Why does wso2 server.sh not pick .jars from lib folder - wso2

The wos2 server.bat sets the carbon class path to pick up jars from the lib folder however the server.sh tries to pick them up from bin.. see code below.. this causes us a big problem because in the dss documentation it says to put the database connector jars in the lib folder:
if [ -e "$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar" ]; then
for f in "$CARBON_HOME"/bin/*.jar
if [ "$f" != "$CARBON_HOME/bin/*.jar" ];then
for t in "$CARBON_HOME"/lib/commons-lang*.jar
Can anyone explain this?

WSO2 Carbon is the OSGi based platform for all WSO2 java products. In Carbon, there are four different “lib” folders. If you have ever tried any of the Carbon based products, you may have thought “why are there four different libs?”. If so, this post will provide you the answer for that question.
These are the “lib” folders that you can find in Carbon.
[1] CARBON_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib
Carbon is a web app which is deployed in an embedded tomcat instance. This is the lib folder which is specific to Carbon web app just like any other web app has in WEB-INF/lib folder. Bridge servlet is the one who forwards each and every incoming request into the OSGi environment of Carbon. We have used this lib to place our Bridge Servlet. Tomcat pics it up from there and hands over the incoming requests to it.
[2] CARBON_HOME/repository/components/lib
This is the place to put your normal jars if you want them to become pure bundles in the OSGi environment. All packages in these bundles are exported into the OSGi environment. As you may know, Carbon can be extended as you wish. You can add your own bundles into it. So If you have dependent jars for those bundles, you can place those in this lib.
[3] CARBON_HOME/repository/lib
This is the place where all client libraries exist. When you run ‘ant’ from CARBON_HOME/bin, all needed jars are put into this folder. If you want to write a client (or you can generate it using the WSDL2Java tool in WSAS) and test it, the set of all jars you need in the classpath can be found in this lib. For example, WSAS samples are run by adding all these libs into client classpath.
This is the place where we put all jars which are needed by tomcat to start and some others for specific reasons. This is same as the Tomcat root lib. These libraries can be seen from all webapps deployed. And also, if you place the same jar in this lib and also inside Carbon web app, it will be picked up from this root lib as Tomcat uses parent first class loading.
*** there are few libraries that are available in bin folder to get initiate the OSGi service and some special things. You can't put any jars in to the bin to reflect OSGi level or any other class loaders.

You have to put the database connector jar into DSS_HOME/repository/components/lib directory and restart the server[1]. It adds them into server class path.


WSO2 API Manager not applying changes to external jar files in repository/components/lib

I've implemented a billing engine library based on monetization interface and copied it to repository/components/lib folder. And done all the configurations related to monetization base on Monetizing an API. Now whenever I change the code in this library and build and copy the new jar file to this folder, it doesn't get applied. I also restart the server every time I make a change. Is there any mechanisms for caching the library files or some other reasons that I overlooked?
JAR artifacts are converted to OSGi bundles during the startup of the servers. If you place any JAR artifacts in the /components/lib directory, they will be converted as OSGi bundles by WSO2 and added to the /components/dropins directory.
If you have changed the package names of the JAR, or the artifact names, you have to remove the existing OSGi bundle from the /components/dropins directory. Once removed, place the new JAR inside the /components/lib directory and restart the servers to load the packages again.

WSO2 Carbon Identity Server - Build and run

I've modified a .jsp file in the org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.ui package, in order to customize the server for my purposes.
The problem is that when I build the project with Eclipse, the build is successful, but I don't understand how I can actually run the compiled code. How can I do it?
Once you build the project with maven, in the target directory you will find the jar (OSGi bundle). In your IS Server under /repository/component/patches, create a new directory something similar to "patch0100". Copy the jar inside this "patch0100" directory and restart the IS server.
The number in the patch directory (0100 in this case) is important. If you put the same jar to a patch directory with a higher number, say pactch0200, that particular jar with override the earlier one. That's how patching works in WSO2 Carobon Server, which is the platform on which the products are built.

wso2 carbon: how to hack the source and deploy the changes to a carbon server

I have the carbon source tree set up in eclipse - and have made some code changes.
Can I build just one component (e.g. org.wso2.carbon.feature.mgt.ui-4.1.0.jar) using maven / eclipse, and then deploy that to an existing carbon server?
I have tried dropping the built jar in the repository\deployment directory and restarting the server, but the changes don't appear to have been picked up.
Am I doing something wrong?
Place the jars at <CARBON_HOME>/repository/components/plugins. Also delete the relevant existing jars from repository/components/plugins

a Web Service deployed (as an aar) file to Axis2

I have a Web Service deployed (as an aar) file to Axis2, but the dependencies (in the form of .jar files within the lib directory of the aar file) are not found on execution. They do get used properly if I copy them into the WEB-INF lib directory of the Axis2 installation, but this is not an ideal workaround.
Does anybody know of any configuration settings I might have missed? Has anybody got a
aar file (on OC4J or other server) with Axis2 v1.2? I'm not sure whether my problem is with Axis2, so might have to deploy the service to a Tomcat server to check but would rather not go through that cycle if someone can point me in the right direction.
You can put the jars into a lib directory inside the AAR. as pointed out in Where to deploy a jar dependency of my webservice?
This will help you understand the structure of the aar file -http://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/docs/quickstartguide.html

best way to deploy jetty application--too many options?

I need to deploy a production version of a web application. So far, I've been testing it with mvn jetty:run. I've used actual jetty installations before, but they seem only necessary when you want to serve multiple wars on the same web server. In some ways this is the most staightforward however (mvn package and copy it over).
My other options are to create a runnable jar (mvn assembly:single) that starts a server, but I need to tweak the configuration so that the static content src/main/webapp is served and the web.xml can be found.
I've also read about a "runnable war". This might avoid the src/main/webapp problem since these files are already laid out in the warfile. I don't know how to go about doing this, however.
I could also stick with mvn jetty:run, but this doesn't seem like the best option because then the production deployment is tied to code instead of being a standalone jar.
Any opinions on the best way or pros and cons of these different approaches? Am I missing some options?
The jetty-console-maven-plugin from simplericity is simple to use and works great. When you run mvn package you get two wars--one that is executable. java -jar mywar.war --help gives usage, which allows a bit of configuration (port, etc.).
I'm not that familiar with maven, but this is how we approach deployment using embedded Jetty:
We create a single-file JAR with the embedding jetty app and the necessary lib jars packed.
We deploy the static content in a WAR file (which you can package into the JAR as well). Everything is generated by an ANT file that:
1) Build the static files WAR (this also creates the web.xml)
2) Copies the WAR into the application resources
3) Compiles an executable JAR
To get the embedded Jetty to "find and serve" your static files, add the war with a WebAppContext to the Jetty handlers:
Server jetty = new Server(port);
HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
WebAppContext staticContentAsWar = new WebAppContext();