I have a Fortran code that has to call the Clipper Library, for which I downloaded and I compile the original C++ source code. I have written a wrapping subroutine in C++ that reads:
extern "C" void wrapUNIintersNM(
int Ndry[1],
double xclip[5],
double yclip[5],
double POLYStoBEjoinedX[13][100],
double POLYStoBEjoinedY[13][100],
int NPOLYtoBEjoined[1],
int VERTtoBEjoined[13],
double POLYSunionX[13][100],
double POLYSunionY[13][100],
int NPOLYSunion[1],
int VERTunion[13],
double POLYintersX[13][100],
double POLYintersY[13][100],
int NPOLYSinters[1],
int VERTinters[13],
double absMAXx[1],
double absMAXy[1])
I created a module for the binding:
module Cplusplus
use,intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding
subroutine wrapUNIintersNM(Ndry,xclip,yclip,&
POLYSunionX,POLYSunionY,NPOLYSunion,VERTunion, &
absMAXx,absMAXy) bind(C,name="wrapUNIintersNM") ! bind(C,name="wrapperClipper") add name if you wanna retain uppercase letter, otherwise are all made lowercase and C++ is case sensitive
import :: c_double, c_int
real(kind=c_double), dimension(5) :: xclip,yclip
real(kind=c_double), dimension(100,13) :: POLYintersX,POLYintersY,POLYStoBEjoinedX,POLYStoBEjoinedY,&
real(kind=c_double) :: absMAXx(1),absMAXy(1)
integer(kind=c_int), dimension(13) :: VERTinters,VERTunion,VERTtoBEjoined
integer(kind=c_int) :: Ndry,NPOLYStoBEjoined,NPOLYSinters,NPOLYSunion
end subroutine
end interface
end module Cplusplus
I have a subroutine update that calls wrapUNIintersNM this way
subroutine update
use Cplusplus
CALL wrapUNIintersNM(Ndry,xclip,yclip, &
POLYStoBEjoinedX,POLYStoBEjoinedY,NPOLYStoBEjoined,VERTtoBEjoined,& !polygons to join (union)
POLYSunionX,POLYSunionY,NPOLYSunion,VERTunion, & !union of polygons
POLYintersX,POLYintersY,NPOLYSinters,VERTinters,& !intersection of union
Everything compiles fine, but at a linking stage I get this error:
error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals example.dll
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _wrapUNIintersNM referenced in function _UPDATE
Any suggestion?
I would like to develop a Fortran Static Library that include a custom subroutine that takes a long time to complete.
This static library will be linked in my C++ application statically too.
My goal is monitoring the current status of this subroutine in my C++ application in real-time.
So, for each step of a "fortran loop", I would like to send the loop index to my C++ application.
I'm new in Fortran world, so I was thinking that this task could be something like this:
My C++ header:
extern "C" void fortran_status(int* value);
My Fortran-90 file:
module my_interfaces
use iso_c_binding
subroutine fortran_status(progress_value) bind(C, name = 'fortran_status')
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), intent(out) :: progress_value
end subroutine fortran_status
end interface
end module my_interfaces
! My long calc subroutine
subroutine my_long_calc(progress_value) BIND(C, name = 'my_long_calc')
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
use my_interfaces
implicit none
EXTERNAL fortran_status
integer (C_INT), INTENT(INOUT) :: progress_value
integer (C_INT) :: count
do count = 0, 5
progress_value = progress_value + 1
! Send 'progress_value' to a C++ function:
call fortran_status(progress_value)
! Wait 1 second:
call sleep(1)
end do
end subroutine my_long_calc
This Fortran code gives me a compile-time error:
error #6406: Conflicting attributes or multiple declaration of name. [FORTRAN_STATUS] C:\Users\lamar\Desktop\Lib1_interface\Lib1.f90 18
I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with Intel Visual Fortran (Windows 10 x64).
How could I monitoring that subroutine status? Or get the fortran loop index in my C++ application?
I removed the EXTERNAL fortran_status and now I got no errors in compile-time of my Fortran code.
