Implementing RPC in RESTful API using DRF - django

I am using the Django Rest Framework to present a RESTful API. I have a router/viewset/serializer creating an endpoint for a Person resource:
I would would like some way of triggering a non-idempotent action on this resource (for example send-email-to). One idea I had to do so without having to re-do a lot of the routing/serialization infrastructure was to add a write-only boolean field to the serializer:
class PersonSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
send_email = serializers.BooleanField(write_only=True, required=False)
and then add a write-only property to the model:
class Person(models.Model):
def do_send_email(self, value):
# We also need to check the object is fully constructed here, I think
if do_send_email:
send_email = property(fset=do_send_email)
and then I can PATCH to the end point with the payload of send_email=True.
Is this the best way to accomplish an RPC like function using a REST API? Is this the best way to accomplish this in DRF? Ideally I would like to solve this problem having to-implement as little as possible (ie see how few lines of code the solution is). send-email-to is not the only action that I would like to handle.

You can use the extra actions drf provides. In your case especifically, I would use #detail_route.
Something like that:
def send_mail(self, request, pk=None):
send_mail_to(pk) # Write here your email function.
You have to define this function within the Person viewset so, in order to call this function, you will have to POST at /people/{person_id}/send_mail where {person_id} is the primary key for the person.
As a side note, since this function are synchronously called from the client and it may take a while to answer, I would recommend you the use of celery. This will allow you to call the send_mail_to function asynchronously without delaying the user response.


django class view access response

in function view:
def view(request):
# do something with request
response = render(request, 'view.html')
# do something with response
return response
but now I have a View class:
class ArticleDeleteView(View):
# or even something more complicated
class ArticleDeleteView(LoginRequiredMixin, UserPassesTestMixin, DeleteView):
which function shall I overwrite to access to the response?
sorry that it may seems a silly question to you, but I looked through the docs and failed to find an answer.
thanks for all suggestions in comment. here's why I need to access to the response. Conditional Django Middleware (or how to exclude the Admin System)
I am building a specific type of 'middleware', for certain class based view, they are not actually middleware since they are not called for each request. I need to access to the response in order to do something before and after the response then return it, therefore I much would like to know which function generate response.
The easiest answer is: you don't. The View classes tend to be uncomplicated enough to be easily rewritten as a custom view which inherently gives you access to the response.
However if you insist I guess one of the functions you could override is the following: as_view, dispatch or setup as the request function goes through all of them. Sadly I couldn't find any mention of the one that was intended for that purpose.

How to Implement Non-endpoint API Functions?

This is a pretty high level question but I have been unable to find anything that explains it elsewhere:
I have a django class-based view with endpoints (GET, POST) but I have another method that's not an endpoint but I would like to include as it's used in the GET/POST methods. What would be the best practice for implementing this?
For example:
class users(APIView):
def get(self, request):
# get method
def post(self, request):
# post method
def helperFunction():
# not an endpoint
Would this be the right way to do something like this? Should helperFunction() be standalone function outside of a class? Or should non-endpoint methods be in a separate class?
Apologies for the lack of specificity.
pick the location based on the data the function uses.
If it should process data that is relevant only for the class
instance, then yes it belongs to the class
If it should process data that is class type specific, add it as a static method in the class, and feed it with the
concrete instance you need to be processed
If it should process data that is common for a set of
classes, they you can either create an abstract class, put it
there and inherit all classes that use the function from it, or make
it external(see last option)
If it has a general purpose- like time formatting for example, throw it in the global space. Now ideally you would like
to have a separate file where all shit piles, it makes the code base
easier to maintain. In reality however it may be better to keep it
in the file where your class is(provided the other classes that use
it are in the same file)

How can I require an api-token field on requests?

