I'm trying out The Arduino ultimate GPS breakout, where I want to get the Longitude and Latitude from the GPS. Then I want to send those two variables wireless via RF. like in the image below:
I use a library for the RF-module named panstamp to be able to send the Longitude and Latitude from Arduino 1, and receiving them in Arduino 2. like in the code below:
void send_data() {
float lon=26.533255;
float lat=27.533463;
Serial.println(" sent ok ");
return true;
Serial.println("sent failed ");
return false;
void loop(){
float j = 0;
lon = packet.data[j];
Serial.print(" ");
float k = 1;
lat = packet.data[k];
It works perfectly when transmitting and receiving :)
The problem is when I receive those two variables I just receive lon 26.00 and lat 27.00 but not lon 26.533255 lat 27.533463 as I expected.
There are some bugs with the data type I assume. I investigated the panstamp library to find something to change the type but without success.
Here is the header file for CCPACKET:
#ifndef _CCPACKET_H
#define _CCPACKET_H
#include "Arduino.h"
* Buffer and data lengths
#define CC1101_BUFFER_LEN 64
#define CC1101_DATA_LEN CC1101_BUFFER_LEN - 3
* Description:
* CC1101 data packet class
* Data length
byte length;
* Data buffer
byte data[CC1101_DATA_LEN];
* CRC OK flag
boolean crc_ok;
* Received Strength Signal Indication
byte rssi;
* Link Quality Index
byte lqi;
and the source code for send data/ receive data:
boolean CC1101::sendData(CCPACKET packet)
byte marcState;
bool res = false;
// Declare to be in Tx state. This will avoid receiving packets whilst
// transmitting
rfState = RFSTATE_TX;
// Enter RX state
// Check that the RX state has been entered
while (((marcState = readStatusReg(CC1101_MARCSTATE)) & 0x1F) != 0x0D)
if (marcState == 0x11) // RX_OVERFLOW
flushRxFifo(); // flush receive queue
// Set data length at the first position of the TX FIFO
writeReg(CC1101_TXFIFO, packet.length);
// Write data into the TX FIFO
writeBurstReg(CC1101_TXFIFO, packet.data, packet.length);
// CCA enabled: will enter TX state only if the channel is clear
// Check that TX state is being entered (state = RXTX_SETTLING)
marcState = readStatusReg(CC1101_MARCSTATE) & 0x1F;
if((marcState != 0x13) && (marcState != 0x14) && (marcState != 0x15))
setIdleState(); // Enter IDLE state
flushTxFifo(); // Flush Tx FIFO
setRxState(); // Back to RX state
// Declare to be in Rx state
rfState = RFSTATE_RX;
return false;
// Wait for the sync word to be transmitted
// Wait until the end of the packet transmission
// Check that the TX FIFO is empty
if((readStatusReg(CC1101_TXBYTES) & 0x7F) == 0)
res = true;
setIdleState(); // Enter IDLE state
flushTxFifo(); // Flush Tx FIFO
// Enter back into RX state
// Declare to be in Rx state
rfState = RFSTATE_RX;
return res;
byte CC1101::receiveData(CCPACKET * packet)
byte val;
byte rxBytes = readStatusReg(CC1101_RXBYTES);
// Any byte waiting to be read and no overflow?
if (rxBytes & 0x7F && !(rxBytes & 0x80))
// Read data length
packet->length = readConfigReg(CC1101_RXFIFO);
// If packet is too long
if (packet->length > CC1101_DATA_LEN)
packet->length = 0; // Discard packet
// Read data packet
readBurstReg(packet->data, CC1101_RXFIFO, packet->length);
// Read RSSI
packet->rssi = readConfigReg(CC1101_RXFIFO);
// Read LQI and CRC_OK
val = readConfigReg(CC1101_RXFIFO);
packet->lqi = val & 0x7F;
packet->crc_ok = bitRead(val, 7);
packet->length = 0;
setIdleState(); // Enter IDLE state
flushRxFifo(); // Flush Rx FIFO
// Back to RX state
return packet->length;
Please someone help me :)
The link to the Panstamp library: PanStamp Library
As far as I see it, you lost your presicion here:
float lon=26.533255;
float lat=27.533463;
because data is an array of bytes according to this:
* Data buffer
byte data[CC1101_DATA_LEN];
You need to bufferise data correctly.
float lon=26.533255;
byte *p = (byte *)&lon;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(lon); i++){
data.data[i]= p[i];
do like this if it works proceed the same with lat or make a function like floattobyte and use.
