Allowing external access through firewall to Django in Windows - django

I want to allow external access to my website, which is being hosted by Django (development server) on Windows 7. To run the server on port 8000, I enter:
python runserver
If I disable the Windows firewall, then this can be accessed externally. However, enabling the firewall means that it cannot be accessed externally.
So, I tried adding an "Inbound Rule" at "Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Firewall\Advanced Settings". Here, I allowed inbound TCP access via port 8000.
However, my website still cannot be accessed externally. What else do I need to do?

Environment Version
OS:Windows 10
open cmd.exe,then run:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Django Web Server" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=8000 action=allow
If your public ip address is
# load production server from .env
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', 'localhost:5085', env('SERVER', default=''),'']
open cmd.exe,then run the server on port 8000:
python runserver


Firewall restricting Django Server

I am running django server on my local ip ( but the windows firewall seems to block the connection.
Any suggestion would be really helpful.
Your network facing ports are probably blocked.
Either use localhost instead:
py runserver
Or allow port 8000 on your windows firewall:
netsh firewall add portopening TCP 8000 "Django Dev Server"

Accessing django website hosted on vm with mobile device

I run my django website with python runserver on Vagrant which is set up to forward 8080 port to 8081 on host machine. I'm able to access this website on host by going to it's local ip (192.168.X.X) but can't on mobile device (of course also by going into it's local ip).
Any idea? All I could find about this is to run server with what is already happening in my case.
Never mind, I've forgot to enable public_network in my Vagrantfile.

How to host a django website in my pc and view it in another pc?

I have a django project in my pc.
In terminal I've run python3 runserver <my ipaddress>:8001
When I try to open the link in another pc, it is showing error page which says:
Invalid HTTP_HOST header: '<my ipaddress>:8001'. You may need to add '<my ipaddress>' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.
What should I do?
And moreover is it possible to put some text in place of ipaddress in the url?
For example, I want to host it as myproject/ instead of that complex url.
On one condition this will work
if both computers are on the same network like local Hotspot or same
LAN network
add '*' in your django projects's setting file in Allowed Host it will look like
run your server on this ip and port any like 8000 using this command runserver
run ifconfig if you are using linux ipconfig if windows then you will get your ip address of your server
Open browser in another computer and enter the ip of server shown in 3rd step with port as 8000
Instead of passing <my-ip-address> to the runserver command, pass
If both the machines are in the same network you can run the application on IP address (refers to all IPv4 addresses on the local machine). Refer this link wiki for more details. So, on application server run this: runserver
Now, from the other machines, access it using http://youripaddresss:8001 , where < youripaddress > is the actual ip address of your machine.
If both computers are not on the same network (local hotspot or LAN network)
You can use ngrok to view whatever is running on your localhost from any device
Using ngrok to view your django project from any device
follow the steps below:
Add '*' in your django projects's setting file in Allowed Hosts:
Download ngrok from the official website
Unzip the downloaded file and then go to the directory where the ngrok file is located via your terminal
Then type the command:
ngrok http 8000
./ngrok http 8000
Now you can open the url generated by ngrok on any device to view what is running on your pc:
PS: this can also be used for any webserver running locally, not just django site
ngrok is a great tool that can be used to:
Run personal cloud services from your home
Demo websites without deploying
Build webhook consumers on your dev machine
Test mobile apps connected to your locally running backend
Stable addresses for your connected devices that are deployed in the field
Run your server with this command python runserver
Then you can access your website from any system connected to your wifi with an URL like
You may get your IP Address using this command in CMD ipconfig in windows and ifconfig in mac
Also add your IP to ALLOWED_HOSTS in
ALLOWED_HOST = ['*'] in your
python runserver
then make sure your machine firewall allows incoming and outgoing traffic.
I use linux machine so from control center go to firewall and allow both incoming and outgoing.
then on your local network machine.
This is it !
worked for me

app running on django dev server inaccessible from network computer

How do I access an app running on django dev server(ubuntu 15.10) from another machine on the same network(eg. a windows 7) ?
I am able to ping this machine from another network computer.
"python runserver" - does not allow me to access the app from another network computer.
app uses django 1.5.9
Note that the default IP address,, is not accessible from
other machines on your network. To make your development server
viewable to other machines on the network, use its own IP address
(e.g. or or :: (with IPv6 enabled).
Make sure you open port 8000
python runserver
is ok but you have to also modify of your app. You need to change ALLOWED_HOSTS.
For example put * to allow access for everybody or put only certain IPs to limit access:
more answers here:
CommandError: You must set settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS if DEBUG is False

Connecting to EC2 Django development Server

I am new to EC2 and web development. Currently I have a Linux EC2 instance running, and have installed Django. I am creating a test project before I start on my real project and tried running a Django test server.
This is my output in the shell:
python runserver
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.3, using settings 'testsite.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
To test that it is wroking I have tried visiting: but I always get a "Cannot connect" message from my browser.
Whenever I do this lcoally on my computer however I do successfully get to the DJango development home page at Could someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong / might be missing when I am doing this on my EC2 instance as opposed to my own laptop?
Using an ec-2 instance with Ubuntu, I found that specifying worked:
$python runserver
Of course 8000 does need to be opened for TCP in your security group settings.
You probably don't have port 8000 open on the firewall. Check which security group your instance is running (probably "default") and check the rules it is running. You will probably find that port 8000 is not listed.
1) You need to make sure port 8000 is added as a Custom TCP Rule into your Security Group list of inbound ports
2) Odds are that the IP that you see listed on your AWS Console, which is associated to your instance is a PUBLIC IP OR a PUBLIC Domain Name(i.e. or that Amazon assigns.
2.1) If it is a public IP, then your instance has no way of knowing what the Public IP assigned to it is, rather it will only know the its assigned Local IP.
2.2) To get your Local IP on a Linux System, type:
$ ifconfig
Then look at the eth0 Data and you'll see an IP next to "inet addr" of the format (e.g. This is your Local IP
3) To successfully runserver you can do one of the following two:
$ python runserver <LOCAL IP>:8000
$ python runserver
** Option Two also works great as Ernest Ezis mentioned in his answer.
EDIT : From The Django Book : "The IP address tells the server to listen on any network interface"
** My theory of Public IP could be wrong, since I'm not sure how Amazon assigns IPs. I'd appreciate being corrected.
I was having the same problem. But I was running RHEL on EC2. Besides from adding a rule to security group, I had to manually add a port to firewalld.
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8000/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
That worked for me! (Although no idea why I had to do that)
Yes, if you use quick launch EC2 option, you should add new HTTP rule (just as it appears on the list) to run a development server.
Adding a security group with the inbound rules as follows usually does the trick unless you have something else misconfigured. The port range specifies which port you want to allow incoming traffic on.
HTTP access would need 80
HTTP access over port 8000 would need 8000
SSH to server would need 22
HTTPS would need 443