Returning a more verbose error in production environment (DEBUG=False) - django

I'm using tastypie, suppose that I have a model named M and a field in it - F - is unique CharField. Suppose that there's already an instance of M that its F value is "test", if I try to create another instance of M that has the same value for F or if I try to update an already created instance of M and change its F value to "test", tastypie returns an error and tells that duplicate key value violates unique constraint "M_F_key"\nDETAIL: Key (F)=(test) already exists.\n but if I set DEBUG=False in settings it doesn't return that error an instead it returns Sorry, this request could not be processed. Please try again later. this way my client can't understand that the problem was a duplicate value for F field and can't show the user appropriate message. How can I solve this?

Well, it can be solved by using a django middleware that implements process_exception


Django in_bulk() raising error with distinct()

I have the following QuerySet:
foreign_key_id is not unique on MyModel but given the use of distinct should be unique within the QuerySet.
However when this runs the following error is raised:
"ValueError: in_bulk()'s field_name must be a unique field but 'foreign_key_id' isn't."
According to the Django docs on in_bulk here it should be possible to use in_bulk with distinct in this way. The ability was added to Django in response to this issue ticket here.
What do I need to change here to make this work?
I'm using Django3.1 with Postgres11.
As the documentation of in_bulk(…) says:
Changed in Django 3.2:
Using a distinct field was allowed.
Since you use django-3.1, this will thus not work, you will thus have to upgrade your program to django-3.2.

Django ValidationError - how to use this properly?

Currently there is code that is doing (from with the form):
# the exception that gets raised if the form is not valid
raise forms.ValidationError("there was an error");
# here is where form.is_valid is called
form.is_valid() == False:
response['err']='row not updated.'
json = simplejson.dumps( response ) #this json will get returned from the view.
The problem with this, is that it is sending err message to the client as:
__all__"There was an error."
I want to remove the "all" garbage from the error template that is returned. How can I go about doing this? it seems to get added deep in django form code.
It's because the error is not associated with any field in particular, but it's so called non-field error.
If you're only interested in non-field errors, just simply pass this to the response:
errors is an instance of a subclass of dict with some special rendering code. Most of the keys are the fields of the form, but as the docs describe, raising ValidationError in clean produces an error message that isn't associated with any particular field:
Note that any errors raised by your Form.clean() override will not be associated with any field in particular. They go into a special “field” (called __all__), which you can access via the non_field_errors() method if you need to. If you want to attach errors to a specific field in the form, you will need to access the _errors attribute on the form, which is described later.
So you can either generate your string representation of the errors differently (probably starting with form.errors.values() or form.errors.itervalues(), and maybe using the as_text method of the default ErrorList class) or associate your error with a particular field of the form as described in the docs:
When you really do need to attach the error to a particular field, you should store (or amend) a key in the Form._errors attribute. This attribute is an instance of a django.forms.utils.ErrorDict class. Essentially, though, it’s just a dictionary. There is a key in the dictionary for each field in the form that has an error. Each value in the dictionary is a django.forms.utils.ErrorList instance, which is a list that knows how to display itself in different ways. So you can treat _errors as a dictionary mapping field names to lists.
If you want to add a new error to a particular field, you should check whether the key already exists in self._errors or not. If not, create a new entry for the given key, holding an empty ErrorList instance. In either case, you can then append your error message to the list for the field name in question and it will be displayed when the form is displayed.

Why is AutoField not working?

I created this field in my model:
numero_str = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True, default = 0)
The default value seems to invalidate the auto increment of AutoField but if I take it out I receive an error saying that the field can't be null. What I don't understand is: if I declareted it as a AutoField, isn't it supposed to generate a sequencial integer automatically? Or should I declare something when saving an item?
To be more especific, my app is basically a form that is send by e-mail and saved in a database. The error occur when sending (in case I take out the default value). It says:
IntegrityError at /solicitacaodetreinamento/
str_solicitacao.numero_str may not be NULL
I found a solution: I deleted the DB file and all the migration of South (include the Initial). Then I recreated the database and made the migrations. This time, using the default primary key, i.e., "id". In my case it was simpler because I had no real data at all (it is not in production), otherwise I would have to export the data, recreate the database and then import the data. Thank you all.