Now, I would like to link this static Lib (x86) with my C++ code:
#include <iostream>
extern "C" {
void my_long_calc(void);
void fortran_status(int* value);
void fortran_status(int* value)
std::cout << "Fortran current status = " << *value << std::endl;
int main (void)
std::cout << "Monitoring Fortran subroutine..." << std::endl;
return 0;
I'm trying to compile and link it using MingW:
g++ -Wall -L. .\Lib2.lib -lgfortran .\main.cpp -o app.exe
And I got this linker error:
undefined reference to my_long_calc
How can I link it?
I would like to see in my terminal output:
Monitoring Fortran subroutine...
Fortran current status = 0
Fortran current status = 1
Fortran current status = 2
Fortran current status = 3
Fortran current status = 4
Fortran current status = 5
Now this changed Fortran code compiles and it work well ONLY if I'm using MingW g++ (x86).
Fortran code:
module my_interfaces
use iso_c_binding
subroutine fortran_status(progress_value) bind(C, name = 'fortran_status')
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), intent(out) :: progress_value
end subroutine fortran_status
end interface
end module my_interfaces
! My long calc subroutine
subroutine my_long_calc() BIND(C, name = 'my_long_calc')
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
use my_interfaces
implicit none
integer (C_INT) :: progress_value
integer (C_INT) :: count
progress_value = 0
do count = 0, 5
progress_value = count
! Send 'progress_value' to a C++ function:
call fortran_status(progress_value)
! Wait 1 second:
call sleep(1)
end do
end subroutine my_long_calc
C++ Code:
#include <iostream>
extern "C" {
void my_long_calc(void);
void fortran_status(int* value);
void fortran_status(int* value)
std::cout << "Fortran current status = " << *value << std::endl;
int main (void)
std::cout << "Monitoring Fortran subroutine..." << std::endl;
return 0;
Compile c++: g++ -Wall -c .\main.cpp
Compile fortran: gfortran -c .\gfortran.f90
Link all together: g++ .\main.o .\gfortran.o -o app.exe -lgfortran
The problem now is that I need to use Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Fortran to develop my Fortran Code.
And I would like to compile all Fortran code to a single static library (*.lib) file using Visual Studio.
What I need to change to get to link the *.lib file (from Visual Fortran) using the MingW g++ command?
I was thinking to use something like this:
g++ main.cpp my_lib.lib -o app.exe
But I got this linker error:
undefined reference to my_long_calc
What I need to do?
The code in your "Update 2" is perfectly fine and works with Intel Visual Fortran and Microsoft Visual C++. See also the discussion you started in https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-Fortran-Compiler/Interoperability-Fortran-to-C/m-p/1144147
I do not recommend mixing Intel Visual Fortran compiled objects/libraries with g++ on Windows. You can get Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition free if you meet the rather liberal license terms. If you insist on using g++, mix it with gfortran.
I'm experiencing a problem since I'm trying to run my fortran code with ifort, which was previously compiled with gfortran. One of my code's functions is using an other function as an argument, as shown below. Compiling the code with gfortran/ifort do not generate any errors.
module mod_rk4_2
implicit none
!rk4 temporal scheme
function rk4(f,dt,func) result(f_new)
double precision, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: f
double precision, intent(in) :: dt
double precision, dimension(size(f,1),size(f,2)) :: f_new
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: k1, k2, k3, k4
function func(f) result(res)
double precision, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: f
double precision, dimension(size(f,1),size(f,2)) :: res
end function func
end interface
end function rk4
end module mod_rk4_2
Running the code compiled with gfortran is fine, but when compiled with ifort, the code crashes at the first call of the forementioned function, with a stack overflow error message. Any ideas ?
forrtl: severe (170): Program Exception - stack overflow
Image PC Routine Line Source
main 00007FF779CCAE38 Unknown Unknown Unknown
main 00007FF779C564E0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
main 00007FF779CCAC02 Unknown Unknown Unknown
main 00007FF779CCB04C Unknown Unknown Unknown
KERNEL32.DLL 00007FF9D8EC1FE4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ntdll.dll 00007FF9D99BEFC1 Unknown Unknown Unknown
I have an legacy Fortran code that I want to mix with a new C/C++ program.
