Passing Pointers to a function? - c++

Why is this code not valid?
void callbyreference (int& adam) {
cout << adam << endl;
int main() {
int *beta = new int();
*beta = 34;

Because beta is a pointer to int, but callbyreference doesn't take a pointer parameter - it takes a reference.
References are not pointers.
You can say either
void callbyreference (int* adam) {
cout << *adam << endl;
int main() {
int *beta = new int();
*beta = 34;
void callbyreference (int& adam) {
cout << adam << endl;
int main() {
int beta = 34;

void callbyreference (int& adam) {
cout << adam << endl;
int main() {
int *beta = new int();
*beta = 34;


Exception thrown: write access violation

I am trying to implement a list structure, but when I wrote the insert() function which inserts an element in a specific position in the list, I get an error Exception thrown: write access violation.
pl was 0x34812B3A.
I tried alot to fix it but I really can't. I used try..throw..catch and still didn't get it, so what should I do.
This is my code:
#pragma once
#define MAXLIST 100
typedef struct List {
int size;
int entry[MAXLIST];
void createl(list*);
int ListEmpty(list*);
int ListFull(list*);
int sizel(list*);
void destroyl(list*);
void insert(int, int, list*);
void deletei(int* , int, list*);
void traversel(list*, void (*)(int));
void retrieve(int*, int, list*);
void replace(int, int, list*);
//int access(int , list*);
and this is the implementation (List.cpp)
#include <iostream>
#include "List.h"
using namespace std;
void createl(list* pl) {
pl->size = 0;
int isEmpty(list* pl) {
return !(pl->size);
int isFull(list* pl) {
return (pl->size == MAXLIST);
int sizel(list* pl) {
return pl->size;
void destroyl(list* pl) {
pl->size = 0;
void insert(int e, int p, list* pl) { //insert element e in the postion p in the list
for (int i = pl->size -1; i >= p; i--) {
pl->entry[i+1] = pl->entry[i];
pl->entry[p] = e;
void deletei(int* pe, int p, list* pl) {
*pe = pl->entry[p];
for (int i = p + 1; i < pl->size; ++i) {
pl->entry[i-1] = pl->entry[i];
void traversel(list* pl, void (*pf)(int e)) {
for (int i = 0; i < pl->size; ++i) {
void retrieve(int* pe, int p, list* pl) {
*pe = pl->entry[p];
void replace(int e, int p, list* pl) {
pl->entry[p] = e;
/*int access(int p, list* pl) {
return pl->entry[p];
I get the error here in function insert()
pl->entry[p] = e;
and this is a program to just check if my code works.
#include <iostream>
#include "List.h"
using namespace std;
void display(int e) {
cout << e << "\n";
int main() {
list l;
list* ptl = &l;
int t;
cout << "Put 5 elements:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
cin >> t;
insert(t, sizel(ptl), ptl);
cout << "The list looks like a stack\n\n";
traversel(ptl, display);
cout << "The size of the list is: " << sizel(ptl) << endl;
insert(9, 2, ptl);
cout << "The size of the list is: " << sizel(ptl) << endl;
int temp;
deletei(&temp, 2, ptl);
cout << temp <<endl ;
traversel(ptl, display);
cout << "The size of the list is: " << sizel(&l) << endl;
int t2;
retrieve(&t2, 2, ptl);
cout << t2 << endl;
replace(4, 1, ptl);
traversel(ptl, display);
cout << "The size of the list is: " << sizel(ptl) << endl;
return 0;
Thank you for your time and helping me.
You used ptl, which points at l, without initializing l.
Add initialization like this:
int main() {
list l;
list* ptl = &l;
int t;
createl(ptl); // add initialization
cout << "Put 5 elements:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
cin >> t;
insert(t, sizel(ptl), ptl);

