ColdFusion CFScript Dynamic Name of Function Sets - coldfusion

How can I make a list of form fields test1 = "firstname,lastname,mode, etc"
My goal is to move the code to a object so I can just pass it in.
<cfinvoke component="#request.componentdir#.tars.tars" method="init" returnvariable="oTars">
test1 = 'mode';
if(isDefined("session.formFields.#test1#") and session.formFields.#test1# neq ''){
test2 = 'mode';
if(isDefined("session.formFields.#test2#") and evaluate("session.formFields.#test2#") neq ''){
<cfdump var="#oTars#">

ColdFusion gives you a list of all the field names, that are a part of the post request, within the form scope. The key name is
<cfset test1 = Form.FieldNames>


Issue with application.cfc showing message "Variable PRIMARYDATASOURCE is undefined" for datasource

When I try to fire simple select query in index.cfm, using a datasource defined in Application.cfc it shows an error message. Can anyone help me with proper code sequence?
Variable PRIMARYDATASOURCE is undefined
<!--- Set up the application. --->
<cfscript> = ""; // app name from old cfapplication tag
this.sessionManagement = "Yes";
this.setClientCookies = "Yes";
this.primarydatasource = "diet";
application.PRIMARYDATASOURCE = "diet";
<cfsetting requesttimeout="100000" />
<cffunction name="onApplicationStart">
<cfquery datasource="#application.PRIMARYDATASOURCE#" name="getCostDetails">
select * from maimun.adCostDetails ORDER BY ID DESC
Move line application.PRIMARYDATASOURCE = "diet"; to the onApplicationStart function and remove line this.primarydatasource = "diet";. Done.
Code placed in the body of Application.cfc simply isn't executed the way you think it is. You can only access the application scope once the application has been initialized - and onApplicationStart is the event for that. Consider it as the constructor of your web application.

Coldfusion 10 - Element [n] is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array

I recently upgraded a system from CF8 to CF10 and have one bug that I'm having problems tracking down. It has to do with a remote API call that gets a JSON string back and that string then gets converted to a query object. That's where I'm coming across the error:
Element [n] is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array. The problem is in the function that converts the string to a query.
<cffunction name="CFjsonToQuery" access="public" returntype="query" output="no">
<cfargument name="cfData" required="yes" type="struct"/>
<cfset var LOCAL = {}/>
<cfset LOCAL.tmpQry = QueryNew( ArrayToList(ARGUMENTS.cfData.Data.COLUMNS) ) />
<cfloop index = "i" from = "1" to = "#ArrayLen(ARGUMENTS.cfData.Data.DATA)#">
<cfset LOCAL.Row = QueryAddRow(LOCAL.tmpQry) />
<cfloop index="k" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(ARGUMENTS.cfData.Data.DATA[i])#">
<cfset LOCAL.colName = ARGUMENTS.cfData.Data.COLUMNS[K]/>
<cfset QuerySetCell(LOCAL.tmpQry,LOCAL.colName,ARGUMENTS.cfData.Data.DATA[i][k],LOCAL.Row)/>
<cfreturn LOCAL.tmpQry/>
Anywhere the JSON returns 'null' (i.e. "...","19107-3609",null,null,null,"...") the error is thrown. I've tried using isNull to check if it's null in the cfloop:
<cfif isNull(ARGUMENTS.cfData.Data.DATA[i][k])>
<cfset ARGUMENTS.cfData.Data.DATA[i][k] = 'I AM NULL'/>
EDIT - here's a simplified example - the issue is the way the newer deserializeJson() works I believe:
<cfset jstr = '{"SUCCESS":true,"ERRORS":[],"DATA":{"COLUMNS":["ID","FNAME","LNAME"],"DATA":[[390132,"steve",null]]}}'/>
<cfset cfData = deserializeJson(jstr) />
<cfloop index = "i" from = "1" to = "#ArrayLen(cfData.Data.DATA)#">
<cfset Row = QueryAddRow(tmpQry) />
<cfloop index="k" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(cfData.Data.DATA[i])#">
<cfset colName = cfData.Data.COLUMNS[K]/>
<cfset QuerySetCell(tmpQry,colName,cfData.Data.DATA[i][k],Row)/>
I've tried all sorts of tests for empty string, isNull etc. and I'm still not sure how to get the query object built if deserializejson returns:
[undefined array element] Element 3 is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array.
This does seem to work:
<cfset cfData = deserializeJson(returnData,'FALSE') />
<cfset qryData = />
This lets me then use qryData as if it were a normal cfquery.
You can do a check if the element is undefined using the CF Function ArrayIsDefined(array, elementIndex)
What I've done for now is add 'FALSE' to the deserializeJSON strictMapping flag and that seems to automatically create a query object? I'll admit though this is getting into the underpinnings of CF10 and I could be wrong on that. I'll update my code above for visual clarity.