The Fortran subroutine allocates dynamically some arrays that I want to pass to c program. I will only get the size of these arrays after running the Fortran code.
After getting some tips here in this forum I arrived to the following code that I thought it would best compile, link and run.
Actually I can compile my C code and my Fortran code separately, but it doesn't link giving the following errors:
undefined reference to _gfortran_runtime_error
undefined reference to _gfortran_os_error
I'm using g++ and GFortran compilers version 5.4.0, and linking both .o files with g++ and the option -lg fortran.
fortran code:
subroutine test_allocation(outp) bind(c)
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type (c_ptr), value :: outp
integer, target ::b(2)
integer(c_int), pointer :: a(:)
call c_f_pointer(outp, a,[2])
end subroutine
c code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" void test_allocation(int ** ptr);
int main ()
int* ptr;
As Vladimir F said on comments there was a mistake in my compiler option. The correct is -lgfortran.
Now it's linking but the results is not what I expect. I change a little my code to show this:
Fortran code:
subroutine test_allocation(outp) bind(c)
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type (c_ptr), value :: outp
integer, target ::b(2)
integer(c_int), pointer :: a(:)
print*, "a(1) in Fortran: ", a(1)
print*, "a(2) in Fortran: ", a(2)
call c_f_pointer(outp, a,[2])
print*, "outp after c_f_pointer: ", outp
end subroutine
C code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" void test_allocation(int** ptr);
int main ()
int* ptr;
cout<<"ptr[0] in C: "<< ptr[0]<<endl;
cout<<"ptr[1] in C: "<< ptr[1]<<endl;
The output is:
a(1) in fortran: 1
a(2) in fortran: 2
outp after c_f_pointer: 140726088663920
ptr[0] in C: 1447122753
ptr[1] in C: 1107265857
I also tried changing the declaration of extern function to the following and it still does not work:
extern "C" void test_allocation(int*& ptr);
The output is:
a(1) in fortran: 1
a(2) in fortran: 2
outp after c_f_pointer: 140729541703872
ptr[0] in C: 1447122753
ptr[1] in C: 1107265857
Now it works. Instead of using C_F_POINTER I used the function C_LOC.
I also removed the parameter VALUE from the TYPE(C_PTR) declaration.
Here is the code:
subroutine test_allocation(outp) bind(c)
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
type (c_ptr) :: outp
integer ::b(2)
integer,dimension(:), pointer :: a
print*, "a(1) in fortran: ", a(1)
print*, "a(2) in fortran: ", a(2)
print*, "outp after c_loc: ", outp
end subroutine
and it's output:
a(1) in fortran: 1
a(2) in fortran: 2
outp after c_loc: 36866928
ptr[0] in C: 1
ptr[1] in C: 2
The following link helped me a lot although I'm not using intel compiler:
I am trying to compile a fortran module with f2py. It is the following code
module my_log_mod
implicit none
interface my_log
module procedure my_log_array
module procedure my_log_vector
end interface my_log
private ! hides items not listed on public statement
public :: my_log
subroutine my_log_array(a,res)
double precision, dimension (:,:), intent (in) :: a
double precision, dimension (:,:), intent (out) :: res
where (a>1.0)
res = log(a)
else where
res = 0.D0
end where
end subroutine
subroutine my_log_vector(a,res)
double precision, dimension (:), intent (in) :: a
double precision, dimension (:), intent (out) :: res
where (a>1.0)
res = log(a)
else where
res = 0.D0
end where
end subroutine
end module my_log_mod
that I compile with the following command
f2py.py -c -m my_log_mod_comp my_log_mod.f90
and it results in the following error
use my_log_mod, only : my_log_array
Error: Symbol 'my_log_array' referenced at (1) not found in module 'my_log_mod'
use my_log_mod, only : my_log_vector
Error: Symbol 'my_log_vector' referenced at (1) not found in module 'my_log_mod'
I don't really know much about fortran and f2py, so I don't have any idea what is happening. If i use the module in pure fortran it works nicely
F2py appears to be creating another wrapper code which uses the subroutines in your module.