I'm currently building a Google Cloud Endpoints backend with the endpoints-proto-datastore library, and am running into trouble requiring an apikey when you request a user.
Once a user logs in, they receive an APIkey which they send back for successive puts (which works) but how do I require the username/email and apikey on a GET ? Currently if a user does a get like so:
#User.method(request_fields=('id', 'apiToken',), path='users', http_method='GET', name='user.get')
def user_get(self, query):
return query
The user is pulled from the datastore because the ID is correct, and it completely ignores the apiToken. How do I require both fields?
(on a different note, how do I send back the user's ID on a request?)
If you are implementing your own API key scheme, as your code suggests, then you need to manually check if the API key is valid or not yourself.
Your example looks like the one from the 'basic' example, and you've added parameters as per the 'simple_get' example. For some background, the docs in the 'simple_get' example mention that 'id' is one of five special helper properties automatically defined by EndpointsModel for common operations like retrieving by id. This is why your code works automatically without you doing anything 'special' with the 'id' parameter. The example still checks though that the entity exists if you try to get it:
if not my_model.from_datastore:
raise endpoints.NotFoundException('MyModel not found.')
Since there's no special helper property for your 'apiKey' field, you need to add your own code in the method to check if the key is valid and return a 401 or suitable error if it's not. Another option is to also utilize some of Google's built-in authentication as per the 'basic_with_auth' example.
Finally, since endpoints-proto-datastore is just syntactic sugar for the main endpoints library, you'll want to read the full documentation on that for more information on things like how to return values from your endpoints methods.
The easiest way I found to do this is:
#User.method(request_fields=('id', 'apiToken',), path='users', http_method='GET', name='user.get')
def user_get(self, user_model):
user = ndb.Key('User', int(
if user.apiToken != user_model.apiToken:
raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('You are not authorized to view this data')
return user.clean()
The user_model will have the userId and the apiToken stored in it, so I pull the "real" data from ndb with the key and check if the user_model has the correct token and return the model if it is correct, if not, I refuse

How to manipulate the response object in django-piston?

I have some existing python code that uses django-piston which returns a dictionary as its response. For example:
from piston.handler import BaseHandler
class FooHandler(BaseHandler):
allowed_methods = ('GET',)
def create(self, request):
return { 'foo': 'bar' }
This code works fine, and is serialized into JSON with the appropriate HTTP header set (I'm assuming this works by some piston magic involving emitters; for bonus points, feel free to clarify how this behavior works as well, as I'm still getting to know django-piston).
I need to be able to modify the response in arbitrary ways, e.g. setting headers, status codes, etc. without using some pre-baked solution designed for a specific purpose. Is there a convenient way to access the response object in the context of this code and manipulate it, or has the response object not yet been created? In order to get access to a response object, will I have to construct it manually (a la vanilla django), serialize the dictionary, and set the appropriate headers by hand, and thus lose out on some of the useful magic of django-piston?
Every django-piston method returns an HTTPResponse.
When you return that dictionary, django-piston is just serializing it and sticking it in an HTTPResponse that it has crafted of some variety.
Kind of surprised you didn't pick up on that given that those "return rc.CREATED" lines in all the django-piston examples in the wiki are just hyper-simplistic responses with an HTTP code and response body.
Take a look here:
at the rc_factory class, which creates a variety of simple HTTPResponse objects for use with Piston.
At the very least you can observe how they do it, and then craft your own.
But the answer to the essence of your question "can I make a custom HTTPResponse" is yes, you can. Of course, that's what web servers do.
It is possible to set a custom response code by returning an HttpResponse object from your handler methods.
return HttpResponse({'foo': 'bar'}, status=404)
Unfortunately, you cannot set headers in the same way. For this, you have to write a custom Emitter that sets the headers you need. Something along these lines might work:
class CustomEmitter(JSONEmitter):
def render(self, request):
content = super(CustomEmitter, self).render(request)
response = HttpResponse(content)
response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=60'
Emitter.register('json', CustomEmitter, 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
You are quite right that django-piston uses emitters to serialize/deserialize requests and responses. You can even register your own emitters with piston and have it use those.
There are several ways that you can determine what the format should be.
1. mime-type
2. <format> in your URL
3. .json at the end of your URL
Which particular headers are you wanting to manipulate? There may be other solutions then just hacking away at the response object.

Mimic remote API or extend existing django model

I am in a process of designing a client for a REST-ful web-service.
What is the best way to go about representing the remote resource locally in my django application?
For example if the API exposes resources such as:
List of Cars
Car Detail
Car Search
Dealership summary
So far I have thought of two different approaches to take:
Try to wrangle the django's models.Model to mimic the native feel of it. So I could try to get some class called Car to have methods like Car.objects.all() and such. This kind of breaks down on Car Search resources.
Implement a Data Access Layer class, with custom methods like:
So I will be creating some custom looking classes.
Has anyone encoutered a similar problem? Perhaps working with some external API's (i.e. twitter?)
Any advice is welcome.
PS: Please let me know if some part of question is confusing, as I had trouble putting it in precise terms.
This looks like the perfect place for a custom manager. Managers are the preferred method for "table-level" functionality, as opposed to "row-level" functionality that belongs in the model class. Basically, you'd define a manager like this:
class CarAPIManager(models.Manager):
def get_detail(self, id):
return self.get(id=id)
def search(self, term):
return self.filter(model_name__icontains=term)
This could be used either as the default manager -- e.g., in your model definition:
class Car(models.Model):
objects = CarAPIManager()
# usage
or you could just make it an additional manager, as a property of the class:
class Car(models.Model):
api = CarAPIManager()
# usage