How to reduce code clutter in this function? - ocaml

The function tally below is really simple: it takes a string s as argument, splits it on non-alphanumeric characters, and tallies the numbers of the resulting "words", case-insensitively.
open Core.Std
let tally s =
let get m k =
match Map.find m k with
| None -> 0
| Some n -> n
let upd m k = Map.add m ~key:k ~data:(1 + get m k) in
let re = Str.regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+" in
let ws = (Str.split re s) ~f:String.lowercase in
List.fold_left ws ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:upd
I think this function is harder to read than it should be due to clutter. I wish I could write something closer to this (where I've indulged in some "fantasy syntax"):
open Core.Std
let tally s =
let get m k =
match find m k with
| None -> 0
| Some n -> n ,
upd m k = add m k (1 + get m k) ,
re = regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+" ,
ws = map (split re s) lowercase
in fold_left ws empty upd
The changes I did above fall primarily into three groups:
get rid of the repeated let ... in's, consolidated all the bindings (into a ,-separated sequence; this, AFAIK, is not valid OCaml);
got rid of the ~foo:-type noise in function calls;
got rid of the prefixes Str., List., etc.
Can I achieve similar effects using valid OCaml syntax?

Readability is difficult to achieve, it highly depends on the reader's abilities and familiarity with the code. I'll focus simply on the syntax transformations, but you could perhaps refactor the code in a more compact form, if this is what you are really looking for.
To remove the module qualifiers, simply open them beforehand:
open Str
open Map
open List
You must open them in that order to make sure the List values you are using there are still reachable, and not scope-overridden by the Map ones.
For labelled parameters, you may omit the labels if for each function call you provide all the parameters of the function in the function signature order.
To reduce the number of constructs, you have several options:
Use a set of rec definitions:
let tally s =
let rec get m k =
match find m k with
| None -> 0
| Some n -> n
and upd m k = add m k (1 + get m k)
and re = regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+"
and ws = map lowercase (split re s)
in fold_left ws empty upd
Make multiple definitions at once:
let tally s =
let get, upd, ws =
let re = regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+" in
fun m k ->
match find m k with
| None -> 0
| Some n -> n,
fun g m k -> add m k (1 + g m k),
map lowercase (split re s)
in fold_left ws empty (upd get)
Use a module to group your definitions:
let tally s =
let module M = struct
let get m k =
match find m k with
| None -> 0
| Some n -> n
let upd m k = add m k (1 + get m k)
let re = regexp "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+"
let ws = map lowercase (split re s)
end in fold_left ws empty M.upd
The later is reminiscent of the Sml syntax, and perhaps better suited to proper optimization by the compiler, but it only get rid of the in keywords.
Please note that since I am not familiar with the Core Api, I might have written incorrect code.

If you have a sequence of computations on the same value, then in OCaml there is a |> operator, that takes a value from the left, and applies in to the function on the right. This can help you to "get rid of" let and in. What concerning labeled arguments, then you can get rid of them by falling back to a vanilla standard library, and make your code smaller, but less readable. Anyway, there is a small piece of sugar with labeled arguments, you can always write f ~key ~data instead of f ~key:key ~data:data. And, finally, module names can be removed either by local open syntax (let open List in ...) or by locally shorcutting it to a smaller names (let module L = List in).
Anyway, I would like to show you a code, that contains less clutter, to my opinion:
open Core.Std
open Re2.Std
open Re2.Infix
module Words = String.Map
let tally s =
Re2.split ~/"\\PL" s |> ~f:(fun s -> String.uppercase s, ()) |>
Words.of_alist_multi |> ~f:List.length


OCaml initializing list in loop for

I am a beginner with OCaml. I would like to skip the first element of my list.
Here is my list:
let l = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;2;1];;
I want to use this in my FOR:
let l = l;
here is my full code:
let l = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;2;1];;
let n = 1;;
let counter = ref 0;;
for i = 0 to (List.length l) do
if List.hd l = n then counter := !counter + 1;
let l = l
But I have errors in the DONE and it says syntax error.
Can anyone help me please?
Your problem is that let always requires a matching in. The full expression looks like this:
let var = expr1 in expr2
Since you're missing the in part, you get a syntax error.
However, the deeper problem is that you're trying to modify the value of l. The way you have defined l, it's immutable. You can't change its value. If you want to be able to change its value you can define it as a reference, as you have done for counter.
(There is another form of let used at the top level of a module. This form doesn't have a matching in. But your code isn't defining a top-level name, so this is not relevant.)