HighPredator is right!
From the panstamp lib we see that the CCPACKET::data field is a uint8_t array:
Basically when you write:
float lon=26.533255;
float lat=27.533463;
The compiler is essentially doing:
data.data[0]=uint8_t(lon); // So 26.533255f just becomes 26
data.data[1]=uint8_t(lat); // So 27.533463just becomes 27
You need to understand the float type, which is 4-bytes long and so you need to make your packet 8 bytes long and transmit the raw bytes like this:
data.length = 8;
data.data[0] = ((uint8_t*)(&lon))[0]; // Transfer first byte of the float
data.data[1] = ((uint8_t*)(&lon))[1];
data.data[2] = ((uint8_t*)(&lon))[2];
data.data[3] = ((uint8_t*)(&lon))[3]; // Transfer last byte of the float
data.data[4] = ((uint8_t*)(&lat))[0]; // Transfer first byte of the float
data.data[5] = ((uint8_t*)(&lat))[1];
data.data[6] = ((uint8_t*)(&lat))[2];
data.data[7] = ((uint8_t*)(&lat))[3]; // Transfer last byte of the float
On the receiving end, you can recompose the floats like this:
float lon, lat;
((uint8_t*)(&lon))[0] = data.data[0]; // Place first byte
((uint8_t*)(&lon))[1] = data.data[1];
((uint8_t*)(&lon))[2] = data.data[2];
((uint8_t*)(&lon))[3] = data.data[3]; // Place last byte
((uint8_t*)(&lat))[0] = data.data[4]; // Place first byte
((uint8_t*)(&lat))[1] = data.data[5];
((uint8_t*)(&lat))[2] = data.data[6];
((uint8_t*)(&lat))[3] = data.data[7]; // Place last byte
Hope that helps.
I want to capture mouse movement packets in an embedded system receiving packets of data from an input mouse (initialized in ps/2 mode). How do I get my exception handler to get called? The interrupt handler is never triggered. I set up my processor to run with external interrupts and connected only one signal to the processor's interrupt input port, and I do not use an interrupt controller. To capture input movements, I use a software based circular buffer.
Please help.
#include "xparameters.h"
#include "xil_exception.h"
#include "ps2_core.h"
Ps2Core::Ps2Core(uint32_t core_base_addr) {
base_addr = core_base_addr;
Ps2Core::~Ps2Core() {
void Ps2Core::enqueue(unsigned char value) {
if ((tail + 1) % QUEUE_SIZE == head) {
// queue is full, do nothing
queue[tail] = value;
tail = (tail + 1) % QUEUE_SIZE;
unsigned char Ps2Core::dequeue(void) {
if (head == tail) {
// queue is empty, do nothing
return 0;
unsigned char value = queue[head];
head = (head + 1) % QUEUE_SIZE;
return value;
void Ps2Core::handleInterrupt(Ps2Core *ps2) {
uint8_t byte;
byte = ps2->rx_byte();
void Ps2Core::registerCallback(){
int Ps2Core::get_mouse_activity(int *lbtn, int *rbtn, int *xmov,
int *ymov, int *zmov) {
uint8_t b1, b2, b3, b4;
uint32_t tmp;
/* retrieve bytes only if 4 or a multiple of 4 exist in queue */
if (queueCount >= 4) {
b1 = dequeue();
b2 = dequeue();
b3 = dequeue();
b4 = dequeue();
return (0);
/* extract button info */
*lbtn = (int) (b1 & 0x01); // extract bit 0
*rbtn = (int) (b1 & 0x02) >> 1; // extract bit 1
/* extract x movement; manually convert 9-bit 2's comp to int */
tmp = (uint32_t) b2;
if (b1 & 0x10) // check MSB (sign bit) of x movement
tmp = tmp | 0xffffff00; // manual sign-extension if negative
*xmov = (int) tmp; // data conversion
/* extract y movement; manually convert 9-bit 2's comp to int */
tmp = (uint32_t) b3;
if (b1 & 0x20) // check MSB (sign bit) of y movement
tmp = tmp | 0xffffff00; // manual sign-extension if negative
*ymov = (int) tmp; // data conversion
tmp = (uint32_t) b4;
if (b4 & 0x08) // check MSB (sign bit) of z movement
tmp = tmp | 0xfffffff0; // manual sign-extension if negative
*zmov = (int) tmp; // data conversion
/* success */
return (1);
Module Instances
//instantiate uBlaze MCS
cpu cpu_unit (
// instantiated i/o subsystem
mmio_sys_sampler_arty_a7 mmio_unit (
EDIT - Latest Code (Interrupt not triggered, but interrupt signal generated on each byte received, verified by visual output on oscilloscope)
#define INTERRUPT_ID 16U //if != 16U then MICROBLAZE_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED must be defined
// Define the address of the interrupt control register for the MicroBlaze processor
void Ps2Core::handleInterrupt(Ps2Core *ps2) {
uint8_t byte;
