Trello API: getting boards / lists / cards information - list

Using Trello API:
- I've been able to get all the cards that are assigned to a Trello user
- I've been able to get all the boards that are assigned to an Organization
But I can't get any API call that returns all the lists that are in an Organization or User.
Is there any function that allows that ?
Thanks in advance

For the users who want the easiest way to access the id of a list :
Use the ".json" hack !
add ".json" at the end of your board URL to display the same output of the API query for that board, in your browser ! (no other tool needed, no hassle dealing with authentication).
For instance, if the URL of your board is :
point your browser to
And you will obtain something like
"id": "5a69a1935e732f529ef0ad8e",
"name": "blahblah",
"desc": "",
"descData": null,
"closed": false,
"cards": [
"id": "5b2776eba95348dd45f6b745",
"idMemberCreator": "58ef2cd98728a111e6fbd8d3",
"data": {
"list": {
"name": "Bla blah blah blah blah",
"id": "5a69a1b82f62a7af027d0378"
"board": {
Where you can just search for the name of your list to easily find its id next to it.
tip: use a json viewer extension to make your browser display a nice json. Personnally I use but I guess there are a lot of good alternatives out there.

I don't believe there is a method in the Trello API to do this, so you'll have to get a list of boards for a user or organization:
GET /1/members/[idMember or username]/boards
Which returns (truncated to show just the parts we care about):
"id": "4eea4ffc91e31d1746000046",
"name": "Example Board",
"desc": "This board is used in the API examples",
"shortUrl": ""
}, {
"id": "4ee7e707e582acdec800051a",
"name": "Public Board",
"desc": "A board that everyone can see",
"shortUrl": ""
Then get the lists for each board:
GET /1/boards/[board_id]/lists
Which returns (truncated to only show the list id and name:
"id": "4eea4ffc91e31d174600004a",
"name": "To Do Soon",
}, {
"id": "4eea4ffc91e31d174600004b",
"name": "Doing",
}, {
"id": "4eea4ffc91e31d174600004c",
"name": "Done",
And go through this response for each board to build a list of all the lists a user or organization has.

You can do it by calling
GET /1/organizations/[idOrg]/boards?lists=all
It is here:
Look at the arguments.
There are several filters and fields. You can customize it.

to get all your boards use
worked for me using client.js

Here is a quick and dirty bash script using curl and jq to get any given Board's ID or List's Id:
boardID=$(curl -s --request GET --url "$trelloUsername/boards?key=$key&token=$token" --header 'Accept: application/json' | jq -r ".[] | select(.name == \"$boardName\").id")
echo "boardID: ${boardID}"
listID=$(curl -s --request GET --url "$boardID/lists?key=$key&token=$token" | jq -r ".[] | select(.name == \"$listName\").id")
echo "listID: ${listID}"
Example output:
boardID: 5eab513c719d2d681bafce0e
listID: 5eab519e66dd4272gb720e22


Cannot find the EntityType - SessionEntityType name is composed of Session name and EntityType.display_name

Even though I have provided the correct information in the SessionEntityTypes, the I am getting the following errors. Tried from both REST & Python options, please let me know if there is anything which I am missing in the integrations.
"name": "projects/{projectId}/locations/asia-northeast1/agent/environments/draft/users/-/sessions/c973fe-e44-9b5-34e-b404439b7/entityTypes/speciality_types",
"entities": [
"value": "APPLE_KEY",
"synonyms": [
"green apple",
"value": "ORANGE_KEY",
"synonyms": [
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": " Cannot find the EntityType of SessionEntityType 'projects/{projectId}/locations/asia-northeast1/agent/environments/draft/users/-/sessions/c973fe-e44-9b5-34e-b404439b7/entityTypes/speciality_types'. Please note that the SessionEntityType name is composed of Session name and EntityType.display_name.",
Google Try this API
I am going to paraphrase the issue here in order to ensure I’m not missing any details: you are attempting to create a sessionEntity using the “Try this API” tool, which is the Create (POST) version 2.
The issue is that the “name” you are passing in the request body does not have a valid format for API v2.
The format you are using for the name is:
Below I’ve listed the two valid name formats for v2 and as you can see the locations/<Location ID> is not needed:
projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>/entityTypes/<Entity Type Display Name>
projects/<Project ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User ID>/sessions/<Session ID>/entityTypes/<Entity Type Display Name>
The below request body works as intended, I tested it in the same “Try this API” tool:
"green apple",

