Comparison of odeint's runge_kutta4 with Matlab's ode45 - c++

I would like to use runge_kutta4 method in the odeint C++ library. I've solved the problem in Matlab. My following code in Matlab to solve x'' = -x - g*x', with initial values x1 = 1, x2 = 0, is as follows
clear all
t = 0:0.1:10;
x0 = [1; 0];
[t, x] = ode45('ODESolver', t, x0);
plot(t, x(:,1));
xlabel('time (sec)');
function dx = ODESolver(t, x)
dx = zeros(2,1);
g = 0.15;
dx(1) = x(2);
dx(2) = -x(1) - g*x(2);
I've installed the odeint Library. My code for using runge_kutta4 is as follows
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;
/* The type of container used to hold the state vector */
typedef std::vector< double > state_type;
const double gam = 0.15;
/* The rhs of x' = f(x) */
void lorenz( const state_type &x , state_type &dx , double t )
dx[0] = x[1];
dx[1] = -x[0] - gam*x[1];
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const double dt = 0.1;
runge_kutta_dopri5<state_type> stepper;
state_type x(2);
x[0] = 1.0;
x[1] = 0.0;
double t = 0.0;
cout << x[0] << endl;
for ( size_t i(0); i <= 100; ++i){
stepper.do_step(lorenz, x , t, dt );
t += dt;
cout << x[0] << endl;
return 0;
The result is in the following picture
My question is why the result varies? Is there something wrong with my C++ code?
These are the first values of both methods
Matlab C++
1.0000 0.9950
0.9950 0.9803
0.9803 0.9560
0.9560 0.9226
0.9226 0.8806
0.8806 0.8304
0.8304 0.7728
0.7728 0.7084
0.7083 0.6379
The problem is that I forgot to include the initial value in my C++ code. Thanks for #horchler for noticing it. After including the proper values and using runge_kutta_dopri5 as #horchler suggested, the result is
Matlab C++
1.0000 1.0000
0.9950 0.9950
0.9803 0.9803
0.9560 0.9560
0.9226 0.9226
0.8806 0.8806
0.8304 0.8304
0.7728 0.7728
0.7083 0.7084
I've updated the code to reflect these modifications.

The runge_kutta4 stepper in odeint is nothing like Matlab's ode45, which is an adaptive scheme based on the Dormand-Prince method. To replicate Matlab's results, you should probably try the runge_kutta_dopri5 stepper. Also, make sure that your C++ code uses the same absolute and relative tolerances as ode45 (defaults are 1e-6 and 1e-3, respectively). Lastly, it looks like you may not be saving/printing your initial condition in your C++ results.
If you're confused at why ode45 is not taking fixed steps even though you specified t = 0:0.1:10;, see my detailed answer here.
If you must use the fixed steprunge_kutta4 stepper, then you'll need to reduce the integration step-size in your C++ code to match Matlab's output.

The Matlab ode45 function already includes error control and I think also interpolation (dense output). to compare with boost.odeint you should use the same functionality there. Boost.odeint provides integrate functions that perform step-size control and dense output if the used stepper algorithm provides this functionality. The following code piece shows how you this is used with the default error control parameters from Matlab given by horchler:
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;
/* The type of container used to hold the state vector */
typedef std::vector< double > state_type;
const double gam = 0.15;
/* The rhs of x' = f(x) */
void damped_osc( const state_type &x , state_type &dx , const double t )
dx[0] = x[1];
dx[1] = -x[0] - gam*x[1];
void print( const state_type &x, const double t )
cout << x[0] << endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
cout.precision(16); // full precision output
const double dt = 0.1;
typedef runge_kutta_dopri5<state_type> stepper_type;
state_type x(2);
x[0] = 1.0;
x[1] = 0.0;
integrate_const(make_dense_output<stepper_type>( 1E-6, 1E-3 ),
damped_osc, x, 0.0, 10.0, dt , print);
return 0;
Please note that the results might still not be exactly the same (as in all 16 digits) because the error control in Boost.odeint might not be impemented exactly as in Matlab's ode45.