byte = ps2->rx_byte();
void Ps2Core::clearInterrupt(unsigned int interruptID) {
// Clear the interrupt flag by writing a 1 to the appropriate bit in the ISR
*(volatile unsigned int*)(INTERRUPT_CONTROL_REG) = (1 << interruptID);
void Ps2Core::checkInterruptStatus(Ps2Core *ps2) {
/* Read the status of the interrupt */
u32 IntrStatus = XIOModule_DiscreteRead(&ps2->intr, INTERRUPT_CONTROL_REG);
if (IntrStatus) {
void Ps2Core::setUpInterrupt(){
// Register the interrupt handler function with the microblaze processor
//microblaze_register_handler((XInterruptHandler)checkInterruptStatus, this);
// Register interrupt handler function
Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)checkInterruptStatus, this);
Judging by the port names, it looks like you have an interrupt controller in your 'cpu' module. But I don't see any code configuring that--instead it's connecting directly to the MicroBlaze CPU's exception handler. Xilinx's driver for the interrupt controller should be attaching itself to the exception handler and your code should be connecting to it via register_int_handler / enable_interrupt.
So im working on a project making a safety and monitoring system for a bike and im sending the monitored data to Blynk
which is working perfectly.
Im trying to send an SMS when a value is triggered ,I recieve the SMS through Clicksend
but i cant figure out how i can send my values to IFTTT so that it can write those in the Alert SMS
Here is the code:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <RH_NRF24.h>
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
char auth[] = "AUTH_ID";
char ssid[] = "SSID";
char pass[] = "PASS";
const char* iftttURL = "http://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/{event}/with/key/{key}";
BlynkTimer timer;
// Singleton instance of the radio driver
RH_NRF24 nrf24(2, 4); //D4,D2 on esp //nrf24L01
int led = 15; //D8 on esp
int acc;
int touch;
int headtemp;
static const int RXPin = 5, TXPin = 16; //D1,D2 on esp //gps
static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600;
// The TinyGPS++ object
TinyGPSPlus gps;
// The serial connection to the GPS device
SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin);
float lati;
float lon;
const int analogInPin = A0; //Pt100 Bike Temp
const int SensorValueLow = 463;
const int SensorValueDiff = 36; // differance between high and low sensor value
const int TempValueDiff = 32; // differance between high and low Temp value
const int TempValueLow = 0;
int sensorValue = 0;
int Temp = 0;
// Calibration: // //RPM
const byte PulsesPerRevolution = 10; // Set how many pulses there are on each revolution. Default: 2.
const unsigned long ZeroTimeout = 100000; // For high response time, a good value would be 100000
// Calibration for smoothing RPM:
const byte numReadings = 2; // Number of samples for smoothing. The higher, the more smoothing, but it's going to
// Variables:
unsigned long kmh;
int d=50.8; //diameter of wheel in cm
volatile unsigned long LastTimeWeMeasured; // Stores the last time we measured a pulse so we can calculate the period.
volatile unsigned long PeriodBetweenPulses = ZeroTimeout+1000; // Stores the period between pulses in microseconds.
volatile unsigned long PeriodAverage = ZeroTimeout+1000; // Stores the period between pulses in microseconds in total, if we are taking multiple pulses.
unsigned long FrequencyRaw; // Calculated frequency, based on the period. This has a lot of extra decimals without the decimal point.
unsigned long FrequencyReal; // Frequency without decimals.
unsigned long RPM; // Raw RPM without any processing.
unsigned int PulseCounter = 1; // Counts the amount of pulse readings we took so we can average multiple pulses before calculating the period.
unsigned long PeriodSum; // Stores the summation of all the periods to do the average.
unsigned long LastTimeCycleMeasure = LastTimeWeMeasured; // Stores the last time we measure a pulse in that cycle.
unsigned long CurrentMicros = micros(); // Stores the micros in that cycle.
unsigned int AmountOfReadings = 1;
unsigned int ZeroDebouncingExtra; // Stores the extra value added to the ZeroTimeout to debounce it.