Error with undefined variables while looping over a query

I have an error while looping over a query using cfloop.
When I use a cfdump on the query (inside the loop, mind you), I can see all the data just fine. But when I try to get the value of each variable as you normally do in cfloop, I get a message that says they are undefined. I then changed each variable to reference the query specifically, and now the problem is that the variable is undefined in the query. Here's the code:
<cffunction name="writeCourses">
<cfargument name="recordset" required="yes" type="query">
<cfif recordset.RecordCount NEQ 0>
<cfset temp = "">
<cfloop query="recordset">
<!--- <cfdump var="#recordset#"> <cfabort/> --->
<cfset temp = temp & "<strong>#recordset.courseType# #recordset.courseNum# ">
<cfif isDefined("recordset.courseTHM") AND recordset.courseTHM EQ 1>
<cfset temp = temp & "(#left(recordset.courseNum,3)#4) ">
<cfif isDefined("recordset.courseName")>
<cfset temp = temp & "#recordset.courseName# </strong><br>">
<cfset temp = temp & "#recordset.courseDESC#<br>">
<cfset temp = temp & "#recordset.courseHours#<br><br>">
<cfset temp = "">
<cfreturn temp>
So as you can see, each variable is enclosed in ## tags. Originally none of them were proceeded by recordset. but they were still undefined. And when I uncomment the cfdump and cfabort tags, those work fine and I can see the recordset query with all the data as it should be.
Every other time I have used cfloop with a query it works as expected. Also, I did not write this code, I am having to modify it (the original author no longer works here).
Here's an example of the recordset dump:
The error message:
Detail: [empty string]
ErrNumber: 0
Message: Element COURSETYPE is undefined in RECORDSET.
Resolvedname: RECORDSET
The error line is:
<cfset temp = temp & "<strong>#recordset.courseType# #recordset.courseNum# ">
<cfif isDefined("recordset.courseTHM") AND recordset.courseTHM EQ 1>
<cfset temp = temp & "(#left(recordset.courseNum,3)#4) ">
<cfif isDefined("recordset.courseName")>
<cfset temp = temp & "#recordset.courseName# </strong><br>">
That's all one line :/
The stored procedure/function calling the above:
<cffunction name="getCoursesByDept">
<cfargument name="deptCode" required="yes" type="string">
<CFSTOREDPROC procedure="dbo.GetCourses" datasource="WebCatalog">
<CFPROCPARAM type="IN" dbvarname="#deptCode" value="#deptCode#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_CHAR">
<CFPROCRESULT name="result">
<cfinvoke method="writeCourses" recordset="#result#" returnvariable="output">
<cfreturn output>
Your problem appears to be failure to scope. Here are your first 4 lines:
<cffunction name="writeCourses">
<cfargument name="recordset" required="yes" type="query">
<cfif recordset.RecordCount NEQ 0>
<cfset temp = "">
Try it like this:
<cffunction name="writeCourses">
<cfargument name="recordset" required="yes" type="query">
<cfset var temp = "">
<cfif arguments.recordset.RecordCount NEQ 0>
The differences are the use of the var keyword for your local variable temp, and adding the arguments scope to the recordset variable.
(In addition to Dan's comments ...)
If [the procedure] can't find anything it returns a query containing
an error message (i.e. no course found)
Then that means the COURSETYPE column does not always exist in the resultset, which is exactly what the error message is reporting. If the procedure returns any result, regardless of the contents, the code inside the cfif block will execute. Since the first line of code uses that column, without verifying it exists, it would cause the exact error you are seeing.
Also, as I mentioned in the comments, you really need to localize the function variables result, output, temp, etectera. Lack of var scoping can create problems, even within same page, if you reuse variable names. As #Dan suggested you should fully scope all variables - in particular, the function arguments.
(As an aside, I understand you are modifying existing code, but the error message should really be handled in CF, not inside the procedure. The procedure's job is just to return data. The CF code should check the recordCount and take the appropriate action if no records are found.)