Double pointer as argument to function

I want to pass a double pointer as argument to a function, but I cant see what I am doing wrong.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void changeString(string ***strPtr) {
strPtr = new string**[1];
*strPtr = new string*[1];
**strPtr = new string("hello");
//cout << strPtr[0][0][0];
int main()
string **strPtr;
//cout << strPtr[0][0];
return 0;
The cout in changeString works fine, but the cout in main throws the exception read access violation. strPtr was 0xCCCCCCCC.
Your example is basically equivalent to this:
void changeString(string **strPtr) {
strPtr = new string*[1];
*strPtr = new string("hello");
//cout << strPtr[0][0];
int main()
string *strPtr;
//cout << strPtr[0];
return 0;
And that is basically equivalent to this:
void changeString(string *strPtr)
strPtr = new string("hello"); // Changes the pointer, not the string!
//cout << strPtr[0];
int main()
string str;
//cout << str;
return 0;
At this point it should start to become obvious that you are assigning a new value to the pointer, not the pointed-to object. Consider this:
void change(SomeType t)
t = somethingElse;
int main()
SomeType t;
change(t); // Does not change t.
In your case, SomeType happens to be string* (or string***) - you are just overwriting a local variable.
To fix your code, just skip the first line in changeString:
void changeString(string ***strPtr)
*strPtr = new string*[1];
**strPtr = new string("hello");
cout << strPtr[0][0][0];
int main()
string **strPtr;
cout << strPtr[0][0];
return 0;

How to access to variable of parent scope in c++?

Let's imagine I have piece of code like this:
#include <iostream>
int main()
int a = 5;
int a = 12;
std::cout << a;
return 0;
I want to cout a==5 from outside scope, but main::a doesn't work surely. Is there any workaround?
A (let's say) workaround:
int main()
int a = 5;
int *pa = &a;
int a = 12;
std::cout << (*pa);
return 0;
int main()
int a = 5;
int& ra = a;
int a = 12;
std::cout << ra;
return 0;
An alternative, it's similar to ilya answer but without polluting the parent scope
int main() {
int a = 1;
int& outer_a = a;
int a = 2;
std::cout << outer_a;

It is possible to assign an Int value to an Array inside a Function in C++?

It's possible to do the following code with C++:
myFunction(myArray, positionInsideMyArray) = myValue.
cout << myFunction[positionInsideMyArray] << endl; // Display muValue
How can I do that with C++?
To make my question more clear, With one value the following code work correctly,
I want to do the same thing but using an Array parameter.
int& myFunction(int &x){
return x;
this is the main function:
int x;
myFunction(x) = myValue;
cout << x << endl; // This will display myValue
#include <iostream>
int &myFunction(int *arr, size_t pos) { return arr[pos]; }
int main() {
using std::cout;
int myArray[30];
size_t positionInsideMyArray = 5;
myFunction(myArray, positionInsideMyArray) = 17.;
cout << myArray[positionInsideMyArray] << "\n"; // Display muValue
or with error checking:
#include <stdexcept>
template<size_t N>
inline int &myFunction(int (&arr)[N], size_t pos)
if (pos >= N)
throw std::runtime_error("Index out of bounds");
return arr[pos];
myFunction(myArray, positionInsideMyArray) = myValue.
cout << myFunction[positionInsideMyArray] << endl;
With functions alone, the second line is not possible; you'll need a class.
However, that the second call remembers myArray from the
first makes the whole semantics a bit strange...
A rough idea (no complete class, only for int-arrays):
class TheFunc
int *arr;
int &operator() (int *arr, size_t pos)
this->arr = arr;
return arr[pos];
int &operator[] (size_t pos)
return arr[pos];
TheFunc myFunction;
myFunction(myArray, positionInsideMyArray) = myValue.
cout << myFunction[positionInsideMyArray] << endl;
A different, more robust version, where the array it set separately:
class TheFunc
int *arr;
TheFunc(int *arr)
this->arr = arr;
int &operator() (size_t pos)
return arr[pos];
int &operator[] (size_t pos)
return arr[pos];
TheFunc myFunction(myArray);
myFunction(positionInsideMyArray) = myValue.
cout << myFunction[positionInsideMyArray] << endl;

