Storing CiviCRM extension specific configuration in database - civicrm

I'm building a CiviCRM extension, which would also have an admin section with UI for setting various configuration specific to the extension. I'm looking for a recommended approach for storing the configuration in the database.
One way is to create a new table in the database specifically for this purpose, but this seems like an overkill if there are only a couple of options to be saved.
Another way could be to use the civicrm_setting table, which kind of makes sense at first, but I'm not sure if this table is meant to be used for this purpose.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Yes, you can and should definitively use civicrm_setting.
civicrm_setting has a column group_name that should contain a unique identifier for your extension. I usually put the full name of the extension, like org.example.extension but it could be any string, and in core they use label name (e.g., Preference settings).
To interact with those settings, you can do the following :
// save the setting
CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::setItem($value, 'My group name', 'my_setting_name');
// get the setting
$setting = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem('My group name', 'my_setting_name');
// get all the setting for you extension
$settings = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem('My group name');
There seems to be an API for Setting but it doesn't seem to work well in CiviCRM 4.4.x. Don't know if it is better in CiviCRM 4.5.

What you could also do (our current practice) is store your configuration logic in a special class using the singleton pattern (as CiviCRM does itslef). If you want to see an example check this:


How to automate M2Doc generation including the settings?

I've applied the guidance on programmatic usage of M2Doc (also with this help) to successfully generate a document via the API, which was previously prepared by using the M2Doc GUI (configured .docx plus a .genconf file). It seems to also work with a configured .docx, but without a .genconf file.
Now I would like to go a step further and ease the user interface in our application. The user should come with a .docx, include the {m:...} fields there, especially for variable definition, and then in our Eclipse application just assign model elements to the list of variables. Finally press "generate". The rest I would like to handle via the M2Doc API:
Get list of variables from the .docx
Tell M2Doc the variable objects (and their types and other required information, if that is separately necessary)
Provide M2Doc with sufficient information to handle AQL expressions like projectmodel::PJDiagram.allInstances() in the Word fields
I tried to analyse the M2Doc source code for this, but have some questions to achieve the goal:
The parse/generate API does not create any config information into the .docx or .genconf files, right? What would be the API to at least generate the .docx config information?
The source code mentions "if you are using a Generation" - what is meant with that? The use of a .genconf file (which seems to be optional for the generate API)?
Where can I get the list of variables from, which M2Doc found in a .docx (during parse?), so that I can present it to the user for Object (Model Element) assignment?
Do I have to tell M2Doc the types of the variables, and in which resource file they are located, besides handing over the variable objects? My guess is no, as using a blank .docx file without any M2Doc information stored also worked for the variables themselves (not for any additional AQL expressions using other types, or .oclAsType() type castings).
How can I provide M2Doc with the types information for the AQL expressions mentioned above, which I normally tell it via the nsURI configuration? I handed over the complete resourceSet of my application, but that doesn't seem to be enough.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
To give you an impression of my code so far, see below - note that it's actually Javascript instead of Java, as our application has a built-in JS-Java interface.
//=================== PARSING OF THE DOCUMENT ==============================
var templateURIString = "file:///.../templateReqs.docx";
var templateURI = URI.createURI(templateURIString);
// canNOT be empty, as we get nullpointer exceptions otherwise
var options = {"TemplateURI":templateURIString};
var exceptions = new java.util.ArrayList();
var resourceSetForModels = ...; //here our application's resource set for the whole model is used, instead of M2Doc "createResourceSetForModels" - works for the moment, but not sure if some services linking is not working
var queryEnvironment = m2doc.M2DocUtils.getQueryEnvironment(resourceSetForModels, templateURI, options);
var classProvider = m2doc.M2DocPlugin.getClassProvider();
// empty Monitor for the moment
var monitor = new BasicMonitor();
var template = m2doc.M2DocUtils.parse(resourceSetForModels.getURIConverter(), templateURI, queryEnvironment, classProvider, monitor);
// =================== GENERATION OF THE DOCUMENT ==============================
var outputURIString = "file:///.../templateReqs.autogenerated.docx";
var outputURI = URI.createURI(outputURIString);
variables["myVar1"] = ...; // assigment of objects...
m2doc.M2DocUtils.generate(template, queryEnvironment, variables, resourceSetForModels, outputURI, monitor);
No the API used to parse an generate don't modifies the template file nor the .genconf file. To modify the configuration of the template you will need to use the
TemplateCustomProperties class. That will allow you to register your metamodels and service classes. This instormation is then used to configure the IQueryEnvironment, so you might also want to directly configure the IQueryEnvironment in your code.
The generation in this context referes to the .genconf file. Note The genconf file is also an EMF model, so you can also craft one in memory to launch you generation if it's easier for you. But yes the use of a .genconf file is optional like in your code example.
To the list of variables in the template you can use the class TemplateCustomProperties:
TemplateCustomProperties.getVariables() will list the variables that are declared with their type
TemplateCustomProperties.getMissingVariables() to list varaibles that are used in the template but not declared
You can also find le list of used metamodels (EPackage nsURIs) and imported services classes.
The type of variables is not needed at generation time, it's only needed if you want to validate your template. At generation time you need to pass a map from the variable name to its value as you did in your example. The value of a variable can be a any object from your model (an EObject), a String, an Integer, ... If you want to use something like oclIsKindOf(pkg::MyEClass) you will need to register the nsURI of pkg first see the next point.
The code you provided should let you use something like projectmodel::PJDiagram.allInstances(). This service needs a ResourceSetRootEObjectProvider() that is initialized in M2DocUtils.getQueryEnvironment(). But you need to declare the nsURI of your metamodel in your template (see TemplateCustomProperties). This will register it in the IQueryEnvironment. You can also register it yourself using IQueryEnvironment.registerEPackage().
This should help you finding the missing parts in the configuration of the AQL environment. Your code seems good and should work when you add the configuration part.

