I would like to create a new Syntax Rule in Sublime in order to search a string pattern so that that pattern is highlighted. The parttern I am looking for is IPC or TST, therefore I was making use of the following Sublime Syntax rule
{ "name": "a3",
"scopeName": "source.a3",
"fileTypes": ["a3"],
"patterns": [
{ "name": "IPC",
"match": "\\b\\w(IPC|TST)\\w\\b "
"uuid": "c76f733d-879c-4c1d-a1a2-101dfaa11ed8"
But for some reason or another, it doesn't work at all.
Could someone point me out in the right direction?
Thanks in advance
After looking around and testing a lot, I have found the issue, apparently apart from identifying the patter, I should invoke the colour, for doing it I have to make use of "capture", being the command as follows:
{ "name": "IPC colour",
"match": "\\b(IPC|TST)\\b",
"captures": {
"1": { "name": "meta.preprocessor.diagnostic" }
Where "name": "meta.preprocessor.diagnostic" will indicate the sort of colour assign to the found pattern.
I'm trying to find every "color" value and replace it with a specific string, but only the "color" value of every "name" that has Bismuthinite" in it.
"name": "Poor Gneiss Bismuthinite",
"blockName": "tfc:ore/poor_bismuthinite/gneiss",
"order": 789,
"color": 5015620,
"drawing": false
"name": "Slate Halite",
"blockName": "tfc:ore/halite/slate",
"order": 1046,
"color": 7153517,
"drawing": false
The information wthin the next brackets (block? im not sure what the terminology is, i'm very new to coding in general) should not be selected or altered in any way. Only the information that matches "name" includes Bismuthinite" .
I've tried using a multiline find and replace using the ToolBucket plugin for Notepad++, but either it won't accomplish what I want it to do, or I just don't know how.
i have create a programming language KAGSA, and i have to create a syntax highlighter i start with VSCode highlighter i write every thing well but i have problem with regex of strings (more than one line) and comments (more than one line) this is the code :
Match is the code:
Comments :
"comments": {
"patterns": [{
"name": "comment.line.shebang.kagsa",
"match": "//..*|/\\*(.*?|\n)*\\*/|//|/\\**\\*"
The problem is wit the /*Comment*/ comment.
and string code :
"strings": {
"name": "string.quoted.double.kagsa",
"patterns": [{
"name": "string.quoted.double.kagsa",
"match": "'(.*?)'|\"(.*?)\"|``(.*?|\n)*``"
my problem is with ``String``
and the Color i get :
[the output color][https://i.stack.imgur.com/NPbS0.png]
You have this issue because match doesn't work for multiline string literals.
I found a similar problem.
As said by Gama11 in his answer:
Try to use a begin / end pattern instead of a simple match.
I am now trying to migrate from gitleaks to a tool called secretlint.
Originally, there was a warning in the generic-api-key rule when executing gitleaks, but after moving to secretlint, the warning no longer occurs.
Specifically, I wrote the regular expression of gitleaks.toml provided by gitleaks in the secretlint configuration file .secretlintrc.json according to the format of #secretlint-rule-pattern provided by secretlint.
id = "generic-api-key"
description = "Generic API Key"
regex = '''(?i)((key|api[^Version]|token|secret|password|auth)[a-z0-9_ .\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\|\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([0-9a-zA-Z\-_=]{8,64})['\"]'''
entropy = 3.7
secretGroup = 4
keywords = [
"rules": [
"id": "#secretlint/secretlint-rule-pattern",
"options": {
"patterns": [
"name": "Generic API key",
"pattern": "/(?i)((key|api[^Version]|token|secret|password|auth)[a-z0-9_ .\\-,]{0,25})(=|>|:=|\\|\\|:|<=|=>|:).{0,5}['\"]([0-9a-zA-Z\\-_=]{8,64})['\"]/"
I'm thinking that perhaps I'm not migrating the regex correctly, but if anyone can tell me where I'm going wrong, I'd like to know.
The main issue is the the inline (?i) modifier is not supported by the JavaScript regex engine. You must use the normal i flag after the second regex delimiter (/.../i).
Also, the api[^Version] is a typical user error. If you meant to say api not followed with Version, you need api(?!Version).