// Variables for smoothing tachometer:
unsigned long readings[numReadings]; // The input.
unsigned long readIndex; // The index of the current reading.
unsigned long total; // The running total.
unsigned long average; // The RPM value after applying the smoothing.
void myTimerEvent()
// You can send any value at any time.
// Please don't send more that 10 values per second.
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, average);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, kmh);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, Temp);
WidgetMap myMap(V5);
void setup()
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
timer.setInterval(1000L, myTimerEvent);
ss.begin(GPSBaud); //GPS
Serial.println(F("A simple demonstration of TinyGPS++ with an attached GPS module"));
Serial.print(F("Testing TinyGPS++ library v. ")); Serial.println(TinyGPSPlus::libraryVersion());
Serial.println(F("by Mikal Hart"));
pinMode(led, OUTPUT); //D8 of node mcu //nrf24L01
while (!Serial)
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
if (!nrf24.init())
Serial.println("init failed");
// Defaults after init are 2.402 GHz (channel 2), 2Mbps, 0dBm
if (!nrf24.setChannel(1))
Serial.println("setChannel failed");
if (!nrf24.setRF(RH_NRF24::DataRate2Mbps, RH_NRF24::TransmitPower0dBm))
Serial.println("setRF failed");
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(0), Pulse_Event, RISING); //RPM // Enable interruption pin 2 when going from LOW to HIGH.
void loop()
while (ss.available() > 0) //GPS
if (gps.encode(ss.read()))
displayInfo(); //GPS function
if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10)
Serial.println(F("No GPS detected: check wiring."));
NRF24L01(); //NRF24L01 Function
BikeTemp(); //Bike Temprature Function
BikeRPM(); //Bike Wheel RPM
void NRF24L01()
if (nrf24.available()) //nrf24L01
// Should be a message for us now
uint8_t buf[RH_NRF24_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
uint8_t len = sizeof(buf);
if (nrf24.recv(buf, &len))
Serial.println("*****Got Signal*****");
acc = buf[0];
touch = buf[1];
Serial.print("Accelerometer State: ");
Serial.print(" , Touch State: ");
if(touch == 1 || acc ==1)
void BikeTemp()
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin); //Pt100 BikeTemp
Temp = sensorValue-SensorValueLow;
Temp = Temp/SensorValueDiff;
Temp = Temp*TempValueDiff;
Temp = Temp+TempValueLow;
Serial.print("Temp= ");
void BikeRPM()
LastTimeCycleMeasure = LastTimeWeMeasured; // RPM+Km/h
CurrentMicros = micros(); // Store the micros() in a variable.
if(CurrentMicros < LastTimeCycleMeasure)
LastTimeCycleMeasure = CurrentMicros;
// Calculate the frequency:
FrequencyRaw = 10000000000 / PeriodAverage; // Calculate the frequency using the period between pulses.
// Detect if pulses stopped or frequency is too low, so we can show 0 Frequency:
if(PeriodBetweenPulses > ZeroTimeout - ZeroDebouncingExtra || CurrentMicros - LastTimeCycleMeasure > ZeroTimeout - ZeroDebouncingExtra)
{ // If the pulses are too far apart that we reached the timeout for zero:
FrequencyRaw = 0; // Set frequency as 0.
ZeroDebouncingExtra = 2000; // Change the threshold a little so it doesn't bounce.
ZeroDebouncingExtra = 0; // Reset the threshold to the normal value so it doesn't bounce.
FrequencyReal = FrequencyRaw / 10000; // Get frequency without decimals.
// Calculate the RPM:
RPM = FrequencyRaw / PulsesPerRevolution * 60; // Frequency divided by amount of pulses per revolution multiply by
RPM = RPM / 10000; // Remove the decimals.