How to find out whether default value is used for Datastore ndb property?

Let's say we have a model like this:
class UserConfig(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
email_subscriber = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
Let's assume email_subscriber was set to default True by mistake and we want to fix that mistake and use default=False instead. I tried changing the value to default=False and that works fine for users created after that code is deployed, but that doesn't fix the problem for existing users.
Is there a way (e.g. some internal property which isn't documented in Datastore documentation), which would provide info whether given prop value was set explicitly by user or using the provided default.
I can write an upgrade which would set email_subscriber=False for all users, but I'm afraid some users might have intentionally checked this property in the app and wouldn't like to break their experience.
tl;dr: How can I determine if value in ndb object was set using the default for that property or was provided explicitly.
There is no way to know this. Once a value is set in the database there is no way to know which part of your code (ndb runs in your code from the database perspective) set the value.

Django-dsl-drf Exclude phrase query

I am working on integrating Elastic Search in my existing Django REST application. I am using the django-dsl-drf module provided in the link below:
In their documentation 'exclude' query param is provided. But the query only when we provide the full field value.
For eg: If I have a value 'Stackoverflow' in field 'name'. I'll have to provide query param a
?name__exclude=Stackoverflow to exclude records having 'Stackoverflow' as name in the result. I would like to implement a search in such a way that when I provide 'over', I need to exclude these records, similar to ?name__exclude=over
I checked the above tutorial, but I couldn't find it. Is there any work around so that I can exclude records, fields containing terms instead of providing full field value, which is also case-insensitive.
Thanks a lot.
Using the contains functional filter, you can target documents that have their name field value containing the characters over anywhere in their terms:
However, as far as I know, there is no way to negate that filter in django-dsl-drf. You can create an issue requesting that feature, though, because odds are high that you're not the only who needs that, since it's a pretty common way of searching.

How to change Sitecore Template field Item Id without data loss?