How to dynamically call a CFC function

I used CFBuilder "create CFC" plugin to create a services for a table, so i could play around with OOD. Now I am struggling to use the "update" function generated in a dynamic manner.
I call a cfc, to get the structure of the account, passing an ID.
<cfinvoke component="cfc.Account.accountService" method="getAccount" returnvariable="Account" AccountID="#session.auth.AccountID#">
I could call the update function using a manual bit of code.
<cfset Account.setAccountFirstname('#form.AccountFirstname#')>
That works fine, but I want to dynamically update the structure based on data from a form. So I figured loop the fields in the form and produce the following
<!--- Dynanic call of submitted fields --->
<cfloop list="#form.FieldNames#" index="i">
<cfset Account.set[i]('#Evaluate('#i#')#')>
Now of course that does not work! any ideas what would work? Or a better way to handle it?
What you are trying to do with invoke wont work, this is because you are passing the attribute as a standalone component argument (I.e the class path) you need to pass in the object instance instead.
Edit to add:
<cfset account = new Account()/>
<cfset data = {
accountId = session.auth.AccountID
<cfset fieldNames = listToArray(form.fieldNames)/>
<cfif ! arrayIsEmpty(fieldNames)>
<cfloop array="#fieldNames#" index="fieldName">

How can I retrieve a (quasi) Array from a URL string?

I would like to achieve something I can easily do in .net.
What I would like to do is pass multiple URL parameters of the same name to build an array of those values.
In other words, I would like to take a URL string like so:
And build an array from the URL parameter "foo".
In .net / C# I can do something like this:
myArrayTest(string[] foo)
And that will build a string array from the variable "foo".
What I have done so far is something like this:
<cffunction name="myArrayTest" access="remote" returntype="string">
<cfargument name="foo" type="string" required="yes">
This would output:
I'm not thrilled with that because it's just a comma separated string and I'm afraid that there may be commas passed in the URL (encoded of course) and then if I try to loop over the commas it may be misinterpreted as a separate param.
So, I'm stumped on how to achieve this.
Any ideas??
Thanks in advance!!
Edit: Sergii's method is more versatile. But if you are parsing the current url, and do not need to modify the resulting array, another option is using getPageContext() to extract the parameter from the underlying request. Just be aware of the two quirks noted below.
<!--- note: duplicate forces the map to be case-INsensitive --->
<cfset params = duplicate(getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterMap())>
<cfset quasiArray = []>
<cfif structKeyExists(params, "foo")>
<!--- note: this is not a *true* CF array --->
<!--- you can do most things with it, but you cannot append data to it --->
<cfset quasiArray = params["foo"]>
<cfdump var="#quasiArray#">
Well, if you're OK with parsing the URL, following "raw" method may work for you:
<cffunction name="myArrayTest" access="remote" output="false">
<cfset var local = {} />
<!--- parse raw query --->
<cfset local.args = ListToArray(cgi.QUERY_STRING, "&") />
<!--- grab only foo's values --->
<cfset = [] />
<cfloop array="#local.args#" index="local.a">
<cfif Left(local.a, 3) EQ "foo">
<cfset ArrayAppend(, ListLast(local.a, "=")) />
<cfreturn SerializeJSON( />
I've tested it with this query: ?method=myArrayTest&foo=1&foo=2&foo=3,3, looks to work as expected.
Bonus. Railo's top tip: if you format the query as follows, this array will be created automatically in URL scope ?method=myArrayTest&foo[]=1&foo[]=2&foo[]=3,3.
listToArray( ) should give you what you want.