GSL ODE solver returns -nan although same ODE with same parameters is being solved in python

I use python to solve ODEs using scipy.integrate.odeint. Currently, I am working on a small project where I am using gsl in C++ to solve ODEs. I am trying to solve an ODE but the solver is returning -nan for each time point. Following is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_odeiv2.h>
struct param_type {
double k;
double n;
double m;
double s;
int func (double t, const double y[], double f[], void *params)
(void)(t); /* avoid unused parameter warning */
struct param_type *my_params_pointer = (param_type *)params;
double k = my_params_pointer->k;
double n = my_params_pointer->n;
double m = my_params_pointer->m;
double s = my_params_pointer->s;
f[0] = m*k*pow(s,n)*pow((y[0]/(k*pow(s,n))),(m-1)/m);
int * jac;
int main ()
struct param_type mu = {1e-07, 1.5, 0.3, 250};
gsl_odeiv2_system sys = {func, NULL, 1, &mu};
gsl_odeiv2_driver * d = gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new (&sys, gsl_odeiv2_step_rk8pd, 1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0);
int i;
double t = 0.0, t1 = 10.0;
double step_size = 0.1;
double y[1] = { 1e-06 };
gsl_vector *time = gsl_vector_alloc ((t1 / step_size) + 1);
gsl_vector *fun_val = gsl_vector_alloc ((t1 / step_size) + 1);
for (i = 1; i <= t1/step_size; i++)
double ti = i * t1 / (t1 / step_size);
int status = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply (d, &t, ti, y);
if (status != GSL_SUCCESS)
printf ("error, return value=%d\n", status);
printf ("%.5e %.5e\n", t, y[0]);
gsl_vector_set (time, i, t);
gsl_vector_set (fun_val, i, y[0]);
gsl_vector_add(time, fun_val);
FILE * f = fopen ("test.dat", "w");
gsl_vector_fprintf (f, time, "%.5g");
fclose (f);
gsl_odeiv2_driver_free (d);
gsl_vector_free (time);
gsl_vector_free (fun_val);
return 0;
As mentioned here, I don't need jacobian for an explicit solver that's why I passed NULL pointer for the jac function.
When I run the above code, I get -nan values at all time points.
To cross-check, I wrote the program in python which has the same function and same parameters, solved using scipy.integrate.odeint. It runs and provides a plausible answer.
Following my python code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
def nb(y, t, *args):
k = args[0]
n = args[1]
m = args[2]
s = args[3]
return m*k*s**n*(y/(k*s**n))**((m-1)/m)
t = np.linspace(0,10,int(10/0.1))
y0 = 1e-06
k = 1e-07
n = 1.5
m = 0.3
s = 250
res = odeint(nb, y0, t, args=(k,n,m,s)).flatten()
Could anyone please help me figure out, what I am doing wrong in the C++ code using GSL for solving the ODE?
Your problem is here:
f[0] = m*k*pow(s,n)*pow((y[0]/(k*pow(s,n))),(m-1)/m);
As the solver proceeds, it may want to sample negative values of y[0]. In Python this makes no problem, in C++ it produces NANs.
To handle this, you can mimic Python's behavior:
auto sign = (y[0] < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
f[0] = sign*m*k*pow(s,n)*pow((std::abs(y[0])/(k*pow(s,n))),(m-1)/m);
or even set sign effectively to 1:
f[0] = m*k*pow(s,n)*pow((std::abs(y[0])/(k*pow(s,n))),(m-1)/m);
After all, raising negative values to noninteger powers is an error unless one considers complex numbers, which is not the case.
Please notice that y[0] was secured with std::abs.