I recently noticed there is a difference in Item Id for a Sitecore template field between 2 environments (Source and Target). Due to this, any data changes to the field value for the dataitem using the template is not reflecting to target Sitecore database.
Hence, we manually copy the value from source to target and which takes lot of time to sync the 2 environments. Any idea how to change the template field Item Id in Sitecore without data loss in target instance?
The template fields have most likely been created manually on the different servers, as #AdrianIorgu has suggested. I am going to suggest that you don't worry about merging fields and tools.
What you really care about is the content on the PRODUCTION instance of your site (assuming that this is Target). In any other environment, content should be regarded throwaway.
With that in mind, create a package of the template from your PRODUCTION instance and the install that in the other environments, deleting the duplicate field from the Source instance. The GUIDs of the field should now match across all environments. Check this into your source control (using TDS or Unicorn or whatever). You can then correctly update any standard values and that will be reflect through the server when you deploy again.
If your other environments (dev/qa/pre-prod) result in data loss for that field then don't worry about it, restore a backup from PROD.
Most likely that happened because the field or the template was added manually on the second environment, without migrating the items using packages, serialization or a third-party tool like TDS or Unicorn.
As #SitecoreClimber mentioned above, you can use Razl to sync the two environments and see the differences, but I don't think you will be able to change the field's GUID, to have the two environments consistent, without any data loss. Depending on the volume of your data, fixing this can be tricky.
What I would do:
make sure the target instance has the right template by installing a package with the correct template from source (with a MERGE-MERGE operation), which will end up having a duplicate field name
write a SQL query to get a list of all the items that have value for that field and update the value to the new field
Warning: this SQL query below is just a sample to get you started, make sure you extend and test this properly before running on a CD instance
begin tran
Declare #oldFieldId nvarchar(100), #newFieldId nvarchar(100), #previousValue nvarchar(100), #newValue nvarchar(100)
set #oldFieldID = '75577384-3C97-45DA-A847-81B00500E250' //old field ID
set #newFieldID = 'A2F96461-DE33-4CC6-B758-D5183676509B' //new field ID
/* versionedFields */
Select itemId, fieldid, value
from [dbo].[versionedFields] f with (nolock)
where f.FieldId like #oldFieldID
For this kind of stuff I sugest you to use Sitecore Razl.
It's a tool for comparing and merging sitecore databases.
Razl allows developers to have a complete side by side comparison between two Sitecore databases; highlighting features that are missing or not up to date. Razl also gives developers the ability to simply move the item from one database to another.
Whether it's finding that one missing template, moving your entire database or just one item, Razl allows you to do it seamlessly and worry free.
It's not a free tool, you can check here how you can buy it:

How to enforce locale inflections on Rails generators?

In Rails 4 (which supports multilingual inflections), I can set:
config.i18n.default_locale = :es
in my config/application.rb, which allows me to do stuff like this in the console:
'general'.pluralize(:es) => "generales"
But when I run:
rails g model General conciencia:string atencion:string
Rails generates files with 'general' pluralized as 'generals' which in spanish should be 'generales'
Shouldn't Rails be using the multilingual inflector for its generators if the locale is set? Is there a way to force it to use them?
A bit late, but for the record: There's an argument in a Rails issue about why is it this way (so it's no a bug, but you can discuss it about):
Up to Rails 4, the inflector had no support for multiple locales.
There was only one set of rules. The application has a default locale,
and in a i18n application each request may have a different locale,
but that didn't affect the inflector.
The inflector is not only used by the application, it is also used by
the framework to convert paths to class names, class names to tables,
create method names dynamically for the associations API, etc.
Obviously, those computations cannot vary. If your schema has a
"regions" table, Active Record has to map the Region class always to
the "regions" table, no matter the evolution of the application
(unless the schema changes, but the schema has to be visualized as
mostly static regarding to this, much more static that a configuration
I have worked on applications that started development using :en, get
i18ned, and then switch to a default locale of :es. The locale is
something that affects the interface in that mindset. Everything
internal should work as it did before.
You should be able to change the default locale and everything else in
a way that does not affect static things like association names,
tables, routes, etc.
In could be the case that you have i18n routes (which change with the
locale of the request), but in general the statement above should be
In order to be as backwards compatible as possible, we have left the
framework untouched, and have made the inflections to have a default
of :en so that existing applications get the same mappings after an