Why do i get syntax error at end problem with pattern matching

I have to make a function that takes list a list and returns list of pairs of first and last element,2nd and 2nd last and so forth It doesn't matter if the list has even or odd number of elements because if its odd i will just ignore the middle element.The idea i have is that make a new rec fun that takes old list and its revers as input i think i finished the code but i get Syntax error for ;;
let lip l =
if [] then []
else let l1=l l2=List.rev l in
let rec lp l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with
| [],[] ->[]
| [],h2::t2->[]
| h1::_,h2::_ ->
if (List.length l -2) >= 0 then [(h1,h2)]# lp( l1) t2
else [] ;;
There are quite a few errors in your code.
I think the specific error you're seeing is caused by the fact that there is no in after let rec lp ....
Every let that's not at the top level of a module needs to be followed by in. One way to think of it is that it's a way of declaring a local variable for use in the expression that appears after in. But you need to have the in expr.
Another way to look at it is that you're defining a function named lp but you're not calling it anywhere.
As #lambda.xy.x points out, you can't say if [] then ... because [] isn't of type bool. And you can't say let x = e1 y = e2 in .... The correct form for this is let x = e1 in let y = e2 in ...
(Or you can write let x, y = e1, e2 in ..., which looks nicer for defining two similar variables to two similar values.)
The following code should at least compile:
let lip list1 =
if list1 = [] then []
let list2=List.rev list1 in
let rec lp l1 l2 = match l1,l2 with
| [], [] ->[]
| [], _::_->[]
| h1::_::_, h2::t2 -> (* l1 length >= 2*)
(h1,h2) :: lp( l1) t2
| h1::_,h2::t2 -> (* l1 length = 1 *)
I have made the following changes:
renamed the arguments of lip to make clear they are different from the arguments of lp
removed the alias let l1 = l
changed the if condition to a term of type boolean -- there's not much to compare, so I assume you are checking list1
replaced the list length condition by a pattern match against two heads
the else path is the second match - it might be better to rewrite that one to | [h1, _] -> ...
the definition of lp needs to be followed with the actual body of lip - to make it compile, we just return [] at the moment but you probably would like something else there
As #Jeffrey Scofield already mentioned, you are not using lp in your code. It could help if you added a comment that explains what you'd like to achieve and what the intended role of lp is.

Splitting a list F Sharp

I'm trying to write a method that splits a list into two. The function should return a tuple of the two lists and the arguments that the function takes are the # of items on the first list, and then the list. Here's what I mean
list [1,2,3,4]
split(1,list)-> ([1],[2,3,4])
split (3,list) -> ([1,2,3],[4])
Here's what I have so far:
let rec mysplit = function
|(n,x::xs)-> mysplit(n-1,xs)
I'm not exactly sure how to "catch" the tuple back from the recursive call. Not sure where to have an extra let statement in there to temporarily save the list I'm building up. New to the language so a couple of different approaches would be good to learn.
Skip and take are your friends here. I don't think you need to do any sort of matches or recursive calls when there's a direct approach.
let split n l = (l |> Seq.take n, l |> Seq.skip n)
As for possible edge cases, skip will return an empty sequence if there are > n elements in the list, and take will return the first n elements if there are < n elements in the sequence.
Tried it in with your examples and it works as expected.
A straightforward implementation would be:
let rec mysplit = function
|(n,x::xs)-> let (f, s) = mysplit(n-1,xs) in (x::f, s)
You could also write a tail-recursive version:
let mysplit (n, l) =
let rec mysplit' n' (f, s) = function
| [] -> (f, s)
| (x::xs) as l' -> if n' = 0 then (f, l') else mysplit' (n'-1) (x::f, xs) xs
let (f', s) = mysplit' n ([], []) l in (List.rev f', s)
Lee's answer shows you a working solution, but to answer your specific question, you can capture values returned to you in a tuple like so:
let before, after = mysplit (2, [1;2;3;4;5])
You can also use this trick to declare multiple variables in a single let statement:
let i, j, k = (1, 2, 3)