C++: Passing a (pointer to an?) array of objects by reference

I'm new to C++, and I'm having significant trouble with creating an array of objects using a pass by pointer and reference. This is not the actual code; it's an example of what the code essentially does.
#include <iostream>
class MyClass
static int doStuff(MyClass *&classArray);
void print_number();
int number;
int MyClass::doStuff(MyClass *&classArray)
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
*classArray[i].number = i;
return i;
void MyClass::print_number()
std::cout << number << "\n";
int main(void)
MyClass *test = nullptr;
int p = MyClass::doStuff(test);
std::cout << p << '\n';
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
return 0;
When compiled, this gives a segmentation fault.
This is how you do it (don't forget do delete classArray with delete[] at the end of your program or destructor:
new operator has to have default constructor, if you want to use non-default it is easier to create copy constructor, then a temporary object and copy.
#include <iostream>
class MyClass
MyClass(int x, int y);
MyClass(MyClass &OldClass);
static int doStuff(MyClass *&classArray, int Size, int x, int y);
void print_number();
int number, x, y;
number = 0;
x = 0;
y = 0;
MyClass::MyClass(int x, int y)
number = 0;
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
MyClass::MyClass(MyClass &OldClass)
this->number = OldClass.number;
this->x = OldClass.x;
this->y = OldClass.y;
int MyClass::doStuff(MyClass *&classArray, int Size, int x, int y)
if (Size > 0)
classArray = new MyClass[Size];
for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
classArray[i] = MyClass(x, y);
classArray[i].number = i;
return Size;
return 0;
void MyClass::print_number()
std::cout << number << " " << x << " " << y << "\n";
int main(void)
MyClass *test = nullptr;
int p = MyClass::doStuff(test, 10, 5, 6);
std::cout << p << '\n';
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
delete[] test;
return 0;
It is not working because you need to allocate the array, as the function is trying to access elements of an array which has yet not been initialized to hold that amount of elements. You can do this by
MyClass *test = new MyClass[array_size];
MyClass test[array_size];
Or by using a resizable container such as std::vector, and changing the function parameters accordingly
*classArray[i].number = i;
You called doStuff with a null pointer, so classArray is null and is not an array. Dereferencing a null pointer results in undefined behavior and on most implementations you'll usually get a crash.
You're also dereferencing something that's not a pointer so this code will not even compile. The error I get is:
main.cpp:23:9: error: indirection requires pointer operand ('int' invalid)
*classArray[i].number = i;
Presumably this is just because, as you say, the code you're showing is not your real code and classArray[i].number corresponds to a pointer in your real code. But I thought I'd point this out anyway, just in case.
Given the context of your code, here's a working example of your code:
#include <iostream>
class MyClass
MyClass() {}
static int doStuff(MyClass*& classArray, size_t sz)
int i = 0;
for (; i < sz; i++) {
classArray[i].number = i;
// not sure what you want here, but this will return sz+1 if sz>0
return i;
void print_number()
std::cout << this->number << std::endl;
int number;
int main(void)
MyClass* test = new MyClass[10];
int p = MyClass::doStuff(test, 10);
std::cout << p << '\n';
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
delete[] test;
return 0;
Though as others have pointed out, you are using C++, while it's a great exercise in understand how to pass pointers and arrays around, you might find the STL and C++stdlib contain a lot of these types of idioms in an 'easier to understand context'.
Here's your code with some C++ STL:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class MyClass
MyClass() {}
MyClass(int i) : number(i) {}
static int doStuff(std::vector<MyClass>& classArray, size_t sz)
int i = 0;
for (; i < sz; i++) {
// not sure what you want here, but this will return sz+1 if sz>0
return i;
void print_number()
std::cout << this->number << std::endl;
int number;
int main(void)
std::vector<MyClass> test;
int p = MyClass::doStuff(test, 10);
std::cout << test.size() << '\n';
// can use iterators here if you want
std::vector<MyClass>::iterator itr = test.begin();
for (; itr != test.end(); itr++) {
return 0;
Hope that can help.