// Smoothing RPM:
total = total - readings[readIndex]; // Advance to the next position in the array.
readings[readIndex] = RPM; // Takes the value that we are going to smooth.
total = total + readings[readIndex]; // Add the reading to the total.
readIndex = readIndex + 1; // Advance to the next position in the array.
if (readIndex >= numReadings) // If we're at the end of the array:
readIndex = 0; // Reset array index.
// Calculate the average:
average = total / numReadings; // The average value it's the smoothed result.
kmh = d*average*0.001885; // calculate km/h ,where d(in cm) is diameter of wheel
Serial.print("RPM: ");
Serial.print(" , KM/h: ");
void displayInfo()
Serial.print(F("Location: "));
if (gps.location.isValid())
// Serial.print(gps.location.lat(), 6);
lati = gps.location.lat() ;
Serial.print(lati, 6);
// Serial.print(gps.location.lng(), 6);
lon = gps.location.lng() ;
Serial.print(lon, 6);
int index = 5;
myMap.location(index, lati, lon, "Bike location");
Serial.print(F(" Date/Time: "));
if (gps.date.isValid())
Serial.print(F(" "));
if (gps.time.isValid())
if (gps.time.hour() < 10) Serial.print(F("0"));
if (gps.time.minute() < 10) Serial.print(F("0"));
if (gps.time.second() < 10) Serial.print(F("0"));
ICACHE_RAM_ATTR void Pulse_Event() //RPM Data // The interrupt runs this to calculate the period between pulses:
PeriodBetweenPulses = micros() - LastTimeWeMeasured; // Current "micros" minus the old "micros" when the last pulse happens.
LastTimeWeMeasured = micros(); // Stores the current micros so the next time we have a pulse we would have something to compare with.
if(PulseCounter >= AmountOfReadings) // If counter for amount of readings reach the set limit:
PeriodAverage = PeriodSum / AmountOfReadings; // Calculate the final period dividing the sum of all readings by the
PulseCounter = 1; // Reset the counter to start over. The reset value is 1 because its the minimum setting allowed (1 reading).
PeriodSum = PeriodBetweenPulses; // Reset PeriodSum to start a new averaging operation.
int RemapedAmountOfReadings = map(PeriodBetweenPulses, 40000, 5000, 1, 10); // Remap the period range to the reading range.
RemapedAmountOfReadings = constrain(RemapedAmountOfReadings, 1, 10); // Constrain the value so it doesn't go below or above the limits.
AmountOfReadings = RemapedAmountOfReadings; // Set amount of readings as the remaped value.
PulseCounter++; // Increase the counter for amount of readings by 1.
PeriodSum = PeriodSum + PeriodBetweenPulses; // Add the periods so later we can average.
void smsonaccident()
if (acc>=1) // You can write any condition to trigger e-mail sending
Serial.println("Alert!!! Accident Happens see location. "); // This can be seen in the Serial Monitor
HTTPClient http; // Declare an object of class HTTPClient
http.begin(iftttURL); // Specify request destination
int httpCode = http.GET(); // Send the request
if (httpCode > 0) {
String payload = http.getString(); // Get the request response payload
Serial.println(payload); // Print the response payload
http.end(); // Close connection
delay(10000); // delay for 5 min if accident happens
Now im trying to find a way so that i can send my GPS values to the "iftttURL" but whatever i try or whatever i know doesnt work
either the value just doesnt get recieved or if it does then the SMS fails to send as it cant validate the values
what do i need to add
or what do i need to change to send my GPS values "lati" and "lon" to my ifttt url where it can recognize it as values that i can put into the alert message
This is mostly a copy-paste of the code I found on Google,
I want to make a project using 2 waterflow sensors in which inflow() which shows how many liters i have taken in and outflow() which shows how many liters flown out.
This is how far ive reached, Need help with the code please, I am not a advanced coder so descriptive code and support is HIGHLY appreciated.
also please see the maincode(), in that section i am trying to achieve a loop, i mean if sensor1 is high it should display sensor1(inflow()) output ,and if sensor 2 is high it should display sensor2(outflow()) output.
Problems faced: the output doesn't work when i call both the inflow() and outflow() together, one function works,(i think it has something to do with the Interrupt Pins of the board?).
