Installing library source code in Linux - c++

I'm developing a C++ app on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop using Eclipse CDT. I'm having problems using the getopt_long() function. When I step through my code, Eclipse isn't able to find the source code for this file.
How do I get find the right version of the source files for the debugging information that's on my system and get Eclipse to use those files as I step through debugging?
I'm assuming that the answer to this question will also answer the same question for other libraries' source code.


installing plotutils in codeblocks

I am a novice in c++ programming, and not at all experienced in graphics in any ways. I am trying to install plotutils package in codeblocks. I have downloaded and extracted the plotutils-2.6.tar.gz file available from But I don't know what to do next. The online manual does not give any detailed information regarding installation.
contents of the archive:
I only want to use the plotter.h header file and its functions.
compiler: miniGW, IDE: code::blocks.

How do I get allegro on Orwell Dev C++

I'm not using bloodshed dev c++ , instead I'm using orwell dev c++ , I got Allegro 5 and installed the package (as a .zip file) but it says 'allegro5/allegro.h: No such file or directory'. Maybe I'm using the wrong type of header or is it another problem?Thanks!
That means you did not install the Allegro files in the correct place. I´m not familiar with the GCC Toolchain that Orwell uses (Im a Visual Studio guy), but what you need to do is place them on a place where the compiler can find them. Then make a makefile with the instructions on how to build this program with the correct Allegro libraries linked.
Here is the wiki article for installation on Code::Blocks, Maybe it can help you installing on DevC++, however, I think the binaries listed here might be newer than the ones on the Allegro's wiki page.

How to use protoc.exe in Windows for eclipse luna?

I am using Eclipse IDE, Version: Luna Release (4.4.0) to build a project. I am trying to use google protocol buffers. But I don't know how to use protoc to compile .proto files and then how to use the source code to build my project. I have downloaded compiler and source code from
But how to integrate it with Eclipse IDE, I have no clue. As I am a beginner in protobuf, it will be a great help to me if someone could explain it step by step that how to use the protoc compiler and source code in eclipse.
Thanks in advance.

C++ Netbeans debugging issues

I installed netbeans6.7.1 ide for c/c++ also i have mingw/msys cygwin installed and i have given C:\Msys\bin as environment variable path.It has gdb7 version.However wheni run dbugging thru netbeans it prompts that GDB version 0 not supported on this platform.Pls help
I have made the project from existing files by giving netbeans the path of makefile.
Also pls provide some tips on debugging in netbeans using gdb.
read and follow the doc. it says that for netbeans 6.7.x with mingw you need gdb 6.8.

Eclipse Ganymede and MinGW in Windows

I'm trying to get eclipse to work with MinGW.
I've done the following:
Downloaded CDT for eclipse.
Installed MinGW.
Added C:\MinGW\bin to my path.
Opening a command prompt (CMD) and typing g++ or alike works fine.
I run eclipse, create a "New C++ Project", and only get the option saying "other toolchains".
There's a MILLION tutorials out there saying eclipse should identify MinGW on its own. It doesn't, and I don't know what to do. I've tried reinstalling everying in just about every order posible. Still no luck.
I've also noted some tutorials say something about creating a "Managed C++ Project". I've no such option, all I get is "C++ Project" and "C Project"
I have eclipse ganymede, windows x86_64, version 3.4.2
Running the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers" fails, since there's no x64 version for windows. The x86 version requires x86 JAVA installed as well, and installing two versions of java, gave nothing but trouble in the past.
The instructions for setting up MinGW in Ganymede are located here.
The following are instructions and
links on how to install the current
version of MinGW. Note that these
links may become inaccurate over time
as new versions of MinGW components
are introduced. Please check the MinGW
File Release section for the latest
Download and run the MinGW setup program, MinGW-5.1.3.exe.
Select download and install the MinGW base tools and the g++ compiler.
You may select the Current or
Candidate version of these tools. You
may also install any of the other
available compilers as well.
Do not install the MinGW Make feature as the MSYS version of make
from step 5 is a more complete
implementation of make.
The MinGW setup program currently does not install the gdb
debugger. To install the debugger,
download the file from the following
location: gdb-6.6.tar.bz2
Extract the contents of the file gdb-6.6.tar.bz2 to the same location
where you installed MinGW.
If you want to use Makefile projects, download and run the setup
program from the following location:
MSYS-1.0.10.exe. MSYS provides an
implementation of make and related
command line tools. This is not
required for other types of projects
with the MinGW toolchain, which use
CDT's internal build tools to perform
the build.
Following this process resolved any problems I had.
I had the same exact problem with Eclipse Galileo and CDT 6.0.1. It turns out that CDT only recognized MinGW when it's located under c:\mingw. I had it in c:\msys\mingw so that was the problem. After I changed that everything worked fine.
The distinction between managed make projects and makefile project was removed in CDT 4.x, I think. Now there is only one type of project, but you can select different builders. CDT includes an internal builder which does not use makefiles and another one which does.
First, save yourself the effort of "reinstalling in every order possible". That is also known as trial-and-error, and will only make you more frustrated. Apply the normal problem-solving skills you have as a programmer.
Given that you have MinGW installed, what happens if you download "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers", start eclipse.exe, and try to create a C++-project with a MinGW toolchain?
EDIT: remember: the key in getting help with problems like these is to produce a minimal example which fails. Also, it would help if you provided URLs to the packages you installed (MinGW, Eclipse, etc.).
EDIT: I just installed CDT using the Ganymede update site, downloaded and installed MinGW from here, and restarted Eclipse, and everything worked fine. I know that doesn't help you, but it does prove that the toolchain detection isn't completely broken. Something is weird on your side.
You could try Wascana Desktop Developer. Its a distribution of Eclipse CDT configured specifically for developing on Windows.
I had the same problem (i.e. Eclipse not finding MinGW on the PATH) after I removed some of the unused files/folders from MinGW. It was ~600 MB and I was tasked to trim it down before adding to source control. I got it down to a workable ~200 MB. When I tried to re-create an Eclipse workspace afterwards, MinGW disappeared from available toolchains. It reappeared after I put the original MinGW install on the path.