Linked List delete function exception [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have some study to do for an upcoming C++ assessment and I have an issue with my deleteNode function. I know the problem lies somewhere within the function as I copied a previous deleteNode function and it worked fine.All of my other pushback/pushfront functions work fine, I'd rather know the problem than just ignore it but I can't spot it for the life of me.
So the linked list is storing Employees, with a name (string) and a salary (double). My deleteNode matches the name of the employee and the string parameter passed in. If anyone can spot my mistake it'll be a great help to my learning!
bool EmployeeList::deleteNode(std::string n){
EmployeeNode *leadptr = head, *trailptr = nullptr;
if (head != nullptr){
if (head-> == n){
head = head->next;
delete leadptr;
return true;
while (leadptr != nullptr && leadptr-> != n){
trailptr = leadptr;
leadptr = leadptr->next;
if (leadptr = nullptr){
return false;
trailptr->next = leadptr->next; //access violation here, leadptr may be null
delete leadptr;
return true;

This is an assignment
if (leadptr = nullptr){
Correction would be
if (leadptr == nullptr){


This assignment is designed to explore linked lists so you will implement a singly linked-list to hold a collection of bids loaded from a CSV file [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I need help please It keeps giving me the same number and not a different one.
Bid LinkedList::Search(string bidId) {
// FIXME (6): Implement search logic
// special case if matching node is the head
// make head point to the next node in the list
//decrease size count
// start at the head of the list
// keep searching until end reached with while loop (next != nullptr
// if the current node matches, return it
// else current node is equal to next node
//return bid
Node* temp = head;
Node* holder = new Node;
holder->bid.bidId = "";
while (temp != nullptr) {
cout << temp->bid.bidId << endl;
if (temp->bid.bidId == bidId) {
return temp->bid;
temp = temp->next;
return holder->bid;
Just remove everything with a holder. And at the end throw an exception when nothing was found. Alternatively return std::optional<Bid>.

error: expected unqualified-id before if [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have looked through previous answers, but none of them have explained why I am getting this error.
Here is my code with the error. It occurs on "if(pathID==2...)" and every if statement after that.
void add_path(int a,int b, int current_step,int pathID){
if(pathID == 0){
path[current_step] = new step(a,b,"Filled A",path[current_step]);
if(pathID == 1)
path[current_step] = new step(a,b,"Filled B",path[current_step]);
if(pathID == 2){
path[current_step] = new step(a,b,"Empty A",path[current_step]);
if(pathID == 3){
path[current_step] = new step(a,b,"Empty B",path[current_step]);
if(pathID == 4){
path[current_step] = new step(a,b,"Pour B to A",path[current_step]);
if(pathID == 5){
path[current_step] = new step(a,b,"Pour A to B",path[current_step]);
All this code is meant to do is add to the linked list at a given position in an array. The pathID is passed in and tells it what action was performed, so we know we know what to add to the linked list.
Later in the program I use that linked list to determine what actions were taken. I still need to make it a doubly linked list so it does not print in reverse, but that's another problem.
You forgot a curly brace after
if(pathID == 1)
Add it and it'll work fine.

Why wouldn't the head change - linkedlist implementation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What I'm trying to do is to insert a node with a value to the ith location of a linked list. It has to return true if the insertion was successful, false otherwise. What I'm not able to understand is how to add to the start of the list. What I tries did not insert it at all. Where is the problem?
bool insertat(struct Node*head, int value,int loc){
Node *q = new Node;
return true;
else if(loc<=0){
cout<<"invalid location";
return false;
else if(loc==1){
return true;
int i=1;
Node*p =head;
while( i<loc-1){
return true;
This is because you are passing pointer by value. So, changes done to head in this function are lost.
Rather change your function to:-
bool insertat(struct Node**head, int value,int loc)
and pass the address of head.
bool insertat(struct Node*&head, int value,int loc)

Binary Search Tree, height [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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this is my height function in bst. cpp
int IntBinaryTree::getHeight(TreeNode * nodePtr)
if(nodePtr = NULL)
return 0;
return (max(1+getHeight(nodePtr->left), 1+getHeight(nodePtr->right)));
When I call it in main(). I got an error.
this is my main()
int main {
IntBinaryTree tree;
tree. getHeight();
return 0;
You didn't say what error, but looks like changing:
if(nodePtr = NULL)
if(nodePtr == NULL)
is what you need.

Remove node at the TAIL Linked List C++ [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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All, I'm creating a function that would remove the tail from a linked list. And My function works fine for just one iteration but it doesn't for subsequent ones.
Could anybody shed some light?
int List::removeAtTail(){
if(head == NULL)
cout << "Node cannot be deleted from an empty linkedList" << endl;
if(curr->next= NULL)
return 0;
And also, if I would like to return the element that I deleted, how would I go around at doing that?
There are many ways this can be done, following is one:
int List::removeAtTail(){
while(curr != NULL) {
if(curr->next == NULL) { // depending on your implementation you might use Tail
int temp = *curr;
delete curr;
return temp;
curr = curr->next;
return 0;
Notice how we iterate through the list until we find the last item. At that point we store it in a temporary variable before freeing the memory. Lastly we return the value stored in the temporary variable.