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
char auth[] = "SECRET";
// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "Wifi";
char pass[] = "password";
//byte statusLed = 13;
byte inFlowSensor = D2;
byte outFlowSensor= D3;
float calibrationFactor = 4.5;
BlynkTimer timer;
volatile byte pulseCount;
float inFlowRate; // V2 - inflowrate
float outFlowRate; // V4 - outFowRate
boolean sensorInput = 0;
unsigned int inFlowMilliLitres;
unsigned int outFlowMilliLitres;
unsigned long inTotalMilliLitres; // V1 - inTotalLitres
//unsigned long totalLitres;
unsigned long outTotalMilliLitres; // V3 - outTotalLitres
unsigned long oldTime;
BLYNK_CONNECTED() { // runs once at device startup, once connected to server.
Blynk.syncVirtual(V1); //gets last known value of V1 virtual pin
Blynk.syncVirtual(V3); //gets last known value of V4
inTotalMilliLitres = param.asFloat();
inFlowRate = param.asFloat();
outTotalMilliLitres = param.asFloat();
outFlowRate = param.asFloat();
BLYNK_WRITE(V5) { // reset all data with button in PUSH mode on virtual pin V4
int resetdata = param.asInt();
if (resetdata == 0) {
Serial.println("Clearing Data");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, 0);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, 0);
inFlowRate = 0;
outFlowRate = 0;
inFlowMilliLitres = 0;
outFlowMilliLitres = 0;
inTotalMilliLitres = 0;
outTotalMilliLitres = 0;
//totalLitres = 0;
//totalLitresold = 0;
ICACHE_RAM_ATTR void pulseCounter()
// Increment the pulse counter
void inflow()
if((millis() - oldTime) > 1000) // Only process counters once per second
inFlowRate = ((1000.0 / (millis() - oldTime)) * pulseCount) / calibrationFactor;
oldTime = millis();
inFlowMilliLitres = (inFlowRate / 60) * 1000;
// Add the millilitres passed in this second to the cumulative total
inTotalMilliLitres += inFlowMilliLitres;
unsigned int frac;
// Print the flow rate for this second in litres / minute
Serial.print("Flow rate: ");
Serial.print(int(inFlowRate)); // Print the integer part of the variable
Serial.print("."); // Print the decimal point
// Determine the fractional part. The 10 multiplier gives us 1 decimal place.
frac = (inFlowRate - int(inFlowRate)) * 10;
Serial.print(frac, DEC) ; // Print the fractional part of the variable
// Print the number of litres flowed in this second
Serial.print(" Current Fuel Flowing: "); // Output separator
// Print the cumulative total of litres flowed since starting
Serial.print(" Input Fuel Quantity: "); // Input separator
// Reset the pulse counter so we can start incrementing again
pulseCount = 0;
// Enable the interrupt again now that we've finished sending output
attachInterrupt(inFlowSensor, pulseCounter, FALLING);
void outflow()
if((millis() - oldTime) > 1000) // Only process counters once per second
outFlowRate = ((1000.0 / (millis() - oldTime)) * pulseCount) / calibrationFactor;
oldTime = millis();
outFlowMilliLitres = (outFlowRate / 60) * 1000;
// Add the millilitres passed in this second to the cumulative total
outTotalMilliLitres += outFlowMilliLitres;
unsigned int frac;
// Print the flow rate for this second in litres / minute
Serial.print("Flow rate: ");
Serial.print(int(outFlowRate)); // Print the integer part of the variable
Serial.print("."); // Print the decimal point
// Determine the fractional part. The 10 multiplier gives us 1 decimal place.
