What exactly is the last parameter on this PostMessage code for? - c#-5.0

PostMessage(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, vk, 0x11480001);
What is the last code on this mean the 0x11480001 what is the purpose of that number?

The vk is for Virtual-Key Codes and the last 4 byte value contains lot of informations. Depends which bits you want to isolate eg the 30th bit
( (0x11480001 & 0x400000000) >> 30 )
is The previous key state
WM_KEYDOWN message


Using HidD_GetInputReport(..) to retrive XBOX ONEs button states

I am trying to talk to the XBOX ONE Controller via the Microsoft HID API without using XINPUT. I'm currently able to control all the rumble motors (including the force feedback triggers) by sending the packet using HidD_SetOutputReport(HANDLE, VOID*, ULONG). But I'm stuck reading the button values using HidD_GetInputReport(HANDLE, VOID*, ULONG) or ReadFile() / ReadFileEx() with and without the HANDLE being created with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED and using OVERLAPPED and Windows Events.
I have already reverse engineered the USB URB protocol with the help of the following article https://github.com/quantus/xbox-one-controller-protocol. The main goal is to overcome the XINPUT overhead and writing a flexible framework so that I can integrate other gamepads as well.
That is what I accomplished:
I have connected the gamepad via USB with my computer (So that I can read all the USB Packages sent and received from the device)
I have found the controller’s path using SetupDiGetClassDevs(...), SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(...), SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(...) and SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(...)
Using HidP_GetCaps(HANDLE, HIDP_CAPS*) doesn’t seem to return valid data since it reports a OutputReportByteLength of 0 but I am able to send Output reports of size 5 (Turn ON) and 9 (Set rumble motors)
All in and outcoming data (At least buttons and Rumble motors) seem to follow the following pattern
byte 0: Package type
byte 1: was always 0x00
byte 2: Package number (always incrementing every package)
byte 3: Size of following data
byte 4+: <Data>
With that information i was able to let the motors and triggers rumble as I desire
For example: Two of my output rumble packets look like this (Using the pulse length to dirty turn on and off the motors):
This turns on and of all motors with the rumble motors speed at 0xFF and the triggers at speed 0xF0. This is how I did it:
struct RumbleContinous{
BYTE mode;
BYTE mask; // Motor Mask 0b 0 0 0 0 LT RT L R
BYTE lTForce;
BYTE rTForce;
BYTE lForce;
BYTE rForce;
BYTE pulseLength;
BYTE offTime;
BYTE terminator; // Terminator / Dummy / ?? (XINPUT sends that as 0xEB!) / Changing seems to not make any changes
RumbleContinous rc = {0x00, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF 0x00, 0xEB};
HidD_SetOutputReport(gamePad, (PVOID)&rc, sizeof(RumbleContinous ));
Now to my problem
Looking at the input packages from the controller it looks like you need to create a buffer of size 0x0E = 14, ZeroMemory it (or just write the first byte to 0 like MSDN is suggesting) and just call HidD_GetInputReport(HANDLE, buffer, 14)
So what I did was calling HidD_FlushQueue() to make sure the next package is the input package. Then I insert a little delay so that I am able to change some controller values. After that I tried reading into a BYTE array with HidD_GetInputReport(HANDLE, cmd_in, 14) but the function always failed with GetLastError() == 0x00000057 // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
Since HID is able to filter packages it may be required to allocate a buffer one byte larger than expected and pass the required report id to the buffer at location 0. This is what I did:
BYTE cmd_in[15];
ZeroMemory(cmd_in, 15);
cmd_in[0] = 0x20;
HidD_GetInputReport(gamePad, cmd_in, 15);
Still no success. Since the HidP_GetCaps(...) function reported an input report of 16 (But I don't trust this since it already fooled me with output report size of 0) I tried sweeping over many buffer sizes:
BYTE cmd_in[30];
for (UINT bs = 0; bs < 30; bs++) {
ZeroMemory(cmd_in, 30);
HidD_FlushQueue(gamePad); // Flushing works
if (HidD_GetInputReport(gamePad, cmd_in, bs)) {
// Output result (ommited)
else {
// Print error (ommited)
BYTE cmd_in[30];
for (UINT bs = 0; bs < 30; bs++) {
ZeroMemory(cmd_in, 30);
cmd_in[0] = 0x20;
HidD_FlushQueue(gamePad); // Flushing works
if (HidD_GetInputReport(gamePad, cmd_in, bs)) {
// Output result (ommited)
else {
// Print error (ommited)
Still no success. According to the special required output format and the wrong HidP_GetCaps(...) readings i suspect that the XBOX ONE Gamepad Driver requires a special header already beeing in the input buffer (As far as I know HidD_GetInputReport(...) just calls the User / Kernel Mode Driver call back; So the driver is free to perform checks and reject all data being send to it)
Maybe anyone out there does know how to call HidD_GetInputReport(...) for the XBOX One controller
I know that it is possible to retrieve that input data since the SimpleHIDWrite is able to see the button states. Even through the format is totally different (The two triggers for example are combined in one byte. In the USB Packed each trigger has its own byte):
I should also mention that the HIDWrite sees the data without the press of any button! Looking at the log from the SimpleHIDWrite it looked like it is reading RD from 00 15 bytes of data, having a 16-byte array and element 0 at 00 (Didn't work in my application). Or does it just dump all data coming in. If yes how is this possible? That would be an option for me too!
I looked at what XINPUT is doing when executing the following code:
XInputGetState(0, &s);
It turned out that XINPUT is doing the same stuff I did until it comes to reading the data from the controler. Insteal of HidD_GetInputReport(...) XINPUT is calling DeviceIoControl(...). So what I did was a fast google serch "DeviceIoControl xbox" and tada here it is without the need to to figure out the memory layout on my own: Getting xbox controller input without xinput
Edit: Using DeviceIoControl(...) works even if the gamepad is connected via bluetooth while HidD_SetOutputReport(...) does not work when the gamepad is connected via bluetooth. I rember reading something that DeviceIoControl(...) via bluetooth requires an addition parameter to be present in the output buffer. But I'm currently trying to figure out a way to controle the rumble motors via DeviceIoControl(...). If you have any sugestions feel free to comment! The article in the link above only activates the two rumble motors but not the triggers!
Edit 2: I tried sweeping over DeviceIoControl(HANDLE, j, CHAR*, i, NULL, 0, DWORD*, NULL) from j 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF and i 0x1 to 0x3F. Well it worked... at first... but after a few values of j I got a Blue-Screen: WDF_Violation (At least I know how to crash a computer ;) )

