I want to move the turtlebot.package name is "forward" Firstly i created package inside my catkin_ws
$ catkin_create_pkg forward std_msgs rospy roscpp actionlib tf geometry_msgs move_base_msgs
Then i edit CMakeList
add_executable(gg src/g.cpp) and target_link_libraries(gg, ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
Thirdly, i run these commands:
source ./devel/setup.bash
rosrun forward gg.cpp
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
#include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <tf/transform_listener.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <geometry_msgs/PointStamped.h>
#include <std_msgs/Header.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
geometry_msgs::PointStamped p;
geometry_msgs::PointStamped p1;
p.header.stamp = ros::Time();
std::string frame1 = "/camera_depth_optical_frame";
p.header.frame_id = frame1.c_str();
p.point.x = 0;
p.point.y = 0;
p.point.z = 1; // 1 meter
// std::string frame = "map";
}catch(tf::TransformException& ex) { ROS_ERROR("exception while transforming..."); }
// create message for move_base_simple/goal
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped msg;
msg.header.stamp = ros::Time();
std::string frame = "/map";
msg.header.frame_id = frame.c_str();
msg.pose.position = p1.point;
msg.pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(0.0);
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named gg.cpp below /home/turtlebot/catkin_ws/src/forward
[rosrun] Found the following, but they're either not files,
[rosrun] or not executable:
[rosrun] /home/turtlebot/catkin_ws/src/forward/src/gg.cpp
what do you think about these errors?
You name your executable gg:
add_executable(gg src/g.cpp) and target_link_libraries(gg, ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
But try to run the target gg.cpp
rosrun forward gg.cpp
rosrun forward gg
I'm trying to compile test files using the Clang Compiler FrontEnd with the following code:
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <llvm/Support/Host.h>
#include <llvm/Support/Program.h>
#include <llvm/Support/FileSystem.h>
#include <llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h>
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
// #include <clang/Driver/ToolChain.h>
#include <clang/Driver/Driver.h>
#include <clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h>
#include <clang/Basic/DiagnosticIDs.h>
#include <clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h>
#include <clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h>
#include <clang/Driver/Compilation.h>
using namespace clang::driver;
using namespace clang;
std::string pwd = "/home/arch/Documents/CFE/Examples/Compile/";
std::string target_executable = pwd + "target";
int main()
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> DE(clang::CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(new DiagnosticOptions));
llvm::ErrorOr<std::string> clangPath = llvm::sys::findProgramByName("clang++");
Driver D(StringRef(clangPath.get().c_str()), llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(), *DE, "clang LLVM compiler", InMemoryFileSystem);
// D.setCheckInputsExist(false);
std::vector<const char *> args;
args.push_back((target_executable + ".cpp").c_str());
args.push_back(("-o " + target_executable + ".spv").c_str());
ArrayRef<const char *> compileArgs(args);
std::unique_ptr<Compilation> C(D.BuildCompilation(compileArgs));
assert(C > 0);
bool CallbackHasCalled = false;
[&](const Command &Cmd, int Ret)
{ std::cout << "postCallback return value: " << Ret << std::endl;
CallbackHasCalled = true; });
const JobList &Jobs = C->getJobs();
auto &CmdCompile = Jobs.getJobs().front();
const Command *FailingCmd = nullptr;
assert(C->ExecuteCommand(*CmdCompile, FailingCmd));
With the following CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23)
find_package(Clang REQUIRED)
target_precompile_headers(clangBasic PUBLIC)
execute_process(COMMAND clang-config --libs OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLVM_LIBRARIES)
execute_process(COMMAND clang-config --cxx-flags OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLVM_CXX_FLAGS)
add_executable(compile_example main.cpp)
target_compile_options(compile_example PRIVATE ${LLVM_CXX_FLAGS})
set(CLANG_LIBS clangBasic clangDriver clangFrontend)
target_link_libraries(compile_example PRIVATE ${CLANG_LIBS} LLVMSupport)
The code compiles fine but fails to read the target_executable, resulting in the following error:
error: no such file or directory: 'P�ZUU'
Is this a read/write permission-error?
It turned out to be a problem with the usage of absolute paths, the method Driver::DiagnoseInputExistence automatically rejects the file path if it starts with "/".
Using a relative filepath solved this issue.
