8 Queen Puzzle with Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram - binary-decision-diagram

I can not figure out how to solve the 8 queen puzzle problem with Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD). I have googled it but can not find out good explanation of the problem.
So, the problems here-
So far , I have figured out that there will be n*n input variable or state of the ROBDD. Now, how can I actually create a ROBDD that will solve the 8 queen puzzle ?
How ROBDD can find the solution in this problem ?
I can not figure out the graphical representation of the above problem
How actually does it produce minimum number of nodes ?
What about the ordering of the input variable ?
How it is reduced ?
Explanation will help me better understand the problem.

Your question is a bit misleading. ROBDDs are only a mean to represent and manipulate Boolean functions. So, first of all, you have to work on a Boolean function that represent the problem. There is a lot of material on the n-queen problem, so I will not explain that in this answer.
Once you have your function, you can represent it on a ROBDD. Each node will probably answer the question “there is a queen in this square? YES NO”. Regarding reduce and reordering, there is not a direct connection with the problem itself. Reduce is a standard algorithm, and there are a lot of different algorithms and heuristics for reordering (for example the CUDD package provide a dozen of them). Again, explaining those things in details is not the scope of this answer, and again there is a ton of material to look into on the internet. However, I can tell that the reduce algorithm will keep all the variables, since hardly you can have a situation where having or not a queen on a square is the same.
Now it’s time to look for the solution. If the problem actually has a solution, you will find at least one path that leads to the 1. Following that path (or those paths, there can be more than one), you can tell which variables are set to 1 or to 0 (that is, where the queens are located and where not).

A formulation of the 8 queens problem in propositional logic can be found in Andersen's excellent “An introduction to binary decision diagrams”, Lecture notes, TU Denmark, 1997.
I would recommend first writing such a Boolean formula yourself, then checking with that text to correct any mistakes, and so learn from them.
As for the list of questions: reading Andersen's introduction will answer Q2-5. These are questions on how BDDs work, not on the specific problem.
Q1: If the problem is to decide satisfiability (perhaps to enumerate the solutions as well), then it is the construction of a reduced BDD that solves the problem. By the canonicity of representation induced by variable ordering, the resulting BDD represents the set of satisfying assignments. That set is empty, if, and only if, the BDD is the terminal node "False".


Getting all solutions in Google or-tools

I have a linear problem of finding all solutions that meet all constraints.
For example my variables are = [0.323, 0.123, 1.32, 6.3...]
Is it possible to get for example top 100 solutions sorted by fitness(maximization/minimization) function?
In a continuous LP enumerating different solutions is a difficult concept. E.g. consider max x, s.t. x <= 1. Obviously x=1, x=0.99999 are solutions and so are the infinite number of solutions in between. We could enumerate "corner solutions" (or basic solutions). See here for an example. Such a scheme could be adapted to find the first 100 different corner points sorted by the objective. For models with discrete variables, many constraint programming solvers will give you the possibility to find many solutions.
If you can define a fitness function as you suggested, then you might first want to solve the LP that maximizes this function. Afterwards you can include an objective cutoff that forces your second solution to be slightly worse than the first. You can implement this by introducing a cut that is your objective function with the right hand side of optimal value - epsilon.
Of course, this will not give you all (basic) solutions, but you might discover which variables are always at the same value or how much variance there is between the different solutions.

