Will QMessageBox block the running of the whole main thread in Qt? - c++

I am new to Qt
My situation is: For some reason, I have to emit a heartbeat signal from the main thread, at the same time I would like to create a QMessageBox window using:
reply = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Sure want to quit?"), tr("Sure quit?"), QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No);
I just want this message box to block user's input from other windows, but I do not want to block the heartbeat signal.
How should I do this? Or is this done by default in Qt?

QMessageBox::question internally executes the event loop. So everything continues running. You don't need to be worried about this.
However you can get strange effects using such functions. E.g. if your heartbeat could open a dialog that dialog would open too even if another dialog is open already.
Also imagine you have a TCP/IP stack running. Everything that this stack can do will continue to happen... whereever QMessageBox::question() is currently executed... like in the middle of some function.
This is why we have a policy in our company that forbids to use QMessageBox::question() (and similar) and to call exec() on dialogs in our applications. We are creating modal dialogs on the heap and use their signals instead.


QT C++ How to lock application or disable clickable for 3-5 minute

I want to disable click for whole application while receiving data from serial connection. I want to print information on the screen with a message box and turn off clicking for a certain time, how can I do it?
Grabbing mouse for widgets or setKeepMouseGrab for qml may be useful. Add a dummy widget which gets the mouse events. Make it grab the events when you start receiving data.
'Blocking' an application is never a good idea, because your OS will think the application unresponsive and shoot it down forcibly.
What you want, is a modal dialog (which runs on the main thread) with a progress indicator and no clickable interfaces.
A very basic code to achieve that would be:
void startTransfer()
ProgressBarDialog dlg; //Inherits from QDialog
//Create asynchronous transfer task.
//Connect task and modal dialog
exec will 'block' all interaction with the other windows while the transfer is running. In fact, exec will only return, once the dialog is done with its job.

Socket select() blocks other UI threads

In my MFC application , I am using TCP/IP socket for communcating and getting data from a server.During this process I am displaying a modelless dialog with static text and progress control.During communication I am updating the static text and progress control in a separate user thread(AfxBeginThread).
If I try to communicate to wrong ip the sockets select function with timeout value 5 secs blocking the displaying of dialog with static text and progress control(I.e the dialog hangs, the controls are getting displayed).
Once the socket comes out from select function the dialog is getting displayed properly.
How to fix this problem?
In MFC, I'd strongly recommend using CAsyncSockets, and just reacting when data comes in from the server. You probably have no need to spin up a thread at all.
If you were going to spin up a separate thread for part of the job, you'd want to allocate tasks to threads somewhat differently. You always want to leave UI updates in the main thread (the one that was created by default). If you were going to use (for example) a blocking socket, and call select on it, you'd want to move that work to a separate thread, and leave the UI updates in the thread that was created by default. Then the thread handling the socket could (for example) send messages to the UI thread to tell it about what's going on, so it could update the UI appropriately. But, as already noted, you probably just want to use a CAsyncSocket, in which case you won't need a second thread at all.

C++ Modal dialog box continuing adding texts

I have dialog box and in it, it has OK and Cancel buttons then it also has a ListBox to display text in two columns. I would like to continue adding text into the ListBox after the dialog box is shown. How can I do that? Because after I call DoModal() to show the dialog box, the code does not continue to execute. Or should I create two threads (one is display dialog box while another thread continues adding text to dialog box)?
Make your dialog 'pull' the data it needs, maybe polling the data source with window messages every second, or every 100ms or so. Or, if you go the 'two threads' route (the better but more complicated option), have your data source post a window message to your dialog when there is new data, and then have the dialog fetch the data it needs. The reason for this is that it's much easier to use the existing CDialog infrastructure to get a window that behaves like an actual dialog, compared to building a modal window that acts like a dialog but isn't really.
If you do go the two threads route, your division of labor should be: one thread that does all the UI work (including showing the dialog), and one that 'generates' data and lets the UI know when there is new data. So the worker thread should not do anything related to the UI, nor call any methods on the dialog directly - you can't access windows from several threads. The only cross-thread window communication should happen through window message (i.e., use ::SendMessage()). So certainly don't do something like myDialog->m_theList.AddString("blah") from another thread, or something like it.
Showing a dialog box modally halts further execution until you close the box. Instead of showing it modal, show it normal but make it always on top so you can continue executing the code after the call to DoModal(). Alternatively, populate the box with all the info it will need before you call DoModal().
If you decide to take the "two threads" approach you will discover that the controls on MFC dialogs should not be updated or accessed from a thread other than the one that created the dialog. Even if you have pointers to these controls available in another thread it is not thread-safe to access them. This rule applies whether or not the dialog is modal.
Instead, your second thread would need to PostMessage or SendMessage to the dialog window, so the updates occur on the thread that created the dialog (most likely the main UI thread of the application).