GCP recommendation data format for catalog

I am currently working on recommendation AI. since I am new to GCP recommendation, I have been struggling with data format for catalog. I read the documentation and it says each product item JSON format should be on a single line.
I understand this totally, but It would be really great if I could get what the JSON format looks like in real because the one in their documentation is very ambiguous to me. and I am trying to use console to import data
I tried to import data looking like down below but I got error saying invalid JSON format 100 times. it has lots of reasons such as unexpected token and something should be there and so on.
"id": "1",
"title": "Toy Story (1995)",
"categories": [
"id": "2",
"title": "Jumanji (1995)",
"categories": [
Maybe it was because each item was not on a single line, but I am also wondering if the above is enough for importing. I am not sure if those data should be included in another property like
"inputConfig": {
"productInlineSource": {
"products": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Toy Story (1995)",
"categories": [
"id": "2",
"title": "Jumanji (1995)",
"categories": [
I can see the above in the documentation but it says it is for importing inline which is using POST request. it does not mention anything about importing with console. I just guess the format is also used for console but I am not 100% sure. that is why I am asking
Is there anyone who can show me the entire data format to import data by using console?
Problem Solved
For those who might have the same question, The exact data format you should import by using gcp console looks like
{"id":"1","title":"Toy Story (1995)","categories":["Animation","Children's","Comedy"]}
{"id":"2","title":"Jumanji (1995)","categories":["Adventure","Children's","Fantasy"]}
No square bracket wrapping all the items.
No comma between items.
Only each item on a single line.
Posting this Community Wiki for better visibility.
OP edited question and add solution:
The exact data format you should import by using gcp console looks like
{"id":"1","title":"Toy Story (1995)","categories":["Animation","Children's","Comedy"]}
{"id":"2","title":"Jumanji (1995)","categories":["Adventure","Children's","Fantasy"]}
No square bracket wrapping all the items.
No comma between items.
Only each item on a single line.
However I'd like to elaborate a bit.
There are a few ways to import Importing catalog information:
Importing catalog data from Merchant Center
Importing catalog data from BigQuery
Importing catalog data from Cloud Storage
I guess this is what was used by OP, as I was able to import catalog using UI and GCS with below JSON file.
"inputConfig": {
"catalogInlineSource": {
"catalogItems": [
{"id":"111","title":"Toy Story (1995)","categories":["Animation","Children's","Comedy"]}
{"id":"222","title":"Jumanji (1995)","categories":["Adventure","Children's","Fantasy"]}
{"id":"333","title":"Test Movie (2020)","categories":["Adventure","Children's","Fantasy"]}
Importing catalog data inline
At the bottom of the Importing catalog information documentation you can find information:
The line breaks are for readability; you should provide an entire catalog item on a single line. Each catalog item should be on its own line.
It means you should use something similar to NDJSON - convenient format for storing or streaming structured data that may be processed one record at a time.
If you would like to try inline method, you should use this format, however it's single line but with breaks for readability.
data.json file
"inputConfig": {
"catalogInlineSource": {
"catalogItems": [
"id": "1212",
"category_hierarchies": [ { "categories": [ "Animation", "Children's" ] } ],
"title": "Toy Story (1995)"
"id": "5858",
"category_hierarchies": [ { "categories": [ "Adventure", "Fantasy" ] } ],
"title": "Jumanji (1995)"
"id": "321123",
"category_hierarchies": [ { "categories": [ "Comedy", "Adventure" ] } ],
"title": "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)"
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
--data #./data.json \
"name": "import-catalog-default_catalog-1179023525XX37366024",
"done": true
Please keep in mind that the above method requires Service Account authentication, otherwise you will get PERMISSION DENIED error.
"message" : "Your application has authenticated using end user credentials from the Google Cloud SDK or Google Cloud Shell which are not supported by the We recommend that most server applications use service accounts instead. For more information about service accounts and how to use them in your application, see",

FB Graph API - Filtering results by specific IDs?

I am making a request to a specific node and edge using the graph API:
which returns the results below:
"data": [
"id": "111111111111111",
"name": "Report A"
"id": "22222222222222",
"name": "Report B"
"id": "33333333333333",
"name": "Report C"
The above is literally returning a list of reports by id/name that exist under a specific company.
If I want to filter the results by specific reports, how can I go about doing this?
I tried variations such as the below, but they haven't worked and still return all reports:
I know I can make the report ID as the node to access it directly:
But I want to view the properties of a subset of reports that belong to the company, so I was thinking I could build an array to do this.,33333333333333
Expected Result:
"data": [
"id": "111111111111111",
"name": "Report A"
"id": "22222222222222",
"name": "Report B"
"id": "33333333333333",
"name": "Report C"
This seems like it should work based on the below documentation, but it does not...
Could it be because the edge I'm accessing isn't able to recognize these IDs for some reason...? I know it's hard to say without knowing what I'm doing, but I can't disclose fully as it's proprietary...
Any advice is appreciated.

Facebook Graph API V 2.6 User Type

Is there a way to know if the user info being returned by the graph api explorer is a user's profile or a business page?
The query I am using is:
which gives me back all the users who have left a comment or a post on my page.
Here is an example of what I would get back for that query:
"feed": {
"data": [
"from": {
"name": "John's Tires",
"id": "114615108955555"
"from": {
"name": "John Smith",
"id": "123615108951010"
Is there something I can add to the query to make it return a user type? For example- type:user or type:page?
I've searched facebook graph api documentation and found nothing. Thanks in advance for your help.
With metadata=1 you get a type in the response for a single top level item, but I don't know how to do it for a list.
$ fbapi /me?metadata=1 | jq .metadata.type
$ fbapi /BBCQuestionTime?metadata=1 | jq .metadata.type

Graph API Score with GET method can't return score field

I use Facebook SDK 4.2.0 Android to create the leader scoreboard for my game.
I post successfully my score with POST method at /me/scores graphPath:
{Response: responseCode: 200, graphObject: {"success":true}, error: null}
However, when I try to GET the score at /me/scores as well as /793295994100883/scores (793295994100883 is my APP ID), I didn't see my score in JSON result string.
{Response: responseCode: 200, graphObject: {"data":[{"user":{"id":"Facebook USER-ID","name":"Facebook USER-NAME"}}]}, error: null}
In, It return my expected string when I get at /793295994100883?field=scores{score}
"scores": {
"data": [
"score": 1234,
"user": {
"name": "Facebook USER-NAME",
"id": "Facebook USER-ID"
"id": "793295994100883"
Please help with this issue. How can I get score with Facebook SDK?
Which version of the Graph API is your app using? If it's v2.4, you have to specify each field you want to retrieve.
Have a look at my answer here:
Facebook only returning name and id of user