I have a string like:
I want to extract these values into three variables.
Can you please suggest the easiest method in ColdFusion?
#Dan Bracuk was close, this will do what you want.
<cfset myString = "oauth_token=xxxxxxxxxxx&oauth_token_secret=xxxxxxxxxxx&oauth_callback_confirmed=true">
<cfloop list="#myString#" index="pair" delimiters="&">
<cfset myStruct[ListFirst(pair, "=")] = ListLast(pair, "=")>
<cfdump var="#myStruct#">
I would try something like this:
list = "oauth_token=xxxxxxx&oauth_token_secret=xxxxx&oauth_callback_confirmed=true"
index="pair" delimiter="&">
<cfset ListFirst(pair, "=") = ListLast(pair, "=")>
I'm not sure if it work, but it would be worth a shot.
There is another alternative to the accepted solution:
<cfset t = "oauth_token=abc&oauth_token_secret=def&oauth_callback_confirmed=true">
<cfset oauth_token = ListGetAt(ListGetAt(t,1,"&"),2,"=")>
<cfset oauth_token_secret = ListGetAt(ListGetAt(t,2,"&"),2,"=")>
<cfset oauth_callback_confirmed = ListGetAt(ListGetAt(t,3,"&"),2,"=")>
I have a set of list values in ColdFusion variable, and I need to replace all the list values into desired text.
For Example:
<cfset headerColumnList = "FirstName,LastName,Email,FrequentGuestID,IP Address,Time Stamp Email Marketing">
<cfset a="test1">
<cfset b="test2">
<cfset c="test3">
<cfset d="test4">
<cfset e="test5">
<cfset f="test6">
<cfloop index = "ListElement" list= "#headerColumnList#" delimiters = ",">
#replaceList("#ListElement#","FirstName,LastName,Email,FrequentGuestID,IP Address,Time Stamp Email Marketing","#a#,#b#,#c#,#d#,#e#,#f#",",")#
Time Stamp test3 Marketing
In the above scenario. The value "Time Stamp Email Marketing" is supposed to be replaced with "test6" but I am getting in an alternative way where it is not replacing the phrase as a whole word. Can anyone tell me how do I replace the list phrases, any alternative for this?
Here you can use the ListQualify function to get exact result of an your scenario. So convert it in to qualify values and looping with that then you can replace it with your own list data. No need to change any order of a list values.
<cfset quoted = listQualify(headerColumnList,"''")>
<cfloop index = "ListElement" list= "#quoted#" delimiters = ",">
The code is working as written. You are seeing this because your check for "Email" in the replaceList() function is firing before the check for "Time Stamp Email Marketing". Notice the word "Email" in that string.
I don't know what your actual use case is but you can change the order of your code for this specific example to make it work like you want.
<cfset headerColumnList = "FirstName,LastName,Email,FrequentGuestID,IP Address,Time Stamp Email Marketing">
<cfset a="test1">
<cfset b="test2">
<cfset c="test3">
<cfset d="test4">
<cfset e="test5">
<cfset f="test6">
<cfloop index = "ListElement" list= "#headerColumnList#" delimiters = ",">
#replaceList("#ListElement#","FirstName,LastName,FrequentGuestID,IP Address,Time Stamp Email Marketing,Email","#a#,#b#,#d#,#e#,#f#,#c#",",")#
This gives the desired output. Notice how I reordered the conditions within the replaceList() function.
It's been awhile since I've written this type of ColdFusion code, hence the question.
I am returning values from a .NET webservice into ColdFusion. The webservice returns an array of strings. The following code...
<cfset xArrayItems=#GetRequestedUserSettings.settingValues.getString()#>
<cfset xLen=ArrayLen(GetRequestedUserSettings.settingValues.getString())>
<cfloop index="x" from=1 to="#xLen#">
#xArrayItems[x]#<br />
results in the following output ...
I want to put those name/value pairs into a meaningful structure so that I can reference them farther down in the code. I actually need to pass them in as a cfinvokearguments for the next webservice call.