Django get() query not working

this_category = Category.objects.get(name=cat_name)
gives error: get() takes exactly 2 non-keyword arguments (1 given)
I am using the appengine helper, so maybe that is causing problems. Category is my model. Category.objects.all() works fine. Filter is also similarily not working.
Do you have any functions named name or cat_name? If so, try changing them or the variable names you are using and trying again.
The helper maps the Django model manager (Category.objects in this case) back to the class instance of the model via the appengine_django.models.ModelManager. Through the inheritance chain you eventually come to appengine.ext.db.Model.get(cls, keys, **kwargs) so that is why you are seeing this error. The helper does not support the same interface for get that Django does. If you do not want to get by primary key, you must use a filter
To do your query, you need to use the GAE filter function like this:
this_category = Category.objects.all().filter('name =', cat_name).get()

Django : Setting a generic (content_type) field with a real object sets it to None

Update 3 (Read This First) :
Yes, this was caused by the object "profile" not having been saved. For those getting the same symptoms, the moral is "If a ForeignKey field seems to be getting set to None when you assign a real object to it, it's probably because that other objects hasn't been saved."
Even if you are 100% sure that it was saved, check again ;-)
I'm using content_type / generic foreign keys in a class in Django.
The line to create an instance of the class is roughly this :
tag = SecurityTag(name='name',agent=an_agent,resource=a_resource,interface=an_interface)
Where both agent and resource are content_type fields.
Most of the time, this works as I expect and creates the appropriate object. But I have one specific case where I call this line to create a SecurityTag but the value of the agent field seems to end up as None.
Now, in this particular case, I test, in the preceding line, that the value of an_agent does contain an existing, saved Django.model object of an agent type. And it does.
Nevertheless, the resulting SecurityTag record comes out with None for this field.
I'm quite baffled by this. I'm guessing that somewhere along the line, something is failing in the ORM's attempt to extract the id of the object in an_agent, but there's no error message nor exception being raised. I've checked that the an_agent object is saved and has a value in its id field.
Anyone seen something like this? Or have any ideas?
Update : 10 days later exactly the same bug has come to bite me again in a new context :
Here's some code which describes the "security tag" object, which is basically a mapping between
a) some kind of permission-role (known as "agent" in our system) which is a generic content_type,
b) a resource, which is also a generic content_type, (and in the current problem is being given a Pinax "Profile"),
and c) an "interface" (which is basically a type of access ... eg. "Viewable" or "Editable" that is just a string)
class SecurityTag(models.Model) :
name = models.CharField(max_length='50')
agent_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType,related_name='security_tag_agent')
agent_object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
agent = generic.GenericForeignKey('agent_content_type', 'agent_object_id')
interface = models.CharField(max_length='50')
resource_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType,related_name='security_tag_resource')
resource_object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
resource = generic.GenericForeignKey('resource_content_type', 'resource_object_id')
At a particular moment later, I do this :
print "before %s, %s" % (self.resource,self.agent)
t = SecurityTag(name=self.tag_name,agent=self.agent,resource=self.resource,interface=self.interface_id)
print "after %s, %s, %s, %s" % (t.resource,t.resource_content_type,type(t.resource),t.resource_object_id)
The result of which is that before, the "resource" variable does reference a Profile, but after ...
before phil, TgGroup object
after None, profile, <type 'NoneType'>, None
In other words, while the value of t.resource_content_type has been set to "profile", everything else is None. In my previous encounter with this problem, I "solved" it by reloading the thing I was trying to assign to the generic type. I'm starting to wonder if this is some kind of ORM cache issue ... is the variable "self.resource" holding some kind proxy object rather than the real thing?
One possibility is that the profile hasn't been saved. However, this code is being called as the result of an after_save signal for profile. (It's setting up default permissions), so could it be that the profile save hasn't been committed or something?
Update 2 : following Matthew's suggestion below, I added
print self.resource._get_pk_value() and
which has blown up saying Profile doesn't have _get_pk_value()
So here's what I noticed passing through the Django code: when you create a new instance of a model object via a constructor, a pre-init function called (via signals) for any generic object references.
Rather than directly storing the object you pass in, it stores the type and the primary key.
If your object is persisted and has an ID, this works fine, because when you get the field at a later date, it retrieves it from the database.
However -- if your object doesn't have an ID, the fetch code returns nothing, and the getter returns None!
You can see the code in django.contrib.contenttypes.generic.GenericForeignKey, in the instance_pre_init and __get__ functions.
This doesn't really answer my question or satisfy my curiosity but it does seem to work if I pull the an_agent object out of the database immediately before trying to use it in the SecurityTag constructor.
Previously I was passing a copy that had been made earlier with get_or_create. Did this old instance somehow go out of date or scope?