How to implement TSP with dynamic in C++

Recently I asked a question on Stack Overflow asking for help to solve a problem. It is a travelling salesman problem where I have up to 40,000 cities but I only need to visit 15 of them.
I was pointed to use Dijkstra with a priority queue to make a connectivity matrix for the 15 cities I need to visit and then do TSP on that matrix with DP. I had previously only used Dijkstra with O(n^2). After trying to figure out how to implement Dijkstra, I finally did it (enough to optimize from 240 seconds to 0.6 for 40,000 cities). But now I am stuck at the TSP part.
Here are the materials I used for learning TSP :
I sort of understand the algorithm (but not completely), but I am having troubles implementing it. Before this I have done dynamic programming with arrays that would be dp[int] or dp[int][int]. But now when my dp matrix has to be dp[subset][int] I don't have any idea how should I do this.
My questions are :
How do I handle the subsets with dynamic programming? (an example in C++ would be appreciated)
Do the algorithms I linked to allow visiting cities more than once, and if they don't what should I change?
Should I perhaps use another TSP algorithm instead? (I noticed there are several ways to do it). Keep in mind that I must get the exact value, not approximate.
After some more research I stumbled across some competitive programming contest lectures from Stanford and managed to find TSP here (slides 26-30). The key is to represent the subset as a bitmask. This still leaves my other questions unanswered though.
Can any changes be made to that algorithm to allow visiting a city more than once. If it can be done, what are those changes? Otherwise, what should I try?
I think you can use the dynamic solution and add to each pair of node a second edge with the shortest path. See also this question:Variation of TSP which visits multiple cities.
Here is a TSP implementation, you will find the link of the implemented problem in the post.
The algorithms you linked don't allow visiting cities more than once.
For your third question, I think Phpdna answer was good.
Can cities be visited more than once? Yes and no. In your first step, you reduce the problem to the 15 relevant cities. This results in a complete graph, i.e. one where every node is connected to every other node. The connection between two such nodes might involve multiple cities on the original map, including some of the relevant ones, but that shouldn't be relevant to your algorithm in the second step.
Whether to use a different algorithm, I would perhaps do a depth-first search through the graph. Using a minimum spanning tree, you can give an upper and lower bound to the remaining cities, and use that to pick promising solutions and to discard hopeless ones (aka pruning). There was also a bunch of research done on this topic, just search the web. For example, in cases where the map is actually carthesian (i.e. the travelling costs are the distance between two points on a plane), you can exploit this info to improve the algorithms a bit.
Lastly, if you really intend to increase the number of visited cities, you will find that the time for computing it increases vastly, so you will have to abandon your requirement for an exact solution.

How to fetch patterns from a game board in a fast way?