But it calls directly the subroutines my_log_vector and my_log_array. It seems f2py does not support private. I would delete the private.
Also be prepared that you won't be able to use the generic my_log in Python. This concept of generics is alien to Python. You may need to delete the generic interface if deleting private does not make it compilable. You should definitely delete the public :: my_log.
Unfortunately, f2py does not support all features of modern Fortran.
The code I tested:
module my_log_mod
implicit none
interface my_log
module procedure my_log_array
module procedure my_log_vector
end interface my_log
subroutine my_log_array(a,res)
double precision, dimension (:,:), intent (in) :: a
double precision, dimension (:,:), intent (out) :: res
where (a>1.0)
res = log(a)
else where
res = 0.D0
end where
end subroutine
subroutine my_log_vector(a,res)
double precision, dimension (:), intent (in) :: a
double precision, dimension (:), intent (out) :: res
where (a>1.0)
res = log(a)
else where
res = 0.D0
end where
end subroutine
end module my_log_mod
f2py -c -m my_log_mod_comp my_log_mod.f90
Block: my_log_mod_comp
Block: my_log_mod
Block: my_log
Block: my_log_array
Block: my_log_vector
Post-processing (stage 2)...
Block: my_log_mod_comp
Block: unknown_interface
Block: my_log_mod
Block: my_log_array
Block: my_log_vector
Building modules...
Building module "my_log_mod_comp"...
Constructing F90 module support for "my_log_mod"...
Creating wrapper for Fortran subroutine "my_log_array"
res = my_log_array(a)
res = my_log_array(a)
Creating wrapper for Fortran subroutine "my_log_vector"("my_log_vector")...
Constructing wrapper function "my_log_mod.my_log_vector"...
res = my_log_vector(a)
Wrote C/API module "my_log_mod_comp" to file "/tmp/tmp7e5v0u/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/my_log_mod_compmodule.c"
Fortran 90 wrappers are saved to "/tmp/tmp7e5v0u/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/my_log_mod_comp-f2pywrappers2.f90"
gfortran:f90: /tmp/tmp7e5v0u/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/my_log_mod_comp-f2pywrappers2.f90
/usr/bin/gfortran -Wall -g -Wall -g -shared /tmp/tmp7e5v0u/tmp/tmp7e5v0u/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/my_log_mod_compmodule.o /tmp/tmp7e5v0u/tmp/tmp7e5v0u/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/fortranobject.o /tmp/tmp7e5v0u/my_log_mod.o /tmp/tmp7e5v0u/tmp/tmp7e5v0u/src.linux-x86_64-2.7/my_log_mod_comp-f2pywrappers2.o -L/usr/lib64 -lpython2.7 -lgfortran -o ./my_log_mod_comp.so
Removing build directory /tmp/tmp7e5v0u
I am attempting to create a .lib library file that contains Fortran functions that call c++ functions, but I am getting the dreaded "error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol...". The code will eventually be compiled with a bunch of other libraries as a DLL and used in a separate program (PSSE). I am getting the compile error when PSSE attemps to create the DLL using my library. Here is the code I attempting to use, followed by the compiling code. The code should just add two numbers together and output the answer.