Who can tell me the last parameter of Windows API method SendMessage represent?

To set the last parameter 1,what's mean?what's the difference when set it NULL or any other number?
By mdsn, the last lParam stores:
The repeat count, scan code, extended-key flag, context code, previous key-state flag, and transition-state flag, as shown following.
Bits (0-15) Meaning:
The repeat count for the current message. The value is the number of times the keystroke is autorepeated as a result of the user holding down the key. If the keystroke is held long enough, multiple messages are sent. However, the repeat count is not cumulative.

Undefined WIN32 messages

I am getting strange input in my windows message callback.
Besides all the normal messages, like WM_SIZE, which work fine, there are some messages that do not appear in any table, like this one. And they are not defined as error codes, either.
The messages are: (decimal / hex)
356 / 0164 (wParam: 0, lParam: 5760884)
49291 / c08b (wParam: 4294967292 or 0, lParam: 0)
49348 / c0c4 (wParam: 0, lParam: 0)
Does anybody know what they mean, or why I am gettting them?
Per the Win32 documentation:
The following are the ranges of message numbers.
Range Meaning
0 through WM_USER–1 Messages reserved for use by the system.
WM_USER through 0x7FFF Integer messages for use by private window classes.
WM_APP (0x8000) through 0xBFFF Messages available for use by applications.
0xC000 through 0xFFFF String messages for use by applications.
Greater than 0xFFFF Reserved by the system.
Message numbers in the first range (0 through WM_USER –1) are defined by the system. Values in this range that are not explicitly defined are reserved by the system.
Message numbers in the second range (WM_USER through 0x7FFF) can be defined and used by an application to send messages within a private window class. These values cannot be used to define messages that are meaningful throughout an application because some predefined window classes already define values in this range. For example, predefined control classes such as BUTTON, EDIT, LISTBOX, and COMBOBOX may use these values. Messages in this range should not be sent to other applications unless the applications have been designed to exchange messages and to attach the same meaning to the message numbers.
Message numbers in the third range (0x8000 through 0xBFFF) are available for applications to use as private messages. Messages in this range do not conflict with system messages.
Message numbers in the fourth range (0xC000 through 0xFFFF) are defined at run time when an application calls the RegisterWindowMessage function to retrieve a message number for a string. All applications that register the same string can use the associated message number for exchanging messages. The actual message number, however, is not a constant and cannot be assumed to be the same between different sessions.
Message numbers in the fifth range (greater than 0xFFFF) are reserved by the system.
Where WM_USER is 0x0400.
356 (0x164) is a system reserved message. Specifically, it is CB_GETCOMBOBOXINFO.
49291 (0xC08B) and 49348 (0xC0C4) are string messages that have been registered with RegisterWindowMessage() at runtime. You may be able to use GetClipboardFormatName() to retrieve the original string value used for the registration, as RegisterWindowMessage() and RegisterClipboardFormat() usually share a common atom table.