Haskell - parse error/ using multiple where clauses

when trying to define a function that would remove the largest subset of set m that is also a subset of set a from set a, I encountered the following error:
filename.hs:7:33:parse error (possibly incorrect indentation)
for the following code:
exclude :: Integral t => [t] -> [t] -> [t]
a `exclude` m
| m == [] = a
| a == (b ++ c) = b
| otherwise = []
where b /= []
where c = [z | z <- m]
how do I implement multiple conditions/definitions (using where or otherwise), or correct the function to properly work in a different way?
One part of your question is easily answerable. You can have multiple definitions in one where clause, as in
foo n
| even r = bar
| s < 12 = baz
| otherwise = quux
r = n `mod` 1357
h = a + b
(a,b) = r `divMod` 53 -- nested where-clause
s = r - 3*h
and you can have nested where-clauses. But in a where-clause, you can only have definitions. Conditions would go into the guards (or if then else expressions on the right hand side) and can be combined with the boolean operators, (&&), (||), not ...
As for your code, so far I haven't figured out what you intended it to do.
Saying "the largest subset of set m that is also a subset of set a"
is the same as saying "all elements of m that are also elements of a".
Then the solution to your problem is stated simply as:
exclude a = filter (`notElem` a)
which when applied to m will give you a subset of m modulo any elements
that are also members of a. That is, it will "remove the largest subset of
m that is also a subset of a".
In fact,there is a function in Data.List and Data.Set called '\'. I'll show '\' function of Data.List .
import Data.List
exclude :: Integral t => [t] -> [t] -> [t]
a `exclude` m = a\\m

Is it possible to match with decomposed sequences in F#?

I seem to remember an older version of F# allowing structural decomposition when matching sequences just like lists. Is there a way to use the list syntax while keeping the sequence lazy? I'm hoping to avoid a lot of calls to Seq.head and Seq.skip 1.
I'm hoping for something like:
let decomposable (xs:seq<'a>) =
match xs with
| h :: t -> true
| _ -> false
seq{ 1..100 } |> decomposable
But this only handles lists and gives a type error when using sequences. When using List.of_seq, it seems to evaluate all the elements in the sequence, even if it is infinite.
If you use the LazyList type in the PowerPack, it has Active Patterns called LazyList.Nil and LazyList.Cons that are great for this.
The seq/IEnumerable type is not particulaly amenable to pattern matching; I'd highly recommend LazyList for this. (See also Why is using a sequence so much slower than using a list in this example.)
let s = seq { 1..100 }
let ll = LazyList.ofSeq s
match ll with
| LazyList.Nil -> printfn "empty"
| LazyList.Cons(h,t) -> printfn "head: %d" h
Seq works fine in active patterns! Unless I'm doing something horrible here...
let (|SeqEmpty|SeqCons|) (xs: 'a seq) =
if Seq.isEmpty xs then SeqEmpty
else SeqCons(Seq.head xs, Seq.skip 1 xs)
// Stupid example usage
let a = [1; 2; 3]
let f = function
| SeqEmpty -> 0
| SeqCons(x, rest) -> x
let result = f a
Remember seq has map reduce functions as well, so you might often be able to get away with only those. In the example, your function is equivalent to "Seq.isEmpty". You might try to launch fsi and just run through the tab completion options (enter "Seq." and hit tab a lot); it might have what you want.