For my recent project I'm right now looking for an efficient way to structure and store the board information with consideration of the usage for patternmatching.
I'm having a square board, and for pattern matching, I'm using bitfields with 2 bits representing one field of the board. The patterns to match have a diamond shape, that could be centered around any possible field on the board. (so the center is not static, I need to be able to do it for any center)
Example of diamond area around O:
If parts of the diamond are outside the the playing area, the bits will be set to 11. The diamonds can have differing radiuses, aboves example would have a radius of 2.
Another important thing for the efficiency of the system is, that I have to be able to quickly rotate/mirror the pattern into all 8 possible symmetries.
For this, it may be beneficial to actually NOT store the information of the central point in the pattern, and as this is not required for my algorithm anyway, this may be a valuable timesaver. Because now some bitshifting magic is possible to quickly rotate/mirror the patterns.
As this kind of patternmatching has to be done at a high frequency, it can prove to be a severe bottleneck of my overall project, when implemented badly.
When trying to get a nice model for doing all this work, I figured, there are 3 important keyareas that require thinking about, but are of course tightly connected.
A. How is the data stored in the board implementation.
Currently this is done in a rather difficult manner, which would be too difficult to read from with such high frequency. But it would be no problem or timeloss to actually store and update the 2 bit data in any possible way for the entire board.
Easiest would be to just store the entire board in an bitset with the size of twice the board, and then each two bit represent the value of a single field. But there is no necessarity for doing it in a special sequence or in only one bitset, even though at first it may look natural to do so.
Anyway, this is the part I'm most felxible about, as this can be done without performance issues in any way it seves the other 2 critical parts of the problem the best.
B. How is the data stored in the pattern.
This is already more difficult. As said, my intention is to store them in a bitset of the appropriate size, but there is he question in what order.
There seem to be two ways, that quickly come to mind:
a) (this could be done with or without the central point C)
If we are just talking about the patterns, b) seems clearly superior. A rotation of the pattern is done by a simple rotateshift (3 bitops total per rotation) and even mirroring the pattern can be done with about a dozen bitops. This kind of operations are much more time consuming with a).
But b) has also some severe drawback... And this leads to:
C. How is the data read from the board implementation to the pattern.
Looking at aboves 2 potential ways to order the pattern bits, now a) is clearly superior. a) can be read by a bunch of bitops from a potential array, as discussed in A. you bitshift each line (getting the line by AND with a bitset nulling all other bits) to the appropriate place and put them together with some OR-operations. Even near the board edges this is done very quick.
Problem of course is, that this would still only get me one possible symmetry of the pattern, but rotations/mirrors are not that easily done. This could be circumvented by saving each pattern to match agaisnt 8 times, but this would look very crude, and may cause troubles elsewhere.
With b) this is much more difficult... Honestly, I don't see a way how it can be done quick, without checking every single bit individually. But when increasing the pattern size (like radius 15) this takes forever, when done very often, especially as the [] operator of bitsets is rather slow.
One possible solution I thought of writing it in CUDA, with each thread generating a pattern around one field, and each block of the thread checking one fixed position around this center. But as I haven't used CUDA before, I don't know how reasonable this is, but if done parallel, this sounds more reasonable than iterating over all positions serially.
As I still didn't find a satisfying solution for the problem, I wanted to ask here, if someone probably knows how it can be done better:
- either rotate/mirror patterns of type a)
- or quickly read pattern of type b) (possibly by arranging the data in a better way in step A., I'm flexible here)
- or if the CUDA idea may actually solve that problem
- or maybe some completely different way, I didn't think of, as I'm sure this has been done before by smarter people
If it matters: I'm coding with VS Pro 2013 and don't mind using boost. If CUDA could solve this effectively, I would also use it.
Okay... So I continued thinking about the whole thing. Maybe there are some other ways to make the whole thing more efficient, by doing some work in more efficient batches.
First of all, what I usually need: On a given board position (and we are talking about 10k positions per second) I need for a large set of positions (every empty field of the board, so most fields) all patterns from size 15 down to size 3. I only need the biggest pattern matched by my database, but in any case, I may often need most of them. So there are 2 things, that could make some time savings possible:
1) some efficient way to use the larger pattern, to generate the pattern one size smaller. This should actually possible, when using the bitordering from b), if it is done the proper way... Then it would only need a few bit ops to cut out the outer ring...
2) As often neighboring fields need their specific pattern, if there would be some way to create their patterns in some sort of batch operation... But I admit, I don't see how this could be done very well... But there may be some time savings.
Oh, and another additional comment, as I had the discussion earlier today with some friend: No it is not an option, t instead of matching the board position against the pattern database, to reverse it and do it the other way around (check if DB pattern matches some board position) I have way too many patterns for that. When doing it the first way, i can just look, if the bitstring exists in my database and be done.
Another Update... First I looked into CUDA, and as it seems incompatible with VS2013, this is a severe blow to that idea. Second I thought about the process how patterns are matched. In fact, it may seem possible, instead of going from the large patterns down to the small ones, doing it in reverse. Now suddenly my pattern library is less of a dictionary but more of a searchtree, as larger patterns certainly have their inner core saved as pattern as well. This should speed up any lookups, but still does not solve my problem of the patterngeneration, sadly.
As I felt, it is more worth of an answer then an edit, I just posted my own new idea (which is different from what I had in mind when posting this question) below.
Okay, as I was thinking about this more and more, I now think, that the following solution may be the best to tackle the problems. This is certainly not final, but my currently best idea. So any criticism is welcome and improvements can surely be made.
As the discussion in the comments led me to the believe, that the approach imagined in the question is not practical for the problem at hand, I now drastically changed my idea. Instead of trying to read the pattern around each empty intersection after each move, I will now update the surrounding pattern of each empty intersection after each move made.
This can be made in an efficient way, as we can use 2 very important features of our patterns:
1) each larger patterns core (so the pattern reduced to a lower radius) will guaranteed to be in the database
2) most patterns will have a rather low radius, and in most cases, not many positions on the board are changed with each move, resulting in not too many positions needing a recheck of their patterns.
My idea is, to store the currently largest pattern, it's radius and it's evaluation with each empty intersection. Now, while a move is made, I generate a list of all positions changed during that move. (usually one) Once the move is finished, I iterate over all empty positions on the board and look at their distance to the closest change. Now we are having 3 possible cases:
a) the distance is smaller or equal the radius of currently matched pattern. Now we have to recheck the pattern.
b) the distance is one bigger then the radius of the currently matched pattern. Now we have to check, if actually a (r+1) size pattern exists, matching the surrounding. If it does, we have to check r+2 etc, until we found the largest.
c) the distance is even bigger: We can keep everything as it is.
As we are having now basically a tree of patterns, with each pattern having lots of child pattern with an incremented radius, it is actually practical to store the pattern information in a series of bitets, each representing a ring of a certain radius around the center.
I hope that this system maximizes the reusability of all the information at hand and is fast enough for my needs. As mentioned before, I welcome criticism and opinions for improvement and if there is not better solution found, will probably implement it in the near future. Once done, I can probably report back on the results.