divided window into the number of valid value 1 ~ 8

i have trouble understanding part of protocol, this protocol is for LED screen controller C-Power 5200, i must write hex value of window which is divided from screen like this: if i have 8 window value must be 0x08 but i want split screen into 15 window, about value in protocol is written like this:
i can't understand how i must divide into number of valid value 1 ~ 8, what this part means?
this is my full packet structure:
$window_collector_cc = "0x01,0x09,0x00,
in this packet 0x09 is amount of window which does not works because of 1~8 divide which i can't understand, if i will make for example <0x08 it works... each line is window with options (X,Y,W,H), Please help me understand this line of protocol. sorry if question is not correctly opened just answer me and i will delete if something wrong.

Changing this protocol to work with TCP streaming

I made a simple protocol for my game:
b = bool
i = int
sINT: = string whose length is INT followed by a : then the string
m = int message id.
m133s11:Hello Worldi-57989b0b1b0
This would be:
Message ID 133
String 'Hello World' length 11
int -57989
bool false
bool true
bool false
I did not know however that TCP could potentially only send PART of a message. I'm not sure exactly how I could modify this such that I can do the following:
on receive data from client:
use client's chunk parser
process data
if has partial message then try to find matching END
if no partial messages then try to read a whole message
for each complete message in queue, dispatch it
I could do this by adding B at the beginning of a message and E at the end, then parsing through for the first char to be B and last to be E.
The only problem is what if
I receive something silly in the middle that does not follow the protocol. Or, what if I was supposed to just receive something that is not a message and is just a string. So if I was somehow intended to receive the string HelloB, then I would parse this as hello and the beginning of a message, but I would never receive that message because it is not a message.
How could I modify my protocol to solve these potential issues? As much as I anticipate only ever receiving correctly formed messages, it would be a nightmare if one was poorly encoded and set everything out of whack.
I decided to add the length at the beginning and keep track of if I'm working on a message or not:
p32m133s11:Hello Worldi-57989b0b1b0
I then have 3 states, reading to find 'p', reading to find the length after 'p' or reading bytes until length bytes have been read.
What do you think?
It seems to work great.
What you are doing is pretty old-school, magnetic tape stuff. Nice.
The issue you might have is that if a part of the message is received, you cannot tell if you are partway through a token.
E.g. if you receive:
Is this Message 12, or is it the first part of message 122?
If you receive:
Is this an integer -12 or is it the first part of an integer -124354?
So I think you need to change it so that the message numbers are fixed width (e.g. four digits), the string length is fixed (e.g. 6 digits) and the integer width is fixed at 10 digits.
So your example would be:
m_133s____11:Hello Worldi____-57989b0b1b0
That way if you get the first part of a message you can store it and wait for the remainder to be received before you process it.
You might also consider using control characters to separate message parts. There are ascii control codes often used for this purpose, RS, FS, GS and US. So a message could be
You know when you have a complete message because the [GS] marks the end. You can then divide it up into fields using the [RS] as a separator, and split each into name/value using the [US].
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C0_and_C1_control_codes for a brief bit of information.