Using derivatives as functions in CppAD

I am trying to modify the example here:
# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
namespace { // ---------------------------------------------------------
// define the template function JacobianCases<Vector> in empty namespace
template <typename Vector>
bool JacobianCases()
{ bool ok = true;
using CppAD::AD;
using CppAD::NearEqual;
double eps99 = 99.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
using CppAD::exp;
using CppAD::sin;
using CppAD::cos;
// domain space vector
size_t n = 2;
X[0] = 1.;
X[1] = 2.;
// declare independent variables and starting recording
// a calculation between the domain and range values
AD<double> Square = X[0] * X[0];
// range space vector
size_t m = 3;
Y[0] = Square * exp( X[1] );
Y[1] = Square * sin( X[1] );
Y[2] = Square * cos( X[1] );
// create f: X -> Y and stop tape recording
CppAD::ADFun<double> f(X, Y);
// new value for the independent variable vector
Vector x(n);
x[0] = 2.;
x[1] = 1.;
// compute the derivative at this x
Vector jac( m * n );
jac = f.Jacobian(x);
F'(x) = [ 2 * x[0] * exp(x[1]) , x[0] * x[0] * exp(x[1]) ]
[ 2 * x[0] * sin(x[1]) , x[0] * x[0] * cos(x[1]) ]
[ 2 * x[0] * cos(x[1]) , -x[0] * x[0] * sin(x[i]) ]
ok &= NearEqual( 2.*x[0]*exp(x[1]), jac[0*n+0], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual( 2.*x[0]*sin(x[1]), jac[1*n+0], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual( 2.*x[0]*cos(x[1]), jac[2*n+0], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual( x[0] * x[0] *exp(x[1]), jac[0*n+1], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual( x[0] * x[0] *cos(x[1]), jac[1*n+1], eps99, eps99);
ok &= NearEqual(-x[0] * x[0] *sin(x[1]), jac[2*n+1], eps99, eps99);
return ok;
} // End empty namespace
# include <vector>
# include <valarray>
bool Jacobian(void)
{ bool ok = true;
// Run with Vector equal to three different cases
// all of which are Simple Vectors with elements of type double.
ok &= JacobianCases< CppAD::vector <double> >();
ok &= JacobianCases< std::vector <double> >();
ok &= JacobianCases< std::valarray <double> >();
return ok;
I am trying to modify it in the following way:
Let G be the Jacobian jac that is calculated in this example, in the line:
jac = f.Jacobian(x);
and, as in the example, let X be the independent variables. I would like to construct a new function, H, which is a function of jac, i.e. H(jacobian(X)) = something, such that H is autodifferentiable. An example may be H(X) = jacobian( jacobian(X)[0]), i.e. the jacobian of the first element of jacobian(X) w.r.t X (a second derivative of sorts).
The problem is that jac as written here is of type Vector, which is a parameterized type on a raw double, not an AD<double>. To my knowledge, this means the output is not autodifferentiable.
I am looking for some advice on if it is possible to use the Jacobian in a larger operation, and take the Jacobian of that larger operation (not unlike any arithmetic operator) or if this is not possible.
EDIT: This has been put up for a bounty once, but I'm putting it up again to see if there's a better solution, because I think this is important. To be a bit more clear, the elements that the "correct" answer needs are:
a) A means of calculating arbitrary order derivatives.
b) An intelligent way of not having to specify the order of derivatives a priori. If the maximum order derivative must be known at compile time, the order of derivative can't be determined algorithmically. Further, specifying an enormously large order as in the current answer given will lead to memory allocation issues and, I imagine, performance issues.
c) Abstracting the templating of derivative order away from the end-user. This is important, because it can be difficult to keep track of the order of derivatives needed. This is probably something that comes "for free" if b) is solved.
If anybody can crack this, it would be an awesome contribution and an extremely useful operation.
If you want to nest functions, you should nest the AD<> as well. You can nest Jacobians as other functions, for instance see the code snippet below, which is computing the double derivative by nesting Jacobian
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream> // standard input/output
#include <vector> // standard vector
#include <cppad/cppad.hpp> // the CppAD package
// main program
int main(void)
{ using CppAD::AD; // use AD as abbreviation for CppAD::AD
using std::vector; // use vector as abbreviation for std::vector
size_t i; // a temporary index
// domain space vector
auto Square = [](auto t){return t*t;};
vector< AD<AD<double>> > X(1); // vector of domain space variables
// declare independent variables and start recording operation sequence
// range space vector
vector< AD<AD<double>> > Y(1); // vector of ranges space variables
Y[0] = Square(X[0]); // value during recording of operations
// store operation sequence in f: X -> Y and stop recording
CppAD::ADFun<AD<double>> f(X, Y);
// compute derivative using operation sequence stored in f
vector<AD<double>> jac(1); // Jacobian of f (m by n matrix)
vector<AD<double>> x(1); // domain space vector
jac = f.Jacobian(x); // Jacobian for operation sequence
CppAD::ADFun<double> f2(x, jac);
vector<double> result(1);
vector<double> x_res(1);
// print the results
std::cout << "f'' computed by CppAD = " << result[0] << std::endl;
As a side-note, since C++14 or 11 implementing expression templates and automatic differentiation became easier and can be done with much less effort, as shown e.g. in this video towards the end (sorry for the poor quality). If I had to implement reasonably simple symbolic operations I would start from scratch with modern C++: you can write simpler code, and you get errors that you can understand easily.
Generalizing the example to build arbitrary order derivatives can be a template metaprogramming exercice. The snippet below shows it is possible using template recursion
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
using CppAD::AD;
using std::vector;
template<typename T>
struct remove_ad{
using type=T;
template<typename T>
struct remove_ad<AD<T>>{
using type=T;
template<int N>
struct derivative{
using type = AD<typename derivative<N-1>::type >;
static constexpr int order = N;
struct derivative<0>{
using type = double;
static constexpr int order = 0;
template<typename T>
struct Jac{
using value_type = typename remove_ad<typename T::type>::type;
template<typename P, typename Q>
auto operator()(P & X, Q & Y){
CppAD::ADFun<value_type> f(X, Y);
vector<value_type> jac(1);
vector<value_type> x(1);
jac = f.Jacobian(x);
return Jac<derivative<T::order-1>>{}(x, jac);
struct Jac<derivative<1>>{
using value_type = derivative<0>::type;
template<typename P, typename Q>
auto operator()(P & x, Q & jac){
CppAD::ADFun<value_type> f2(x, jac);
vector<value_type> res(1);
vector<value_type> x_res(1);
return f2.Jacobian(x_res);
int main(void)
constexpr int order=4;
auto Square = [](auto t){return t*t;};
vector< typename derivative<order>::type > X(1);
vector< typename derivative<order>::type > Y(1);
Y[0] = Square(X[0]);
auto result = Jac<derivative<order>>{}(X, Y);
std::cout << "f'' computed by CppAD = " << result[0] << std::endl;
There is a new feature in CppAD that eliminates the need for AD< AD >, see