Could someone please be kind enough to remind me how to do this in CF8? Most of what I am finding refers to newer versions.
I ended up with something quite similar to what #Henry you provided.
<cfset UserSettings = structNew()>
<cfset xArrayItems= GetRequestedUserSettings.settingValues.getString()>
<cfset xLen=ArrayLen(GetRequestedUserSettings.settingValues.getString())>
<cfloop index="x" from=1 to="#xLen#">
<cfset varName = ListGetAt(xArrayItems[x], 1, "=")>
<cfset varValue = ListGetAt(xArrayItems[x], 2, "=")>
<cfset "UserSettings.#varname#" = varValue>
Not sure if an Array or a Struct is a better solution, but the both work in the end.
Slightly more readable version I can come up with that will work with CF8:
<cfset UserSettings = {}>
<cfset xArrayItems = GetRequestedUserSettings.settingValues.getString()>
<cfloop array="#xArrayItems#" index="item">
<cfset varname = ListFirst(item, "=")>
<cfset varvalue = ListRest(item, "=")>
<cfset UserSettings[varname] = varvalue>
I have a list of names:
<cfset myList = "John,Joe,Pete">
I want to convert this to a final list that has the string #gmail.com at the end of each name:
<cfoutput> #myList# </cfoutput>
So it will render as:
All you have to do is simple concatenation in a loop.
<cfset myList = "John,Joe,Pete" />
<cfloop index="item" list="#myList#">
<cfoutput>#item##gmail.com<br /></cfoutput>
If you have a comma separated list having no spaces in between you can use this also:
<cfset mylist1 = rereplace(mylist, "," , "#gmail.com," , "all") & "#gmail.com" />
Not the best solution but may be helpful in specific cases.
You can try this:
<cfset myList = "John,Joe,Pete">
<cfset newList = reReplace(myList, "(?=,|$)", "#gmail.com", "ALL")>
I am getting an error after upgrade from coldfusionOX to coldfusion 10.
Error Occurred While Processing Request Complex object types cannot be
converted to simple values.
The expression has requested a variable or an intermediate expression
result as a simple value. However, the result cannot be converted to a
simple value. Simple values are strings, numbers, boolean values, and
date/time values. Queries, arrays, and COM objects are examples of
complex values. The most likely cause of the error is that you tried
to use a complex value as a simple one. For example, you tried to use
a query variable in a cfif tag.
It occurs at line " cfloop index="local.thisRight" list="#rights#" ". It seems like ColdFusion does not like the "rights" here.
Anyone can give me some help? Thanks so much.
<cfif local.profile.rights.profile.self is not "">
<cfquery name="local.getAffiliations" datasource="#Request.readerDSN#">
SELECT tblPersonsToAffiliations.affiliationID, tblPersonsToAffiliations.rights, tblAffiliations.affiliationType, tblPersonsToAffiliations.relationshipType
FROM tblPersonsToAffiliations INNER JOIN tblAffiliations
ON tblPersonsToAffiliations.affiliationID = tblAffiliations.affiliationID
WHERE tblPersonsToAffiliations.personID IN (#local.profile.rights.profile.self#)
AND (tblPersonsToAffiliations.archived IS NULL
OR tblPersonsToAffiliations.archived = '')
<cfif local.getAffiliations.recordCount is not 0>
<cfloop query="local.getAffiliations">
<cfif local.getAffiliations.relationshipType is "interested">
<cfset local.thisRelationshipType = "provisionalMember">
<cfif IsDefined("local.profile.rights.#affiliationType#.#local.thisRelationshipType#")>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType] = ListAppend(local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType], affiliationID)>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][thisRelationshipType] = affiliationID>
<cfset local.thisRelationshipType = "fullMember">
<cfif IsDefined("local.profile.rights.#affiliationType#.#local.thisRelationshipType#")>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType] = ListAppend(local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType], affiliationID)>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType] = affiliationID>
<cfif isNull(rights)>
<cfloop index="local.thisRight" list="#rights#" >
<cfif IsDefined("local.profile.rights.#affiliationType#.#local.thisRight#")>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRight] = ListAppend(local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRight], affiliationID)>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRight] = affiliationID>
A bit earlier in your code you do this:
<cfif local.getAffiliations.relationshipType is "interested">
I think you need the same query name prefix in front of "rights" that is used when evaluating "relationshipType".