So you can use
"pattern": "/((key|api(?!Version)|token|secret|password|auth)[\\w .,-]{0,25})([=>:]|:=|\\|\\|:|<=|=>).{0,5}['\"]([\\w=-]{8,64})['\"]/i"
Note that I "shrunk" [A-Za-z0-9_] into a single \w, they are equivalent here. Note the - char does not need escaping when used at the end (or start) of a character class.
See below my attempt and result. The Sublime snippet first:
<![CDATA[<${1:p}>${2:$SELECTION}</${1/([^ ]+).*/$1/}>]]>
<description>Long Tag</description>
and the keybinding:
{ "keys": ["super+shift+o"], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": { "name": "Packages/XML/long-tag.sublime-snippet" } },
What this does is the following:
Pressing Cmd + Shift + O will create an html tag <p></p> in with the p linked so you can start typing and it updates both sides. Pressing tab will place your cursor in the center of the tags.
Highlighting a section, then pressing cmd + shift + O will surround that section with the tags.
What I've managed to get trying on my own is the following in VS Code:
"blank_tag": {
"prefix": "<cmdso>",
"body": [
// "<$1>$2</$1>$3"
"<${1:p}>${2:$SELECTION}</$1/([^ ]+).*}>"
"description": "Adds a blank tag to use"
This almost gets what I want but not quite. I'm not very good with regex but the result of this prints <p></p/([^ ]+).*}> I can remove that last bit of regex and it will get #1 satisfied. The #2 above is extremely helpful and I'd like to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm betting that last bit of regex is what allows you to highlight a section and surround it with the tags.
Can you help me fix this to work and satisfy #1 and #2?
Ok these are two different snippets, the first you already did so i'm going to speak about the second:
You want to surround a text in a tag based on a shortcut, you need two thing first to create the snippet, then to add the shortcut
This snippet when inserted will surround your text with a p tag, that changes immediately while you are writing.
"surround_tag": {
"prefix": "<stag>",
"body": [
"description": "surround text by tag"
Notice that we are using a specific variable called TM_SELECTED_TEXT, you can find more about these variables here, https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets
Then add a keyboard shortcut to insert that snippet
"key": "cmd+w cmd+t",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"args": {
"name": "surround_tag",
// in args here you can add a key langId to specify specific languages like
"args": {
"langId": "javascript",
"name": "surround_tag",
You can find language identifiers here https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/identifiers
Of course, you can also insert the snippet without the keyboard shortcut by using the insertSnippet command (CMD + Shift + P and then insertSnippet, then pick your one)
You can also use the following site to generate snippets for both vscode and sublime https://snippet-generator.app/
You may fix your code using
"blank_tag": {
"prefix": "<cmdso>",
"body": [
"description": "Adds a blank tag to use"
The [^ ] can be written as \\S+ in the code, \S+ matches 1 or more non-whitespace chars. The syntax is ${ID/pattern/replacement/flags}, so you had an incomplete code.
If you're using Sublime Text, you can use the Atomizr package to convert snippets within the editor.
Install the package using Package Control
Open a Sublime Text snippet
Run the Atomizr: Sublime Text to Visual Studio Code command (or CtrlS, CtrlV on macOS)
To convert many files, it's probably more convenient to install the CLI equivalent (requires NodeJS)
# Single conversion
atomizr example.sublime-snippet --target vscode
# Batch conversion
atomizr *.sublime-snippet --target vscode
If you want to use the same keybinding for two different actions as it seems you do, then you will have to find a way to differentiate between the then existing conditions so that the appropriate version is triggered properly.
In your case, that involves utilizing that in one situation you will start with selected text. So we can use the when clause editorHasSelection to distinguish between the twp desired actions.
In your keybindings.json:
"key": "cmd+shift+O",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"args": {
"snippet": "<${1:p}>$0</$1>"
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorHasSelection"
"key": "cmd+shift+O",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"args": {
"snippet": "<${1:p}>${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}</$1>"
"when": "editorTextFocus && editorHasSelection"
We see that only the second command will be triggered if there is a selection in the editor!!
!editorHasSelection means if there is no selection, trigger this one. Otherwise, we will trigger the other command.
Note that there is already a command also bound to Cmd+Shift+O: workbench.action.gotoSymbol You should disable that command if you want to stick with Cmd+Shift+O as your triggers. This will disable it:
"key": "cmd+shift+O",
"command": "-workbench.action.gotoSymbol"
Here is a demo of it working:
I am facing a situation that drives me nuts.