Qt GUI event recording and playback

I'm attempting to implement a simple, lightweight system for recording Qt GUI events and playing them back from a script. I thought this would be fairly straightforward using the magic of Qt's event system, but I'm running into a problem I don't understand.
Here's quick summary of what I'm doing:
I use QApplication.instance().eventFilter() to capture all GUI events I'm interested in* and save them to a Python script, in which each step looks something like this:
obj = get_named_object('MainWindow.my_menubar')
recorded_event = QMouseEvent(2, PyQt4.QtCore.QPoint(45, 8), 1, Qt.MouseButtons(0x1), Qt.KeyboardModifiers(0x0))
post_event(obj, recorded_event)
I simply execute the script above, in a worker (non-GUI) thread. (I can't use the GUI thread because I want to keep sending scripted events to the application, even if the 'main' eventloop is blocked while a modal dialog eventloop is running.)
The important stuff happens in my post_event() function, which needs to do two things:
First, call QApplication.postEvent(obj, recorded_event)
Wait for all events to finish processing:**
Post a special event to the same eventloop that obj is running in.
When the special event is handled:
Call QApplication.processEvents()
Set a flag that tells the playback thread it's okay to continue
After the second part is complete, my expectation is that all effects of the first part (the recorded event) have completed, since the special event was queued after the recorded event.
The whole system mostly seems to work just fine for mouse events, key events, etc. But I'm having a problem with QAction handlers when I attempt to playback events for my main QMenuBar.
No matter what I try, it seems that I can't force my playback thread to block for the completion of all QAction.triggered handlers that result from clicking on my QMenu items. As far as I can tell, QApplication.processEvents() is returning before the QAction handler is complete.
Is there something special about QMenu widgets or QAction signals that breaks the normal rules for QApplication.postEvent() and/or QApplication.processEvents()? I need a way to block for the completion of my QMenu's QAction handlers.
[*] Not every event is recorded. I only record spontaneous() events, and I also filter out a few other types (e.g. Paint events and ordinary mouse movements).
[**] This is important because the next event in the script might refer to a widget that was created by the previous event.
I think your problem might best be served by using QFuture and QFutureWatcher (that is, if you're using the QtConcurrent namespace for threads, and not QThreads). Basically, the Qt Event handling system does NOT necessarily handle events in the order they're posted. If you need to block until a certain action is completed, and you're doing that action in a separate thread, you can use the QFuture object returned by QtConcurrent::run() with a QFutureWatcher to block until that particular thread finishes its processing.
Something else to consider is the way you handle events. When you use QApplication.postEvent(), the event you create gets added to the receiver's event queue to be handled later. Behind the scenes, Qt can reorder and compress these events to save processor time. I suspect this is more your problem.
In your function which handles playback, consider using QCoreApplication::processEvents(), which will not return until all events have finished processing. Documentation for QCoreApplication is here.
QMenu widgets and QAction signals are a special case. QMenu has an exec() function, normally used for popups. I suspect (but I don't know for sure) that QMenuBar would use this mechanism when it opens a regular pull-down menu. The docs are not clear about this, but Menus act a lot like dialog boxes in that they block all other user activity - how would Qt do this except by giving menus their own event loop? I can't fill in all the blanks from the information in your post, but I don't see how your playback thread would cope with a new event loop.

Test modal dialog with Qt Test

I am trying to write a unit test for a GUI application using the QTestLib. The problem is that one of the slots creates a modal dialog using exec() and I found no possibility to interact with the dialog.
The slots which creates the dialog is connected to a QAction. So the first problem is that the test blocks when I trigger the QAction in the test since this results in the call to exec(). Therefore, I tried creating a QThread that performs the interaction. However, this did not help.
Things I already tried (all performed from within the "interaction helper" thread):
Send key clicks using QTest::keyClicks()
Results in error message "QCoreApplication::sendEvent(): Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread"
Post QKeyEvents using QCoreApplication::postEvent()
Doesn't work, i.e. nothing happens. I guess because the events end up in the event loop of the thread that owns the dialog, which will not be reached until the dialog is closed and exec() returns. See Edit below
Invoking Slots on the dialog using QMetaObject::invokeMethod()
Doesn't work, i.e. nothing happens. I guess for the same reason as postEvent() doesn't work. See Edit below
So the question is: Is there any way to interact programmatically with a modal dialog that was opened using the exec() method?
Edit: Actually, method 3 is working. The problem was a different one:
I passed the arguments to invokeMethod() to the "interaction helper" thread and for some reason, accessing the arguments did not work from that thread (I got no SEG errors but they were simply empty).
I guess that method 2 is also working and I simply had the same problem as with method 3 but I didn't test that.
The solution I use in command line applications which use Qt libraries meant for GUIs is the singleShot, as this answer alludes. In those cases it looks like this:
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// ...
QTimer::singleShot(0, &app, SLOT(quit()));
return app.exec();
So in your case I imagine it would look something like this:
QDialog * p_modalDialog = getThePointer(); // you will have to replace this with
// a real way of getting the pointer
QTimer::singleShot(0, p_modalDialog, SLOT(accept()));
p_modalDialog->exec(); // called somewhere else in your case
// but it will be automatically accepted.
You can keep the interaction in the same thread by delaying its execution until the dialog event loop starts.
For example just before the exec() call, you use either QTimer::singleShot with 0 as interval or QMetaObject::invokeMethod with connection type Qt::QueuedConnection to invoke the slot that needs to be executed while the dialog is shown.
You can also post the events before calling exec().
As soon as the dialog has been constructed after the exec() call, the events will be executed.
For example to test an Esc key press (means reject/close the dialog):
// create a dialog
QDialog d = ...
//post an Escape key press and release event
QApplication::postEvent(&d, new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress , Qt::Key_Escape, Qt::NoModifier) );
QApplication::postEvent(&d, new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_Escape, Qt::NoModifier) );
// execute and check result
int ret = d.exec();
QCOMPARE(ret, static_cast<int>(QDialog::Rejected));
related question's answer has some extra details about flushing the event queue during a test:
Qt event loop and unit testing?