Try this:
I am betting it is failing on this line:
<cfloop index="local.thisRight" list="rights" >
You are attempting to use the string "rights" as a list. My first reaction would be that you need to make that:
<cfloop index="local.thisRight" list="#rights#" >
I need to join the output of two separate lists together to output in a CFMAIL, and I'm wondering what the best way to approach this is.
I have two form fields: first_name and last_name
The fields have up to 5 names in each. I need to loop through those names and join the first and last names, then output them to unordered list. I am having trouble visualizing what the right approach to accomplish this is.
Can someone suggest a method in CFML (I don't know CFSCRIPT very well).
EDIT: I should have added that both fields will always have the exact same number of entries. Thanks to all that answered -- proof that there are a lot of ways to skin a cat :)
I would do something like
<cfloop from="1" to="#ListLen(firstnames)#" index="i">
#ListGetAt(firstnames,i)# #ListGetAt(lastnames,i)#<br>
If this were a list of 5000 you would be better off putting it in a structure or an array, but for a list of ~5 this should be sufficient.
I think this would be the easiest way to accomplish this.
<!--- Create a names container --->
<cfset names = "<ul>">
<!--- Fill some dummy containers --->
<cfset first = "thomas,henry,philip,john,rony">
<cfset last = "smith,baker,crowe,ryan,jones">
<!--- Loop through the lists and append them to the container string --->
<cfloop index="name" to="#listLen(first)#" from="1">
<cfset names &= "<li>" & ListGetAt(first,name) & " " & ListGetAt(last,name) & "</li>">
<cfset names &= "</ul>">
I would add in a check to make sure that your list values exists at each index, otherwise you will get errors. I would also add in a check to loop through whichever list is greater so that you get all values just in case someone doesn't enter exactly 5 in both:
<Cfset firstnames="Matt,Ian,Brandon,Sam,Tom">
<cfset lastnames="Jones,Smith,Weiss">
<cfif ListLen(firstnames) gte ListLen(lastnames)>
<cfset primary=firstnames>
<cfset primary=lastnames>
<cfset myOutput="<ul>">
<cfloop from="1" to="#ListLen(primary)#" index="i">
<Cfset myOutput &= "<li>">
<cfif ListLen(firstnames) gte i>
<cfset myOutput &= ListGetAt(firstnames,i)>
<cfif ListLen(lastnames) gte i>
<cfset myOutput &= " " & ListGetAt(lastnames,i)>
<Cfset myOutput &= "</li>">
<Cfset myOutput &= "</ul>">
You could use the "list" attribute with CFLOOP although it means combining list functions within the output. Here is an example though of how it could be done and it makes the assumption the two lists will always have the same lengths. If these names are keyed in by users then I might be afraid of if they put in a comma since that would throw things off with any sort of looping.
<cfset lstFirstNames = "John,Bob,Tom,Jeff" />
<cfset lstLastNames = "Smith,Doe,Rodriguez,Horan" />
<cfloop list="#Variables.lstFirstNames#" index="FirstName" />
#FirstName# #ListGetAt(Variables.LastNames, ListFind(Variables.lstFirstNames, FirstName))#<br />
<cfset lstFirstNames = "John,Bob,Tom,Jeff" />
<cfset lstLastNames = "Smith,Doe,Rodriguez,Horan" />
<cfloop list="#Variables.lstFirstNames#" index="FirstName">
<cfoutput>#FirstName# #ListGetAt(Variables.lstLastNames, ListFind(Variables.lstFirstNames, FirstName))#</cfoutput><br />