How to restrict certain rows in a Django model to a department? - django

This looks like it should be easy but I just can't find it.
I'm creating an application where I want to give admin site access to people from different departments. Those people will read and write the same tables, BUT they must only access rows belonging to their department! I.e. they must not see any records produced by the other departments and should be able to modify only the records from their own department. If they create a record, it should automatically "belong" to the department of the user which created it (they will create records only from the admin site).
I've found django-guardian, but it looks like an overkill - I don't really want to have arbitrary per-record permissions.
Also, the number of records will potentially be large, so any kind of front-end permission checking on a per-record basis is not suitable - it must be done by DB-side filtering. Other than that, I'm not really particular how it will be done. E.g. I'm perfectly fine with mapping departments to auth groups.


django change the default query set based on the requesting user

I have a system with multiple organizations logging in and interacting with us and our partners. I have a table that keeps track of what users have access to what organizations. I would like for customers to only see their own records.
I am doing this inside the views and whatnot. However, I find myself often trying to code around this. It makes it so I can't use some of the generic views as easily. Forms are a pain because when a field is pulled in as a dropdown option if shows all the records. In reality, I never want to receive all the records back. I would much rather the query check the access table and always just return what a user has access to.
I have seem some mentions about using a middleware change but I would really like to keep this within the manager and query set. It seems like that is what they are there for. However, I can't seem to find a way to reference request.user without passing it in (this causes other changes and messes with all my forms....).
Is way to do this within the manager and queryset?

Handling multiple users concurrently populating a PostgreSQL database

I'm currently trying to build a web app that would allow many users to query an external API (I cannot retrieve all the data served by this API at regular intervals to populate my PostgreSQL database for various reasons). I've read several thing about ACID and MVCC but still, I'm not sure there won't be any problem if several users are populating/reading my PostgreSQL database at the very same time. So here I'm asking for advice (I'm very new to this field)!
Let's say my users query the external API to retrieve articles. They make their search via a form, the back end gets it, queries the api, populates the database, then query the database to return some data to the front end.
Would it be okay to simply create a unique table to store the articles returned by the API when users are querying it ?
Shall I rather store the articles returned by the API and associate each of them to the user that requested it (the Article model will contain a foreign key mapping to a User model)?
Or shall I give each user a table (data isolation would be good but that sounds very inefficient)?
Thanks for your help !
Would it be okay to simply create a unique table to store the articles returned by the API when users are querying it ?
Yes. If the articles have unique keys (doi?) you could use INSERT...ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING to handle the (presumably very rare) case that an article is requested by two people nearly simultaneously.
Shall I rather store the articles returned by the API and associate each of them to the user that requested it (the Article model will contain a foreign key mapping to a User model)?
Do you want to? Is there a reason to? Do you care who requested each article? It sounds like you anticipating storing only the first person to request each article, and not every request?
Or shall I give each user a table (data isolation would be good but that sounds very inefficient)?
Right, you would be hitting the API a lot more often (assuming some large fraction of articles are requested more than once) and storing a lot of duplicates. It might not even solve the problem, if one person hits "submit" twice in a row, or has multiple tabs open, or writes a bot to hit your service in parallel.

Approaches for Database model with multiple junctions

I work with the python Django Framework and try to build a website. I want to achieve a good performance for the case described below and search for a good database/model design. Since this is a database-relating question in my eyes, I wrote about columns and tables. In Django I would replace them with the respective models and fields.
I have a model with a user and a profile table. user contains the primary user data like username and email. profile contains all other profile details like name, birthdate, favorite color and so on. profile has also some dependent tables like e.g. custom_fields, where users can add custom fields to their profile.
One user has exactly one profile that he owns. Every contact can see the users profile. I need to store the profile owner with the profile.
If a user (A) views the profile of another user (B) and misses some information, A can add this information into the profile of B. That changes are not visible for anyone but the creator A. That means I need to store the editor (A) and the target (B) together with the profile.
I thought about how to design this and found three approaches:
Copy the table profile (containing only the users own profile) into edited_profile (containing all edits), add a column editor for the user who does the edit and manage both tables. That means that I also have to copy all tables that depend on profile or need a layer of junction tables between profile and the dependent tables. Also, if I ever want to improve or extend the model, I will always have to watch to keep both tables consistent. This seems to be not the best solution in my eyes.
Add columns user and editor into profile. The users own profile is identified by editor is NULL. If I need a profile for something else (e.g. a group), I need to add respective columns to the profile table to refer to it. That may include a lot of changes in the SQL queries because I may need to filter for the new columns, too.
Add a column profile_id into profile and create some junction tables:
user_profile (fk_user_id -> user_id, fk_profile_id -> profile_id) and
edited_profile (fk_user_id -> user_id, fk_editor_id -> user_id, fk_profile_id -> profile_id).
If I need a profile for something else (e.g. a group), I need to add respective junction tables.
I want to have a good database design with performant look ups. Usually I need the users own profile alone or together with the edits that another user has applied. Which one of the approaches is the best regarding lookup/update performance and maintenance? Is there another better design that I have missed?
Thank you for your help!