I have got a PC/104 (its OS is Ubuntu 16.04 with kernel 4.19.89 xenomai3) that is connected to two motors via two CAN adapters. Few days back, I wrote some simple code to open my PC/104's CAN ports using the libpcanfd library.
My project folder observes the following hierarchy:
include (empty)
CMakeLists.txt at /root:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) # add before adding subdirectory
add_subdirectory (src)
add_executable(io_error_debug src/main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(io_error_debug /usr/lib/libpcanfd.so # pcan
"-Wl,--no-as-needed -Wl,#/usr/xenomai/lib/cobalt.wrappers -Wl,#/usr/xenomai /lib/modechk.wrappers /usr/xenomai/lib/xenomai/bootstrap-pic.o -L/usr/xenomai/lib -lcobalt -lmodechk -lpthread -lrt"
CMakeLists.txt under /src:
aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST)
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <lcm/lcm_coretypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <pcanfd.h>
#include <libpcanfd.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int fd;
fd = pcanfd_open("/dev/pcan0", OFD_BITRATE | PCANFD_INIT_STD_MSG_ONLY | OFD_NONBLOCKING, 1000000);
if (fd < 0)
printf("Open operation failed with err %d on port no. %s\n",fd, "/dev/pcan0");
printf("Open succeeded with return value %d on port no. %s\n",fd, "/dev/pcan0");
The code compiles and executes well when the motors are switched on. However, when I switch off the motors and switch them on again, I get the following error after executing my code:
Open operation failed with err -5 on port no. /dev/pcan0
Furthermore, dmesg shows these suspicious error lines when I run my code:
[16900.914132] pcan: set_normal_mode(CAN1) failed (err -5)
[16900.914162] pcan: can't open device hardware itself (err -5)!
The documentation states that -5 is an errno error. Therefore, I looked for the value -5 in this errno errors' list and I found out that it isI/O error. Interestingly, when I switch off the PC/104 and execute my code, the program runs well. Nevertheless, when I repeat the aforementioned operation (i.e., switching off and on the motors) I will encounter the same error. I do not understand what is happening.
I do not have experience on C++. And I have to use stasm for face detection. I'm traying to build the minimal example. On page 4 of this tutorial is possible to know what is necessary to make it work. But I'm these two errors:
g++ -Wno-deprecated -o teste minimal.cpp `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs` -I/home/caaarlos/workspace/StasmDesbravando/stasm
In file included from minimal.cpp:46:0:
/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/pinstart.cpp: In function ‘void stasm::CopyPoint(stasm::Shape&, const Shape&, int, int)’:
/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/pinstart.cpp:138:13: error: redefinition of ‘void stasm::CopyPoint(stasm::Shape&, const Shape&, int, int)’
static void CopyPoint( // copy a point from oldshape to shape
In file included from minimal.cpp:37:0:
/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/convshape.cpp:9:13: error: ‘void stasm::CopyPoint(stasm::Shape&, const Shape&, int, int)’ previously defined here
static void CopyPoint( // copy a point from oldshape to shape
This is my code:
// minimal.cpp: Display the landmarks of a face in an image.
// This demonstrates stasm_search_single.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "opencv/highgui.h"
#include <opencv/cv.h>
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/stasm_lib.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/asm.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/atface.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/basedesc.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/classicdesc.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/convshape.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/err.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/eyedet.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/eyedist.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/faceroi.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/hat.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/hatdesc.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/landmarks.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/landtab_muct77.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/misc.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/pinstart.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/print.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/shape17.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/shapehacks.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/shapemod.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/startshape.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/stasm.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/stasm_landmarks.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/stasm_lib.h"
//#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/stasm_lib_ext.h"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/asm.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/classicdesc.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/convshape.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/err.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/eyedet.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/eyedist.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/faceroi.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/hat.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/hatdesc.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/landmarks.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/misc.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/pinstart.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/print.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/shape17.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/shapehacks.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/shapemod.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/startshape.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/stasm.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/stasm_lib.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/MOD_1/facedet.h"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/MOD_1/initasm.h"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/MOD_1/initasm.cpp"
#include "/home/caaarlos/Documentos/TCC/stasm4.1.0/stasm/MOD_1/facedet.cpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
static const char* const path = "../data/testface.jpg";
cv::Mat_<unsigned char> img(cv::imread(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));
if (!img.data)
printf("Cannot load %s\n", path);
int foundface;
float landmarks[2 * stasm_NLANDMARKS]; // x,y coords (note the 2)
if (!stasm_search_single(&foundface, landmarks,
(const char*)img.data, img.cols, img.rows, path, "../data"))
printf("Error in stasm_search_single: %s\n", stasm_lasterr());
if (!foundface)
printf("No face found in %s\n", path);
// draw the landmarks on the image as white dots (image is monochrome)
stasm_force_points_into_image(landmarks, img.cols, img.rows);
for (int i = 0; i < stasm_NLANDMARKS; i++)
img(cvRound(landmarks[i*2+1]), cvRound(landmarks[i*2])) = 255;
cv::imwrite("minimal.bmp", img);
cv::imshow("stasm minimal", img);
return 0;
I'm compiling my code in thi way:
g++ -Wno-deprecated -o teste minimal.cpp `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs` -I/home/caaarlos/workspace/StasmDesbravando/stasm
What am I doing wrong? Can someone help me?
