Qt stylesheet of dock area splitter - c++

How to change the style sheet of splitter/handle beside QDockWidget when it is added to DockWidgetArea. There is one main movable handle and multiple handles between each dockwidgets on that side. I would like to change at least bg colour and border of the handle and hover colour.
It would help if I know what kind of object it is or to get some pointer to the handle to setStyleSheet on it.

Ok I found it after some digging inside source code. Finally the answer was so simple and was screaming from the documentation of style sheet:
Note: Use QMainWindow::separator to style the resize handle.
Ok so the code is simple:
background-color: green;
width: 4px;
border: none;


How to set only QTabWidget background color stylesheet

I have a Qt application that, among many other widget types, uses a QTabWidget. I'm having difficulty styling the background color for this object.
I've tried some of the following lines, which I found from other forum posts, in my stylesheet with no effect on the program
QTabWidget { background-color: black; }
QTabWidget::pane { background-color: black; }
QTabWidget#tabWidget { background-color: black; }
QTabWidget#tabWidget::pane { background-color: black; }
If I use QWidget { background-color: black; }, then yes my color is properly changed, but then all of the other widgets in my program are changed as well... so this isn't what I'm looking for...
I've also tried it in code with ui->tabWidget->setStyleSheet("background-color: black"); But this too is undesirable because it changes the background color of all of its children widgets.
Does anyone have any other ideas on how to style a QTabWidgets contents background area?
About a year late but I recently ran into the same problem and got it working.
First of all QTabWidget has a child QWidget for every tab you make. That is the area that you put your other widgets into, and that is what you want to set the background color of.
Set the style-sheet by doing this.
1)Determine the name of your tab widgets from the design object window top right, they should match the currentTabName that you set when creating your tab.
2)Realize this is a QWidget not a QTabWidget this is why QTabWidget { background-color: black; } does not work.
3)Realize that by specifying the object in the style-sheet with the '#' the child object will not inherit the style-sheet.
For me I specified my style-sheet as such, repeating for each tab object name that I had:
#objectName {background-color: rgb(240,240,240);}
This provided me with the exact behavior I needed. In my case I wanted to get the natural gray background onto my Tab pages but not override the child components on the tab pages.
I hope this helps someone in the future...

Qt TableView: How to get rid of the extended grey rectangle from the row headers

How do I get rid of grey area as seen in the image below. It seems like if the table does not fill the entire space, the grey color just extends until the end.
I coded something similar to this image in C++.
It's not just grey color, it's a vertical header. As I see it, your options are:
Get rid of the header in Designer and create your own column with numbers, not editable, of course
Use custom stylesheet for QHeaderView, like (example, don't know your preffered colors)
background-color: transparent;
color: black;
font: 10pt "MS Shell Dlg 2";
It works with QTableView.
UPD: Try the following: set the stylesheet for QHeaderView AND it's sections if needed, like
background-color: white;
This will paint your header white, no grey, like you wanted. Then you can improve the stylesheet, styling sections (probably, you'll like proper borders and all, so don't use "border: 1px solid balck", play with border-top and/or border-bottom, otherwise sections will get ugly double inner borders).
After that you can consider styling only one header or both, further improve styleshhet, but the point remains that QHeaderView and it's sections can be styled independently

Background color of styled QLineEdit flickers

When setting the background-color of a QLineEdit using stylesheets, there is a very noticeable flicker upon mouseover of the control. Example code:
QLineEdit* flicker = new QLineEdit(this);
flicker->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {background: red;}");
This only happens when running on Windows Vista and later, and not in XP. I think it has something to do with the default styling for Windows (Aero?) applications, because setting the style to QStyle::Fusion fixes the problem:
QLineEdit* flicker = new QLineEdit(this);
QStyle* fusion = QStyleFactory::create(QString("Fusion"));
flicker->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {background: red;}");
I also have an eventfilter set up such that the control gets repainted on mouseover, and the debugger is confirming that that gets called immediately.
Ran into the same problem and wanted to share a possible workaround:
The reason for the flickering of the QLineEdit on mouseover is probably that another style sheet is used for "QLineEdit:hover{...}" that still contains the defaults. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be enough to add "QLineEdit:hover{background-color: red}". The only way I found it to work correctly up until now is to use
flicker->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background-color: red;} QLineEdit:hover{border: 1px solid gray; background-color red;}");
Not quite sure why the border property needs to be set explicitly, but it worked for me.
I've had a similar problem and resolved it by adding a border to QLineEdit, like this:
background-color: red;
border: 1px solid #CCC;
background-color: blue;

Stylesheet on QScrollBar leaves background of scrollbar with checkerboard pattern?

When I style my QScrollBar using a stylesheet, the background color is checkered instead of being solid.
QScrollBar:horizontal {
background-color: grey;
How do you make the background of the scrollbar a solid color?
What you are referring to as "the background" is actually the two sub-elements add-page and sub-page. You need to define the background element on those sub-elements.
The simplest solution would be to remove the background on both. Then it would inherit the background color grey that you have already set on QScrollBar:
QScrollBar::add-page:horizontal, QScrollBar::sub-page:horizontal {
background: none;
But if desired, you could style each individually to your liking:
QScrollBar::sub-page:horizontal {
background: red;
QScrollBar::add-page:horizontal {
background: green;
Unfortunately, this solution is rather hard to divine from the official documentation.

QLineEdit Rounded Corners?

Is there a way to round the corners of a QLineEdit widget? If not is there a similar widget I could do this to?
Visual Meaning:
Solved: (See below for additional information)
QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit;
lineEdit -> setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border: 2px solid gray;"
"border-radius: 5px;}");
You can use StyleSheets to set styles of Qt components just like you would use them in making a website. You can set a stylesheet in two ways: in your application's code, or in QtDesiner.
To do it in QtDesiner (which is most convenient), right-click on the component which you have placed on the form, and press "Edit StyleSheet" (or maybe "Change Stylesheet", sorry, my Qt is not it English, so I'm not sure about the exact name of the option). A window will open that will let you edit the element's style sheet.
It is very convenient because it has some useful options like adding resources or colors or fonts right there, and you just need to press a couple of buttons to set the option you need through the GUI without the need to type or even to know CSS syntax.
From the code, you can do it like this (example):
SomeComponent->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border-radius: 5px; }");
Here is the documentation about the stylesheets.
Use stylesheets. From http://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.7/stylesheet-examples.html:
QLineEdit {
border: 2px solid gray;
border-radius: 10px;
Also, you can always override paintEvent if you want to get your hands dirty.