Accessing a distant relation using $owner in loopback

I just started using loopback, and I am stuck with ACL. My database has a relation like so:
User has many tests and tests have many users ( many to many, in loopback I am using hasmanythrough).
Each test has several sections (one to many)
Each section has several question(one to many)
Now, I want to get all sections that a user has , or all questions that a user has. I know that using $owner needs a belongsTo in the respective model, but in my case that is not possible.
Is there any way to achieve this without having to completely write my own queries ?
Unfortunately the $owner role doesn't work as a filter, but as security access to end-points when an instance ID is specified; basically it only works when you perform a findById, but not when you perform a find.
GET /api/tests/ does nothing. The current user sees ALL The tests. No filtering is performed
GET /api/tests/{id} checks that the currently logged in userId corresponds to the userId in the test you are trying to retrieve. If the userIds match, then the user can view this particular test. if they do not match then you get an AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED or ACCESS_DENIED error (I can't remember which).
as I just wrote in this question, you might want to look at creating a Mixin.

How can I approach data split across multiple databases?

I'm putting together a proposal for the development of a web application.
The app is to be launched in multiple countries, and some of the client's partners and (allegedly; I'm no lawyer) some of the countries involved have rules about where personal data can be stored. The upshot is that there is a hard requirement that particular data about certain countries' users is stored on servers in that country. (It sounds like they're OK with me caching data in any country, though -- so I intend to have a Redis in-memory store in the main data centre.) Some of the data (credit card details, for example) will additionally be encrypted, but this seems to make no difference to them in terms of where it can be stored.
With the current set of requirements, users from one country won't actually ever interact with users from another country, so one obvious option is to run different instances of the application in each country, entirely self-contained. This is simpler from an architectural point of view, but harder to manage, and would have overall higher server costs. It might get complicated if for example the client wants reports on all users across all countries, or eventually they want to merge the databases, and users' primary keys have to change. Not impossible, but it'd likely be a pain.
Probably better would be to have a central database with all information the client deems it acceptable to host in a single spot (North America somewhere), and then satellite databases in each country holding the information the client needs to be kept "at home".
So the main database would have the main users table, consisting of only a PK and a country code, and would have lots of other tables. Each local database would have a "user details" table, with a foreign key (to the main users table on the main database) and a bunch of other columns of personally identifiable information, as well as username, email address, password, etc.
The client may then push to have other data stored in the satellite locations, some of which may be one-to-many with a user or many-to-many with a user.
My questions:
How can this be handled with Django? Can it, or should I look at other frameworks?
Can the built-in User model be edited to look in all the satellite databases for the matching User model on log in, and when logged in to retrieve the user data from those databases without too much trouble?
Are there any guidelines you can give me to make sure code stays simple and things stay efficient?
Will this be significantly easier if the satellite database only has one-to-one data with the main User table? I imagine that having one-to-many or many-to-many data in those satellite databases would be a major pain (or at least inefficient), or am I wrong?
To answer your questions accordingly:
Looks like something that you could do in Django (I like Django so I may not be the best to opinion here) - maybe the following will convince you (or not).
A microservice approach? Multiple instances of the "user" resource multiservice each with it's own database (I heard you about the costs but maybe?).
You can do plenty with Django Authentication Backends (including wirting your own) - there is a "remote" auth backend you could use as an example. Read about stateless authentication (JWT).
Look at points 1 and 2.
Consider not using the built-in Django user model is it doesn't suit you.