How to check, without an object function, if the constraints are feasible?

My professor gave me a binary linear programming problem, but this problem is slightly different from optimization problems I used to solve(i.e. this is probably not maximizing or minimizing the object function.)
The problem is as follows,
Given a matrix M, for entries m_ij != 0, there are corresponding x_ijk variables.
Entries m_ij = 0 can be ignored.
x_ijk is either 0 or 1, and I want to try 5 x_ijk variables for each m_ij (that is, x_ij1, x_ij2, x_ij3, x_ij4, and x_ij5. One of them is 1 and the others are 0) are enough to satisfy some conditions(a set of inequalities).
More simply, this is to check if the set of constraints involving 5 x_ijk variables for each m_ij is a valid(or feasible) constraints.
I have solved some optimization problems, but I have never solved a problem without an objective function.
What should I set as my objective function here?
0? nothing?
I might be using lp_solve or CPLEX.
Thank you in advance for your advice!
That is correct, you can set an arbitrary constant value as an objective function.
Most of the solvers I have tried allow an empty objective function. Simply leave it out from your model.
Depending on the solver and the API you are using, it can happen that you have to set the coefficients of all variables in the objective to zero.
Don't worry, it has to work.
In response to your comment: Yes, constraint programming tools can provide better performance on feasibility problems than LP solvers (such as CPLEX). I have played with the IBM ILOG CPLEX CP Optimizer a few months ago, it is free for Academic users. Both the LP solver and the CP solver failed on my problems. Don't expect a miracle from constraint programming.
Keep in mind the that time needed to solve a constraint program grows exponentially with the size of the problem in the worse case. Sooner or later, your problems will most likely become unsolvable with either tool.
Just for your information: in the end, the constraint programming solver will call the LP solver (for example CPLEX).
My advice is: try the tool you already have / use the problem formulation that is more natural to you. Check whether the tool can solve your problem. Switch tool only if the tool fails and you cannot improve your model.

Ideas Related to Subset Sum with 2,3 and more integers

I've been struggling with this problem just like everyone else and I'm quite sure there has been more than enough posts to explain this problem. However in terms of understanding it fully, I wanted to share my thoughts and get more efficient solutions from all the great people in here related to Subset Sum problem.
I've searched it over the Internet and there is actually a lot sources but I'm really willing to re-implement an algorithm or finding my own in order to understand fully.
The key thing I'm struggling with is the efficiency considering the set size will be large. (I do not have a limit, just conceptually large). The two phases I'm trying to implement ideas on is finding two numbers that are equal to given integer T, finding three numbers and eventually K numbers. Some ideas I've though;
For the two integer part I'm thing basically sorting the array O(nlogn) and for each element in the array searching for its negative value. (i.e if the array element is 3 searching for -3). Maybe a hash table inclusion could be better, providing a O(1) indexing the element?
For the three or more integers I've found an amazing blog post;http://www.skorks.com/2011/02/algorithms-a-dropbox-challenge-and-dynamic-programming/. However even the author itself states that it is not applicable for large numbers.
So I was for 2 and 3 and more integers what ideas could be applied for the subset problem. I'm struggling with setting up a dynamic programming method that will be efficient for the large inputs as well.
That blog post you linked to looked pretty great, actually. This is, after all, an NP-complete problem...
But I bet you could speed it up even further. I haven't done any benchmarks, but I'm gonna guess that his use of a matrix is his single biggest time sink. First, it'll take a huge amount of memory for some really trivial inputs (For example: [-1000, 1000] will need 2001 columns! Good grief!), and then you're wasting a ton of cycles scanning through each row looking for "T"s, which are often gonna be pretty sparse.
So instead: Use a "set" data structure. That'll keep space and iteration time to a minimum,* but store values just as well: If it's in the set, it's a "T"; otherwise, it's an "F".
Hope that helps!
*: Of course, "minimum" doesn't necessarily = "small."