I have a text file with contents like this:
here is some super text:
this is text that should
be selected with a cool match
And this is how it all ends
blah blah...
I am trying to get the two lines (but could be more or less lines) between:
some super text:
And this is how
I am using grep on an ubuntu machine and a lot of the patterns I've found seem to be specific to different kinds of regex engines.
So I should end up with something like this:
grep "my regex goes here" myFileNameHere
Not sure if egrep is needed, but could use that just as easy.
You can use addresses in sed:
sed -e '/some super text/,/And this is how/!d' file
!d means "don't output if not in the range".
To exclude the border lines, you must be more clever:
sed -n -e '/some super text/ {n;b c}; d;:c {/And this is how/ {d};p;n;b c}' file
Or, similarly, in Perl:
perl -ne 'print if /some super text/ .. /And this is how/' file
To exclude the border lines again, change it to
perl -ne '$in = /some super text/ .. /And this is how/; print if $in > 1 and $in !~ /E/' file
I don't see how it could be done in grep. Using awk:
awk '/^And this is how/ {p=0}; p; /some super text:$/ {p=1}' file
Give a try to pcregrep instead of normal grep. Because normal grep won't help you to fetch multiple lines in a row.
$ pcregrep -M -o '(?s)some super text:[^\n]*\n\K.*?(?=\n[^\n]*And this is how)' file
this is text that should
be selected with a cool match
(?s) Dotall modifier allows dot to match even newline characters also.
\K Discards the previously matched characters.
From pcregrep --help
-M, --multiline run in multiline mode
-o, --only-matching=n show only the part of the line that matched
With your corpus, another way to solve the problem is by matching lines with leading whitespace, rather than using a flip-flop operator of some sort to match start and end lines. The following solutions work with your posted example.
GNU Grep with PCRE Compiled In
$ grep -Po '^\s+\K.*' /tmp/corpus
this is text that should
be selected with a cool match
Alternative: Use pcregrep Instead
$ pcregrep -o '^\s+\K.*' /tmp/corpus
this is text that should
be selected with a cool match
I am trying to add 5 blank line spaces in a text file (text.txt) before and after string pattern matches. I used the following to get spaces after the 'string' match which worked for me-
sed '/string/{G;G;G;G;G;}' text.txt
I want to apply the same sed command to obtain 5 blank lines before the 'string' Here I don't want spaces, but rather blank lines before and after them. Any suggestions?
sed -r 's/(^.*)(string)(.*$)/\1\n\n\n\n\n\2\n\n\n\n\n\3/' text.txt
Use -r or -E to allow regular expressions, split likes into three sections and then substitute the line for the first section, 5 new lines, the second section, 5 new lines and then finally the third section.
Use this Perl one-liner:
perl -pe 's/string/\n\n\n\n\n$&\n\n\n\n\n/' text.txt
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-p : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default. Add print $_ after each loop iteration.
$& : matched pattern.
\n : newline character.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
perldoc perlrequick: Perl regular expressions quick start
For a single string match:
$ sed -e '/string/{ s/^/\n\n\n\n\n/; s/$/\n\n\n\n\n/ }' text.txt
For multiple strings, assuming same requirements:
$ sed -E '/(string1|string2|string3)/{ s/^/\n\n\n\n\n/; s/$/\n\n\n\n\n/ }' text.txt
This might work for you:
sed '/string/{G;s/\(string\)\(.*\)\(.\)/\3\3\3\3\3\1\3\3\3\3\3\2/}' file
Match on string, append an empty line, pattern match using the newline to separate the match by 5 lines either side.
And an awk version:
awk '{if(/string1|string2|.../){printf "\n\n\n\n\n%s\n\n\n\n\n",$0}else{print}}' file
for a line in /etc/passwd
I want to grep from end of line ($) to the first ":" from the end of the line.
For example,\n
johndoe:x:39:39:John Doe:/var/lib/canna:/sbin/nologin
I want to grep "/sbin/nologin"
What is the right regex to use for my grep command?
If you don't mind the colon being selected too, then use:
grep -o -e ':[^:]*$' /etc/passwd
That selects a colon not followed by any other colon and then end of line and only print what matches.
If you don't want the colon and you do have a PCRE-enabled grep, look at Regex lookahead for 'not followed by' in grep?; you'll need to adapt it to do look-behind instead of look-ahead, that's all.
If you don't have grep with -o, use sed instead (omitting the colon):
sed -n -e '/.*:\([^:]*\)$/ s//\1/p' /etc/passwd
This is probably the most portable solution.
(On macOS Sierra, and Mac OS X, the /etc/passwd file has comment lines at the top starting with a #. The sed command does not print those lines because they don't have any colons on them. This works cleanly on Macs as well as Linux and other variants of Unix, therefore. It uses no advanced (aka non-portable) features of sed.)
How about use cut, This is more straight for this:
echo 'johndoe:x:39:39:John Doe:/var/lib/canna:/sbin/nologin' | cut -d ':' -f 7
I want to copy regex matched text to a new file.
([\s\S]*?) = any text, any line
This works (I am able to find) in Sublime editor, but how this regex looks for sed/grep (or any other Unix tool)?
Usually sed and grep are used to search on lines not on multiline mode as is it still possible under certain conditions.
