_pos[index]) < max_val){
vec_pos[index]++; // advance the position of vector, once less than max value
bsame = false;
// find same element in all vectors
if (bsame){
// advance the position of all vectors
for (int index = 0; index < vec_num; ++index){
Is any better approach to solve it?
From those two topics 1 and 2, it seem that Hash set is more efficient method to do that.
To improve the performance, maybe the min-heap can be used instead of vec_pos in my codes above. And the variable max_val holds the current max value of all vectors. So just compare the root value with max_val, if they are same, this element can be put into intersection list.
To get the intersection of two sorted ranges, std::set_intersection can be used:
std::vector<int> intersection (const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &vecs) {
auto last_intersection = vecs[0];
std::vector<int> curr_intersection;
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < vecs.size(); ++i) {
std::set_intersection(last_intersection.begin(), last_intersection.end(),
vecs[i].begin(), vecs[i].end(),
std::swap(last_intersection, curr_intersection);
return last_intersection;
This looks a lot cleaner than your solution which is too confusing to check for correctness.
It also has optimal complexity.
The standard library algorithm set_intersection may be implemented in any way that uses
at most 2ยท(N1+N2-1) comparisons, where N1 = std::distance(first1, last1) and N2 = std::distance(first2, last2).
first1 etc. are the iterators defining the input ranges. You can check out the actual implementation in the source code of your standard-library if it is open source (like libstd++ or libc++).
This assumes you know the number of containers you are intersecting:
template<class Output, class... Cs>
Output intersect( Output out, Cs const&... cs ) {
using std::begin; using std::end;
auto its = std::make_tuple( begin(cs)... );
const auto ends = std::make_tuple( end(cs)... );
while( !at_end( its, ends ) ) {
if ( all_same( its ) ) {
*out++ = *std::get<0>(its);
advance_all( its );
} else {
advance_least( its );
return out;
To complete simply implement:
bool at_end( std::tuple<Iterators...> const& its, std::tuple<Iterators...> const& ends );
bool all_same( std::tuple<Iterators...> const& its );
void advance_all( std::tuple<Iterators...>& its );
void advance_least( std::tuple<Iterators...>& its );
The first is easy (use indexes trick, compare pairwise, check that you returned true if the tuples are empty).
The second is similar. It should be easier if you compare std::get<i>(its) == std::get<i+1>(its) I think rather than compare all to zero. A special case for empty might be required.
advance_all is even easier.
The last is the tricky one. The requirements are that you advance at least one iterator, and you do not advance the one that dereferences the most, and you advance iterators at most once, and you advance the most you can up to efficiency.
I suppose the easiest method is to find the greatest element, the advance everything less than that by 1.
If you don't know the number of containers you are intersecting, the above can be refactored to use dynamic storage for the iteration. This will look similar to your own solution, except with the details factored out into sub functions.

Compare element in a vector with elements in an array

I have two data structures with data in them.
One is a vector std::vector<int> presentStudents And other is a
char array char cAllowedStudents[256];
Now I have to compare these two such that checking every element in vector against the array such that all elements in the vector should be present in the array or else I will return false if there is an element in the vector that's not part of the array.
I want to know the most efficient and simple solution for doing this. I can convert my int vector into a char array and then compare one by one but that would be lengthy operation. Is there some better way of achieving this?
I would suggest you use a hash map (std::unordered_map). Store all the elements of the char array in the hash map.
Then simply sequentially check each element in your vector whether it is present in the map or not in O(1).
Total time complexity O(N), extra space complexity O(N).
Note that you will have to enable C++11 in your compiler.
Please refer to function set_difference() in c++ algorithm header file. You can use this function directly, and check if result diff set is empty or not. If not empty return false.
A better solution would be adapting the implementation of set_difference(), like in here:, to return false immediately after you get first different element.
Example adaption:
while (first1 != last1)
if (first2 == last2)
return false;
if (*first1 < *first2)
return false;
if (*first2 == *first1)
return true;
Sort cAllowedstudents using std::sort.
Iterate over the presentStudents and look for each student in the sorted cAllowedStudents using std::binary_search.
If you don't find an item of the vector, return false.
If all the elements of the vector are found, return true.
Here's a function:
bool check()
// Assuming hou have access to cAllowedStudents
// and presentStudents from the function.
char* cend = cAllowedStudents+256;
std::sort(cAllowedStudents, cend);
std::vector<int>::iterator iter = presentStudents.begin();
std::vector<int>::iterator end = presentStudents.end();
for ( ; iter != end; ++iter )
if ( !(std::binary_search(cAllowedStudents, cend, *iter)) )
return false;
return true;
Another way, using std::difference.
bool check()
// Assuming hou have access to cAllowedStudents
// and presentStudents from the function.
char* cend = cAllowedStudents+256;
std::sort(cAllowedStudents, cend);
std::vector<int> diff;
std::set_difference(presentStudents.begin(), presentStudents.end(),
cAllowedStudents, cend,
return (diff.size() == 0);
Sort both lists with std::sort and use std::find iteratively on the array.
EDIT: The trick is to use the previously found position as a start for the next search.
auto its=begin(aS);
auto ite=end(aS);
for (auto s:pS) {
if (its == ite) {
std::cout << "Student not allowed" << std::cout;
Edit: As legends mentiones, it usually might be more efficient to use binary search (as in R Sahu's answer). However, for small arrays and if the vector contains a significant fraction of students from the array (I'd say at least one tenths), the additional overhead of binary search might (or might not) outweight its asymptotic complexity benefits.
Using C++11. In your case, size is 256. Note that I personally have not tested this, or even put it into a compiler. It should, however, give you a good idea of what to do yourself. I HIGHLY recommend testing the edge cases with this!
#include <algorithm>
bool check(const std::vector<int>& studs,
char* allowed,
unsigned int size){
for(auto x : studs){
if(std::find(allowed, allowed+size-1, x) == allowed+size-1 && x!= *(allowed+size))
return false;
return true;