Using boost::numeric::odeint to integrate a non-linear function f'(x, y, z) = a + b*I

I would like to integrate a function that maps a 3D point (parametrized by t) to a 2D point (complex plane) using an adaptative step scheme. There is no closed-form for the derivative of my function and it is non-linear.
I've tried the following to see if the code would work. It compiles but the result is wrong. The test function being integrated (t from 0 to 1; i is the complex number) is
Exp[ -Norm[ {1.1, 2.4, 3.6}*t ] * i ]
The expected result is
-0.217141 - 0.279002 i
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas;
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
namespace odeint = boost::numeric::odeint;
typedef std::complex<double> state_type;
class Integrand {
ublas::vector<double> point_;
Integrand(ublas::vector<double> point){
point_ = point;
void operator () (const state_type &x, state_type &dxdt, const double t){
point_ *= t;
const std::complex<double> I(0.0, 1.0);
dxdt = std::exp( -norm_2(point_)*I );
std::complex<double> integral(ublas::vector<double> pt) {
typedef odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54< state_type > error_stepper_type;
double err_abs = 1.0e-10;
double err_rel = 1.0e-6;
state_type x = std::complex<double>(1.0, 0.0);
return odeint::integrate_adaptive(
odeint::make_controlled<error_stepper_type>(err_abs, err_rel),
Integrand(pt), x, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001);
int main() {
ublas::vector<double> pt(3);
pt(0) = 1.1;
pt(1) = 2.4;
pt(2) = 3.6;
std::cout << integral(pt) << std::endl;
return 0;
The code outputs
5051 + 0 i
I suspect the problem is in my definition of x, the state vector. I don't know what it should be.
I suspect your problem is because you are modifying point_ everytime you call Integrand::operator().
Instead of:
point_ *= t;
dxdt = exp(-norm_2(point_)*I);
You probably meant:
dxdt = exp(-norm_2(point_ * t) * I);
Your Integrand::operator() should be marked as a const function when you don't member variables to change, that would help catch these errors in the future.
After looking at the docs for odeint, integrate_adaptive returns the number of steps performed. The input parameter x actually holds the final result so you want to do:
odeint::make_controlled<error_stepper_type>(err_abs, err_rel),
Integrand(pt), x, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001);
return x;
Running this prints (0.782859,-0.279002), which is still not the answer you're looking for. The answer you're looking for comes as a result of starting x at 0 instead of 1.
state_type x = std::complex<double>(0.0, 0.0);
odeint::make_controlled<error_stepper_type>(err_abs, err_rel),
Integrand(pt), x, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001);
return x;

How to incorporate time-varying parameters from lookup table into boost::odeint, c++