I would advise to use Perl which should be installed on your computer:
perl -p -e 'undef $/;$_=<>;print $& if /<SHOPITEM>([\s\S]*?)<YEAR>2015<\/YEAR>([\s\S]*?)<\/SHOPITEM>/i;'
Be aware that this regex won't work if you have nested <shopitem> tags or even multiple occurences. Instead use a XML parser.
Also you can write a Program that parse your xml file and this time it will capture all the matches.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
undef $/;
$_ = <>;
print while(/<(shopitem)>[\s\S]*<(year)>2015<\/\2>[\s\S]*<\/\1>/ig);
That you can execute:
$ chmod u+x myparser.pl
$ ./myparser.pl myfile.xml
I'm not the best scripter, but I think this should work:
grep "<SHOPITEM>" infile | grep "<YEAR>2015" | sed -e "s/<[^>]*>//g" | sed "s/2015/ /g" > outfile
Edit: I didn't match the regex, instead I got SHOPITEMs with YEAR 2015 tag and removed all the unwanted parts.
Edit: I'd do it this way, but I'm not sure it's the most elegant solution.
I have a text, without lines, and i want to delete all the characters that doesn't match a pattern:
The pattern would be from the word parameter until it finds }}. For example if i have this entry:
KHJLMNNamespaceparameter:{{"Hello i am here"}}NamespaceHSKFSAFSLLLJparameter:{{H}}...
I would like to delete everything and leave this in the file: parameter:{{"Hello i am here"}} parameter:{{H}}.
All i found out there is to delete a line that doesn't contain a pattern, but I am not able to find anything related with a huge file without /n(end of lines). It would be possible to do that using either sed, awk or Vi?
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="}}"} sub(/.*parameter/,"parameter")' file
parameter:{{"Hello i am here"}}parameter:{{H}}
Note that this is gawk-specific due to the multi-char RS.
You can use this grep with -P (PCRE) regex:
grep -oP '.*?\Kparameter:\{\{.*?\}\}' file
parameter:{{"Hello i am here"}}
If perl is an option, you can do this:
perl -ne "my #wo = ($_ =~ /parameter:\{\{.*?\}\}/g); print join(' ',#wo);" your_text_file
In perl, the modifier *? is a non-greedy quantifier, such that it stops at the first encountered }}.
I think a perl expert can do this in one instruction, without a temporary array ...
EDIT: this command only outputs the wanted text on stdout. To change the file itself, use the switch -i when calling perl:
perl -i.bak -ne "my #wo = ($_ =~ /parameter:\{\{.*?\}\}/g); print join(' ',#wo);" your_text_file
A backup file is created with the extension .bak appended at the end, and the result is written in a file with the same name as the input filename. Note that you can get no backup file with the swtich -i alone, but some platforms don't allowed this. See doc perlrun for more information.
Suppose I have a file like this:
I've got a loverly bunch of coconut trees.
the end.
I'd like to replace an occurence of "Newlines!" that is surrounded by blank lines with (say) NEWLINES!. So, ideal output is:
I've got a loverly bunch of coconut trees.
the end.
Ignoring "surrounded by newlines", I can do:
perl -p -e 's#Newlines!#NEWLINES!#g' input.txt
Which replaces all occurences of "Newlines!" with "NEWLINES!".
Now I try to pick out only the "Newlines!" surrounded with \n:
perl -p -e 's#\nNewlines!\n#\nNEWLINES!\n#g' input.txt
No luck (note - I don't need the s switch because I'm not using . and I don't need the m switch because I'm not using ^and $; regardless, adding them doesn't make this work). Lookaheads/behinds don't work either:
perl -p -e 's#(?<=\n)Newlines!(?=\n)#NEWLINES!#g' input.txt
After a bit of searching, I see that perl reads in the file line-by-line (makes sense; sed does too). So, I use the -0 switch:
perl -0p -e 's#(?<=\n)Newlines!(?=\n)#NEWLINES!#g' input.txt
Of course this doesn't work -- -0 replaces new line characters with the null character.
So my question is -- how can I match this pattern (I'd prefer not to write any perl beyond the regex 's#pattern#replacement#flags' construct)?
Is it possible to match this null character? I did try:
perl -0p -e 's#(?<=\0)Newlines!(?=\0)#NEWLINES!#g' input.txt
to no effect.
Can anyone tell me how to match newlines in perl? Whether in -0 mode or not? Or should I use something like awk? (I started with sed but it doesn't seem to have lookahead/behind support even with -r. I went to perl because I'm not at all familiar with awk).
(PS: this question is not what I'm after because their problem had to do with a .+ matching newline).
Following should work for you:
perl -0pe 's#(?<=\n\n)Newlines!(?=\n\n)#NEWLINES!#g'
I think they way you went about things caused you to combine possible solutions in a way that didn't work.
if you use the inline editing flag you can do it like this:
perl -0p -i.bk -e 's/\n\nNewlines!\n\n/\n\nNEWLINES!\n\n/g' input.txt
I have doubled the \n's to make sure you only get the ones with empty lines above and below.
If the file is small enough to be slurped into memory all at once:
perl -0777 -pe 's/\n\nNewlines!(?=\n\n)/\n\nNEWLINES!/g'
Otherwise, keep a buffer of the last three lines read:
perl -ne 'push #buffer, $_; $buffer[1] = "NEWLINES!\n" if #buffer == 3 && ' \
-e 'join("", #buffer) eq "\nNewlines!\n\n"; ' \
-e 'print shift #buffer if #buffer == 3; END { print #buffer }'