frac = (outFlowRate - int(outFlowRate)) * 10;
Serial.print(frac, DEC) ; // Print the fractional part of the variable
// Print the number of litres flowed in this second
Serial.print(" Current Fuel Flowing: "); // Output separator
// Print the cumulative total of litres flowed since starting
Serial.print(" Out Fuel Quantity: "); // Input separator
// Reset the pulse counter so we can start incrementing again
pulseCount = 0;
// Enable the interrupt again now that we've finished sending output
attachInterrupt(outFlowSensor, pulseCounter, FALLING);
void sendtoBlynk() // In this function we are sending values to blynk server
Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, inFlowRate);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, inTotalMilliLitres);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V4, outFlowRate);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V3, outTotalMilliLitres);
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //38400
Serial.println("Setup Started");
pulseCount = 0;
inFlowRate = 0.0;
outFlowRate = 0.0;
inFlowMilliLitres = 0;
outFlowMilliLitres = 0;
inTotalMilliLitres = 0;
outTotalMilliLitres = 0;
oldTime = 0;
attachInterrupt(inFlowSensor, pulseCounter, FALLING);
//attachInterrupt(outFlowSensor, pulseCounter, FALLING);
timer.setInterval(10000L, sendtoBlynk);
void maincode(){
* program loop
void loop(){
Serial.println("Timer and Blynk Started");
I'm a newbie in C++ and Qt. I want to save in an array the value received in a serialport after I received the string: "Data".
I'm using the terminal example so the serialport works properly.
The read function in the Example is the same:
void MainWindow::readData()
QByteArray data = serial->readAll();
How can I modify it? thanks!!!
If your manual sending the data i recommend you add a start of frame delimiter and an end of frame delimiter and checksum preferably.
QByteArray packet_storage;
just declare it the where you declare serial.
StartOfMessage and EndOfMessage will depend on your device.
I don't know what your transmitting. Hopefully you can figure out from the documentation of your device what your sending out.
as for me i am using
enum Constants
StartOfMessage = '\x02', /* Value of byte that marks the start of a message */
EndOfMessage = '\x03', /* Value of byte that marks the end of a message */
CarridgeReturn = '\x0D', /* Carridge return is first byte of end of line */
LineFeed = '\x0A', /* Line feed is second byte of end of line */
NullChar = '\0' /* Null Character */
void MainWindow::readData()
// read all
QByteArray data = serial->readAll();
// store all read data packet_storage is a QByteArray
int start_index = 0;
int end_index = 0;
// process packet if not empty
if( packet_storage.contains(StartOfMessage) && packet_storage.contains(EndOfMessage))
start_index = packet_storage.indexOf(StartOfMessage,0);
end_index = packet_storage.indexOf(EndOfMessage,0);
int length = 0;
for (int i=start_index; i <= end_index; i++)
// get data
QByteArray dt = packet_storage.mid(start_index,length);
// do your processing here.
// store in vector write to file etc.
I am still new to c++. I want to read in messages from several sources. Each source will begin data messages with a 4 char ID. Each will also have several data messages. No one message has all of the info I want from the device. So if I create an object with the ID as the object name, the next time a message is received, will the object be updated or completely reconstructed? Is there a way to check if the object is already constructed before calling it in the code?
class Channels{
INT8U systemID; //0x01 Glonass, 0x02 GPS
INT8U satID;
INT8U GlonassNumber;
INT8U SNR; //signal to noise ratio
FP64 carrierPhase; //cylces
FP64 psuedoRange; //milliseconds
FP64 doppler; //HZ cycles
float tropDelay; //meters
float ionoDelay; //meters
class BaseStation{
Channels channel[32]; //each channel object has all channel class variables in it
int numberSatelitesTracked;
FP64 timeUTC;
INT16U week;
FP64 GPStoUTCoffset;
FP64 GLOtoUTCoffset;
INT8S recieverTimeOffset;
FP64 posX; //geocentric coordinates in meters
FP64 posY;
FP64 posZ;
FP64 rmsX; //expected root mean square error of coordinates
FP64 rmsY;
FP64 rmsZ;
if( check == SOCKET_ERROR){
if( WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK){
printf("base station client recieve failed with error %d \n", WSAGetLastError());
FreeSocketInformation(i); //shuts down client socket if no data
//recieve bytes into array
memcpy(recvArray, SocketInfo->DataBuf.buf, SocketInfo->RecvBytes +1);
//print recieved bytes on screen
printf("%s \n", SocketInfo->DataBuf.buf);
//first 4 bytes in message are base ID
cBuffer[0] = recvArray[0];
cBuffer[1] = recvArray[1];