integer*4, external :: CPPFUNCTION
INTEGER a, b, c, test
a = ICON(II)
b = ICON(II + 1)
test = CPPFUNCTION( a , b, c )
WRITE ( ITERM, * ) 'C = ', c
extern "C" {
void _CPPFUNCTION(int a, int b, int *c);
void _CPPFUNCTION(int a, int b, int *c) {
*c = a + b;
cl /nologo /MD /c /W3 /O2 /FD /EHsc /errorReport:prompt /D"MSWINDOWS" /D"WIN32" ^
/D"_WINDOWS" /D"NDEBUG" "cpp_code.cpp"
IFORT /nologo /Od /Oy- /assume:buffered_io /traceback /libs:dll /threads /c /Qip ^
/extend_source:132 /noaltparam /fpscomp:logicals /warn:nodeclarations ^
/warn:unused /warn:truncated_source /Qauto /Op /iface:cvf /define:DLLI ^
/include:"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE32\PSSLIB" ^
/object:"fort_code.OBJ" ^
lib /out:fort_cpp.lib fort_code.obj cpp_code.obj
When the PSSE program attempts to create the DLL, this is the output I get:
ifort /nologo /assume:buffered_io /traceback /libs:dll /threads /c /Qip /extend_source:132 /noaltparam /fpscomp:logicals /Qprec /warn:declarations /warn:unused /warn:truncated_source /Qauto /fp:source /iface:cvf /define:DLLI /include:"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE32\PSSLIB" /object:"C:\temp\INIT_620289\11hw2ap_conec.obj" /module:"C:\temp\INIT_620289" "11hw2ap_conec.f"
ifort /nologo /assume:buffered_io /traceback /libs:dll /threads /c /Qip /extend_source:132 /noaltparam /fpscomp:logicals /Qprec /warn:declarations /warn:unused /warn:truncated_source /Qauto /fp:source /iface:cvf /define:DLLI /include:"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE32\PSSLIB" /object:"C:\temp\INIT_620289\11hw2ap_conet.obj" /module:"C:\temp\INIT_620289" "11hw2ap_conet.f"
link /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO /DLL /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /MACHINE:X86 /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT #"C:\temp\INIT_620289\linkfilestod9p1.txt" /OUT:"C:\temp\INIT_620289\11hw2ap_dsusr.dll" /map:"C:\temp\INIT_620289\11hw2ap_dsusr.map"
fort_cpp.lib(fort_code.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _CPPFUNCTION#12 referenced in function _TESTCPP
C:\temp\INIT_620289\11hw2ap_dsusr.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
ERROR during link(1)... Aborted
conec/conet are simply Fortran calls to the external library functions:
CALL TESTCPP ( 55791, 0, 0, 0)
I have seen a few different examples of calling c++ functions from Fortran, but they all look slightly different. One thing I noticed was differening uses of the _ before or after the c++ function name. How do I know which to use: _CPPFUNCTION, CPPFUNCTION, or CPPFUNCTION_. Do I need to export the function in c++ using __declspec( dllexport )? Do I need to create an ALIAS:'_CPPFUNCTION' in the Fortran code?
I am using the following compilers:
ifort: IVF IA-32 v12.1.0.233
cl: v16.00.30319.01 x86
Is there something I am missing to link the c++ code properly to the Fortran functions?
The problem with is that there are a lot of options. None, one or two underscores before and or after, string length after a variable or at the end of a list, call by value or call by reference. Capitalize, lowercase or original naming. With just these options, the probability of getting it right is already lower than 1 in 100 (1/3*1/3*1/2*1/2*1/3).
You can reduce it a bit by introspecting the .lib file using the dumpbin utility and manually checking intel fortran default settings and the settings in the project files.
The most elegant way, like some suggested, is to use the combination of bind(C) and iso_c_binding module. The bind(C) statement avoids having to know the name mangling. The iso_c_bindings provides c strings and integer(c_int) instead of integer*4 to ensure compatibility of your types with C. You have to know that fortran calls by reference by default and you can use , value to call by value. This should raise your succes rate all the way back to 1.
Here is a simple example of how to call the add1 function defined in c++ below:
program example
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer(c_int) function add1(x) bind(C,name="add1")
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value :: x
end function add1
end interface
call callingadd1()
subroutine callingadd1()
write(*,*) '1+1=', add1(1)
end subroutine callingadd1
end program example
extern "C" {
int add1(int x);
int add1(int x) {
edit an example with only a subroutine. For inclusion in your shared object/dll/dylib.
subroutine callingadd1() bind(C, name="callingadd1")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer(c_int) function add1(x) bind(C,name="add1")
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value :: x
end function add1
end interface
write(*,*) '1+1=', add1(1)
end subroutine callingadd1