I am setting up an update server which uses a json file.
Don't ask why or how, it sucks and is my only possibility to achieve it.
I have been trying and researching for HOURS (many) because I went ballistic and wanted to crack this on my own. But I have to realize I got stuck and need help.
So sorry for this chunk but I think it is somewhat important to see...
The file is a one liner and repeating the following sequence with changing values (of course).
"plugin_name_foo_bar": {"buildDate": "bla", "dependencies": [{"name": "bla", "optional": true, "version": "1.00"}], "developers": [{"developerId": "bla", "email": "bla#gmail.com", "name": "Bla bla2nd"}], "excerpt": "some text {excerpt} !bla.png|thumbnail,border=1! ", "gav": "bla", "labels": ["report", "scm-related"], "name": "plugin_name_foo_bar", "previousTimestamp": "bla", "previousVersion": "1.0", "releaseTimestamp": "bla", "requiredCore": "1", "scm": "github.com", "sha1": "ynnBM2jWo25ZLDdP3ybBOnV/Pio=", "title": "bla", "url": "http://bla.org", "version": "1.0", "wiki": "https://bla.org"}, "Exclusion": {"buildDate": "bla", "dependencies": [],
and the next plugin block is glued straight afterwards.
What I now want to do is to search for "plugin_foo_bar": {" as this is the unique identifier for a new plugin description block.
I want to replace the first sha1 value occuring afterwards. That's where I keep failing. I always grab the first,last or any occurrence in the entire file and not the block :(
"title" is the unique identifier after the sha1 value.
So I tried to make the .* less greedy but it ain't working out.
last attempt was heading towards:
sed -i 's/("name": "plugin_name_foo_bar.*sha1": ")([a-zA-Z0-9!##\$%^&*()\[\]]*)(", "title"\)/\1blablabla\2/1' default.json
to find the sha1 value of that plugin but still no joy. I hope someone knows - preferably a simpler approach - before I now continue with trial and error until I have to puke and freakout.
I am working with SED on Windows, so Unix approach might help me to figure out how to achieve this in batch but please make it as one-liner if possible. Scripts are a real pain to convert.
And I just need SED and no other solution with other tools like AWK. That is absolutely out of discussion.
Any help is appreciated :)
Don't use regex (sed) to parse JSON, instead use a proper JSON parser, or javascript directly like I do :
Using javascript and nodejs in a script :
File /tmp/file.json is :
"plugin_name_foo_bar" : {
"excerpt" : "some text {excerpt} !bla.png|thumbnail,border=1! ",
"dependencies" : [
"name" : "bla",
"version" : "1.00",
"optional" : true
"title" : "bla",
"previousTimestamp" : "bla",
"releaseTimestamp" : "bla",
"sha1" : "ynnBM2jWo25ZLDdP3ybBOnV/Pio=",
"labels" : [
"buildDate" : "bla",
"version" : "1.0",
"previousVersion" : "1.0",
"name" : "plugin_name_foo_bar",
"scm" : "github.com",
"url" : "http://bla.org",
"gav" : "bla",
"developers" : [
"email" : "bla#gmail.com",
"developerId" : "bla",
"name" : "Bla bla2nd"
"wiki" : "https://bla.org",
"requiredCore" : "1"
"Exclusion" : {
"dependencies" : [],
"buildDate" : "bla"
The script script.js :
var js = require('/tmp/file.json')
js.plugin_name_foo_bar.sha1 = "xxx"
Usage :
nodejs script.js
As sputnick points out parsing is a little beyond what sed's meant for. Still, sed's Turing-complete and bludgeoning it into doing what you want can satisfy that {sad,masoch}istic urge so many of us feel from time to time.
This one's even easy.
sed '
s/"sha1": /\n/g
s/\("name": "plugin_name_foo_bar"[^\n]*\n"\)[^"]*/\1thenewsha/
s/\n/"sha1": /g
For windows command line, with escaped quotes, replacing inline and using regular expression
sed -i -r "s/(plugin_name_foo_bar.+?sha1\": \")[^\"]+\"/\1abcdefghijkl\"/" default.json
sed -r "s/(plugin_name_foo_bar[^!]+sha1.: .)[^\"]+/\1abcdefghijkl/" file