I've found a solution for this problem. If somebody has a problem like mine, you should enter on this site and use the CMakeList.txt and CMake to build Stasm. If you get any error you can try the intructions provides o the readme.
I am trying to create a class where I shall find KeyPoints in an image. However, I get a ridiculous error I cannot figure out how to solve.
The problem is now that
is zero, so it is for some reason not initialized properly. I have searched on google but I haven't found anything.
My headerfile looks as follows
* FindKeyPoints.h
* Created on: Jan 21, 2015
* Author: erikbylow
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
using namespace std;
class FindKeyPoints {
// Create vector of KeyPoints to store the detected keypoint in
vector<cv::KeyPoint> keyPointsOld;
vector<cv::KeyPoint> keyPointsNew;
// Threshold for similarity
const int THRESHOLD = 10;
// Instance(?) DescriptionExtractor and descriptor
cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorExtractor> descriptionExtractor;
cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector;
FindKeyPoints(const string &METHOD);
virtual ~FindKeyPoints();
void detectKeypoints(cv::Mat& imgNew, cv::Mat& imgOld);
#endif /* FINDKEYPOINTS_H_ */
And constructor looks as
FindKeyPoints::FindKeyPoints(const string &METHOD) {
this->detector = cv::FeatureDetector::create("SURF");
//this->descriptionExtractor = cv::DescriptorExtractor::create(METHOD);
and a function I will use looks as:
// Input: The new image and the old image. Find Keypoints and extract the descriptors.
void FindKeyPoints::detectKeypoints(cv::Mat& imgNew,
cv::Mat& imgOld) {
if (this->detector == 0){
// this->detector->detect(imgNew, keyPointsNew);
// this->detector->detect(imgOld, keyPointsOld);
I use cmake and (part of) my CMakeLists.txt looks like:
Can it be that
does not include libopencv_nonfree.so ?
I suspect the error is that I had only included
and not also
I created a VCL Application in c++, borland. In my project there is a file where I have implemented embedded python in the methods defined in the same(my application contains a button which calls the method in which embedded python is implemented). when I compile, my build is successful. but when I run my application, and click on the button it shows the run time error : "Access violation at address 1E091375 in module 'PYTHON25.DLL'. Read of address 00000004" . please help.
I have never used Python before.
my program:
#pragma hdrstop
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "Python.h"
#include "Unit1.h"
#include "Unit2.h"
#pragma link "python25_bcpp.lib"
#pragma package(smart_init)
bool callHelloWorld(int intVal)
char fName[] = "Hello"; //file name
char cFunc[] = "hello"; //method name
char *pfName, *pcFunc;
PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict, *pFunc ;
pfName = fName;
pcFunc = cFunc;
pName = PyString_FromString(pfName);
pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);
pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);
pFunc = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, pcFunc);
if (PyCallable_Check(pFunc))
PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, NULL);
} else
// Py_DECREF(pModule);
// Py_DECREF(pName);
return 0;
Check the return values of PyImport_Import (is the module in the search path?) and PyDict_GetItemString.
If that doesn't help put some trace messages in your app to see where it crashes.
This works for me:
Just delete Py_Finalize()
I read in another site that Py_Finalize has some problems in specific cases such as threading.