single page app django angular - django

I have just started looking into using angularjs. I haven't done much front end development before and struggling to get my head around what handles what.
Would I be correct in saying that all I would use django for would be to create my models, REST api's and urls pointing to my api.
Would I no longer need to create


Is separating django frontend and backend with API viable?

I'm used to Django and already developed website with a whole Django or with Django API + React.
For a side project, I'm thinking about creating a Django project with 2 apps:
Django API 2) Django Front.
I absolutely want to decouple front/back to be able to reuse the API in the future, and I like the view system from Django.
Is my idea making sense?
Edit 1:
To clarify.
App 1: Django API serving JSON.
App 2: Django App using API calls in the controllers to generate the views.
Edit 2:
I did a proof of concept and it works like a charm.
The only drawback is that I have to use Cookies to store the JWT token and maintain the session state, which is not convenient
it is possible, but completely wrong with idea.
How it possible. Wrong version:
Try to remember, how we can create integrate test for our view. We Should create client and send request to Django to your view-url with args kwargs querystring e.t.c.
In response you have already answer. Try to imagine: part with client - is your Django front, requested part - your backend.
The same works not only in test, you can create request to ask something on the completely other server.
Redis/MemCashed e.t.c. (pattern sender/receiver) Wrong version:
The Front Django speaks with Backend through Third part application. It can be faster.
"Pythonic" version. Right in your case:
You can create Backend Django part like a library with views as interfaces.
Frontend Django part is completely standalone, it import an use interfaces from library, which is your "BackEnd Module".
If you want - you can use "BackEnd Module" everywhere as import, or you can start it as server and ask info per requests.
Completely independent in this case means, you can install "BackEnd Module" without "FrontEnd Module". "FrontEnd Module" can be installed standalone too and it should take from settings, which interfaces should be used as data-source.
I hope, i am right understand your question.
You could definitely separate front and back, remember, django just creates endpoints and consumes them with its own views, you can even use both.
Here is the documentation for django views:
You can use a librarie like React as frontend and connect to your api(django app) and use both.

Use the Django Rest Framework with tables not defined in your

I finished a tutorial with the Django Rest Framework and I am super excited with this approach of developing, meaning to have separated the front end with the back end and have those two communicate with a REST API.
So at this point I am trying to wrap my head around the DRF idea and here I am stuck with the following question: With the Django Rest API you can actually fetch data (e.g. in JSON format) from your django models. Later in your frontend, you can get these data via an AJAX request (using jquery or react or angular) and then you display them..
But all these data they come from the tables which are also defined as Django models. What if I need to get the data from a database (tables) which is not defined in the Does the DRF works in these cases? What approach would I follow?

What happens in a simple Django Rest Framework application that has an Angular front end?

I've been learning Django for some time now, and I found this image helpful:
I'm now delving into Angular JS, and I'm trying to figure out how each of the components (Directives, Controllers and Services ?) interacts and if there is a similar 'cycle'. This blog looks like it comes close to answering my question.
But how is the picture different if we have a Django-Rest-Framework end point providing the books in the above example?
Do we want URL resolution from Django, or Angular? Or more answerabley, which takes precedent?
What is the general order that things happen in when we go to say localhost:8000/books ?
Does catch this?
If so what does that function (angular_redirect) need to render to get angular to respond?
Does angular routing catch this?
$routeProvider.when('/books', {templateUrl: 'partials/book_partial.html', controller: 'MyBookCtrl'});
So does this mean my controller then registers a service hooked up to say localhost:8000:/book_list.json and does that need to be registered in the
How does Angular know where to get the DRF JSON, if we're wholly relying on angular for routing. I've seen this package that lets you use the django models in the angular JS, but I'm not certain if that makes the picture more or less complicated.
Apologies if this is overly broad, I'm very new and trying to get my head round some of the general concepts of these technologies. Any advice on narrowing this question so it's answerable would be appreciated.
Your question has a simple answer: Angular handles the front end and Django (and DRF) handles the back end, and that includes URLs. Users on a fully Angular-powered site should never directly hit a URL that is served by Django, except possibly for the initial page that serves the page structure and JS itself.
Apart from that, the only interaction between the two is when Angular specifically requests JSON from Django, via an Ajax call. That may well be in relation to a navigation event by the user, but just as equally could be triggered on a timed basis or via some kind of websocket functionality.

How to register users using django-rest-framework and angularJS?

I have a project where am developing a Django single page web app using angularJS and now, All calls between the front and back end should be done via Django-REST.
Am now doing the registration and I cant seem to figure out exactly what should be done
I saw This Post and I was wondering when I fill the sign up form in the front end, how will it be send using rest and save the user. Any help, links on how to go about it will be much appreciated. Thanks
You create a service myService that will give you $resource(yourEndpointUrlForUsers) and then save the data using
Try this django app -
And normal http requests from the fronted controllers to the urls in this app will work.

Django, REST and Angular Routes

I'm trying to wrap my head around combining a client-side framework like AngularJS with Django. One thing that's really confusing me is the issue of routes and REST.
I've been trying to read a lot about it online, but documentation is limited, especially in terms of Django being combined with Angular (little snippets here or there). I understand that I need to add a REST framework like TastyPie to make a robust REST interface in my app in order for Angular to plug in and grab resources.
However, I'm confused as to how to properly map out my routes in such a way that (1) my server-side app can render my single-page app (SPA) with angular plugged in (2) routes that are supposed to load information/render templates (angular) and retrieve data from the server (django) don't conflict. Like if I have someone going on my website and doing - that route is associated with both the Angular route and the Django route - except one renders a template and the other spits out JSON based on what is retrieved from the DB/server.
In addition, by using the REST api, do I forego a lot of the advantages I have in terms of having ModelForms being synchronized with my Models, etc? Is there any way to maintain this with AngularJS or do I have to look towards an AngularJS substitute.
The question isn't really specific to Django - just a matter of understanding the relationship between back-end and front-end in an SPA.
Routes are not duplicated between the back-end and the front-end. Your Django routes should be set up like:
and one single route that delivers a single page full of HTML partials, e.g.
The rest of the routes will be defined in Angular, e.g.
The Angular controllers that handle those public-facing routes will in turn make $http calls against the API URLs and each will deliver one Angular partial. So there is no duplication, no overlap.
To the second part of your question, you can still use the Django ORM model relationships when constructing your API data, but yes, you'll lose all of that Django goodness when building the front-end.
If you build your API right, all of the data you need in each view will be fully present in the JSON feed that Angular consumes in that view. So you're using the ORM for back-end data construction, but you can't just decide to traverse a model relationship in a template without first preparing the back-end data to provide data for it.
Yes, it's a very different way of thinking of things, and yes it's quite a bit more complex than doing straight Django (or Rails). That's the cost of building a web app rather than a web site.