cBuffer[2] = recvArray[2];
cBuffer[3] = recvArray[3];
baseID = cBuffer;
//create object with 4 char name
BaseStation baseID;
//test message identity and sort data
if(recvArray[4] == 0x10 && recvArray[5] == 0xF5){
baseID.timeUTC = combine64(recvArray[6]);
baseID.week = combine16u(recvArray[14]);
baseID.GPStoUTCoffset = combine64(recvArray[16]);
baseID.GLOtoUTCoffset = combine64(recvArray[24]);
baseID.recieverTimeOffset = recvArray[32];
int noChannels = (check-30) /30 ;
if (noChannels >= 32){
noChannels = 32;
int x = 33;
for(int m = 0; m < noChannels; m++){ //advance reading for channel m
baseID.channel[m].systemID = recvArray[x];
baseID.channel[m].satID = recvArray[x];
baseID.channel[m].GlonassNumber = recvArray[x];
baseID.channel[m].SNR = recvArray[x];
baseID.channel[m].carrierPhase = combine64(recvArray[x]);
x = x+8;
baseID.channel[m].psuedoRange = combine64(recvArray[x]);
x = x+8;
baseID.channel[m].doppler = combine64(recvArray[x]);
x = x+10;
} //end of for loop to gather F5 sat data
} //end F5 message data
if(recvArray[4] == 0x10 && recvArray[5] == 0xF6){
baseID.posX = combine64(recvArray[6]);
baseID.posY = combine64(recvArray[14]);
baseID.posZ = combine64(recvArray[22]);
baseID.rmsX = combine64(recvArray[30]);
baseID.rmsY = combine64(recvArray[38]);
baseID.rmsZ = combine64(recvArray[46]);
} //end F6 message data
OK so it seems an Array may be the best for me to use. So if I setup 100 base objects and then track the active array elements with a second boolean array, does this look like it should work? (baseID added to the base object)
BaseStation base[100];
boolean baseActive[100];
int baseNumber;
//begin message processing------------------------------------------------------------
//first 4 bytes in message are base ID
cBuffer[0] = recvArray[0];
cBuffer[1] = recvArray[1];
cBuffer[2] = recvArray[2];
cBuffer[3] = recvArray[3];
string name = cBuffer;
//check for existing baseID------------------------------------------------------------
// 100 array positions
//find if base is already in use, create new if not in use
for(baseNumber = 0; base[baseNumber].baseID != name; baseNumber++){
//for statement increases untill it finds baseID == name
if( baseNumber >= 100){ //baseID not currently in use
for(int n=0; baseActive[n] == true; n++){
//for statement increases untill finds a false baseActive
baseNumber = n; //assign baseNumber to the array position
base[baseNumber].baseID = name; //create new baseID
//check and process message data--------------------------------------------------------
if( base[baseNumber].baseID == name){
baseActive[baseNumber] = true;
//test message identity and sort data
}//end of for loop
//test connection, if no bytes recieved then connection is closed.----------------------
if( SocketInfo->RecvBytes == 0){
FreeSocketInformation(i); //shuts down client socket if no data
} //end of read data from socket
//need to add a timer to remove non sending bases from the baseActive[] array
C++ is a statically typed language, You need to provide the object name at compile time.
You cannot create an object name at run-time and create object with that name.
As already answered, you can't do so in C++.
However you can solve your problem in other way.
First, you need to bind some ID to some concrete object of structure BaseStation. You can provide this link in two ways - by holding BaseStation objects in associative containter, where keys are ID, or by holding array of BaseStation objects(as far as I can guess you are writing some sort of microcontroller code so std containers can be not available for you).
First approach code example:
//id is 4 char so it can be thought as int on most systems
std::map<int, BaseStation *> baseStations;
int * id = (int*)recvArray; //this hack is for showing how you can convert 4 char to int
//may be in your code (int id = combine32(recvArray[0])) is equvivalent
if(baseStations.find(*id) != baseStations.end()) //checking existance of object with such id
//ok, exists, do nothing
baseStations[*id] = new BaseStation(); //create new
baseStations[*id].timeUTC = combine64(recvArray[6]); //starting copying values
//other values copying
In second situation if you can't use associative containers or can't afford their libs\code because of microcontroller memory lack, you can use just arrays but it's not flexible at all and consumes more operations. Example:
//BaseConnection also holds field names id;
BaseConnection baseConnections[N];
int FindId(int id); //return index of element in baseConnections array with this id
BaseConnection * workingConnection = &baseConnections[FindId(combine32(recvArray[0]))];
workingConnection->timeUTC = combine64(recvArray[6]); //starting copying values
//other values copying