Access django server on virtual Machine - django

I know there is a lot of similar question but I haven't be able to make it work.
I have a VM (VirtualBox) running CentOS 7
I set up 2 adapters, a NAT and a host-only adapter. This way I have internet output on the VM and I can enter via ssh using a ip ( from the host
Now, I'm trying to reach a django server running on the guest from the host
I've tried running at and but I always got
$ curl
curl: (7) Failed connect to; No route to host
I've read some solutions using a bridge instead of NAT, but I need to keep the output to internet and the access via ssh

Finally I opened the port 8000 on the guest firewall and its working now.
For CentOS 7, i followed those steps centos 7 - open firewall port
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload


Not able to connect remote floodlight controller to mininet

I am new to mininet and I was trying to build a mininet topology which uses a remote SDN controller.
I tried using floodlight as the remote controller. I installed it and ran it and it is running on "localhost:6653". But it is also running on (And I have no idea why). is my virbr0 interface's address. In my mininet VM which is in virtualbox i have two network adapters.
Host only adapter
And for host only adapter i have the following configuration.
Adapter settings:
Ipv4 address: and net mask:
DHCP server settings: Sever ip=; net mask=; Lower bound Ip:; Upper bound Ip:
To avoid confusion i have added the screenshots as well.
I tried the following command to build my topology:
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6653
I get the following response from mininet
Unable to contact remote controller
I have tried changing ip to but that also didn't work.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
As per your setup, I guess FLC is running on Host OS and mininet is running in Oracle VM.
Your Host-Only network is useful if you are trying to reach something deployed in VM from your Host Os.
It will not work other way around. Here you want to access FLC running on Host inside your VM.
I would suggest using Floodlight VM for Virtual Box. It has mininet and FLC inbuild.
Once imported. Start VM.
Credentials: floodlight/floodlight
Inside VM start FLC
Do ifconfig ithe n terminal and get IP
change to that IP in this
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6653
and execute, all will work fine.
You can access FLC in Host using above IP

Local Server not loading in Ubuntu VirtualBox

I have laravel app which is running in my windows local server. This laravel app is running port:80. I want to load this app in my Ubuntu VirtualBox.
My IP Config:
IPv4 Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway:
I have config my virtualbox as Bridged Adapter. In my /etc/hosts (ubuntu virtualbox), I have this : localhost asus
I have made a hello word app (node.js) in my local windows which is running on port :3000, and it is running in my VirtualBox by typing, but if I type on my VirtualBox, it is not working (although app is running on windows local machine). it says:
This page can’t be found
Any suggestion? Thanks in Advance.
May be windows firewall blocking connections via port 80. turn off firewall and try it, if it works. Start windows firewall and add firewall rule to allow connections via port 80. If your windows version is 10 then, it will block all virtual box related connections. make sure to add correct rules.

Can't connect to VM running Django

Using VirtualBox, I have a NAT enabled VM running Centos 7. The host OS is Windows 7. I can't seem to access the Django web server running inside the VM. What am I missing?
I have two port forwarding rules set for the Virtual Machine:
I start the Django web server on the guest OS with:
python runserver
And I try to visit the webpage on the host OS at:
Google Chrome gives me the error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
The result of curl on the host OS:
[user#win7 ~ ]$ curl http://localhost:8000
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
Here is the result of a netstat performed on the guest OS:
[user#vm ~ ]$ netstat -na | grep 8000
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
Here is the result of a netstat performed on the host OS (with Cygwin):
[user#win7 ~ ]$ netstat -na | grep 8000
It is also worth mentioning that the SSH rule works. I can SSH into the machine with no problems.
This is not a solution, but a work-around for my problem. Maybe this will help anyone encountering a problem similar to mine, and just wants to be able to connect to their VM's webserver.
Since SSH was working, I figured I could access the webpage via a SSH Tunnel. The syntax for doing so via command line is:
ssh -L <local-port>:<remote-host>:<remote-port>
So in my situation, if I wanted to open a tunnel via command line I would do:
ssh -L 8000:
This would allow me to browse to http://localhost:8000 and access the website.
You can also do this via PuTTY, but I won't explain that here, so just Google for a guide.
The ssh tunnel is an OK work around, but the problem is almost certainly CentOS 7 which now uses firewalld rather than iptables to manager access. And, unlike iptables the default configuration is quite restrictive.
ps -ae | grep firewall
returns something like
602 ? 00:00:00 firewalld
your system is running firewalld, not iptables. They do not run together.
To correct your VM so you can access your django site from the host use the commands:
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
Many thanks to pablo v in the post "Access django server on virtual Machine" for pointing this out.

Vagrant with xdebug can't connect to host

My vagrant setup for the network is :private_network, ip: "". If I'm accessing a php page with echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; I got as result. The problem now is that I can't ping, so also the config for Xdebug with xdebug.remote_connect_back=1 will fail, because Xdebug tries to connect to If I use my normal ip address with xdebug.remote_host=X.X.X.X everything works fine, but I want to use xdebug.remote_connect_back=1. What can I do that it will work?
I was having the same problem and then started up a Virtualbox manually and realized that I hadn't started a virtualbox since updating and the firewall had to updated. Once I restarted virtualbox I could ping and not have to rely on a hard coded ip address. So, my guess, is that you probably have firewall issues.

Connecting to EC2 Django development Server

I am new to EC2 and web development. Currently I have a Linux EC2 instance running, and have installed Django. I am creating a test project before I start on my real project and tried running a Django test server.
This is my output in the shell:
python runserver
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.3, using settings 'testsite.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
To test that it is wroking I have tried visiting: but I always get a "Cannot connect" message from my browser.
Whenever I do this lcoally on my computer however I do successfully get to the DJango development home page at Could someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong / might be missing when I am doing this on my EC2 instance as opposed to my own laptop?
Using an ec-2 instance with Ubuntu, I found that specifying worked:
$python runserver
Of course 8000 does need to be opened for TCP in your security group settings.
You probably don't have port 8000 open on the firewall. Check which security group your instance is running (probably "default") and check the rules it is running. You will probably find that port 8000 is not listed.
1) You need to make sure port 8000 is added as a Custom TCP Rule into your Security Group list of inbound ports
2) Odds are that the IP that you see listed on your AWS Console, which is associated to your instance is a PUBLIC IP OR a PUBLIC Domain Name(i.e. or that Amazon assigns.
2.1) If it is a public IP, then your instance has no way of knowing what the Public IP assigned to it is, rather it will only know the its assigned Local IP.
2.2) To get your Local IP on a Linux System, type:
$ ifconfig
Then look at the eth0 Data and you'll see an IP next to "inet addr" of the format (e.g. This is your Local IP
3) To successfully runserver you can do one of the following two:
$ python runserver <LOCAL IP>:8000
$ python runserver
** Option Two also works great as Ernest Ezis mentioned in his answer.
EDIT : From The Django Book : "The IP address tells the server to listen on any network interface"
** My theory of Public IP could be wrong, since I'm not sure how Amazon assigns IPs. I'd appreciate being corrected.
I was having the same problem. But I was running RHEL on EC2. Besides from adding a rule to security group, I had to manually add a port to firewalld.
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8000/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
That worked for me! (Although no idea why I had to do that)
Yes, if you use quick launch EC2 option, you should add new HTTP rule (just as it appears on the list) to run a development server.
Adding a security group with the inbound rules as follows usually does the trick unless you have something else misconfigured. The port range specifies which port you want to allow incoming traffic on.
HTTP access would need 80
HTTP access over port 8000 would need 8000
SSH to server would need 22
HTTPS would need 443