I am trying to numerically integrate a nonlinear system using boost::odeint. The system has time-varying parameters that are generated externally, and I want to incorporate this into my program. Is this possible with odeint? In Matlab, if you were to do something similar, you would need to interpolate the values as they become available.
Thank you in advance for your help!
You can solve nonlinear time-varying system easily with odeint. The following example of a nonlinear time-varying system is taken from Applied Nonlinear Control by Slotine
Notice that we can insert 6sin(t) inside ode safely since we are not doing anything at each time step. If your system has a controller that depends on a time step like PID controller that requires delta time to compute derivatives, then in this case, don't put it inside the ode since ode() is called several times by the ode solver. This is my code for solving the system.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
#include <fstream>
std::ofstream data("data.txt");
using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;
typedef std::vector< double > state_type;
class System
System(const double& deltaT);
void updateODE();
void updateSystem();
double t, dt;
runge_kutta_dopri5 < state_type > stepper;
state_type y;
void ode(const state_type &y, state_type &dy, double t);
System::System(const double& deltaT) : dt(deltaT), t(0.0), y(2)
x = y[0]
dx = y[1] = dy[0]
ddx = dy[1] = ode equation
// initial values
y[0] = 2.0; // x1
y[1] = 0.0; // x2
void System::updateODE()
// store data for plotting
data << t << " " << y[0] << std::endl;
using namespace std::placeholders;
stepper.do_step(std::bind(&System::ode, this, _1, _2, _3), y, t, dt);
t += dt;
void System::updateSystem()
// you can utitilize this function in case you have a controller and
// you need to update the controller at a fixed step size.
void System::ode(const state_type &y, state_type &dy, double t)
//#####################( ODE Equation )################################
dy[0] = y[1];
dy[1] = 6.0*sin(t) - 0.1*y[1] - pow(y[0],5);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const double dt(0.001);
System sys(dt);
for (double t(0.0); t <= 50.0; t += dt){
// update time-varying parameters of the system
// solve the ODE one step forward.
return 0;
The result is (i.e. same result presented in the aforementioned book).
Yes, this is possible. But you might need to interpolate the values too. You interact with the solver via the system function. It can be functor and it can contain the a link to the data, for example
struct ode
void operator()( const state_type& x , state_type& dxdt , double t ) const
// get the the parameter from time_varying_parameters
std::vector<double> time_varying_parameters;

R interacting with c++ by means of Rcpp to solve large ODE systems

I'm trying to speedup my R code performing some computationally expensive task with C++ and Rcpp. My problem involves approximately a system of 100 equations, so any hint to speed up the computation is welcome.
What I need is to import a matrix MX created in R into a C++ script. The C++ script have to use rows of MX as x0 (x initial values) in a systems of ODE.
To simplify the explanation of my problem, the code below is based on the Lorenz systems.
As it is clear from the quality of my code, I'm new to C++ (and Rcpp).
For clarity, I don't post all my test code that are terrible, bu I really need your help to try solve this problem.
Any help will be really, really appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(BH)]]
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;
double theta [] = {10.000,28,2.5};
typedef boost::array< double , 3 > state_type;
void lorenz( const state_type &x , state_type &dxdt , double t ) {
dxdt[0] = theta[0] * ( x[1] - x[0] );
dxdt[1] = theta[1] * x[0] - x[1] - x[0] * x[2];
dxdt[2] = -theta[2] * x[2] + x[0] * x[1];
struct foo { std::vector<double> a, b, c; };
struct foo f;
//observer should be a function that append a single output row for each input row of mx corresponding to the last integration step.
void append_lorenz(const state_type &x , const double t ) {
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame callMain(NumericMatrix mx){
int n = mx.nrow();
NumericMatrix total(mx);
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// state_type x should be mx rows
state_type x = total.row(i); // initial conditions
const double dt =0.1;
integrate(lorenz , x , 0.0 , 1.0 , dt , append_lorenz );
return DataFrame::create(Named("a") = f.a, Named("b") = f.b, Named("c") = f.c);
/*** R
res <- callMain(mx)
the error I get is:
error: conversion from ‘Rcpp::Matrix<14>::Row {aka Rcpp::MatrixRow<14>}’ to non-scalar type ‘state_type {aka boost::array}’ requested
state_type x = total.row(i); // initial conditions
I think the error message is clear enough.
state_type x = total.row(i);
There is no conversion between Rcpp object and boost::array, you need to develop your own.